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1、unit7May. 13 Guidance Case for Unit 7 主任签字:Name _ Class _ Grade:8Aims:1.Learn “Would you mind”; 2.Give requests (请求) or responses(应答) rightly;新知探究阅读理解英语周报第32期第2版语法聚焦 部分,完成相关任务,并尝试复述主要内容。知识链接 Knowledge link通过上面的学习我们已经知道了Would you mind用来表示委婉地、客气地向对方请求、建议,劝说对方做某事或询问对方是否可以做某事,你还知道其它表示建议、请求的句型结构吗?仔细想一想,写

2、一写,准备与你的对子组探讨吧。 _ _ _ _ 基础夯实Part A _ _ _ turning down the music? 你介意调小音乐音量吗? Would you mind _ _ those old jeans? 你介意不穿那条旧牛仔裤吗? _ _ _ clean your room? 请你打扫你的房间好吗? _ _ cleaning the yard? 打扫庭院怎么样? Why not _ (做)a special meal for your family. Would you mind _ /_ (我) playing basketball here? _(一点儿也不) _(介

3、意,你最好别)Part B Finish the requests or the responses. -_?你介意洗碗吗? - OK.Ill do it right away(立刻,马上). - _?你介意不穿那双鞋吗? - OK.Ill put on another pair. -Mary, would you mind cleaning your room? - _(抱歉),Ill do it in a minute. -Nacy, would you mind _(从浴室出来).I need to take a shower. - _/ _/ _.(不介意)高手挑战 -_你介意帮我做家

4、务吗? -_.抱歉,但我得先完成作业。 -_你们介意不在这里打篮球吗? -_抱歉。我们马上去操场打。 -_请你动一下你的车好吗? -_.抱歉。我马上做。 附加学习-你能想象一些生活中的场景并创作一些请求、建议,劝说对方做某事的对话吧。同学们,经过这一节的学习你掌握了“Would you mind ”的用法了吗?自我评价一下吧。记住:每天进步一点点,生活将有大改变! 自我评价:我本节课表现的 组长评价:_Test for Unit 7 ( A 卷) May.13Group_ Name _ 检验一下你的学习效果吧,不要让自己失望哦!1.Would you mind _ the music.Its

5、too noisy.A. turn down B. turn up C. turning down D. turning up2. Would you mind _ on the road. Its dangerous. A. not play B. play C. not playing D. playing3. Could you please _ the dishes? A. do B. does C. did D. doing4. -Would you please carry the box for me? -_. A. No problem B. What a pity C. No

6、t at all D. Thank you5. -_ take out the trash? -Why me again? Its your turn this time. A. Would you mind B. Could you please C. Do I have to D. Can I6. Would you mind playing chess here? (改为否定句)_.7. Would you mind not reading here at the moment? (改为同义句)Could you please _ _ here at the moment ?8. Wou

7、ld you mind opening the door? (写出回答)No,_ _ _.9. Would you mind _ _ _ tomorrow? 明天早起你介意吗?10.翻译:你介意我移动你的自行车吗? _?测后总结及反思:May. 14 Guidance Case for Unit 7 主任签字:Name _ Class _ Grade:8Aims: 1.Use “ Would you mind ”rightly; 2. Give requests (请求) or responses(应答) rightly;Warming-up(热身) -Look at the pictures

8、 on Page 54 3a and complete(完成) the note.提示词汇:wash the dishes; feed the dog; cook dinner; go to the library; do your homeworkSpeaking 今天班级安排大扫除,假如你是值日组长,你需要做一下劳务分工,试着安排一下你们小组的值日吧。注意使用“Would you”, “Could you” “have to”JobsStudentsJobsStudents擦黑板 _倒垃圾 _擦门及窗户_整理书籍 _扫地(sweep)_浇花 _打水 _。Eg:Monitor:Li Ming

9、, could you please clean the blackboard?Li Ming: Sure, thats no problem.Monitor: Writing. 你在生活中遇到过这些场景吗?你有过抱怨吗?假如你遇到了下列场景时你该怎么表达呢?Situation A:There is a student cutting in line._?Situation B:The dress that the shop assistant gave you is too big._?Situation C:A lady takes her pet pig into the book sh

