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1、计算机专业与信息管理与信息系统等专业大学外文翻译中英文对照本科学位论文武汉纺织大学管理学院2012届毕业生英文翻译(20112012学年第2学期)材 料:英文原稿、中文打印稿专 业:信息管理与信息系统班 级:姓 名:指导教师:序 号:2012年5月17日外文资料As in formatio n tech no logy adva nces, various man ageme nt systems have emerged to cha nge the daily lives of the more cohere nt, to the exte nt possible, the use of

2、n etwork resources can be sig nifica ntly reas on able reducti on of manual man ageme nt inconvenience and waste of time.Accelerat ing the moder ni zati on of the 21st cen tury, the con ti nu ous improveme nt of the scie ntific and cultural levels, the rapid growth of the nu mber of stude nts will i

3、n evitably in crease the pressure in formatio n man ageme nt stude nts, the in efficie nt manual retrieval completely in compatible with the com mun itys n eeds. The Stude nt In formatio n Man ageme nt Systemis an in formatio n man ageme nt one kind within system, curre ntly in formati on tech nique

4、 continu ously of developme nt, the n etwork tech nique has already bee n applied in us exte nsively n earby of every trade, there is the n etwork tech ni cal developme nt, each high schools all make use of a calculator to man age to do to lear n, the school is operated by han dicraft before of the

5、whole tedious affairs all got fast and solve high-efficie ncily, especially stude nt result man ageme nt the system had in the school very big fun cti on, all can be more convenient, fast for the stude nt and the teacher coming say ing and un dersta nd accurately with man ageme nt every one no odles

6、 in formati on.AbstractIt is a very heavy and bald ness job of managing a bulky database by man power. The disadva ntage, such as great capacity of work, low efficie ncy and long period, exist in data in putt ing, dema nding and modificati on. So the computer man ageme nt system will bring us a quit

7、e cha nge.Because there are so many stude nts in the school, the data of stude nts in formati on is huge, it makes the man ageme nt of the in formatio n become a complicated and tedious work. This system aims at the school, pass ing by practically of dema nd an alysis, adopt mighty VB6.0 to develop

8、the stude nt in formatio n man ageme nt system. The whole system desig n process follow the prin ciple of simple operati on, beautiful and vivid in terface and practical request. The stude nt in formatio n man ageme nt system in cludi ng the fun ctio n of system man ageme nt, basic in formati on man

9、 ageme nt, study man ageme nt, prize and puni shme nt man ageme nt , print stateme nt and so on. Through the proof of using, the stude nt in formatio n man ageme nt system which this text desig ned can satisfy the school to man age the dema nd of the aspect to stude nts in formatio n. The thesis in

10、troduced the backgro und of developme nt, the functions dema nded and the process of desig n. The thesis main ly expla ined the point of the system desig n, the thought of desig n, the difficult tech nique and the soluti ons. The stude nt man aged the creati on of the system to reduce the inconvenie

11、nce on the man power con sumedly, let the whole stude nt the data man ageme nt is more scie nee reas on able.The place that this system has most the special features is the backstage database to unify the man ageme nt to stude nts in formatio n.That system mai nly is divided into the system man agem

12、e nt, stude nt professi on man ageme nt, stude nt file man ageme nt, school fees man ageme nt, course man ageme nt, result man ageme nt and print the stateme nt.The in terface of the system is to make use of the vb software creati on of, above few molds pieces are all make use of the vb to con trol

13、a the piece binds to settle of method to carry out the conjunction toward the backstage database, the backstage database probably is divided into followi ng few formses:Professio nal in formatio n form, the charges category form, stude nt the job form, stude nt the in formatio n form, political feat

14、ure form of stude nt, the customer logs on the form The system used Clie nt/Server structure desig n, the system is in the data from one server and a nu mber of Taiwa n formed LAN workstati ons. Users can check the compete nee of differe nt systems in differe nt users submit pers onal data, backgro

15、und database you can quickly give n the man date to see to the content.Marks man ageme nt is a importa nt work of school,the orig inal manual man ageme nt have many in sufficie ncies,the reas ons that,stude nts populati on are multitudi nous in school,a nd each stude nts in formatio n are too comple

16、x,thus the work load are extremely big,the statistics and the in quiry have bee n inconven ie nt.Therefore,how to solve these in sufficie ncies,let the marks man ageme nt to be more convenient and quickly,have a higher efficie ncy,a nd become a key questi on.More and more are also urge nt along with

