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1、新标准新版三起四年级第三册教案Module 1 Unit 1 Go straight on.Period 1,2 (总第1课时)Teaching Aims: 知识:1、会用“Excuse me, wheresplease?”问路。 2、会用“Go straight on. Turn left .Turn right.”指路。能力:1、培养学生表演对话的能力,提高其运用英语的能力。 2、会运用本课的词汇模仿录音语调。情感:培养学生懂礼貌的品质,请别人帮忙要用“Excuse me ”“ please”等礼貌用语。Importance and Difficulties: 1、能听懂会说、理解并掌握句

2、子“Turn left.”, “Turn right.” 和“Go straight on.”。2、学会运用句子“Turn left.”, “Turn right.” 和“Go straight on.”来解决指路问题。Teaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming upT: Hello! Boys and girls! Nice to see you! Ss: Hello! Lucky ! Nice to see you, too! T: You have a good holiday, right? Ss: Yes! T: So lets sing a song,

3、ok?Step 2: presentation and drill1. T: Great, where is my book? Ss: Its .S1: Its behind the door.T: Im behind .But is on my right. Is on my left.Ss understand the meaning.T teaches new words.Ss make sentences with the new words.2. T: Sam wants to go to Damings home, but he is lost, lets have a look.

4、 (播放课件) 3. T: There are some places in the classroom. Can you show me where the school park zoo KFC supermarket is? (事先把几幅相应的图片贴在教室的各个角落) Ss point them out T: Is the school on my left? (学生听不懂,用中文翻译一遍) 4. Teaching the two words : left / right (出示单词卡片) 5. Practicing the two new words: A. Guessing: whe

5、res the sweet.(猜对的学生,把那个糖果给他)B. 踏步练习: left, right,(分组练习)T: Lets do some exercises and were going to have a competition. The group which does better will get 10 points. 6. 指定一名学生上来再做一组练习后,发出新指令:Turn left ! (学生没有反应,不明白什么意思,教师用肢体语言表示其意)7. 出示卡片:Turn 师带读, 贴出标志图: Turn left Turn right 8. Competition 规则:每组选

6、一名同学上台,听教师指令,做左转、右转,做错的同学淘汰下去,最后一名站在台上的同学就是胜利者,可为自己小组加10分。 9. Teaching the phrase: Go straight on Show a map and ask the Ss: “If I want to go to the KFC, how can I go there?” (学生用中文回答: 向前直走)教师给予肯定并用英语说: Go straight on. 并做相应的肢体动作。 10. 出示课题卡片: M2 U1 Go straight on! 11. 贴出标志图,并带读该词组 Go straight on Step

7、 3: Pracitce 1. 大小声练习. 2. 学生发指令,教师做动作. 3. Playing games: Help the other Ss get the flag. 游戏规则: 请两名学生上来,一个蒙着眼睛,一个用turn left turn right go straight on来指方向,帮助找到小红旗.顺利找到者,可各为自己的小组加10分. 4. 出示一张自制地图,指名提问:Wheres the .? 教师根据学生的回答在地图上画出行走路线. 出示词条: A : Wheres the .?带读两遍 5. Pair works. 学生拿出课前发的简易小地图,两两合作,一个问,一

8、个答,并画出路线. (做完了,请几组学生上台展示)Step 4: Wrap-up Read the text after the CD-ROWStep 5: HomeworkBlackboard writing:Teaching note: Module 1 Unit 2 Its at the stationPeriod 2(总第2课时)Teaching Aims: 知识:1.学习单词station/ houses/ hill/ train/up/ down/ near 2.学习句子 Where is train 1? The train is up/down the hill.能力:1. 能

9、听说认读单词station/ houses /hill/ train/ up /down 2. 能运用句子Its at the station.来描述位置。情感:通过学习本课的知识,培养学生礼貌、热心、乐于助人的好习惯。Importance and Difficulties: 1. 学习句型The train is going up/down/past the hill.2. 掌握单词及词组:Train/up/hill/down/past/station3. 掌握表示地点和方位的词Teaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming up1. Sing a song: Ple

10、ase stand up.(边唱边做动作)2. Listen and do actions: Stand up, go straight on, turn right, play football, play basketball, play table tennis, go swimming.3. I want to go to Supermarket. Excuse me. Wheres Supermarket? 找一生回答。同样找学生起来问饭店,植物园,别人的家的路线。Step 2: presentation and drill1. 教师准备一涨有课文背景图案的挂图,将小山、房子、学校、

