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1、全新版第四册关键词句翻译练习Book 4 Translation Unit One1. (让他特别欣慰的是), his little son had left the building before it collapsed.(To his great relief)2. My three-year-old daughter was unable (坐着不动超过五分钟).(to sit still for longer than five minutes.)3. If you let yourself (纠缠于文书工作), you will never find time to deal wi

2、th the really important issues.(get bogged down in paper work)4. (他们的婚姻早已解体了), even before his wife went abroad.(Their marriage was already falling apart)5. Its reported the professor (猝死于心脏病) when he was at work in his laboratory.(dropped dead from a heart attack)6. John (生于美国西部的一个小镇), but started

3、to live in Paris at the age of seven.(was born in a small town in the North of America)7. Many factories have begun to lay off workers, so the government (面临着巨大难题) of helping create jobs for the large number of unemployed.( is faced with the big problem)8. (尽管受到强烈反对) , the government is pressing on

4、with its campaign to eliminate corruption.(Despite fierce opposition)9. Having spent some time in the city, he had no trouble (找到去历史博物馆的路) .((in)finding the way to the history museum)10. (这一下扭转了战局),so the enemy were caught off guard, soon gave in.(This turned the tide of the battle)11. (为了挣钱供我上学),Mo

5、ther often takes on more work than is good for her.(In order to finance my education)12. Our troops engaging the enemy at the front (遇到了强烈抵抗).(were faced with stiff resistance)13. (多亏了这寒冷的天气) , we got to our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy.(Thanks to the cold weather)14. The pr

6、ofessor required that (我们交研究报告) by Wednesday.(we (should) hand in our research report) 15. Workers who have to work on weekends (获得两倍于平时的报酬).(are paid twice the normal wages)16. As the economy shows no signs of picking up, many companies ( 削减了投资计划).( cut down on capital investment)17. Napoleon, (对速战

7、速决充满自信),predicted the conquest of Russia in five weeks.(confident of a quick victory)18. The more you explain, (我愈糊涂).(the more confused I am)19. When the winters first snow came, (困乏的马匹倒地而死) and cannon became stuck in the snow.(exhausted horses fell dead in their trucks)20. Confident of a quick vic

8、tory, Hitler expected the campaign _(至多不会超过三个月). (to last no longer than three months)21. Though a skilled worker, (他被公司解雇了)last week because of the economic crisis.(he was fired by the company)22. The victim (本来有机会活下来) if he had been taken to hospital in time.(could have got/ had a chance to surviv

9、e)23. _ (直到18世纪人们才意识到) that brain, rather than heart, controlled our thinking.(Not until 18th century did men realize)24. Had it not been for your financial support, (我们早就陷入经济困境了).(we would have been in serious difficulties)25. Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to _(适应不同文化

10、中的生活). (adapt to life in different cultures)Book 3 Translation Unit Two1.As a protest, the party has decided_(不参加此次选举).(not to contest this election)2. Since my childhood I have found that _(没有什么比读书对我更具有吸引力). (nothing is more appealing to me than reading)3. We _(仍需克服很大的阻力) before we can achieve our

11、goal. ( have still tremendous obstacles to overcome)4. _(你不用管这事了), our English teacher is dealing with it. (Theres no need to concern yourself with this matter)5. The predictions about carbon dioxide were ignored for half a century_(直到科学家检测出令人不安的变化) in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide. (until sc

12、ientists detected a disturbing change)6.Sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars, _(使之成为世界上最大的制造业). (making it the worlds the biggest manufacturing industry)7. Some psychologists claim that people _(出门在外时可能会感到孤独). (might feel lonely when they are away from home/are travelin

13、g around)8.The government approved a new plan (在全国范围内消除文盲) in 2010.(to eliminate illiteracy nationwide)9. While the computer revolution is unlikely to cure these problems, (它仍然会带来正面的影响).(it will have a positive impact)10. Sensors in your car tuned to radio signals from orbiting satellites can (任何时间都

14、能准确定位你车的位置).(locate your car precisely at any moment)11. Whether it makes you a better person or not, a college education is (很可能长久影响) on your values.(likely to have a lasting effect)12. The plan calls for computers (完全控制汽车的行驶) on heavily trafficked roads.(to take complete control of the driving of

15、cars)13. The number of people that are killed or badly injured in car accidents is so vast (以至于我们在报纸上都不屑提及).(that we dont even bother to mention them in newspaper anymore)14.The nations population continues to rise (以每年1,200万的速度).(at a rate of one thousand two hundred people/ births per year)15. (只要

16、她努力工作), I dont mind when she finishes the experiment.(So long as she works hard)16. This could prove to be an environmental boon, saving fuel, (缓解交通拥堵) and decreasing air pollution.(reducing traffic jams)17. (如果他立即出发), he would get there on Monday.(If he were to leave right now) 18. While crossing t