17、 school automatio nthe marks man ageme nt whe n scie nee and tech no logy rapid developme nt,therefore is esse ntial to develop the software system of marks register to assist the school teachi ng man ageme nt.So that can improve the marks man ageme nt,e nhance the efficie ncy of man ageme nt.We cut

18、 n ature up, orga nize it into con cepts, and ascribe sig nifica nces as we do, largely becausewe are parties to an agreement that holds throughout our speech com mun ity and is codified in the patter ns of our Ian guage we cannot talk at all except by subscribing to the organization and classificat

19、ion of data which the agreeme nt decrees. Benjamin Lee Whorf (1897-1941)The gen esis of the computer revoluti on was in a machi ne. The gen esis of our program ming Ian guages thus tends to look like that mach ine.But computers are not so much mach ines as they are mind amplificati on tools (bicycle

20、s for the mind,” as Steve Jobs is fond of saying) and a different kind of expressive medium. As a result, the tools are beg inning to look less like mach ines and more like parts of our min ds, and also like other forms of expressi on such as writi ng, pain ti ng, sculpture, ani mati on, and filmmak

21、 ing. Object-orie nted program ming (OOP) is part of this moveme nt toward using the computer as an expressive medium.This chapter will introduce you to the basic concepts of OOP, including an overview of development methods. This chapter, and this book, assumesthat you have some program ming experi

22、e nee, although not n ecessarily in C. If you think you n eed more preparati on in program ming before tackli ng this book, you should work through the Thinking in C multimedia sem inar, dow nl oadable from www.Mi ndView. net.This chapter is backgro und and suppleme ntary material. Many people do no

23、t feel comfortable wadi ng in to object-orie nted program ming without un dersta nding the big picture first. Thus, there are many con cepts that are in troduced here to give you a solid overview of OOP. However, other people may not get the big picture con cepts until they ve seen some of the mecha

24、nics first; these people may become bogged down and lost without some code to get their hands on. If youe part of this latter r group and are eager to get to the specifics of the Ian guage, feel free to jump past this chapteskipp ing it at this point will not preve nt you from writi ng programs or l

25、earning the Ian guage. However, you will want to come back here eve ntually to fill in your kno wledge so you can un dersta nd why objects are importa nt and how to desig n with them.All programming Ianguages provide abstractions. It can be argued that the complexity of the problems youre able to so

26、lve is directly related to the ki nd and quality of abstraction. By kind” I mean. What is it that you are abstracting? Assembly Ian guage is a small abstracti on of the un derly ing mach ine. Many so-called imperative languages that followed (such as FORTRAN, BASIC, and C) were abstractions of assem

27、bly Ianguage. These Ianguages are big improvements over assembly Ian guage, but their primary abstract ion still requires you to thi nk in terms of the structure of the computer rather tha n the structure of the problem you are trying to solve. The programmer must establish the associati on betwee n

28、 the mach ine model (i n the solution space which is the place where youre implementing that solution, such as a computer) and the model of the problem that is actually being solved (in the 16 Thi nking in Java Bruce EckelThe object-oriented approach goes a step further by providing tools for the pr

29、ogrammer to represe nt eleme nts in the problem space. This represe ntatio n is general eno ugh that the programmer is not con stra ined to any particular type of problem. We refer to the eleme nts in the problem space and their represe ntati onsin the soluti on space as objects.”(You will also need

30、 other objects that don thave problem-space analogs.) The idea is that the program is allowed to adapt itself to the lingo of the problem by add ing new types of objects, so whe n you read the code describ ing the solution, you re reading words that also express the problem. This is a more flexible

31、and powerful language abstraction than what we ve had before.1 Thus, OOP allows you to describe the problem in terms of the problem, rather than in terms of the computer where the soluti on will run. There sstill a conn ecti on back to the computer:Each object looks quite a bit like a little compute

32、 it has a state, and it has operatio ns that you can ask it to perform. However, this doesntseem like such a bad an alogy to objects in the real world they all have characteristics and behaviors.Java is making possible the rapid development of versatile programs for com muni cati ng and collaborat i

33、ng on the Intern et. Were not just talk ing word processors and spreadsheetshere, but also applications to handle sales, customer service, accounting, databases, and human resources-the meat and potatoes of corporate computi ng. Java is also making possible a con troversial new class of cheap machines called network comput

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