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1、最新科普版小学六年级英语上册全册教案科普版小学六年级英语上册全册教案科普版英语六年级(上)2013.9 (5)修改栏主备栏反思栏Lesson 1 Do you alwayes have lunch at twelve?第一课时(Learn new words Lets talk )一、教学目标1、复习What time is it?/Its time for.2、通过音标认读本课新单词.3、运用自由对话、表演等教学活动形式,培养学生学习英语积极的情感态度。4、通过创设情境,导入与拓展本课书的话题和主题句,逐步培养学生用英语交流的习惯。5、能够运用主题句型Do you always have l

2、unch at twelve ? 进行交际二、教学重难点1.运用新单词就本课句型进行替换练习.2.通过音标认读新单词.3.培养学生语感,提高学习兴趣.三、课堂导引Step1 Warm-up Free talk about personal informations (自由对话营造英语会话氛围,个人信息话题为本课 主题句奠定下基础)Step2 Revision Review summary of lesson1-6Step3 Presentation 1.Learn new words of lesson one Read all the words of lesson one accordin

3、g to the phonetic symbles by themselves.(让学生根据音标自学单词,培养学生自学意识) 2. Learn black words.(Read and spelling) 3. Practice(read the word cards)Step4 Presentation(Lets talk)1. GuidingTake out a clock and ask : what time is it?The student will answer: Its twelve. Then the teacher say:Oh, yes its time for lun

4、ch.The teacher ask:Do you always have lunch at twelve? Help the students anawer:Yes, I do.2. Show the topic OK,today we will learn lesson one: Do you always have lunch at twelve?(Write the topic on the blackboard,以旧引新,循序渐进的导入,减低学习难度)3Lettalk_new dialoguea.Read the dialogue by themslves for one time

5、b.Look at the books and listen to the tape C. Listen to the tape and repeat for twice.(学生先自渎可发现自己不会的地方,便会有目的的去听,然后再重点跟度自己不会的句子,有目的的去听会很有效的提高学生的听力。) d.Understand Explain difficult sentences: I usually have lunch at eleven thirty. Sometimes I have lunch at twelve. What do you usually have for lunch?e.

6、Present_reading(为学生解决难点后再练读可提高学生阅读兴趣及能力)Step4 Practice Reading在操练时可采用多种形式,如跟读、分组读、分角色读,通过朗读培养学生正确的语音、语调,而小组内的合作学习,更是新课标中要求培养学生合作精神的具体体现Step 5 Consolidation and Creation(巩固与创新) 1.Act the dialogue on the book(电脑操作:屏幕显示本课对话画面,学生看画面进行对话) 2Make up new dialogue(电脑操作:屏幕显示新画面,出示一块钟表及一种食物,学生仿照以上对话编排新的对话,培养学生

7、创新精神及新知识运用能力)Step6 Class closing 1. Listen to the music_the music room 2.Homework, do exercise 7 on the exercises book.四、词汇沙龙1.Its time to do sth. =Its time for sth. 该做。的时候到了2.wake up醒来3.have lunch 吃午饭 morning exercises做早操五、巩固练习1.Its time _ lunch.fortoin2.John usually _ up at 6:20.wakewakes waki

8、ng3.Do you usually have lunch at 12:00?Yes, I _ . B.does do4.Does she _ morning exercises here every day? A.does B.doing C.do5. _ do you have _ lunch? A.Where in B.What in C.What for第二课时(lets learn new Lets sing Lets practise )一、教学目标1. 掌握本课主题句型,并进行替换练习。2. 运用新句型编排对话。3. 培养学生创造性思维。二、教学重难点1 掌握

9、本课句型。并进行替换练习。2 让学生创造性的学习新知。三、课堂导引Step1. Revision1. Read the “lets talk”of this lesson2. Free talk about dayly life.What time is it ?Its time for.Do you always .?Step2. Presentation1.Guide Show pictures(电脑操作,屏幕显示lets learn,model图片) Listen to the tape ,this is “a talk” between Eve and Tom. Lets listen

10、 how do they Talk about the same topic about yourself.(通过本环节来拓展学生思维,同时有可把话题引入现实生活,使得学有所用)2. ActNow I am Eve ,and you are Tom, please answer my questions.T: Do you usually have breakfsat at seven?Ss: Yes, I do.T: What do you have for breakfast?Ss: I usually hve milk and bread.3. PracticeAsk and answe

11、r questions about the other two pictures,as same as last step, in their groups4. CheckAsk some students to stand up and act their dialogues.SmunicationTalk about the same topic about yourself.(通过本环节来拓展学生思维,同时有可把话题引入现实生活,使得学有所用)Step4 Writing Copy the model dialogue of lets learn on the exercise books

12、.(在学生问答,听说操练到一定程度是,让学生练习一些句子的书写,进一步加强对该句子的理解和巩固,以真正达到听说为先,读写跟上。)Step5.HomeworkFinish off writing about lets learn.四、词汇沙龙(1)There be 某处存在某物(2)常见的频度副词有:always(100%的频度),表“总是,常常”,侧重时间的连续性;usually(80%-90%的频度),表“通常”,强调习惯性,经常如此;often(50%-70%的频度),表“经常,”指有规律的经常出现sometimes(30%-50%的频度),表“有时候”,指偶尔出现;never(0%的频度

13、),表“从来不”,表示一种习惯。五、巩固练习1.His father always _ him to school at 8:00.A. takes B. to take C. take2.Sometimes Amy _ TV in the evening. A. watch B. watching C. watching3.He never _ the floor.A. mop B. mopping C. mops4.She always _ breakfast at 7:00. A. make B. makes C. making5.Does she always _ sports at

14、9:00.A. does B. do C.doing第三课时(Read)一、教学目标1. Read and understand “Read ”2. Answer some questions about “Read ”3. Grasp some phrases4. Improve the reading and comprehention ablity.二、教学重难点Improve the reading and comprehention ablity三、课堂导引Step1.Warm up (free talk)What time is it?Do you always have brea

15、kfast at seven?What do you usually have for lunch?Do you always get to school at seven?Are you always late for school?(The last question should be asked some more times, in order to guid ethe new topic)Step2.New content1. GuideT: OK, I know all of you dont like being late for school. But maybe today John is late for school, is Jihn really la

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