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1、校园口语 校园口语 校园口语第一课:Arrival 入学报到啦 2011-03-14 1、At registration, I can see all my classmates before classes start 注册时我就可以在开学前见到所有的同学。registration:注册、报到 其动词形式 registerHave you registered for this new semester?新学期你注册过了吗?2、You should select the courses you want to take before you go to register.注册前你要先把你自己

2、想读的课程选好选课: Select the courses/take the courses Now we have to select our classes through the internet within the first two weeks 现在我们必须在开学的前两周内在网上选课3、I dont like my English teacher, so I am going to drop his class.我不喜欢我的英语老师,我要退选他的课退选.课: drop classDo you know what the deadline for adding or dropping

3、 a class is?你知道加选或退选课程截止到哪一天吗?4、When students enter the university, they must take many subjects, including compulsory courses and elective courses.学生进入大学后需要学很多门课,这其中包括必修课和选修课选修课: elective courses 必修课 compulsory courses 5、Excuse me, can you tell me which desk is for the freshmans registration?打扰了,我想

4、问一下大一新生注册的地方在哪里?freshman 大一 sophomore 大二 junior 大三 senior 大四When I was a sophomore, I took part in the secretary department of student union.我在大二的时候参加了校学生会的秘书部。6、The dean of our department give a enthusiastic speech at the school-opening ceremony.我们的系主任在开学典礼上做了一个富有激情的演讲。dean :系主任 eg:dean of College

5、学院院长school-opening ceremony:开学典礼award ceremony 颁奖典礼7、 All us students are up in arms at the news the school is raising our tuition ten percent当听到学校要增加我们百分之十的学费这个消息时,所有的学生都非常愤怒。tuition :学费 tuition fee pay for your tuition支付学费up in arms 很愤怒 at the news 听到这个消息8、I want to further my studies. I would app

6、reciate it if you could send me a transcript现我准备继续深造,敬请邮寄一份我在校时学习成绩单。transcript :成绩单/文稿文章记录Further my study 继续深造最后祝大家每天都有好心情,送给大家一句话来共勉:Do not count the days, make the days count 与其度日如年不如珍惜每一天。 校园口语第二课:Select courses 选课 2011-03-16 1、I have made up my mind what courses I am taking.我已经决定选什么课了。make up

7、my mind 决定做某事,可以跟从句,也可以跟动词不定式。E.g.:I have made up my mind to get the first prize of the marathon competition.我已经下定决心要赢得这次马拉松比赛的第一名。2、most of the students are still shopping around, looking at various courses.部分学生还在观望,先了解一下各门课的情况。shopping around :观望 此外还有逛商店的意思Some housewives make a habit of shopping

8、around to get the best buy.购物时货比三家,是家庭主妇的好习惯。3、well, I have put off doing my science requirement till now. I havent learned any science courses for three years是这样的,我已经拖了三年没选理科课程了。science 理科 liberal arts : 文科 college of arts 文学院4、because you are major in MBA. I figure that you know more about the MBA

9、 因为你主修MBA.我想你对MBA的课都比较熟悉。major in 修专业 专攻major in computer 主修计算机课程figure 数字 体型 这里是“认为”接近于 think 5、I took that class last year but I flunked it, so this year I have to take it again 我去年修了这门课,但是考试没通过,所以今年我还得再修一年。flunk 不及格,挂科 也可以说 fail a class/course retake :重修 I failed this class last semester, so I ha

10、ve to retake it.我上学期没通过这门课的考试,我要重修这门课6、There are final exams and the students, if they pass, are given three full credits for these subjects期末会有考试,如果学生通过了考试,他们会得到三门课的全部的学分Credit :学分 two-credit course 两学分的课程 Credit system :学分制7、conversationLihue: Im coming to see you about selecting courses.我来是为了选课的事

11、情Professor: yep. What are you thinking about then?好的,你是怎么想的呢?Lihue: I am planning to do three elective courses besides the three required ones. 我打算选三门必修课和三门选修课。Professor: how many credits in all?总共多少学分? 校园口语第三课:Lecture and classroom 课堂讲座 2011-03-18 Lecture and classroom 课堂讲座一、 Talk show 脱口而出1、the be

