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1、陕旅版五年级英语下册714教案Lesson 7 In the restaurant第一课时教学目标 :会说会用会写这些单词:pork meat salad menu教学重、难点:会说会用会写这些单词:pork meat salad menu课前准备:准备pork meat salad menu 的单词卡片。教学过程:一. 热身(Warming up)教师引出以下话题:A:Mum,Im hungry and thirsty. Is lunch ready? B:Just a minute,please.A:May I have a banana?B:OK.A:May I have an ice

2、cream.B:Sorry.You may have it after supper.A:Shall we have fish?B: No.We have beef but no fish today.二. 新课展示(New Presentation) 老师让学生了解本课话题。课文中的对话内容如下: A是一位服务员。 B,C,D分别是顾客 。 A:What would you like? Can I help you? B:May I have the menu? A:Here you are. B:Id like a hamburger and some salad . sa-lad sal

3、ad(出示词卡 )沙拉 salad C: Id like a hot dog and a sausage. A: A hamburger and some salad for you. And a hot dog and a sausage for you.What about you? Sir?salad? apple salad pineapple salad What salad would you like? D:Shall we have some chicken? A:Sorry.We beef but no chicken today. D:Ok.I want some beef

4、.1.May I have the menu? 我看看菜单好吗? May I have ? 我可以要点吗? 常用已提出请求,在餐厅是顾客向服务员提出要求的用语。 Certainly./Sure./Ok.或Sorry,You cant.如:May I have an ice cream,mum? Ok. May I have a look ? Sure.Here you are.2. Shall we have . ?一种客气的请求或是在同伴之间的提议,我们可以来点 吗?回答也是Certenly./Sure./Ok.或Sorry,You cant. 如:Shall we have a break

5、?我们休息一下好吗? Shall we have dumplings for lunch? 午饭我们吃饺子好吗? menu 出示菜单说几遍之后,拿出词卡拼读 menu 餐厅服务员可以这样帮顾客点餐:What would you like? Here is the menu.Please have a look.4.出示图卡和词卡拼读meat 这是一个符合读音规则的单词 meat 中的字母组合ea读/ /。引导学生用这个单词说说话:Billy likes meat very much .He is fat.Sue doesnt like meat. She is thin.Shal

6、l we have some meat? 5.The pork here is nice 出示图卡和词卡拼读 pork pork pork老师可以介绍一下字母组合or读/ /的现象。6. Id like some salad.salad(出示词卡)沙拉有各种水果切成小块加奶油拌成。sa-lad 三、Homework:板书设计:教学反思:第二课时教学目标 :会说会用这些句子:May I have the menu?Id like some salad.Shall we have some meat?We have pork but no chicken today.教学重、难点:会说会用这些句子

7、:May I have the menu?Id like some salad.Shall we have some meat?We have pork but no chicken today.课前准备:录音机及录音带。教学过程:一、复习上节课内容二、新课展示(New Presentation)1.听录音学习对话:Lets listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions. 1)What would Nancy like ? (Salad.) 2)What about Bruce? (He likes some meat.) 3)Do they

8、 have any pork? (Yes.They have pork but they dont have chicken.) 2.巩固活动: 1)老师拿出准备的本课和以前学过的词卡。请一个同学上来拿上图卡扮演服务员,老师拿上词卡(注意:老师的词卡上的个别单词那个同学手上没有),给全班同学展示。全班同学当顾客,看着老师展示的词卡,对那位拿着图卡的同学说话: 老师先一个一个单词展示,比如展示的是沙拉。SS:May I have some salad? 拿着图片的同学赶快在图卡里面找出沙拉的图,展示给同学们,说: S:Sure.Here you are. SS:Thank you. 在活动进行顺

9、利了以后,老师可以及时加大难度,比如一次展示两个甚至三个单词,让学生说出: SS:May I have xx,xx,and xx? 如果老师展示的这个词,比如是大肉,拿着图卡的同学找不着这个图,他可以拿出同类的食物,比如主食,肉类或是饮料中的另一个图卡展示给同学们,但要这样说:Sorry.We have beef but no pork today . 2)请一位同学扮演服务员,上前来拿着事先准备的餐单。老师拿出准备的各种食物的图卡,展示一张给全班同学,同学们看着老师的图卡,说话:比如图是茶. SS:Shall we have tea? 餐单上有这样东西,老师说: T:Sure./Ok. 餐单

10、上没有这样东西,那个当服务员的同学说: S:Sorry.We have coke but no tea today. 三.小结四.Homework: 板书设计:教学反思:第三课时教学目标 :了解字母o 在重读开音节中的读音规则。教学重、难点:了解字母o 在重读开音节中的读音规则。课前准备:录音机及录音带。教学过程:一.语音学习:1.听录音并跟读单词。 2.复习字母o在重读闭音节中,也就是以辅音结尾的音节 中,读短音/ /的现象。 给学生一些单词,包括一些生词让学生通过拼读得以巩固: fox box dog cock top clock mop o在重读开音节中,也就是以元音结尾的音节中, 读长

