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1、3B教材分析牛津小学英语3B教材分析苏州市彩香实验小学 寿晓斐一、 教学内容类别语言项目要求单元词汇a bag, a tape, a book, a knife四会1a school bag, a crayon, a storybook, a copybook, a stapler, a toy train三会a key, a clock, a watch四会2a computer, a camera, a radio三会a boy, a girl, a man四会3grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, uncle, aunt, son, daug

2、hter, brother, sister三会one, two, three, plus,minus四会41-12三会a car, a bus, a bike四会513-20三会a bed, a desk, a chair, a study, a kitchen, a bathroom四会7a dining-room, a bedroom, a sitting-room三会a cake, a pie, a hot dog四会8a sandwich, some bread, some rice, soft drinks, a bar of chocolate, a carton of milk三

3、会a cap, a hat, a vest, a tie, nice四会9a belt, socks, shoes, trousers三会a guitar, a piano, a violin四会10an accordion, football, basketball, volleyball, baseball三会run, swim, jog四会11swimming, skating, climbing, skiing, fishing, jogging, running, rowing三会日常交际用语Whats this/that in/on ?Whats this/that in Engl

4、ish?Its Come here ?May I come in?Come in, please.Is this/that?Yes, it is./No, it isnt. Its What a nice ?Can I have a look?Sure. Here you are.Is this your ?Yes, he/she is.Whos he/she?Hes/Shes , I think.Whats the time?Its (oclock)Shall we watch TV?Its time to You canWhats plus/minus ?Its Thats right./

5、Youre wrong. Oh, no.I cant find Excuse me, wheres Hes/Shes/Its Sorry, I dont know.Im hungry/thirsty.What about?Sounds good.What would you like?No, Id like / , please.Here you are.Thanks./Thank you.Can I help you?What colour?How much is it? yuan, please.Do you like ?Lets Great!What do you play?I play

6、 Lets Thats a good idea./Good idea.1-12二、单元简介Unit 1第一单元安排了“确认物品”这一语言功能项目,并在词汇中主要选取了文具类单词。教师应把握教材的这一设计意图,尽量创设真实、自然的情景,给学生“学以致用”的亲切感。 单词教学是本册新增的教学内容,要求学生四会掌握。教学中贯彻“先听说,后读写”的原则,要将听说记写在一堂课里有机结合,穿插进行,以提高课堂教学效率,建议在学习单词时,也适时对单词进行拼读。Unit 2本单元在Whats this /that ?的基础上,进一步引导学生运用一般疑问句Is this/ that ? 去确认周围的常见的事物。

7、为配合“认物”这一功能项目的展开,本单元所教词汇也可以日常生活中的一些常见物品为主。应注意的是,问句中的this 或that 在回答时要用it 替代,以避免重复。教过May I come in ?后,教师可要求学生在每次进入教师办公室或上英语课迟到时,坚持用“May I come in ?”代替汉语的“报告”,教师也应用Come in ,please .回答。Unit 3本单元的教学内容是“认人”,与第二单元的“认物”有相似之处,只是将确认物品转化为认识朋友的家庭成员,结构上仍然围绕一般疑问句展开。词汇在Book 3A第三单元的基础上增加了七个:grandfather, grandmother

8、, uncle, aunt, son, daughter, a friend. 新授内容较少。在学生进行“认人”操练时,教师应特别重视情景的引入。情景引入必须有助于刺激学生的交际动机,使学生自然产生询问的欲望,并鼓励学生用多种已学句型进行操练。Unit 4本单元Learn to say围绕“询问时间”这一功能项目,按照时间顺序创设了一个个真实自然的场景,并由此展开了数词1-12的教学。本单元除要求学生比较熟练地掌握时刻表达法Whats the time? Its oclock. 以及数词1-12外,还出现了常用句型Shall we ? Its time to You can 再加上Lets 的

9、复现,知识点较多,任务比较重。在教学中,教师应尽量利用情景帮助学生整体理解课文,把重点放在培养学生实际运用语言的能力上,而不要过多地讲解语言知识。Unit 5本单元教学内容是在第四单元的基础上,进一步复习已学数词,并学习数词13-20. Learn to say和Look and learn是围绕数词展开的,教学内容仅涉及数词。在Look and say中,教材出现了新句型How many can you see? 并复现了八个名词复数。对于句型How many can you see? 要求学生理解,并能用以配合数词操练即可,教师不应做过多的要求。Unit 7本单元的日常交际用语是围绕“询问

