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冰血暴 第4季第2集字幕对白纯英文看美剧学英语.docx

1、冰血暴 第4季第2集字幕对白纯英文看美剧学英语第四季第二集Let me see that lipstick.I like your getup.Thank you.We need a boiler and some duds for you.And maybe requisition a bottleof certified non-toilet hooch in reward.Hey. Stay clean, stay free.Unless you broke out just to go back.Now whiplash those duds.Which of you ladies w

2、ants to go around the worldwith this big buck, huh?Ill take a ride.What the heck?Happy holiday.D-Dibrell?Get down here.Its your sister, the elder,and shes-shes brought a friend.Back to bed.What?!What are you -What are you doing here?Showing up, middle of night.This is a decent house with decent peop

3、le.- Yeah. Yeah. - Wouldve called, missus,but we found ourselves without precise coinery.She aint mad. Just bossy, like always.I aint neither.And just what kind of Halloween costumes you got on?Wasnt released but this morning.No time to shop proper.But I feel I come across rugged.Hon, lets not keep

4、them crowded in the doorway.Come on in. You hungry?- Famished. - Uh, they cant stay here.You cant stay here.Well, a cup of coffee, at least. Shes your sister.- Come on. - Yeah.Well, look at you.Little Miss All Grown-up.Come down here and give your auntie a hug!No, there.Dont get ideas. Shes a good g

5、irl.Am I the only one who smells dead people?In the stir, the eggs is powdered.Eggs are powdered. Speak proper.Taken her education upon myself.Youd have thunk the white school they shipped me tofrom the reservation wouldve seen to my English,but they was mostly concerned with raping the native out o

6、f me.Language.Sorry. Did I say that wrong?Looks like you done well for yourselfthese years Ive been away.- You aint getting no handout. - Listen at you,acting like the big sister.Wasnt asking for money.Swanee and me got prospects.What kind of prospects?Bank robbing.Go to your room.Now.Mind your mama

7、.We catch up tomorrow.They didnt let you go from that prison, did they?You crushed out.We freed ourselves on our own recognizance.What happened was, we met a mollgoes with one of them Cannon boys, knew I was your sister.She tells me you in the hole to some big-time leg-breakers,who knows why.So we d

8、ecided to come bail you out.Leg-breakers if youre lucky.- Nothing to say? - Dont need your help.Got everything under control.How much interest he charging?Ten percent the first month, then it goes up from there.Dont tell her that.I told you. Didnt I say?Day one,we shouldnt have taken that loan.That

9、or go under.Then what? This is our problem.As I said in my letter, Mrs. Will,a cancer ward will be De rigueurin any modern hospital.They have an entire wing up at the Mayo Clinic.And I would hazard that our Missouri elite deservethe same quality care as the rubes up in Minnesota.Dont you think?Say t

10、he number.And unless you object,the plaque will read The Walter and Mathilda Will Cancer Ward.Fine. Just promise me, no Jews.No Jews.- You get him? - I-I think so.Think? What do you mean, Think so?Whats the skinny?You know. Salad days.I got that formaldehyde your dad asked for.Its inside.We got a bi

11、g one today.Italians, with all the wailing and the rending of clothes.Youd better wait here.Theyre not too big on colored folks.No offense.Shouldnt be doing that.Well, now, look at you.Like a lucky penny, always turning up.A bad penny.Bad pennies turn up.And what do lucky pennies do?Bring good luck.

12、Bring good luck.Bring good luck.And she speaks French.Yes, she does.Asshole.Either you got him or you didnt.I-I think so.We definitely got a driver.What driver? Whose driver?- I know you? - Mr. Fadda,Oraetta Mayflower from St. Bartholomews.Condolences for your loss.- Youre the nurse. His nurse. - Ye

13、s, sir.I was with your father when he passed.But I want you to know it was real peaceful.Like a baby going to sleep.Thats. Dont do that.Andiamo.- Lets go. - Andiamo.Thank you.- Youre gonna go back. - Boss.No.This fucking sfigato doesnt get to breathe airwhile some people.while some people.some peopl

14、e, better people, are buried in the ground.They aint buried him yet.Shut the fuck up.Shut the fuck up.Whats the matter? They didnt let you talk on the boat over?You got to bust my balls now? At Pops funeral?Boys. Dont fight.Already my heart breaks.Dont worry, Ma, were just playing.- Just boys playin

15、g. - And the ring.Your fathers ring. Il mignolo.- What about his ring? - You couldnt waituntil he was cold before you take him apart?- Your own father. - What are you talking about, Mama?Nobody took anything.Nobody took anything.Nobody took anything.Nobody took anything.Ah, and the business was real

