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1、高中生物实验知识点汇总汇总一容器与耗材(vessel(容器、船舶、血管) & consumable material)量杯 measuring cup 量筒 measuring flask/measuring cylinder烧杯 beaker 烧瓶 flask 搅拌棒stirring rod 玻棒 glass rod容量瓶 volumetric flask/measuring flask 锥形瓶 conical flask试管 test tube 试管架 test tube holder/rack 试管刷test-tube brush试剂瓶 reagent bottles 广口瓶 wide-

2、mouth bottle 细口瓶 narrow-mouth bottle 小瓶 vial 洗瓶 plastic wash bottle 洗耳球 rubber suction bulb小滴管 dropper 玻璃活塞 stopcock 塞子 stopper/plug比色皿cuvette 培养皿 culture dish漏斗 funnel 漏斗架cast-iron ring酒精灯alcohol burner 酒精喷灯blast alcohol burner 铁架台iron support坩埚 crucible 坩埚钳 crucible clamp蒸馏装置distilling apparatus 水

3、浴锅water bath kettle真空泵vacuum pump橡胶管rubber tubing 止水夹flatjaw pinchcock 万能夹extension clamp移液管 (one-mark) pipette 吸液管/移液枪 pipette 移液枪枪头 pipette tips离心管Centrifuge tube 微量离心管(EP管)Eppendorf tube离心机转子 rotor电泳槽Gel tank 电线Electrical leads 电泳用的梳子Comb搅拌装置 stirring device 研磨钵 mortar 研杵pestle 托盘Tray 称量纸weighing

4、 paper 药匙lab spoon载玻片Slide glass 盖玻片Cover glass滤纸 filter paper 滤器 filterpH试纸 universal ph indicator paper电极electrode 阳极,正极anode 极,负极cathode水银温度计mercury-filled thermometer剃刀刀片razor blade 手术刀scalpel垃圾袋disposable bag 垃圾桶garbage bin 桶 bucket 橡皮筋 rubber band 牙签Toothpick 保鲜膜preservative film 口罩respirator石

5、蜡封口膜Parafilm 鱼缸aquarium 铝箔aluminium foil螺丝钉Screw 锁紧螺母Nut, Cap nut 钉Nail 镊子forceps 剪刀scissor扳手Shifting spanner 灯泡Globe 复印纸Copy paper 复写纸Carbon paper 擦镜纸wiper for lens计时器Timer 闹钟Alarm clock 记号笔 marker pen 圆珠笔芯RefillU形钉/订书钉Staple 订书机Stapler 衣服挂钩Coat hanger 打孔器stopper borer 注射器 syringe 注射器活塞 plunger三仪器

6、(apparatus)恒温循环仪Thermostatic circulator(circulate circulation)磁力搅拌器magnetic stirrer 离心机 centrifuge 涡旋振荡器Vortexing machine电子显微镜Electro Microscope光学显微镜Optical Microscope倒置显微镜Inverted Microscope解剖镜anatomical lens电泳仪Electrophoresis System电泳电源Electrophoresis power supply凝胶系统Gel system 酶标仪ELIASA恒流泵constan

7、t flow pump PCR仪Instrument for Polymerase Chain Reaction核磁共振波谱仪Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer摇床Shaker紫外-可见光分光光度计UV-Visible Spectrophotometer(分光仪vs分光光度仪)超滤器Ultrahigh Purity Filter超低温冰箱Ultra-low Temperature Freezer超声破碎仪Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor(ultrasonic 超声的,disrupt破坏 分裂的)紫外照明Ultraviolet ill

8、umination 紫外观察灯Ultraviolet Lamp/Light烘箱oven 微波炉microwave oven 电磁炉electromagnetic oven电子天平Electronic balance 天平 balance/scale 分析天平 analytical balance 台秤 platform balance (cm centimeter) 转接器/适配器Adapter 封口设备Sealing equipment 复印机Duplicator, copying machine 超净工作台super clean bench 药柜Cupboard 通风橱 fume cupb

9、oard培养箱incubator CO2培养箱CO2 Incubators空调机Air conditioner pH计 pH meter 计算器 calculator/numerator四化学试剂(reagent)3、其他化学试剂HCL盐酸hydrochloric acid 氢氧化钠NaOH sodium hydrate/hydroxide无水乙醇absolute ethanol 氯仿Chloroform冰醋酸glacial acetic acid氯化钠Sodium chloride 生理盐水physiological saline蒸馏水distilled water 蔗糖溶液sucrose

