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1、我叫MT第二季第7集1. 路人甲:“哎呀真可憐”What a poor fellow!2. 路人乙:“會不會是騙子啊?最近這種騙子很多啊”He may be a fraud, lots of frauds are doing this nowadays.3. 路人甲特寫:“有胳膊有腿的,外面殺只1級的野豬都能賣幾個銅幣么”Hes able to go outside and kill some boars for coppers actually.4. 路人乙說:“算了,施捨1G吧”Whatever, I will give him 1G5. 路人甲:“好吧好吧,這類騙子都是有組織的,鬧不好刷

2、你全家”Ok,fine, and beware of his mates, they may cause you some trouble.6. 路人乙:“小聲點,別叫他聽到”Speak quietly, he is listening.7. lr:“mt!你的強力裝備呢?”Mt, where is your decent gears?8. mt傷心的說:“哎。被一個叫K哥的流氓騙光了。”Sigh, got ripped off by Brother K9. lr特寫,大怒:“什麽!是誰?!兄弟給你出頭去!”WTH, Who is this guy? Im gonna get even wit

3、h him!10. mt特寫說:“算了,你鬥不過他。”Dont, you cant deal with him.11. lr大怒:“what!?不能夠你等著!”What? I cant? you just wait for me!12. mt問:“你不想說點啥咩?”You dont want to say something?13. lr特寫說:“來,坐,坐”Come, sit.14. lr說:“來,我們roll100,100以下為小,100以上為大,我壓大你壓小”Ok, lets roll 1-100, if you roll less than 100 you win15. mt說:“我才

4、不上當呢!”I dont buy it! Dont fool me!16. 路人甲說:“呦喝?著倆要飯的待遇還不錯”Wow, these 2 beggers have got really well-payed jobs17. 路人甲特寫:“還有烤豬吃,比我伙食都好啊”They eat pork, better than my food18. 路人乙說:“行了,少說兩句,得一會丐幫來把你滅了”Youre talking too much, beware they may come to murder you19. 路人乙:“既然有烤豬吃就施捨一個銀幣得了”Now that they got p

5、ork, i just give them 1 silver.20. 路人甲說:“行了,走了走了”Ok, good enough, lets go21. lr說:“哇哈哈這是俺第1次比mt先搶到錢”Ahhaha, got it this time22. lr特寫:“咦?mt咋了?”然後晃晃手裡的銀幣說:“看,錢啊”Hmmm? Whats wrong?.see, money gold23. lr說:“mt,怎麼了?”Whats wrong with you MT?24. fs說:“lr,你真八卦!”Huntard youre still so chatty25. fs打招呼:“hi”Hi26.

6、lr特寫:“哦?fs好久不見啊這兩天你去哪了?”Oh? Mage, long time no see where have you been these days?27. fs特寫:“我請盜賊姑娘幫陪我去辦了點事情”Rogue girl and me went to do some.things28. lr特寫:“噢什麽事情?”What did you do?29. fs特寫:“那天在南海打架的時候突然來了一個高級的聯盟還記得不?”Do you remember the ret pally in Southshore?30. 女dz特寫:“著2個傢伙當時在和飛行管理員交流心得。”Dont as

7、k them, they was playing with flightmaster there.31. fs特寫:“哦,這樣啊,那和你們說了你們也不知道”然後轉頭說;“早知道昨天應該留住sm,她肯定能幫上忙的”Oh,i see. ok forget it.Should tell Shammy to stay here, she would be more helpful.32. mt特寫,大驚:“啊?sm去哪了?”Shammy? where is she?33. fs特寫:“他說你走了,然後傷心的回家耕地去了”She thought you quitted WOW,so she went b

8、ack home and was doing some farming34. mt大怒:“什麽!?母牛應該擠奶才對,怎麼能耕地呢!”A cow is not a good farmer would be a good milker.35. lr說:“對了,mt,你還沒有說完昨天發生了什麽呢”Right, MT, You didnt finish you talking, about what happened yesterday.36. 女dz說:“fs你留下和他們一起吧,我在這裡有些話他們可能不方便說,我們先告辭了”Mage you stay with them, they cant rea

