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1、医疗器械专业英语1 Despite this variation in complexity and cost however, they all have one factor in common and that is their need for electrical energy.译文:不论这些诊断成像设备的复杂性和价值有何不同,它们都有一个共 同的特点,那就是它们都需要不同形式的电能。2、 Such an energy conversion takes place in the power station, the heat energy released by burning co

2、al or oil being used to boil water and produce steam, which under pressure acts on the blades of a turbine causing it and the rotor to rotate.译文:电站所完成的就是(以下的)这种转换:用烧煤或油得到的热量烧 水,其产生的蒸汽以一定的压力作用于涡轮机的叶片, 使叶片和转子旋转。3、 To maintain the speed of rotation of the turbine more energy is needed to turn it and th

3、is extra energy is provided by burning more coal or oil and therefore increasing the pressure of the steam which drives the turbine. 译文:为了保持涡轮机的旋转速度就需要更多的能量来驱动它,也就是说 要消耗更多的煤或油来产生驱动涡轮机的蒸汽。4、 The electrical energy used by the consumer can never exceed the energy used by the power station and indeed wi

4、ll always be less as some energy is used in overcoming friction etc. in the turbine.译文:电站以电能形式提供给用户的能量绝对不可能多于电站本身所消耗 的能量,因为这其中还有一部分能量用来克服涡轮机本身的摩擦等阻力。5、 Each e.m.f. is stepped up at the power station to approximately 400kV by the use of h.t. ( high tension) transformers and transmitted to consumers t

5、hroughout the country via overhead transmission lines.每个电动势在电站中由高压变压器升压到接近 400kV,然后由高压线路传送到全国各地。6、 Each electrical component is rated in terms of the maximum current it can safely carry and the maximum voltage it can withstand.一般的电器元件都有额定电流或额定电压,也就是元件所能承受的 工作电流或电压的最大值。7、 As the fuse wire melts, if t

6、he current through it rises above a certain critical value, it will be appreciated that it is necessary to attach the fuse to a non-inflammable base or to situate the fuses in a fireproof box.由于保险丝在电流超过额定值时就会熔化,因此,必须将保险丝安 装在不易燃的底座上或防火盒内。8、 To overcome this difficulty, the manufacturer may use a circ

7、uit breaker rather than a fuse to protect the circuit and thus ensure that the current through the unit does not rise to an excessive value.为了克服这种缺陷,厂家常常使用(自动)断路器而不是保险丝来保 护电路,这样便能确保通过电路的电流不致于超过额定值9、 At predetermined critical temperature the strip is bent to such an extent that it releases a mechanis

8、m which opens the circuit.当金属片的温度到达预置的临界温度时 ,金属片的弯曲就可以带动一个联动的机构,使电路断开.10、At they are welded together and expand at different rates for the same temperature rise, the pressures cause the strip to bend, slowly at first, then more and more rapidly as the temperature rises.由于它们是焊在一起的,所以相同的温升时两金属片的不同伸长长

9、度就产生了一种力,使金属片弯曲。开始是缓慢的,随着温度的升高而越 来越快。11 It may be connected electrically to the high tension transformer by means of high tension cables or, alternatively and probably more likely, the stationary anode tube will be placed in the same casing as the high tension transformer- an arrangement previously

10、described on p.20.译文:固定阳极X线管可用高压电缆与高压变压器连接,也可与高压变压 器一起被放进同一管套内(形成组合式 X线管头)。有关结构在第20页已经述及。12 It is necessary to avoid air bubbles being drawn into the oil as this may result in electrical spark-over during an exposure and possible puncture of the glass envelope.译文:管套内油中必须避免气泡进入,否则会在进行 X线曝光时致使气泡中的空气电离

11、放电,并可能导致击穿玻璃管壁。13 To eliminate this possibility the bellows, on maximum contraction, operate a cut-out switch which prevents further exposures being made until such time as the oil has cooled sufficiently for the bellows to re-expand. 译文:为了消除这种可能, 可以用波纹管带动一个短路开关, 在波纹管全部压缩时,来防止在油冷却、波纹管恢复伸缩能力之前继续曝光。14

