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1、五年级英语下五单元备课表中心小学备课姓名: 学科:英语 班级:五年级一班 时间:课题Unit 5 Look at the monkeysA Lets learn审查人2013年 月 日教学目标1、能够听、说、读、写动词的ing形式:flying, jumping, walking, running, swimming.2、能够听、说、认读句子:“Look at the tiger!Its jumping!The rabbit is running.”。3.能够完成Task time中的任务。教学重难点教学重点:掌握五个动词的ing形式,并用现在进行时进行简单表达。教学难点:动词“running

2、”和“swimming”的拼写。教学手段导读机 多媒体课件学法指导情景教学法 小组合作学习法教学过程教学过程预习查评 问题设置合作学习展示交流精讲点拨知识拓展Step 1.Check the preview.1.让学生以小组为单位汇报预习情况。2.看预习导航做的情况。3.对学生的汇报进行评价。以加分的形式进行表扬。Step 2.热身Lets sing:What are you doing?Step 3新课呈现(一)单词导呈T:Today is a nice day. Lets go to the zoo. (出示动物园图片) Look! So many animals. Whats this?

3、 1. T做出小鸟飞翔的动作:What is it dong? 引导学生回答Its flying. 出示flying的词卡,领读,并板书。2、Oh, look at the rabbit. Its jumping. The rabbit is jumping. 呈现词卡,领读单词,板书jumping.3、Wow! Here comes an elephant. Its walking to us.呈现词卡并领读,板书单词。4、T: Look at the tiger. Is it flying?T: Yes. The tiger cant fly. What is it doing? 出示ru

4、nning 的词卡,引导学生回答:Its running. 领读,板书单词。提醒学生注意双写“n”。5、T做出游泳的动作:What am I doing? 学生这时可能都会说出swim这个单词T: I am swimming.教师加以提醒swim的现在进行时态,双写“m”。T: The fish is swimming, too.呈现swimming的词卡,领读,板书。6、Lets chant: (出示小黑板)Flying, flying, the bird is flyingJumping, jumping, the rabbit is jumping.Walking, walking, t

5、he elephant is walking.Running, running, the tiger is running.Swimming, swimming, the fish is swimming.(二)听音正音T plays the tape recorder.Step 4 PracticeT提出小组内互相检查的具体要求。1. Play a game:看动作,猜单词。教师让一名同学上台,让他随便抽出一张词卡,做出相应的动作,让下面的同学猜,同时拼出这个单词。2. Have a competition: Look at the picture of the zoo, talk abou

6、t in groups. eg: Look at the lion. Its walking.补案教学过程小 结这节课你学会了什么,请小组长汇报。老师再补充。达标测试必做:当堂达标一、二、三选做:当堂达标四作业布置必做:下一课时的预习导航 巩固练习一、二选做:巩固练习三 板书设计Unit 5 A Lets learnflyingwalkingLook at _. Its jumpingswimmingrunning教学反思检查人签字: 检查意见(量化或等级): 时间:2013年 月 日中心小学备课姓名: 学科:英语 班级:五年级一班 时间:课题Unit 5 Look at the monkey

7、s.A Lets talk审查人2013年 月 日教学目标1. 能听懂、会说“What is she/it doing? She/It is running/”并能在情景中运用。2. 能认读、理解句型“I see the mother elephant. What about the baby elephant?”3能听懂、会唱歌曲“Animals, Animals Are Everywhere”。教学重难点教学重点:掌握句型“What is she/it doing? She/It is running/”教学难点:在实际情景中正确运用所学的现在进行时。教学手段导读机 多媒体课件学法指导情景

8、教学法 小组合作学习法教学过程教学过程预习查评 问题设置合作学习展示交流精讲点拨知识拓展Step 1.Check the preview.1.让学生以小组为单位汇报预习情况。2.看预习导航做的情况。3.对学生的汇报进行评价。以加分的形式进行表扬。Step 2.热身1. Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.2. Lets chant, OK?Follow me, please.Swimming, swimming, Im swimming now.Jumping, jumping, Im jumping now. Step 3新课呈现1.

