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1、高一英语上册单元同步调研测试题16Unit 5Nelson Mandelaa modern hero.单词拼写1The family decided to_(投票)for peace.2China was_(建立)in 1949.3He is an_(有教养的)person.4She hated him because of his_(暴力)5I want to buy a hat of good_(质量)6In my o_, we should start early in the morning.7Nelson Mandela called on the black people to f

2、ight for e_rights.8The hotel guests tried their best to e_from the burning building.9They were suddenly a_by the enemy.10Everyone should be a_in sports.答案完成句子1Only when I had another failure in my jobseeking_ _ _

3、(我意识到)knowledge is valuable.(realize)2The job_ _ _(结果比难)than we thought.(turn)3I recognized her_ _ _ _ _(我一看见她)(moment)4_ _ _ _(致力于她的事业), she got success.(devote)5He was_ _ _ _ _ _(判处3个月监禁)(sentence)答案:1.did I realize(that)2.turned out(to be)harder3.the moment I saw her4.Devoted to her career5.sente

4、nced to three months in prison.单项填空1Jane will have to_her piano practice a long time if she wants to be a professional concert performer.Aset up Badd upCkeep up Dhold up答案:C本题考查词语搭配。keep up“保持”,与practice搭配,即坚持钢琴练习。句意:如果Jane想成为一名专业音乐会的演员,她得长期地坚持钢琴练习。set up“建立”;add up“合计”;hold up“阻碍”。2The manager, kno

5、wing his factorys products were poor in_, decided to give his workers further training.Aquantity BamountCdeal Dquality答案:D本题考查名词辨析。句意:经理知道他工厂的产品质量差,于是决定对工人进行进一步的培训。从语境看,产品质量差符合语境,故选D。3Dont_. You will_new customs and different ways of thinking.Alose your heart; apply toBlose heart; apply yourself toC

6、lose your heart; adapt toDlose heart; adapt yourself to答案:D句意:不要泄气。你会适应这些新风俗和不同思维方式的。lose heart意为“气馁,泄气”;adapt oneself to意为“适应”。4I guarantee that you shall be_for any useful clues to the missing child.Apraised BawardedCrewarded Dsentenced答案:C本题考查动词辨析。句意:我保证你只要提供了任何关于这个丢失孩子的线索都将会得到酬金的。reward“酬谢”;awar

7、d“授与,给予”;sentence“判刑”;praise“表扬”。5Mr Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to_some schools for poor children.Aset up Bsetting upChave set up Dhaving set up答案:B本题考查的用法。(that)he had为定语从句,修饰all;中的to为介词,其后跟名词、动名词等。句意:Mr Reed下定决心要把自己拥有的一切捐献出来为穷苦的孩子建一些学校。6They are of_height, but

8、I think John_the job.Aequally; is equal Bequal; is equal toCequal; equals Dequally; is equaled答案:B本题考查equal的用法。句意:他们处于同等高度,但我认为John能胜任这个工作。第一空用形容词equal, be of equal height表示“同等高度”;be equal to the task/job表示“胜任任务/工作”。7Mr Smith_for years but still doesnt want to leave office.Ahas come to power Bhas be

9、en in powerCcame to power Dwas in power答案:B本题考查时态及词语辨析。句意:史密斯先生当权有好多年了,但是他仍不想离职。come to power为“执政”,非延续性动词短语;be in power“当权,执政”,延续性短语,并且由for years可判断,此处用现在完成时。8He was deeply struck by the natural beauty of the West Lake_he went to Hangzhou.Aat the first time Bthe first timeCfor the first time Dat the

10、 first time when答案:B本题考查the first time用作连词的用法。句意:他第一次到达杭州时就被西湖美丽的自然景色深深地吸引了。the first time用作连词,意为“第一次的时候”。9She doesnt do badly._, she is quite well off.AIn my opinion BAs a matter of factCAs usual DEver since答案:Bas a matter of fact“事实上”。句意:她过得并不坏。事实上,她相当富裕。in my opinion意为“在我看来”;as usual“和往常一样”;ever