9、lly talk when im here, see you later.37. fs說:“好吧,那如果有時間還要麻煩你幫我留意一下他”Alright, plz tell me if you get some news about him38. 女dz特寫:“好的,後會有期。”No problem see you.39. xd說:“這位兄弟,都是一個公會的,來件銀鱗胸甲不?”Hey bro, We are guildies, would you like a Shinning Silver Breastplates40. xd特寫說:“我覺得你買不起。”Well i think you can

10、t afford it41. fs特寫,說:“原來是這樣啊”So thats how it is42. fs特寫:“其實我一直覺得mt是個可靠的牛呢”I think Mt is quite a reliable bull actually43. mt猥瑣的笑:“啊?真的么,嘿嘿”You really think so? heihei44. fs特寫,2手一攤繼續說:“原來是我不了解mt。”I misunderstood about MT45. xd說:“噢哀木涕”Hey MT46. xd特寫,說:“哀木涕,你在搞行為藝術么?”MT, are you doing some kind of per

11、formance art?47. mt特寫:“什麽是行為藝術啊?”What is performance art?48. xd特寫:“噢,像你等凡牛是不會懂得這種跨世紀的藝術的看,就像你們”You mortal bulls never know the real epic performance art, for example,49. xd說:“我可以為此命名,一條牛與一根巨魔不得不說的故事”I can name you twos story the tale i have to tell: a sloppy bull and a skinny troll50. mt大怒:“毛故事,我被人騙

12、光了才這樣的!”What the fxck the sloppy? ive just got ripped off.51. xd特寫:“哦是嗎?可喜可賀可喜可賀呀”Oh really? LMAO, grats52. lr特寫:“同喜,同喜”Grats53. xd:“好了,你繼續說吧,到底怎麼回事?”Ok, whatever, and, what the hell happened really?54. mt說:“哎,丟人的事還要說這麼多遍。”A shameful experience, i dont want to tell you55. xd憤怒這說:“喝!快說!到底是哪些英雄好漢做了這些行

13、俠仗義的事?我。我送他們銀鱗胸甲去”Tell me now! Who was the hero ripped off you? I will thank him with a Shinning Silver Breastplates56. xd特寫:“喔,我太激動了。不過話說回來,這麼蠢的騙術你都上當”Sorry I was just too excited. but again, this was a so stuipd trick and you bought it.57. xd說:“天下除了你這個廢物。”然後看看lr又看看mt說:“除了你們著2個廢物外不會有第三人了”Theres no

14、other people like you.too dump.58. 獸人小孩說:“就快到了我呆地可牛了呢”We will be there soon, my daddy is great man59. xd半身特寫:“哀木涕,你說的就是這3個小兔崽子?”MT,are these fxcking kids that you were talking about?60. mt說:“是啊”Yeah61. xd說:“你就一點憤怒都沒有么?不想去報仇么?”Dont you hate them? dont you want to teach them a lesson?62. mt特寫:“爲什麽啊?”W

15、hy?63. xd說:“他們不是騙了你的錢么?”They swindled you money64. mt變怒:“就是,靠!老子都忘了!”Right! I almost forgot!65. xd特寫:“哀木涕,你不能這麼傻。”Come on MT, You cant be so silly.66. 獸人小號說:“咦?你個黑牛,敢當老子的路?”Hey you dirty black bull, move your ass.67. mt大怒:“把我的錢還我!”Give me my money!68. 獸人小號說:“我呆地騙的就是你你個黑裝備的沒教養的牛”You fxcking ninja bul