16、ly good.Ah, and the business was really good.Ah, and the business was really good.Ah, and the business was really good.Ah, and the business was really good.Ah, and the business was really good.Ah, and the business was really good.Look.I keep his teeth in my pocket.Look.Look.To remind, fa

17、mily, country.Business, family, country.Business, family, country.Business, family, country.No.The question iswhich side are you on now.kid?You take the next one.One little, two little, three little Indians.Four little, five little, six little Indians. One little Two little Three little Indians Four

18、 little Five little Five little One little, two little.I know what I saw, what this is.And that is?Retribution for some perceived slight.- Against Mrs. Will? - No.Against me.Enough already!Sir, you should take a restorative.Something for your nerves.Your blood pressure is very high.Do you hear that?

19、 Im hypertensive.If I have a stroke, promise me youll charge them with murder.Charge who?The hatchet men.Uh, sir. youre not making a lot of sense.Y-You said it was a blue Ford.We had, five days ago, in this hospital,a fracas.An incursion of undesirables.Men of- and Im no bigot-but Italian origin,who

20、 I turned away.And you think this is related?Son, are you deaf?Were talking a gunshot wound scenario,combined with a half dozen swarthy Lothariosstraight out of central casting, and me,a law-abiding citizen of Protestant descentenforcing the rules of this establishment,maintaining the purity of our

21、blood supply.Dr. Harvard, Im gonna put you with our sketchbook artist.See if you can reconstruct the visage of some of these-what did you call them- Lotharios?Im gonna make sure to issue a full-point bulletinfor this blue Ford, license plates would help if you could say for certaintha

22、t the man you saw with the gunwas the same as the man or men you removed from the premisesa-a few days bygone.I saw.Ill be honest.I only saw the gun.Well, yes, sir, they can be.arresting.Do you think.Uh, should I increase security in case they.Well get back to you.Its. no, no,you dont have to. Just

23、turn the knob.Is he some kind of retard?Thank you for your cooperation.Youll be hearing from me shortly.Lets go.Listen to me.Im not your father,but Im responsible for you.These people inside,theyre your blood.But do they love you?Do they respect you?You know how you know?They get down on your level,

24、they look you in the eye.Thats when you know youre not just along for the ride.Capisce?Capisco.Capisco.He comes in, you cop a squat.Send out my boy first.Whats the matter, you dont trust me?Whats the matter, you dont trust me?Whats the matter, you dont trust me?Do you remember me? Gaetano. Hey.Thats

25、 close enough.Thats close enough.You know who I am?Yeah. Youre the guy thats not coming any closeror Ill pop you one.or Ill pop you one.He says hes gonna punch you in the face.He says hes gonna punch you in the face.He really say that?Yeah.Yeah.Stop! Stop.Gaetano.Gaetano.Are we good?You tell me.Yeah

26、, were good.Your mamas inside. Go give her a kiss.Stai bene?Ill give you a minute with your boy.We should sit sometime, you and me.Hash out the rumpus. Things have changed.Nothings changed.Have a nice visit.Come here.- They feeding you? - Mostly peanut butter.Where do you sleep?Hes got a room on the

27、 third floor with me.You seeing to his education?Im teaching him how the world works.And hows that?Its dog eat dog.Thats how dogs work. Men are more complicated.Not in my experience.You like staying here, in the masters house?He make you feel appreciated?We live with the choices we make. Consequence

28、s.Whos the big Italian just off the boat?Its Jostos brother, Gaetano.Over from the boot.- He staying? - Not sure yet.Youd tell me if they were taking my boyout to the woodshed.Cause in my book, they say safe,they mean sound. Unmolested.Nobody interferes with the boy.Hes entirely in my keeping.Your m

29、ama says eat your vegetables.We love you and youre coming home.When?That I dont know.Tell your boss we need to talk soon.Yeah.I called three more banks in the area.No ones biting on the credit card.- You didnt tell em the idea? - No.But I stressed that this wasa groundbreaking financial instrumentan

30、d they could be the first on their block.We keep this in the neighborhood, just for us.How do we know they dont burn down the neighborhoodonce we start to pave the streets with gold?We need their restaurants,their department stores, their banks.Last I checked, I couldnt even try on clothes at Gimbels.The brother came in from Italy.Older or younger?Younger.But big.Difference between a lion in the jungleand a lion in a cage.Tigers live in the jungle. Lions are on th

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