10、solution 碘液iodine solution斐林试剂Fehling reagent 双缩脲试剂biuret reagent 苏丹sudanIII 甲基绿methyl green 吡罗红pyronin龙胆紫溶液gentian violet solution健那绿染液Janus green B 酚酞phenothalin 溴麝香草酚蓝水溶液Bromide blue water solution 碳酸钙CaCO3 calcium carbonate 二氧化硅SiO2 Silicon dioxide 过氧化氢H2O2 hydrogen peroxide 过氧化氢酶catalase FeCl3溶

11、液琼脂Agar胰蛋白胨Tryptone 酵母提取物yeast extract色素Pigment:胡萝卜素carotene、叶黄素lutein、叶绿素a chlorophyll a、叶绿素b chlorophyll b 重铬酸钾溶液Potassium dichromate solution氯化钙 Calcium chloride高锰酸钾potassium hypermanganate甲醇 methanol(methyl alcohol)洗涤剂detergent CuSO4溶液CuSO4 solution Cu(OH)2溶液Cu(OH)2 solution阴离子anion 阳离子cation二实验

12、操作(manipulation):丢弃 discard 转移容器 decant冷却 chill down吸出 aspirate吹吸 blowing and suction离心收集 pellet重悬 resuspend沉淀precipitate沉淀物Sediment絮状沉淀 flocculent precipitate浑浊的 turbid燃烧combustion烘 bake灭菌 sterilize培养 foster通风 ventilate漂洗rinse中和neutralize稀释 dilute洗脱 elute蒸馏distil/distill脱水dehydrate水解hydrolysis分解dis

13、solution裂解物Lysate搅拌Stir/agitate溶解 dissolve上清 Supernatant研磨 grind破碎 crush过滤 filtrate电泳 Electrophoresis色谱chromatograph催化剂catalyst催化作用catalysis涡旋震荡Vortex抽滤suction filtration电转化electrotrans formation收菌 harvest发酵fermentation接种inoculate孵育 incubate切碎 chop/mince灌注perfusion浆液slurry四化学试剂(reagent)3、其他化学试剂肝素hep

14、arin二甲苯Xylene冰乙酸Acetic acid glacial硼酸Boric acid (H3BO3,61.83)巯基乙醇 mercaptoethanol咪唑 Imidazole盐酸胍guanidine hydrochloride乙酸钠Sodium acetate十二烷基磺酸钠Sodium dodecyl sulphate两性霉素amphotericin氨苄Ampicillin卡那霉素 Kanamycin醋酸钾Potassium acetate异丙醇Isopropanol醋酸铵Ammonium acetate异戊醇Isoamyl alcohol考马斯亮蓝 Coomassie brill

15、iant blue液氮liquid nitrogen次氯酸钠clorox苯酚phenol碱性 alkalinity2、核苷酸腺苷adenosine鸟嘌呤核苷guanosine胞苷cytidine胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷thymidine尿嘧啶核苷uridine 脱氧deoxy-1、氨基酸丙氨酸alanine (Ala, A)缬氨酸valine (Val, V)亮氨酸leucine (Leu, L)异亮氨酸isoleucine (Ile,I)脯氨酸proline (Pro, P)苯丙氨酸phenylalanine (Phe, F)色氨酸tryptophan (Trp, W)蛋氨酸methionine (

16、Met, M)甘氨酸glycine (Gly, G)丝氨酸serine (Ser, S)苏氨酸threonine (Thr, T)半胱氨酸cysteine (Cys, C)酪氨酸tyrosine (Tyr, Y)天冬氨酸asparagines (Asn, N)谷氨酰胺glutamine (Gln, Q)赖氨酸lysine (Lys, K)精氨酸arginine (Arg, R)组氨酸histidine (His, H)天冬氨酸aspartic acid (Asp, D)谷氨酸glutamic acid (Glu, E)Malvern College Qingdao, the first int

17、ernational high school for Chinese nationals is authorised by a leading British boarding school and approved by the Chinese Education Department.The core management team of Malvern College Qingdao consists of graduates from Harvard and Oxford University, who have considerable experience of working i

18、n leading multi-national organizations. Inheriting the ethos of Malvern College while adapting to the needs of students in China, Malvern College Qingdao strives to provide a forward-looking educational approach, suitable for developing leaders for the 21st century. With this vision, we offer a high

19、-quality personalized, holistic and international education at post-13 level.Malvern College Qingdao is situated in a beautiful 50-acre campus just outside the city of Qingdao, close to the scenic Lao Mountain area, and is equipped with some of the best educational facilities in Shandong. Adopting t

20、he best educational practices of British boarding schools, including personalized learning and small class sizes, our experienced expatriate teachers will help students gradually adapt to a Western-style learning environment, and achieve the best results possible given each students talents and abil

21、ities in their chosen examinations. Our carefully designed co-curricular, pastoral care and leadership development programs will develop students into well-rounded individuals, and prepare them not only for entry into leading universities worldwide, but also prepare them for their future careers.Wel










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