12、 Now it is important, from the point of view of tube loading, to have as large as a focal area as possible, so that the heat produced at the target during an exposure may be spread over as large an area as possible, thus minimizing temperature rise.译文:从X线管的负载角度看,管焦点应有尽可能大的面积,这是很重要的。 只有这样,曝光时靶面上所产生的热

13、量才会在尽可能大的面积上传导,使 靶面的温升降低。15 Heat energy is therefore spread over a large area which reduces temperature rise, whilst X-rays are produced from an area which appears to be much smaller, from the aspect of the central ray.译文:因此,热量在较大的面积上传导,使靶面温升降低。而从中心射线 方向看,X线是从比它实际焦点面积小得多的面积上产生的。16 I.The atoms of tun

14、gsten immediately below the surface are , however, at a much lower temperature and in consequence tremendous stresses are set up in the metal.译文:而贴近靶面的鸭原子的温度却很低,结果使金属中产生了极大的应 力。17 The high temperatures reached by the anodes of such tubes results in the thermal stresseswithin the anode which may caus

15、e distortion of the target angle with a consequent reduction in radiation output, a restriction in field size and in extreme cases cracking of the anode .译文:这种X线管阳极所达到的高温导致阳极内产生热应力会引起靶面角 度的变形,结果减少了射线的输出,限制了辐射野的尺寸,个别的还会导 致阳极龟裂。18 The rotor is mounted on a steel spindle, rotation being achieved by a r

16、otational magnetic field set up by a stator winding which, although fitted round the rotor, is situated outside the glass insert.译文:转子安装在钢轴上,有定子绕组产生的旋转磁场作用使其转动。定 子是在玻璃管外侧环绕在转子周围的。19 It is interesting to note that whilst a body is actually changing state its temperature remains constant.译文:有趣的是,当一物体的

17、状态确实改变了时,其温度仍然(保持)不 变。20 Assuming that no heat is lost to the surrounding air the temperature rise experienced by the body is determined by the amount of heat energy it has been given , the mass of the body and the material of which it is composed.译文:假设热量不向周围空气散失, 则受热物体的温升由给与的热量、 物 体的质量及组成物体的物质决定。21

18、 The transfer of heat through the bar is achieved by the gradual increase of molecular vibration throughout the bar, vibration of one molecule causing vibration of the next until all the molecules are vibrating at the same rate (assuming no loss of heat energy to the surrounding air).译文:热量在铜棒中的传递是通过

19、铜棒中不断增加的分子振动实现的。 一个分子振动引起邻近分子振动,直至所有分子在同一速率下振动(假设热 能不向周围空气中散失)。22 In a solid, the molecules of which the material is made are bonded tightly together, whereas in a liquid they are less tight and in a gas less tight again.译文:固体中组成物质的分子是紧密结合在一起的,而液体中分子的结合 不太紧密,气体的就更不紧密了。23 Because the molecules in a l

20、iquid are not tightly bound to one another the molecule has space in which to increase its vibration without unduly affecting its neighbouring molecules.译文:因为分子相互间的结合不紧密, 所以就具有增加振动的空间,并且对邻近分子几乎没有影响。24 Heat transfer by the process of radiation is, however, unique in that molecules are not an essentia

21、l prerequisite and heat can be transferred by the process of radiation through a vacuum.译文: 辐射过程的热传递却是独特的,不需要分子作为必要的先决条件。同时,辐射传热可以在真空中进行。25 The ratio of the voltage applied to the autotransformer winding, to the voltage tapped from it, is equal to the ratio of the number of turns to which the mains

22、voltage is applied, to the number of tapped turns.译文:自耦变压器绕组上所加的电压与绕组抽头电压的比等于所加的电源 电压匝数与抽头处匝数的比。26 As the magnetic field expands it passes through the core and through the copper windings, inducing a voltage into each turn of the winding and also into the iron core itself.译文:不断扩展的磁场经过铁芯和绕组时,在每匝线圈和铁芯