10、地点”展开的。回答问题时,教材中只给出了人称代词+介词短语(地点)的形式,建议教师在教学过程中可以把直接说出地点的回答形式教给学生。本单元所给出的表示地点的介词以in为主,但在Fun house的内容中也现了on,教师在教学中要适当讲解in和on在意义和用法上的区别及习惯用法。本单元还出现了两个意义相近且都表示“对不起”的礼貌用语Excuse me. 和Sorry. 教师应引导学生区分,使学生能再正确的情景中运用。Unit 8本单元的日常交际用语主要是围绕“征询意见”编排的。What about? 是表示“怎么样?”的意思,用于征求别人意见。一般都是在一定的情景下才使用这个句子,如果离开了交际

11、情景而直接说What about? 就会显得很唐突。教材分析提供了“饿买热狗”和“渴买饮料”两个场景提供教师教学日常交际用语。本单元的单词教学部分增加了a hot dog, a sandwich, a pie, some bread, some rice, soft drinks, a bar of chocolate, a carton of milk, 教材这样编排便于学生根据情景把单词与对话结合起来操练。Unit 9本单元的日常交际用语主要是围绕“购物”编排的。教材为学生提供了日常生活中购买服饰的场景,帮助学生理解并掌握购物时常用的英语表达方式。在教学过程中,教师应尽量创设“购物”的情景

12、,并通过不同的语调、手势引导学生学习。本单元安排的教学内容虽然以购物服装为主,但建议教师可以把已学过的饮料、食品、水果、家具、家电等词汇与“购物”结合,使得购物的内容丰富多彩,富有情趣,让学生产生真实感,以激发他们的学习兴趣。Unit 10本单元的日常交际用语主要用于“询问爱好”。Do you like? Do you play? What do you play? 都是一般现在时的疑问句,在现阶段教师并不需要把有关一般现在时的语法知识传授给学生,只要求学生能听懂意思,会表达就可以了。本单元的教学内容有关的实物或图片应该在课前准备好,以便在教学时让学生有一个直观的印象。本单元的词汇主要是球类和

13、乐器类的单词,在教学过程中可以通过实物来演示一些相关动作,以活跃课堂气氛。Unit 11本单元的日常交际用语主要是围绕“运动项目”来编排的。在不同的季节里,人们会选择不同的运动项目,比如:夏天去游泳,冬天去滑雪或者溜冰。在教学中,教师可以创设模拟情景,让学生选择自己喜爱的运动项目。本单元还集中出现了八种运动项目的单词,建议教师按季节分别教授。关于go + V-ing和 like + V-ing不必过多地从语法角度讲解,只要求学生听得懂,会运用就可以了。注意:根据金阊区牛津小学英语各册教学要求,在参照教师用书的目标要求基础上,3B还需增加以下要求:1、继续渗透语音知识;2、Part C的句型全部

14、上升为四会;另外,中心学校和实验学校还有提升要求:中心学校要求将stapler, radio, son, daughter, sandwich, trousers, belt, baseball, father, mother, accordion, fishing, four, five, six, bread, climbing, skating, skiing, rowing, time, where, in, on, play上升为四会;实验学校要求将Part A的日常交际用语全部上升为四会;Part B单词全部上升为四会;在熟练运用日常交际用语的基础上,能翻译简单的日常交际用语。三、

15、各单元目标和重、难点Unit 1 My school bag.Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge of languageAfter class Ss will be able to1. Read, say, spell and write the words a bag, a tape, a book, a school bag, a crayon, a tape, a knife, a storybook, a copybook, a stapler, a toy train and the sentence structures Whats this

16、/ that in English? Whats this/that in/on? Its Come here,2. Master the usage of in and on, this and that3. Imitate to make a similar dialogue4. Sing a song: ABC song5. Expansion: the plural form of knife knives, a magazine, a notebook, The ABC of English, as easy as ABC, 2. Practical skillsAfter clas

17、s Ss will identify some simple stationeries, and talk about them.3. Personal development1. To educate students sense of co-operation in identifying something.2. To inspire the students interest in learning . Focus1. Read, say, spell and write the words: a bag, a tape, a book, a school bag, a crayon,