16、l, you deserve it!69. xd說:“噢你們這麼做就不對了,雖然哀木涕。”No this is wrong, Actually MT is.70. 獸人小號說:“你算老幾!?瞧你那窮樣也敢根我說話”Who the fxck are you? look at your poor dress up71. xd抽獸人小孩特寫:“哦噠噠噠噠噠噠!小兔崽子,敢跟俺德爺叫板!”Arrr dadadadadada fxcking kid, you show me no respect!72. xd:“走,哀木涕,咱們去打副本,錢沒了再打唄”Lets go MT, we run instanc

17、e for money, everything will be restored73. 獸人小孩邊蹦邊罵:“你們等著,我告我呆地去,我叫我呆地騙死你們!”You bastards wait here for me! gonna tell my daddy!74. 大小姐說:“有什麽話就說吧。”Youve got something to say?75. 姚明臉說:“是。”Yeah76. 姚明臉說:“大小姐,我多句嘴,我認為現在首要的不應該是繼續尋找他了。”Lady,IMO we should not look for him for now.77. 大小姐說:“爲什麽?”Why?78

18、. 姚明臉說:“他給您帶來的麻煩已經夠多了。您現在面臨的是會長的權利得失問題, 他們會繼續拿這件事來給您施壓。”He brought you too many troubles, the priority would be your guild matters, they want your guild master crown79. 姚明臉:“一旦權利落到他們手裡,您哥哥臨走前的心願豈不是全部毀之一旦了。”If they succeed, your brother just passed you guild leader for nothing.80. 大小姐特寫:“你說的對,但我只是個小女

19、人,又如何統帥三軍。”You are right, i am just a little girl, how could i manage a big guild.81. 姚明臉特寫:“一點也不小。不過您也不能一味的找您的老相好而逃避現實呀。”You are not a little girl.however, you should not just ask your old frame for comfort82. 大小姐說:“你要再敢提這3個字。”Dare you say these there words again!83. 姚明臉:“噢,大小姐息怒,大小姐威武。”Oh Sorry my

20、 Lady, Oh sorry i dont mean it84. 姚明臉說:“暗夜男,以後不管發生什麽事,你一定要保護好大小姐。”NE,Whatever happens, youve got to protect Lady.85. 大小姐說:“好了,我們上路吧,到了米奈希爾港后再做休息”Enough, we move out now, we will rest at Menethil Harbor86. 姚明臉特寫:“恐怕到之前還要再休息個10幾次。”Im afraid we will rest like 10 times before that87. 姚明臉:“啊!。”一聲慘叫Ahhhhh

21、h88. 神秘人說:“這麼說他們要求你退會了?”So, they asked you to gquit?89. 神秘人說:“既然如此,你也沒必要再繼續撐下去了,我們這邊基本已經準備好了”then you dont have to stay, we have a place for you here.90. 神秘人:“還有,你也應該叫你哪位大小姐知道些什麽了”And, you should let your Lady to know something about this.91. 神秘人繼續說:“不然她這麼調查下去早晚會查出些什麽,反而有可能洩露我們自己的計畫”Otherwise she ma

22、y find out something, and delay our plan92. 獸人獵人說:“怎麼了?”Whats wrong?93. 女dz說:“那個聯盟,就是前幾天南海之戰時來增援聯盟的傢伙”That alliance,he is that ret pally in Southshore94. 獸人獵人特寫:“那又怎樣,誰都可能來增援他們”So what, anyone could be there.95. 女dz特寫說:“我只是比較在意這個人。”I just mind him96. 獸人獵人:“爲什麽會在意那個人類?”Why do you mind that human?97.