23、上均感应出 一个电压。27 Similarly, of course, any other kV may be obtained by applying the appropriate voltage to the primary winding and providing(conj.假若)the applied voltage remains constant we will always get the anticipated kV from the transformer secondary.译文:当然,同样地通过对初级绕组提供适当的电压其他任何千伏值都能 够得到。如果这个电压保持恒定,

24、那么,在变压器的次级就可以得到一个 期望的千伏值。28 Unfortunately, however, the primary voltage, which is obtained by tapping off a selected number of turns from the autotransformer varies with variation in the mains supply voltage.译文:但是由自耦变压器的抽头上得到的初级电压是随着电源电压的变化 而变化的。(因为抽头电压是随电源电压变化的, 即导致了初级电压和千伏值也随之变化。)29 Conversely, wh

25、en the selected tube voltage is reduced from 100kVp it is necessary to increase the filament heating current if the tube current is to be maintained at a constant value.译文:当选定的管电压从 100kVp下降时,为了使管电流保持在恒定值, 就必须加大灯丝的加热电流。30 This shows that at high kVp values it is the temperature of the target which li

26、mits the amount of the energy we can apply whilst at low kVp values it is the temperature of the filament which is the limiting factor.译文:这表明在高 kVp值时,靶的温度限制了我们所能施加的能量,而在 低kVp时灯丝温度则是其限制因素。31 If, however, the current is produced in bursts, where each burst has a peak value which is 1.57 times the aver

27、age value, it is easy to understand that, although the target receives the same amount of heat in total over the complete exposure, the surface temperature of the target is raised at the instants of peak value (A,B,C,D) to a much higher value, i.e. at constant potential.译文:但是,如果脉冲电流的每个脉冲的峰值为平均值的 4.5

28、7倍。显然,虽然在整个曝光期间靶接受的热量相同, 但在峰值(A,B,C,D)瞬间,靶表面温升高于恒定电流所产生的温升值,也就是恒定电压产生的温升值。32 Now, if the average current is to remain at 100mA,but, if on this occasion it is flowing for only half the time, the actual current flowing during each pulse must be doubled to achieve an average current of 100mA; the actua

29、l current per pulse must be 200mA.译文:如果平均电流仍要保持在 100mA,但此时只有一半时间有电流 (通过), 所以若要获得100mA的平均电流就必须使每一个脉冲的实际电流加倍 ;每个脉冲的实际(平均)电流必须是200mA.33 The rate of heat transfer from the focal area to the mass of the anode is, however, related to the peripheral dimensions of the focus as well as its actual area.译文:而焦点

30、面积到阳极整体的传热率与焦点周长尺寸及焦点的实际面积 有关。34 The peripheral dimensions of A are 10cm whilst those of B are 14cm and it can be readily appreciated that B conducts heat to its surroundings at a faster rate than A and in fact the rate of heat transfer varies proportionately to the peripheral dimensions rather than

31、 to the areas of the rectangles.译文: 矩形A的周长尺寸为40厘米,而B的周长为44厘米,不难看出 B向周围传递热量比 A快。实际上,传热率的变化与周长尺寸成正比,而 不是矩形面积。35、To sum up, loading is usually related to the peripheral dimensions of the focus but for very small focal spot sizes(e.g. microfocal spots) loading is more nearly related to the focal area.译文

32、:总之,负载常与焦点周长尺寸有关,但对于非常小的焦点尺寸(例 如,微焦点),负载则与焦点面积的关系更密切。36 If, during an exposure the anode is made to rotate at twice or even three times this speed it is possible to apply more heat to the target.译文:如果在曝光时,使阳极的转速为这个转速的二倍,甚至三倍的话, 就可以给靶施加更多的热量。37 For longer exposures it is recommended that a 50 cycle stator supply should be switched in so that the life of the tube may be extended, and this is done automatically in many units.译文: 对于较长的曝光时间,建议接通 50周的定子电源,这样可延长 X线管的寿命,在许多装置中这些都是自动完成的。38 We have seen tha

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