12、ll has rung.已经打过铃了The bell is ringing 打铃了2、I only missed two classes and Im already out of it.我才缺课两次就已经跟不上了out of it : 跟不上了3、go over the lesson we learned today after class课下复习我们今天学的内容。go over 复习4、Her class is so boring, that I cant help dozing off.他的课好无聊,我忍不住要打瞌睡。cant help doing something 忍不住做某事I g

13、ot a cold and I can not help sneezing doze off . 打瞌睡5、I couldnt agree with you more. 我太同意你的看法了I cant agree with you more.6、there he is, and I skipped again today.是他,我今天又逃了他的课。Skip :逃课7、he is on sick leave.他请病假。Be on sick leave 请病假还可以说 he has asked for sick leave. He is absent because of sickness.二、

14、Reply Fluently 对答如流A: I really can not believe that the girl is too disrespectful to the teacher .B: She should have better manners than thatA: She not only eats but talks loudly in class.B: And the teacher is giving us a lecture .A: I don not know where she comes from.B: It is really a shame Be dis

15、respectful to 对某人不尊重 动词形式 disrespect Disrespectable 不值得尊重的Give us a lecture 上课中文翻译A:我真不敢相信那个女孩那么不尊重老师。B:她应该规矩点A:她不仅把食物带进教室还大声说话。B:老师还正上课呢。A:我不知道来自哪里。B:真丢人。 校园口语第四课:Problems in study 学习疑问。2011-03-20 Problems in study 学习疑问。一、talk show 【脱口而出】1、is there anything not clear to you?有什么地方不清楚吗?Clear :清楚,明晰另外

16、一种说法Do you understand me thoroughly? 你们彻底理解了吗?2、do not hesitate to ask me if anything is not clear to you ?有什么不清楚的地方尽管问Hesitate to do something 犹豫做某事3、could you explain these definitions again?您能再解释一下这些定义吗?Definition :定义4、have you got anything to add to what Jim said?对吉姆所讲的呢还有补充吗? add to 补充5、again,

17、please 请再说一遍。Once more Once again, please Repeat, please 二、reply fluently 【对答如流】A: do you understand, Mary?B: I have a question, Mr. Green. Could you please help me out?A: ok whats you question?B: I am afraid I can not catch what you say. Would you explain it again?A: sure, I will.(explaining) do yo

18、u understand now, mary?B: I beg your pardon. Would you speak a little more slowly?A: all right. (explaining) you got it?B: thank you very much. I understand now help me out 帮助catch 理解 领会 在此与understand同一个意思I beg your pardon. 您能再说一遍吗?中文翻译A: 玛丽,你懂了吗?B: 格林老师,我有个问题。您能帮我吗?A: 请讲,什么问题?B: 我恐怕没领会您的意思。您能再解释一遍吗

19、?A: 可以,没问题。(解释)你现在懂了吗?B: 请再讲一遍。您能说的慢一点吗?A: 好的。(解释)你懂了吗?B: 现在我懂了,非常感谢。 校园口语第五课:Assignment 家庭作业 2011-03-22 一Assignment 家庭作业 Talk show 【脱口而出】 1、What homework are we having today?今天又什么家庭作业?What is the homework for today?What is todays assignment?家庭作业 homework 也可以说 assignment 2、I am not going to set you

20、any homework?这次我不打算给你们布置家庭作业。布置家庭作业 set homework I dont want to give you any homework this time 3、When is our homework due ?我们的家庭作业什么时候交。due 到期的 这里是交作业的意思4、No written work for today. The periods tomorrow will be devoted to oral drill .今天没有笔头作业。明天专门做口头练习。drill :这里是“练习” 还有:钻孔、演习的意思eg:They could be ext

21、ras from Blade Runner forced into a fire drill.他们可能是银翼杀手跑龙套的,在电影里参加一场消防演习。5、I stayed up all night, but I still couldnt finish it.我熬了一夜但仍然没做完。 stay up 熬夜6、I am preparing for tomorrows presentation.我在为明天的课堂陈述做准备presentation :陈述 介绍二、 Reply fluently【对答如流】 A: When is our homework due?B: The day after tom