18、 a tape, a knife, a storybook, a copybook, a stapler, a toy train 2. Master the sentence structures: Whats this/ that in English? Whats this/that in/on? Its Come here,. Difficulties to overcomeThe usage of in and on, this and thatExercises一判断下列每组单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同打“”,不同打“”1.tape bag ( ) 2. this see ( )

19、 5.crayon stapler ( )二、选择正确的词填空 come in toy on a1 Whats that in your bag?Its _ book.2 Whats this _ the desk?Its a copybook.3 Whats that _ English?Its a _ plane.4_ here, Wang Bing.Unit 2 Yes or no. Teaching aims and demands1. 1. Knowledge of languageAfter class Ss will be able to1. Read, say, spell a

20、nd write the words a key, a clock, a watch, a clock a computer,a camera,a radio,a watch, a key, a fridge, a bed and sentence structures May I come in?Come in, please. Is this/that ?Yes,it is./No,it isnt. ItsWhat a nice ! Can I have a look?Sure. Here you are.2. Understand the dialogue Is this/that ?Y

21、es,it is./No,it isnt. Its3. Imitate to make a similar dialogue4. Master the usage of Verb be5. Master the structure of exclamatory sentence6. Say a rhyme: Its his key.7. Expansion: a vase, a lamp, How nice the is! Can I come in?2. Practical skillsAfter class Ss will try to ask and identify something

22、3. Personal developmentTo educate students sense of co-operation in identifying something. Focus1. Read, say, spell and write the words: a key, a clock, a watch, a clock a computer,a camera,a radio,a watch, a key, a fridge, a bed 2. Master the sentence structures: May I come in?Come in, please. Is t

23、his/that ?Yes,it is./No,it isnt. ItsWhat a nice ! Can I have a look?Sure. Here you are.3. Students ability of identifying something. Difficulties to overcome1. The usage of Verb be2. The structure of exclamatory sentenceExercises根据中文意思将句子补充完整1. 这是一部电话吗?是的。_ _ a telephone? Yes, _ _.2. 多好看的一只手表啊!_ a n

24、ice _!3. 那是他的电脑。_ is _ computer.4. 我可以看看吗?Can I _ a _?Unit 3 Family members. Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge of languageAfter class Ss will be able to1. Read, say, spell and write the words a boy, a girl, a man, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, son, daughter, friend, a family photo and s

25、entence structures Is this your? Hes/Shes , I think. Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. Whos he/she?2. Understand the dialogue Whos he/she? Hes/Shes , I think.3. Imitate to make a similar dialogue4. Master the pronunciation of Mrs, Mr, Miss, and the usage of them5. Master the usage of he and she6. Sin

26、g a song: Family song.7. Expansion: cousin, pen friend, net friend2. Practical skillsAfter class Ss will recognize people and introduce their family members.3. Personal developmentTo develop students sense of loving their family and taking more care of their family members. Focus1. Read, say, spell

27、and write the words: a boy, a girl, a man, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, son, daughter, friend, a family photo and sentence structures Is this your? Hes/Shes , I think. Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. Whos he/she?2. Develop students ability of recognizing person and introduce their family

28、members. Difficulties to overcome1. The pronunciation of Mrs, Mr, Miss, and correct use of them.2. The usage of he and sheExercises用he 或 she 将下列句子补充完整1. Is _ your aunt ? Yes, _ is.2. _ is Mrs Brown.3. _ is my son.4. Who is _? _ is my sister.5. Is _ your uncle ? No, _ isnt6. _ is Mr Black.Unit 4 Time

29、. Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge of languageAfter class Ss will be able to1. Read, say, spell and write the numbers 1-12 and sentence structures Whats the time now? Its (oclock)Shall we? Its time toYou can 2. Understand the dialogue Whats the time now? Its (oclock)3. Imitate to make a similar

30、 dialogue4. Master the pronunciation of three, seven, eleven and twelve.5. Say a rhyme: Jack has a clock6. Expansion: Its time for Time for What time is it? Time is money. Time past cannot be called back again.2. Practical skillsAfter class Ss will talk about the time .and know what to do and when to do.3. Personal development1. To educate Ss sense of saving time.2. To educate students sense of co-operation in talking about the time. Focus1. Read, say, spell and write the numbers

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