17、he mountain area, all the men carried guns lest (受到野兽的袭击). (they should be attacked by wild animals)19. (任何怀疑他能力的人) needs only to look at his contribution to the company over the past year.(Anyone who doubts his competence)20. (由于光速是已知的) , any delay in receiving the satellites signal can be converte

18、d into a distance.(Since the speed of light is well known)21. We have arranged for our engineer to come next month (以防你们需要任何技术上的帮助).(in case you need any technical help)22. The harder we work, (成果就越大).(the better results we will get)23. (这一点再强调也不为过) that education plays a crucial role in economic de

19、velopment.(It cannot be too strongly emphasized)24. _(尽管核武器具有潜在威胁) , the predominant crisis of overpopulation is with us today. (While nuclear weapons have potential dangers)25. Under normal circumstances the body can (将这些物质转化成维生素).(convert these substances into vitamins)Book 3 Translation Unit Thre

20、e1. He was planning to follow up the interview with another letter (表明他想迫切加入这家公司).(indicating his eagerness to join this company)2. (依我之见), there are three keys to getting hired by this private school.(As I see it)3. Paul Smith, (其富有非常人所能想象), drives an ordinary car to his office everyday.(rich beyon

21、d anyones dreams)4. You can do the same if you (克服自己的弱点,发挥自己的优势).(work on your weaknesses and develop your strengths)5. (他的准备工作会做得如何) if he were to call on a prospective customer for us? (How well prepared would this person be)6. Dont ever let anyone tell you that you cant _(实现自己的目标).(accomplish you

22、r goals)7. The world-famous writer tells us that (目标就是有最后期限的梦想).(a goal is a dream with a deadline)8.When we watch a world-class musician, we dont see the years of preparation (使他们成为出类拔萃人物).(that enabled them to become great)9. His story of success indicates that (你总是可以争取到成功的机会).(you can always shif

23、t the odds in your favor)10. We dont foresee any difficulties in completing the project (只要我们不超出预算).(as long as we keep within the budget)11. In our electronic age, old and young alike can be couch potatoes, (在舒适的家里享受休闲). (enjoying their entertainment from the comfort of home)12. He appeared very ne

24、rvous that evening. I asked him what was wrong, and he _(脱口而出说他偷了一辆车). (blurted out that he had stolen a car)13. He (窥探女儿的个人生活) so ruthlessly that she stopped telling him anything.(pried into his daughters personal life)14. If you miss one day of practice, you notice the difference, (音乐家们有这样的说法).(th

25、e saying goes among musicians)15. Salespeople often try to learn about (预期顾客的需求) to make themselves more persuasive.(the needs of the prospective buyer)16. (不顾上司的反对) , the young engineer continued to neglect his duties.(Regardless of his superiors warning)17. From my standpoint, the key to success i

26、s (想方设法显得与众不同).(to find a way to make a difference)18. She received an increase in pay and (这使她的工作态度发生了巨大变化) . (it has made a big difference in her attitude toward work)19. If youre prepared, (压力就是别人的).(the pressure is on the other folks)20.You have to know what is right for you and then go after it

27、 (不管别人会说什么) .(regardless of what others may say)21. (无论遇到什么样的困难) , we will be cooperative and try our best to make the deal.(Whatever difficulties we may come across/encounter)22. May you (回首过去) with as much pleasure as you look forward to the future. (look back on the past)23. Pre-school children w

28、ho are taught at home by their parents do at least as well as, (就算做不到更好), those educated at nursery schools.(if not better than)24. When her husband left home, she used to wander around the house (好像她丢了什么东西似的) .(as if she had lost something)25. As the saying goes, (好的开端是成功的一半).(a good beginning is h

29、alf done)Book 3 Translation Unit Four1. (失败可以激励聪明的孩子) yet discourage the child who is already doing poorly.(Failure may motivate the bright child)2. All patients in that group are alike (就医学角度而言).(in the medical sense)3. Take the umbrella with you _(以备途中不时之需). (in case you need it on your trip)4. (随

30、着经济的衰落), a negative mentality will continue to undervalue good and profitable companies.(With the economy in decline)5. Ted got divorced, (正像他父母几年前的情形一样).(as/like his parents had done years before)6. (严格意义上讲), no language is completely translated into another.(Strictly speaking)7. The local government can not operate effectively (除非免于这种干预), from the central government.(unless it is free from such interference)8. If we (把上述想法付诸实践), well have a chance to create a new type of civilization.(put the ideas above into practice)9. Just like him, were going out there to win, to (以坚强的意志去迎接挑战).(accept

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