10、op._?Situation D:Your classmates run in the school hall._?Situation E:You want to have a rest but your friend speak too loudly._?IV. 附加任务-你还能想到其他不适宜的场景吗?继续进行创作吧。同学们,经过这一节的学习你更加熟练掌握“Would you mind ”的用法了吗?自我评价一下吧。记住:每天进步一点点,生活将有大改变!自我评价:我本节课表现的 组长评价:_Test for Unit 7 ( B 卷) May.14Group_ Name _ 1. -Woul

11、d you mind having some juice? -_.A. No, of course not B.Yes ,I would C. No, I would D. Yes, I will 2. -Would you mind _ the music? - Of course not listen to B listening to C. to listen to D. listening 3. -Could you please _ so much noise?A. not making B. dont make C.not to make D. not make 4.-C

12、ould you please feed the dog ? -OK, Ill do it _.(下面选项哪个不符合题意)A. right away B. all right C. at once D. in a minute5. -Yan Ming ,could you make some posters? -Sure ,thats _A. no question B. no problem C. not question D. not problem 6. -Would you mind _ the window ? -No, not at all .Do please .A.I clos

13、e B me closing C. my closing D. both B and C7. -Would you like to join us ? -Yes,_.A. I would B. Id love to C. Id love D. Id like 8. -Shall we go to a movie tonight ? -_ .Lets go.A. Why not B .Yes, we shall C. Certainly D OK 9. -Could you please _? -Oh , sorry. I will .A .wait in line B. cut in line

14、 C wait in a line D. cut in the line10. 同义句改写Please help your younger brother learn to swim .1) Would you mind _?2) Could you please _?3) Would you like _?测后总结及反思:May. 15 Guidance Case for Unit 7 主任签字:May. 15 Guidance Case for Unit 7 主任签字:Name _ Class _ Grade:8Aims: 1.Read and understand the article

15、 on Page 56, 3a 2.Can solute(解决) the problems in lifeRead the article on page 56, 3a and look for the followiing phrases.1.排队等候_ 2. 煲电话粥_3.跟着某人转_4.变得恼火_5.碰巧做某事_6.努力做/不做某事_Read the article again and write down the things that annoy people._What will people say/do if the situtions (情况) above happen?I

16、ususlly say:“_?”I may say:“_?”I usually _. Read the article fluently and try to recite it. 找出一些令你的同学感到气恼的事情填入表格并探讨一下解决的办法,组织成一段小对话吧吧。(可以参考P56,4)NameProblemSolutionWang LeClassmates dont return my bookAsk him to returnLi PingSomeone cut in lineAsk him to leaveZhao YouguoTalk loudly in the classroom。同

17、学们,这节课你学的充实吗?是不是又有很多新收获。自我评价一下吧。记住:每天进步一点点,生活将有大改变!自我评价:我本节课表现的 组长评价:_Test for Unit 7 ( A卷) May.15Group_ Name _ 1.Would you mind _ me your dictionary?A.give B.gave give2.Would you mind _ using your dictionary? B. my C. mine D. A and B3.Would you mind _ those old clothes? A.dont we

18、ar B. not wearing C. not to wear D. doesnt wear4._ come earlier next time? A.Would you like B.Would you mind C.Could you please D.Will you like5. -Would you mind moving your bike? -_.Here it is. A.Of course B.No, thanks. C.No, not at all D.Yes, please.6.You should _(排队等候) when you are in the dining

19、hall.7.I _(变得生气) when I heard the noise again.8.We _(碰巧遇到我们英语老师) when we were in the supermaket.9.We_(努力学好英语).10.Dont _(围着我转),please。Test for Unit 7 ( B 卷) May.15Group_ Name _ 1.Would you mind _ me your dictionary?A.give B.gave give2.Would you mind _ using your dictionary? B. my C

20、. mine D. A and B3.Would you mind _ those old clothes? A.dont wear B. not wearing C. not to wear D. doesnt wear4._ come earlier next time? A.Would you like B.Would you mind C.Could you please D.Will you like5. -Would you mind moving your bike? -_.Here it is. A.Of course B.No, thanks. C.No, not at all D.Yes, please.6.You should _(排队等候) when you are in the dining hall.7.I _(变得生气) when I heard the noise again.8.We _(碰巧遇到我们英语老师) when we were in the supermaket.9.We_(努力学好英语).10.Dont _(围着我转),please。May. 16 Guidance Case for

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