11、音/ /。 如:nose home those 给出更多的单词,读一读巩固这种读音规则。 hole coke rose note pose vote yo yo hole二.巩固练习:1. 指导学生完成Lets practise(I). 2、指导学生完成Lets practise(II). 三.小结四.Homework: 板书设计:教学反思:Lesson 7 In the restaurant(practise)教学目标 :1.巩固单词:pork meat salad menu2.会运用句型:May I have the menu?Id like some salad.Shall we hav

12、e some meat?We have pork but no chicken today.3.复习字母o 在重读开音节中的读音规则。4.完成课堂练习册上的习题。教学重、难点:对单词及句型的熟练掌握。教学过程:一.复习词汇:1.会说会用会写这些单词: pork meat salad menu二.组织对话,复习句型:May I have the menu?Id like some salad.Shall we have some meat?We have pork but no chicken today.三.复习字母o在重读闭音节中,也就是以辅音结尾的音节 中,读短音/ /的现象。 四.指导学

13、生完成课堂练习册上的习题。五.Homework:板书设计:教学反思:Lesson 8 What do you need?第一课时教学目标 :1.会说会用会写这些单词: picnic ketchup sugar salt knife fork chopsticks spoon2了解中西方的不同饮食方式,掌握一些饮食文化教学重、难点:会说会用会写这些单词: picnic ketchup sugar salt knife fork chopsticks spoon教学过程:一. 热身(Warming up) 老师展示一家人用餐的张贴画,师生通过看图说话,利用单词卡片了解本课生词和句型。T: look

14、 at the picture. What are they doing ?(They are having a picnic.) T:Oh, what a big meal! Wat are thay eating?(They are having sausages,bread,milk.老师引导学生尽量多的说出图中的食物。) T:Do you like milk? Its good to your health. (Yes./No.) T:I like milk. But I need some sugar in the milk. I like mike with sugar.二. 新课

15、展示(New Presentation) 1.出示图卡和词卡拼读 knife 这是一个重读开音节的单音节词,其中的元音字母i读长音/ /。辅音的字母组合kn也很常见,读/ /。出示图卡和词卡拼读fork 其中的字母组合or是个r音节,在重读音节中读/ /.a knife and a fork 一幅刀叉,吃西餐时常用的餐具。I need a knife and a fork to have the beef. 2.Please pass me the spoon. 请给我一把勺子。pass me . 递给我,传给我。这是一个祈使句。相似的句子还有: give me 给我 show me 给我看

16、bring me 给我拿来回答说:Here you are.或 Here it is. 给你。出示图卡和词卡拼读spoon 注意字母组合oo 读/ /。比如说:I need a spoon for the soup.我要个勺子喝汤 。 Here you are.3. I need some ketchup. 出示图卡和词卡拼读ke-tchup ketchup 番茄酱Id like the bread with ketchup.我想要面包加番茄酱。 4.And I can have some sugar in the milk. 我可以给牛奶加糖。 出示图卡和词卡拼读su-gar sugar 注

17、意其中的s读/ /不读/ s /。have some sugar in sth.给 里放点糖。比如:Id like to have some sugar in the tea.Would you like to have some sugar in the coffee?而另一种用法则是用于介词短语修饰名词,意思是加糖的。比如:tea with sugar coffee with sugar water with sugar5. I need the chopsticks to have noodles. And I need some salt in it .出示图卡和词卡拼读chop-st

18、icks chopsticks 筷子。这是一个合成词,由chop砍,切断,和stick 棍子两个单词构成。一般用复数。出示图卡和词卡拼读 salt 盐。I need some salt in the noodles. Please give some salt. 三.巩固活动: 1)老师拿出准备的有缺失部分的词卡。如:p-cn-c s-gar sug- ke-up k-tch-p s- -t -ife kn-fe f- -k -opsti- -s ch-pst-cks sp- -n(让学生分小组比赛,快速填出缺失的字母。)2)老师拿出准备的图片,让学生判断食用这些食物时需要用什么样的餐具或加什

19、么样的调料。 准备的食物图片有:牛肉,面包,火腿肠,汤,咖啡,面条 准备的调料图片有: 果酱,糖,盐 准备的餐具有:筷子,勺子,叉子,刀 先用图片复习单词。 请一个同学上来任意抽取一张食物的图片,这个同学根据抽取的图片(比如是面条)说:Id like some noodles.What do I need?,全班同学接着说Hed like some noodles.What does he need? 下面的同学来抢答:He needs some salt. He needs chopsticks.看谁答的又快又好。四.小结。五.Homework: 板书设计:教学反思:第二课时教学目标 :会说