11、since“从那时起到现在”。10_you work more efficiently are you able to catch up with others in the class.AOnly when BLong beforeCUnless DUntil答案:A本题考查“only状语”引导的部分倒装结构。由于后面主句are you able to catch up with others.采用了倒装语序,因此应选择A。“only状语从句”放在句首时,主句用倒装语序,但应注意when从句不倒装。11You have been sitting on my hat and now it is

12、 badly out of_.Adate BshapeCorder Dbalance答案:B本题考查名词词义辨析。句意:你一直坐在我的帽子上,现在它都变形了。out of shape“变形;走样”;out of date “过时”;out of order “坏了”;out of balance “失去平衡”。12For all these years I have been working for others. Im hoping Ill_my own business some day.Aturn up Bfix upCset up Dmake up答案:C本题考查动词短语辨析。turn

13、 up“调大音量;出现”;fix up“修理;准备好”;set up“创立;开办”;make up“弥补;组成”。句意:这些年来我一直为别人工作。我一直希望将来有一天我会开办自己的公司。故选C。13On his 10th birthday, Marty managed to escape from the zoo and got onto the subway, _ he believed that he could go to the wild.Awhich Bfrom whatCthrough which Dthat答案:C句意:在他十岁生日那天,Marty设法逃离动物园,来到地铁站,他认

14、为能够通过这种方式获得自由。which代替前面整个句子,through which在从句中作方式状语。14What should I do first?The instructions_that you should mix flour with water carefully first.Ago BtellCwrite Dsay答案:D本题考查动词say的特定用法。客观地解说instructions的内容,用say(to give information)。15(2011潍坊5月模似)Our school has developed a learning system_students ca

15、n do a lot of team work.Athat BwhenCwhich Dwhere答案:D考查定语从句。先行词a learning system在定语从句中作地点状语,所以用关系副词where引导。.完形填空Mandela, South African freedom fighter, was put in prison on a lonely island for 27 years. In those years he was_1_treated though already reaching his_2_age. The rocky island, which is cove

16、red with snakes, seals and other_3_, is 7 miles_4_from the capital. In the daytime, Mandela had to work on a stone pit,_5_big stones into small pieces or go to the sea,_6_kelp(海带)out of the cold seawater. Being a major criminal, he was specially_7_by three men, who were always finding faults in what

17、 he did and then_8_him.1991 saw Mandelas release(释放)from_9_. One of his touching moments happened on his ceremony of his coming into_10_. As elected President of South Africa, he first introduced the political_11_from all over the world. He said he was pleased to meet them at his introduction into P

18、residency. But, to his greatest_12_, the three guards also attended the ceremony. He_13_them to rise from their seats so as to be introduced to everybody_14_. Being old, he slowly stood up from his seat and_15_to the three very men. A tonguetied silence occupied the hall. Being so_16_, Mandela made

19、all the whites, who cruelly treated him for many years,_17_to death. His behavior won him universal admiration.Later, he explained to his friends that he was badtempered when he was young. It was_18_that he learned to control himself and was able to_19_from the hard years. “When I stepped out of pri

20、son and threw myself into_20_, I was aware that if I cant leave hatred and sorrow behind in the prison, I remain imprisoned.”文章大意:曼德拉当代一位不同寻常的伟人。有人说他是无畏的“自由斗士”、杰出的“政治领袖”,也有人说他是“友好的人、高贵的人、有趣的人”;也有人称他为“世界公民”。本文以一件事具体描写了纳尔逊曼德拉博大的胸襟。1A.badly BwellCequally Dseriously答案:A从7空所在句子句意以及全篇故事发展的线索考虑,曼德拉当时受到了很差的

21、待遇。2A.own BoldChigh Dcertain答案:B从上下文的线索考虑,虽然曼德拉已年届“高龄”,仍遭受如此待遇。形容年龄高常用old, experienced, ripe等修饰,B项符合。3A.plants BstonesCinsects Danimals答案:D从上下文的信息考虑,由前文的snakes, seals提示可知,此处应为其它“动物”,D项符合。4A.far BalongCaway Doff答案:C从词语搭配考虑。表示两者相距有多远时,用副词away与from搭配,离开陆地多远用off.。5A.picking BdiggingCputting Dbreaking答案:

22、D从词语搭配角度考虑。年事已高的曼德拉不得不在采石场(stone pit)从事繁重的体力劳动,将大石块砸成碎小的石料。6A.collecting BproducingCdiscovering Dplanting答案:A从上下文的线索考虑。不去砸石子时,曼德拉得下海采集海带。7A.served BguardedCtreated Dcured答案:B从全篇的主旨和上下文的线索考虑。由于是要犯,共有三个专人看守曼德拉,guard有“看守”之意,故选B。8A.punished BkilledChated Dfired答案:A从语境角度考虑。这些看守人员总是挑刺惩罚(punish)他。9A.senten

23、ce BelectionCprison Doffice答案:C从线索的角度考虑。1991年,曼德拉终于被释放。表示“出狱”,用release from prison。10A.palace BroomCgettogether Dpower答案:D从词语搭配和线索的角度考虑。上文有“ceremony”,后文有“President of South Africa”,此处的come into power的意思是“就职;上台;登基”。11A.opinions BleadersCdemands Ddifferences答案:B从全篇的主旨和上下文的线索考虑。在就职仪式上,曼德拉首先介绍前去出席仪式的各国政

24、要(leaders)。12A.surprise BangerCjoy Ddisappointment答案:C从全篇的主旨和线索考虑。此处为体现主旨的关键信息,前文有转折连词but。此句大意为:各国政要的到场祝贺令曼德拉非常高兴,但最使他高兴的是那三个曾在他被囚禁期间看守他的狱卒也到场祝贺。13A.let BdemandedCordered Drequested答案:D从全篇的主旨和上下文线索考虑。曼德拉不计前嫌,以德报怨,请出这三位小人物。request sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事;demand与order都含有命令口吻,语气过于强硬,且demand要加of才能接宾补,即:de

25、mand of sb. to do sth.;let结构不对。故只有D项符合题意。14A.around BnearbyCpresent Dfaraway答案:C从上下文的线索考虑。“在场的每个人”,present常作后置定语,表示“出席的,到场的”。15A.saluted BgreetedCapologized Dtalked答案:A从全文的主旨和上下文的线索考虑。年事已高的曼德拉慢慢地从自己的座位上站起来。向这三个小人物行礼。salute(正式地)“行礼,致敬”,一般用于庄重场合;greet“问候,致敬”,常用于一般场合。此处为“行军礼”,故选A。16A.experienced Bbroad

26、mindedCgenerous Dopenminded答案:B从全文的主旨考虑。曼德拉如此博大的胸怀使得那些曾顽固坚持种族隔离政策并欺负曼德拉27年的所有白人汗颜、无地自容。broadminded“宽宏大量的,心胸宽广的”;generous“慷慨大方的”;openminded“思想开明的,虚心的”,由题意知,B项正确。17A.pitiful BpainfulCdelighted Dshamed答案:D从上下文的线索考虑。make sb. shamed“使某人感到惭愧”。 war Bat churchCin prison Din school答案:C从上下文的线索考虑。正是在狱中,他

27、学会了控制自己。in prison“在狱中”。19A.fight BsurviveCmake Dspend答案:B从上下文的线索考虑。如果在狱中不学会“忍”,他可能就不会“幸免于难”,不会活下来。survive“生存,存活”,符合题意。20A.freedom BlifeCwork Dpolitics答案:A从全篇的主旨考虑。曼德拉说“当我走出囚室、迈向自由时,我已经清楚,自己若不能把悲痛与怨恨留在身后,那么我其实仍在狱中。”.书面表达(2010浙江卷)最近,李越被评为你们班的“每周之星”。请你根据她的事迹(在上周六下午,不顾天气炎热,为班级选购歌咏比赛服装),用英语为班级板报写一篇100120个词的短文。你的文章应包括下列要点:1李越的事迹及其对同学的影响;2你的评论。注意:1.文章的标题和开头已给出(不计入词数)。2参考词汇:singing contest歌咏比赛costume 服装Star Student of the WeekLi Yue has been awarded the title of “Star Student of the Week”for what she did for our class._

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