9、 T: Boys and girls, Do you like animals? You like animals. I like animals, too. Lets go to the zoo and see the animals, OK?(出示动物园图片) Oh,Its a small zoo. I can see with a telescope.(拿出望远镜) Oh, I see an elephant. Its a mother elephant. I see the mother elephant. (出示mother elephant 词卡,领读) Do you want t

10、o see with the telescope?You please.2. Boys and girls, what can we call the child of the mother elephant?(用汉语解释) Help the Ss answer: baby elephant (出示词卡,领读)3. Boys and girls, look at the mother elephant. What is she doing? Help the Ss answer: Shes walking. (板书,领读,分层操练)Point one student and ask: What

11、 is she doing?Can you do the action? Ask another Ss.4. Look, what about the dog? What is it doing? Help the Ss answer: Its running. (板书,领读,分层操练)5. Boys and girls, there are many animals at the zoo. They are lovely. Look! What is the tiger doing? Ask and answer in pairs freely. Who wants to be a litt

12、le teacher? 6. Lets sing a song.Whats she/it doing? Whats she/it doing? Whats she/it doing at the zoo? Shes/Its walking/running. Shes/Its walking/running. Shes/Its walking/running at the zoo.(改编54页的歌曲)Step 4 Practice1. Lets try. Open the books, turn to page 59. Listen and match. Then check the answe

13、rs.补案教学过程小 结这节课你学会了什么,请小组长汇报。老师再补充。达标测试必做:当堂达标一、二、三选做:当堂达标四作业布置必做:下一课时的预习导航 巩固练习一、二选做:巩固练习三 板书设计 Unit 5 A Lets talk What is she doing? Shes walking. What is it doing? Its running.教学反思检查人签字: 检查意见(量化或等级): 时间:2013年 月 日中心小学备课姓名: 学科:英语 班级:五年级一班 时间:课题Unit 5 Look at the monkeysA Read and write审查人2013年 月 日教

14、学目标1.会听、说、读、写句型:What is it doing? Its eating bananas.What is she doing? She is running.2.能听、说、认读句子That elephant is drinking water with its trunk.3.加强小组成员之间的交流与合作,进而培养学生热爱自然、保护动物的良好品质教学重难点教学重点:四会掌握句型:What is it doing? Its eating bananas.教学难点:认读句型:That elephant is drinking water with its trunk.教学手段导读机

15、 多媒体课件学法指导情景教学法 小组合作学习法教学过程教学过程预习查评 问题设置合作学习展示交流精讲点拨知识拓展Step 1.Check the preview.1.让学生以小组为单位汇报预习情况。2.看预习导航做的情况。3.对学生的汇报进行评价。以加分的形式进行表扬。Step 2.热身Lets do: Swim, swim, I can swim! Im swimming now.Jump, jump, I can jump! Im jumping now.Walk, walk, I can walk! Im walking now.Eat, eat,I can eat! Im eating

16、 now.Drink, drink, I can drink! Im drinking now.Step 3新课呈现1. T:( 师出示动物轮廓大卡片) Today, I have some animals for you! Do you like animals? Ss: Yes.T: Whats your favourite animal? Monkey? panda? or elephant?根据学生的回答出示相关动物,并介绍说:Look at the monkey/elephant !Its so cute. Here you are.2. T: You like animals, I

17、 like animals too! Lets go to the zoo together and see the animals, ok?Ss: Ok!T: (课件出示动物园场景及袋鼠母子) Look! What are they? Ss: They are kangaroos. T: They are kangaroos. Look at the mother kangaroo, what is she doing?(放慢语速说两遍) S1: she is.板书、教读what is she doing? She is jumping. T: (师走下讲台,师任指一位男生):Look at

18、 the mother kangaroo, what is she doing? S2: she is running. Can you do the action? (男生做动作) T: boys and girls, look! What is he doing? 自然引出he is jumping. 板书、教读。What is he doing? He is T:Look at the baby kangaroo, What is it doing? (放慢语速说两遍)Step 4 Practice. Chant. What is it doing? Its running. What

19、is she doing? She is jumping. What is he doing? He is walking.补案教学过程小 结这节课你学会了什么,请小组长汇报。老师再补充。达标测试必做:当堂达标一、二、三选做:当堂达标四作业布置必做:下一课时的预习导航 巩固练习一、二选做:巩固练习三 板书设计Unit 5 A Read and write What is it doing? Its. What is she /he doing?She/he is. 教学反思检查人签字: 检查意见(量化或等级): 时间:2013年 月 日中心小学备课姓名: 学科:英语 班级: 五年级 时间:课题