11、火车站分别贴在图上,并讲解单词hill和station。2. 出示火车图片并说:Theres a train from Beijing to our city. Where is the train? 将火车贴在山上的位置,引导学生说出:“It is going up the hill.板书该句子。3. 移动火车到山下的位置问:“Where is the train ?引导学生说出:“Its going down the hill.4. 同样方法讲解 Its near the house.5. 呈现课文:出示课文挂图,提问学生:Where is the train now?放课文录音后,学生回

12、答问题Step3: Homework Do a conversation about part 3 Review new words Read part 1 Step 3: Practice 1. 活动:火车在哪里。教师将hill, houses, station,图片交给学生请他们站在相应的位置。将train的头饰交给另一名学生,并邀请一些学生乘坐火车。老师请火车开动起来,并请其他同学一起说出火车经过了哪些地方。2. 完成P6练习2。学生两人一组,学生A说出路线,学生B根据A的描述找到相应的地点。学生A:Go straight on, turn left. Its on your night

13、. 学生B: Is it the supermarket? 学生A: No, it isnt.3. 活动:How can we go to Carrefour?学生以小组为单位讨论后设计出从学校到最近的一家Carrefour的路线图。然后到前面来给全班学生讲解路线,选出最合理的一组获胜。4. 学Chant。教师首先播放一遍chant录音,请学生边看图边听。学生找出生词,教师解释词义并指导学生读音。再放录音,逐行停顿,学生边听边模仿学说。听录音连贯跟读几次,鼓励学生加上动作。5. 学唱歌曲。教师首先播放一遍歌曲录音,请学生边歌词边听。学生找出生词,教师解释词义并指导学生读音。再放录音,逐行停顿,

14、学生边听边学唱。6. 听录音连贯跟读几次,鼓励学生加上动作。Step 4 Wrap-up1.看课件,出示图片,老师先问:Wheres the ?让学生们集体回答,进行两组后由全班集体提问,找一个学生起来回答。2. “猜猜看”游戏。全班分为两组Train 1 and Train 2.课件出示两张图片,如周杰伦和椅子,让全班同学自由猜周杰伦的位置,猜对者给该小队贴一节火车车厢,游戏结束后数车厢多的为冠军。Step 5: HomeworkBlackboard writing:Teaching note: Module 1 Exercise Lesson Period 1(总第3课时)Teaching

15、 Aims: 知识:1. 巩固单词station/ houses/ hill/ train/up/ down/ near 2. 巩固句型:Excuse me, wheresplease? Go straight on. Turn left .Turn right. Where is the train? The train is up/down the hill.能力:1、培养学生表演对话的能力,提高其运用英语的能力。 2、会运用本课的词汇模仿录音语调。情感:培养学生懂礼貌的品质,请别人帮忙要用“Excuse me ”“ please”等礼貌用语。Importance and Difficul

16、ties: 1、熟练掌握本课单词、句型。Teaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming up Start the lesson by practicing the vocabulary. Draw pictures o a house, a hill, a school, a train and a train station. Place the pictures or flashcards round the classroom. Now call out the names of the objects and have the students point to

17、 the correct pictures or flashcards.Step 2: Listen and number. Tell the students to each place a pencil on their desks. Tell them to point their pencils according to my instructions. To make it more interesting, I might want to teach the students go back.Step 3: Listen and circle Tell the students t

18、o close their books. This time, pause after each section and ask the students, Who says it? After getting the answer from the students, play the next section. This will prepare them for the following exercise, as the students will have to listen to the tape again, read some sentences and decide who

19、says them.Step 4: Listen and say. Then chant. Before saying the chant Have the students look at the picture and describe it in Chinese. While saying the chant Play the first version of the chant and get the students to repeat the words. Play the second version and let the students listen or they can

20、 say the chant as they listen. Now have the students stand up and repeat the whole chant again slowly. While they repeat the chant, have them march on the spot. When they say the phrase turn right, get them to do the same action. After saying the chant I will play a simple game that practices the vo

21、cabulary of body parts and left and right. The teacher gives instructions and the students have to touch the correct parts o their bodies as they listen.Step 5: HomeworkBlackboard writing:Teaching Notes:Module 2 Unit1 Shes reading a bookPeriod 1,2(总第4课时)Teaching Aims:知识:1、学习单词和短语read、picture 、friend

22、 、take pictures 、talk to 、little 、play with和句型This is.Hes/Shes 2、能正确使用现在进行时描述正在发生的动作或事情。能力:能够听、说、认读单词,能够讲述正在发生的事情。情感:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激励学生积极参与活动,逐步养成自觉学习的好习惯。Importance and Difficulties:1、 能在实际情境中正确的、灵活的使用所学句型;正确使用现在进行时。2、 词组taking pictures的正确发音。 Teaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming up老师和学生互相问好。在自由谈话中,随机向