22、orrow. But she said we could hand it in on Monday at the latest.A: But then she will mark it “late” as she always does.B: Her class is so boring that I cant help dozing off.A: You dont have to sleep in her class next week then. B: Why not?A: She is attending some conference in Nanjing, so she wont b

23、e coming to class.B: She will probably have a substitute, though.A: Probably so. 实用短语 hand in 交作业 也可以说 turn in assignments at the latest :最迟mark 标记cant help doing sth 忍不住做substitute 代替 这里指代课老师中文翻译A:我们的家庭作业什么时候交?B:后天,但她说我们最迟到星期一交。A:但她又要标上“迟交“了,她总是这样。B:她的课好无聊,我忍不住打瞌睡了。A:你下星期就不用再在课上睡觉了。B:为什么不了?A:她要去南京开

24、会,所以她不会来上课了。B:虽然如此,她可能会找个代课老师来。A:可能会这样。 校园口语第六课:Reading in spare time 课余阅读 2011-03-24 Reading in spare time 课余阅读一、talk show 【脱口而出】Favorite books 喜欢的书1、Which one are you crazy abort, novels, poems, essays, dramas?小说,诗歌,散文,戏剧,你最喜欢哪一种?novels 小说 poems 诗歌 essays 散文 dramas 戏剧I enjoy reading fables and sci

25、ence fiction. f ables 寓言 science fiction 科幻小说Feeling about the books 阅读感受2、What do you think of the book you just finish reading?你觉得你刚读完的那本书怎么样?think of 认为怎么样finish doing something 完成某事3、Its so full of twists and turns. 这本书故事情节迂回曲折。twists and turns 迂回曲折4、The teacher advise us to combine the extensiv

26、e reading with intensive reading to improve our reading skill.老师建议我们把精读和泛读结合起来来提高我们的阅读技巧。intensive reading 精读extensive reading 泛读二、Reply fluently 【对答如流】A: What do you think of the novel you just finished reading?B: I like it very much. It has a very funny beginning, I think it attracts your attentio

27、n the moment you begin reading it A: What do you like best about it?B: The plot, I think. Its so full of twists and turns. I also like the main character. She is so humorous and smart.A: What do you think of the ending?B: The ending is a bit weak. Its so abrupt like those of most other detective sto

28、ries what do you like best about it 你最喜欢它的什么?plot : 故事情节abrupt 唐突的,突然地(小说的结尾或开头)main character 主人公中文翻译A:你觉得你刚刚读完的那本小说怎么样?B:我非常喜欢它。我认为它有一个非常有趣的开端。一开始读你就会被它深深的吸引。A:你最喜欢它的什么地方?B:我想是故事情节。它迂回曲折,我也喜欢主人公,她是如此幽默而精明。A:结尾怎么样?B:结尾有点欠佳,像大多数其他侦探故事一样,结尾太突然。 校园口语第七课:Eating and drinking 校园饮食 2011-03-26 Eating and d

29、rinking 校园饮食 一、talk show【脱口而出】 1、Do you have reservations?您订位了吗?reservation :预定 预约Room reservation 订房2、Is this for here or to go?在这里吃还是带走?Can I order take-out here?我可以叫菜带走吗?take-out 带走的菜3、Would you like a table in the smoking or nonsmoking section?您要在吸烟区还是非吸烟区4、You would better not jump the line? 你最

30、好不要插队jump the line 插队5、What is todays specialty?今天的特色菜是什么?Specialty:特色菜 6、I am afraid we will have to cancel the order.7、恐怕那道菜我们不要了cancel the order 不点了7、What would you recommend?你们推荐什么?What do you think I should order?What is your suggestion?What do you suggest to order?8、Ill treat you tonight. 今天晚上

31、我请客。No, lets go Dutch. 别了,我们AA制吧。go Dutch AA制 也可以说 split the bill 9、还要别的什么吗?And what to follow?Wont you have more?Anything else you want?Is there anything else that youd like? 二、美食 steam 蒸 steamed dumplings 蒸饺dessert 甜品 通常用复数形式 dessertsmutton kebab kbb 羊肉串well-done 全熟的 rare 半熟的 Would you like you steak well-done or rare? 您的牛排是要全熟的还是三分熟的? 校园口语第八课:In the dormitory 宿舍花絮 2011-03-28 In the dormitory

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