20、Unit 5 Look at the monkeysB Lets Learn审查人2013年 月 日教学目标1、能听说读写四会动词短语:sleeping ,climbing ,fighting, swinging ,drinking water.2、能听说、认读what are they doing ?及其回答They are -ing. 3、能够完成Task time中的任务。 4、了解Pronunciation中字母组合ar, sm, sl的发音规律及其例词的发音教学重难点教学重点:能听、说、读、写动词短语:sleeping ,climbing ,fighting, swinging ,d

21、rinking water.以及句型what are doing?及其回答They are -ing。教学难点:能听说读写动词短语:sleep ,climb等ing形式的读音和拼写,特别是climbing 和 swinging 的发音。教学手段导读机 多媒体课件学法指导情境教学法 小组合作教学法教学过程教学过程预习查评 问题设置合作学习展示交流精讲点拨知识拓展Step 1.Check the preview.1.让学生以小组为单位汇报预习情况。2.看预习导航做的情况。3.对学生的汇报进行评价。以加分的形式进行表扬。Step 2热身1、Lets sing Animals, Animals Are

22、 Everywhere 2、Free talk 用词卡或者图片复习。Step 3、新课呈现(一)单词导呈现T: Boys and girls! We have see some animals. Do you like animals?Its a nice day today. Lets go to the zoo. (出示一张比较完整的动物园挂图)1、T:Look! What are the monkeys doing?Yes. They are climbing.(老师模仿爬的姿势)出示climbing的词卡,领读,并板书。提醒学生注意climb的发音(b不发音)2、T(师指bears):

23、What are they? Yes. They are bears. 引导学生提问What are the bears doing? T(教师做睡觉的动作,装打呼噜): They are sleeping. 出示词卡sleeping并领读,板书单词。3、 T:(出示两张狮子打架的照片)Look at the lions. They are fighting.呈现词卡fighting领读并板书。4、T(出示两个孩子荡秋千的的图片):Look at the children,what are they doing? 呈现词卡并领读,板书单词swinging 板书词组并领读。5、T: Look!

24、Here are two elephants. What are they doing?Yes. The elephants are drinking water.呈现词卡drinking water并领读,板书短语。Step4.Practice知识整合chant What are they doing? What are they doing ?Climbing, climbing, they are climbing 知识整合chant What are they doing? What are they doing ?Climbing, climbing, they are climbi

25、ng 1、记忆大比拼T: 用白纸盖住词组的重点字母或字母组合让学生看少了什么.2、游戏操练:心有灵犀两名学生上台。(一男一女)教师向两名学生出示一张纸条,纸条上是一条有关动物的现在进行时的句子。补案教学过程小 结这节课你学会了什么,请小组长汇报。老师再补充。达标测试必做:当堂达标一、二、三选做:当堂达标四作业布置必做:下一课时的预习导航 巩固练习一、二选做:巩固练习三 板书设计Unit5 Look at the monkeys B Lets learnWhat are the doing? sleeping climbingThey are swinging fighting 教学反思检查人签

26、字: 检查意见(量化或等级): 时间:2013年 月 日中心小学备课姓名: 学科:英语 班级: 五年级 时间:课题Unit5 Look at the monkeysB Lets talk审查人2013年 月 日教学目标1.听懂、会说句型:What are they doing? They are 2.并运用句型:What do you see? 和What are they doing?来向别人获取信息。3.完成C部分的Lets check.教学重难点教学重点:听、说、用句型:What do you see? I see / What are they doing? They are 教学难点

27、:句型What are they doing?和What is she/he/it doing?的区别,注意单复数的正确运用。教学手段导读机 多媒体课件学法指导情境教学法 小组合作教学法教学过程教学过程预习查评 问题设置合作学习展示交流精讲点拨知识拓展Step 1.Check the preview.1.让学生以小组为单位汇报预习情况。2.看预习导航做的情况。3.对学生的汇报进行评价。以加分的形式进行表扬。Step 2.热身T: Lets sing: 教师播放歌曲“Animals, Animals Are Everywhere”的录音Step 3新课呈现1. T: The animals ar

28、e so lovely. Do you like animals? Since we all like animals, lets go to the zoo now. The animals are everywhere in the zoo. 借助一幅动物园的挂图,用白纸遮住其大部分,只留一种动物中的一个并且师问:What do you see? (板书并操练) 2. T: I see a monkey. (师顺接最后一个同学回答,板书并操练)单个操练完后进行问答操练:-What do you see?-I see a .3. T: You see a monkey. What is it doing?再留出一种动物中的两个并问:-What do you see? -What are they doing?4. T

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