23、不同的学生提问:What do you do at the weekend?引导学生使用下列词组:play football、play basketball 、play table tennis 、swimming 、watch TV等。老师要求学生回答问题时带上动作,在他/她做动作的同时. 老师向全班同学说:Look! Hes playing football. Shes swimming.使用这种方法呈现更多新语言。 Step 2: Presentation1、教师做边动作边说:Im playing basketball. Im playing football. Im playing t

24、able tennis.2、用纸条板书playing,说明playing表示这个动作正在进行当中,要描述自己正在做什么,就要在所做的动作的单词的后面加上-ing。例如“正在打篮球”,就可以说:playing basketball,“我正在打篮球”就是:Im playing basketball.3、学生操练,指名学生边做动作边说自己正做什么,如:Im playing basketball. / Im playing football. / Im playing table tennis. 4、请若干名学生到台前表演动作,其他同学根据他们所做的动作说出类似句子:He is playing tab

25、le tennis.She is playing basketball.Step 3: Practice出示Magic box,利用Magic box教授新的动词短语:1、学习taking pictures。利用Magic box出示玩具照相机,告诉学生照相机是camera;做照相的动作引出taking pictures,学生做动作,说短语。操练句子:Im taking pictures.出示Panpan照相的图片(将图片贴在黑板上),介绍:This is Panpan.He is a boy.Panpan is taking pictures.Hes taking pictures. (将划

26、线的句子板书在图片下)学生操练:男同学做动作,女同学说:This is . Hes taking pictures. (要求说身边三个男同学的名字)2、学习reading a book利用Magic box出示一本书;教师做写信的动作,引出reading a book.学生做动作,说短语。操练句子:Im reading a book.出示Fangfang写信的图片(将图片贴在黑板上),介绍:This is Fangfang.She is a girl.Fangfang is reading a book.Shes reading a book. (将划线的句子板书在图片下)学生操练,女同学做动

27、作,男同学说:This is . Shes reading a book.(要求说身边三个女同学的名字)3、学习playing with a toy train.利用Magic box出示玩具火车,教学toy train,拓展知识如toy train,toy car,toy ship等,拍手打节奏读:X X X - X 0Playing with toy bricks.Playing with toy train.Playing with toy car.Playing with toy ships出示Weiwei的图片(将图片贴在黑板上),介绍:This is Weiwei.He is a

28、boy.Weiwei is playing with a toy train.Hes playing with toy bricks. (将划线的句子板书在图片下)5、小结本段教学,齐读板书:This is Panpan. This is Fangfang.Hes taking pictures. Shes reading a book.This is Weiwei.Hes playing with a toy train.6、做游戏看动作,说句子。(由学生或教师做动作,指名学生说出某人正在做什么。)Step 4: Wrap-up过渡语:刚才,老师给大家看了四张图片。现在我们再来看看,Sam给

29、我们看谁的相片呢?看课本P10,利用图片讲解课文:1、全班一起学习第一幅图的内容:Look at the pictures. (强调look at,并用动作表示短语含义。)2、分组学习第二、三、四、五幅图的内容。要求每一组的同学都能理解句子的含义,并能流利地将句子读出来。3、检查学习情况。每一组派代表或自己喜欢的方式展示本组学习的情况。4、听录音,全班齐读课文。第一题:听录音,圈出与听到的内容相符的图片。Blackboard writing:Step 5: HomeworkBlackboard writing:Teaching Notes:Module 2 Unit 2 What are yo

30、u doing?Period 1(总第5课时)Teaching Aims:知识:1、学生能听懂、会说、会认读3个进行时短语listening to music, watching TV, reading a book. 2、能初步学会询问What are you doing?并用I am +动词-ing+回答 .能力:能在看不见对方在做什么时口头运用What are you doing?询问以及用Im listening to music.这类语句作答。情感:学生能够关心家里人的活动,细心观察周边人的活动。Importance and Difficulties:1、能听懂、会认读会询问别人正在

31、做什么What are you doing?以及会用I am listening to music/watching TV/reading a book.等语句来回答。2、能初步学会用What is she/he doing ?来询问别人正在做什么,并作答。 Teaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming upSinging.Step2: PresentationTell the students the tasks: A. Look at the pictures at the PPT.B. What are they doing in the pictures.Revise the V-ing form, Such as 1.She is reading a book. Im reading a book. She is talking to her friend. He is playing with a toy train. Re

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