23、女dz說:“還記得那天與我交手的人類法師么?”Do you remember that human mage at that day?98. 獸人獵人說:“嗯?就是那個方臉的老傢伙?”The brick head old mage?99. 女dz說:“嗯,很早之前我在石爪山做任務的時候也遇到過那個法師,自然打了起來”Long time ago I knew this old guy in Stonetalon Mountains, we were fighting there.100. 女dz:“雖然沒有打贏他,但他也沒有占什麽便宜,隨後我原本打算尾隨著他找機會再偷襲一次”I didnt wi

24、n, however he didnt take any advantage, I was planning to gank him.101. 女dz特寫:“誰想他約了幾個聯盟的會面,我不得不放棄偷襲的念頭,但是。”but there were some other alliance coming, my plan was failed102. 女dz說:“但是在他會面的幾個人中,其中就有這個來增援他們的騎士。”And this ret paladin was among them.103. 獸人獵人說:“啊?這有什麽奇怪的?。”Yeah? anything weird?104. 女dz說:“

25、我原本也沒在意,但是那天髮絲見到這個騎士后說想起了什麽。”I didnt mind him, but Mage girl that day she said she remembered somthing about him.105. 獸人獵人說;“這事和髮絲有什麽關係?”So what he did with Mage?106. 女dz特寫:“事後我問過髮絲,不過這傢伙除了想辦法做各種麵包外似乎並沒有想起什麽有關的內容,但通過零星的片段,我覺得這事情沒有這麼簡單”I asked her, but she remembered nothing except making bread. Howe

26、ver with my sixth sense, I think it was not that simple107. 女dz慢慢抬起頭嚴肅的說:“或許,會涉及到我們整個部落。”This might be something, about our entire horde108. 獸人獵人:“什麽!?”What are you talking about?109. T1說:“好,那就這麼決定,我去找大小姐說明此事,你回去繼續準備吧”Ok this is it. I go find Lady to explain this, you go get ready for our plan.110.

27、神秘人說:“不要讓她知道的太多,她的性格你再瞭解不過了。”Dont let her know too much, you knew her.111. T1說:“嗯,我知道”I understood112. 女dz特寫說:“他們分開了”They split up113. 女dz說:“我還是覺得跟著他們去看看比較好,剩下的事交給你了,暫時不要對外透露,你一會直接與他們會合吧,會合之後聯繫我”I think wed better to keep eye on them, you meet them secretly, and tell me when you are there.114. 獸人獵人特

28、寫:“自作主張的傢伙,臭毛病什麽時候能改改。”Ok Mrs Mum115. mt說:“噢,又穿回這身破爛了。”Well I get my crap gears back116. xd說:“知足吧,看lr,從全身強力裝備到光腚,一順間經歷了人間大喜大悲。”Be content man, look at Huntard, from a geared hunter to a naked one.117. xd說:“好了,我們出發吧誒?對了,呆賊呢?”Ok,lets go, and where is Rogue?118. lr特寫,臉紅著說:“就是就是,我一直沒有找到美屢,密她也不理我”Yeah, a

29、nd I cant find my Beauty, I whispered her but no reply119. mt特寫:“我們在說呆賊”We are talking about Rogue.120. lr蹲在地上紅著臉扭扭捏捏的121. mt怒裝:“lr你在幹嘛!?”Huntard what are you doing?122. xd特寫:“一定又在想什麽不要臉的事情了”Must be thinking of something dirty123. fs特寫:“我們要不要去找傻饅呀?”Shall we go find Shammy?124. xd特寫說:“那你得問問這個沒教養的傢伙”Y

30、ouve got to ask this bull125. mt特寫,猶豫了一下:“等我變強力再去找傻饅吧。”Well I may go find her after i getting leveled.126. xd特寫:“噢那好,我們出發吧剃刀沼澤地幹活”Ok, good, so lets get ready to run RFK127. mt問:“為啥去剃刀沼澤啊?”Why RFK?128. xd特寫:“我也不知道,導演這麼安排的”I dont know, the director wants us to do so.129. lr特寫說:“哎呀哎呀每次去一個新的地圖我都興奮的不得了”Aya,aya, I always get excited when we are going to run a new instance.130. xd特寫:“可惜傻饅和呆賊不在,還是大家一起玩高興啊”However Shammy and Rogue are not here, it would be happier if everyone is here.131. lr特寫:“哼呆賊一定會回來的,他才不會隨便扔下同伴呢”Rogue never

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