20、会用这些句子:What do you need?I need some ketchup.Pass me the knife,please.教学重、难点:会说会用这些句子:What do you need?I need some ketchup.Pass me the knife,please.课前准备:录音机及录音带;教学过程:一.出示对话内容:Maggie:Oh.Im hungry.Lets have our picnic. Billy:what would you like?Billy: Id like some sausages, and I need some ketchup.Plea

21、se pass me the ketchup and a spoon. Bruce: Ok.Here you are.What do you need,Alice? Alice: Bread and milk. Pass me the knife,please. Bruce: Here it is! Linda: You can have some sugar in the milk. I like milk with sugar. 1)A:What a big meal!真是一顿大餐!这种感叹句学生们以前应该见过,是What+名词构成。名词前也可以有形容词修饰。比如下列句子:What a n

22、ice gift!What a day!What a lovely girl!2)Lets have our picnic.我们来进行野餐吧。出示图卡和词卡拼读 pic-nic picnic 野餐 这是一个双音节词,按读音规则很好记。短语 have a picnic 进行野餐。Well have a picnic in the park this Sunday.3) Id like some sausages. I need a knife and a fork.我需要一付刀叉。need 动词,需要。 如:What do you need? I need an umbrella. Its ra

23、ining hard. Im very busy.I need your help. He is tired.He needs some rest. 二听录音学习对话: Lets listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions. 1)What would Billy like ? (Sausages.) 2)What does Mike need? (He wants the ketchup and he needs a spoon.) 3)Does Alice need a spoon? (No.She wants some bread an

24、d need a knife.)三.学生分角色进行对话练习。四.Homework: 板书设计:教学反思:第三课时教学目标 :通过练习,进一步掌握本课所学内容。教学重、难点:熟练掌握句型:What do you need?Pass me the knife,please.教学过程:一.出示句型: 1.Please pass me the spoon. 请给我一把勺子。pass me . 递给我,传给我。这是一个祈使句。相似的句子还有: give me 给我 show me 给我看 bring me 给我拿来 回答说:Here you are.或 Here it is. 给你。 2.What do

25、 you need? I need 二.巩固练习:1. 指导学生完成Lets practise(I). 2、指导学生完成Lets practise(II). 三.小结。四.Homework: 板书设计:教学反思:Lesson 8 What do you need? (practise)教学目标 :1.巩固单词:picnic ketchup sugar salt knife fork chopsticks spoon2.会运用句型:What do you need?I need Pass me the ,please.3.完成课堂练习册上的习题。教学重、难点:对单词及句型的熟练掌握。教学过程:一

26、.复习词汇:会说会用会写这些单词: picnic ketchup sugar salt knife fork chopsticks spoon二.组织对话,复习句型:What do you need?I need Pass me the k,please.三.小结。 四.指导学生完成课堂练习册上的习题。五.Homework:板书设计:教学反思:Lesson 9 The doctors advice第一课时教学目标 :1.会说会用会写这些单词: worried thin and weak the doctors sweats hot healthy 2. 初步了解这种时态的构成及意义。教学重、难

27、点:会说会用会写这些单词: worried thin and weak the doctors sweats hot healthy课前准备: 准备worried thin and weak the doctors sweats hot healthy 的单词卡片和图片。 录音机及录音带;教学过程:一. 热身(Warming up)老师用对话引出本课话题:( A:一个朋友 B:一个瘦子)A:You look thin and weak. Whats the matter?B:Nothing serious.I just dont feel like to eat.A:Why?B:I dont

28、feel hungry.A:Youd better go to the doctors. The doctor can give you some advice.B:OK.二. 新课展示(New Presentation) 1)Jack is thin and weak.His mother is worried. thin and weak又瘦又弱。 thin瘦的,和fat 为反义词。weak弱的,和 strong为反义词。 这两个形容词要用其反义词对比学习。 老师找出班上一个又高又胖的同学,指示他的身高,对着他/她说:You are tall. You look tall. 然后让全班同学

29、一起说 Xx is tall. He/She looks tall. 指示他的胖胖的身体,对着他/她说:You are fat. You look fat. 然后让全班同学一起说 Xx is fat. He/She looks fat.老师找出班上 又瘦又矮的同学,只是这他的瘦瘦的身体,对着他说:You are thin. You look thin. 然后让全班同学一起说 Xx is thin. He/She looks thin. 指示着他的矮个,对着他说:You are short. You look short. 然后让全班同学一起说 Xx is short. He/She looks short. 老师展示一位虚弱的病人的图片,虚弱的老人的图片,让学生理解单词weak的意思。 老师再画一胖一瘦一对兄妹,哥哥又高又胖,妹妹又矮又瘦。老师引导学生一起描述他们:Billy is fat but his sister is thin.Billy is tall but his sister is short.Bil

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