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1、微博英语from随你译【入学】enroll登记、报到 opening ceremony 开学典礼 orientation meeting 介绍会 lecture报告 tutorial学生发言 basic course基础课 specialized course专业课 required course必修课 optional/selective course选修课 open admission免试入学制auditor 旁听生 swot, grind 用功的学生 old boy 老生 【常用表达回应别人问候】Im doing well/great我很好/非常好 Very/pretty well非常好

2、/相当好 same old,same old/same as ever(usual)还是老样子 Nothing much /new没啥变化 Not too bad/no complain还可以 Just okay /All right可以 so so马马虎虎 I am fine很好 【实用口语】1.Get a move on!快点吧!2.Opportunity knocks but once.机不可失,时不再来.3.Easy does it.慢慢来.4.Dont push me.别逼我.5.Ill see to it 我会留意的.6.Can I give it a shot?我能试一下吗?7.

3、Thats out of the question.这是不可能的.8.You mustnt aim too high.你不可好高骛远. Ill put on a fake smile and pretend like I am not hurting inside. 我强颜欢笑,假装内心没受伤。 If love becomes too painful, then its time to let that love go and save yourself当爱情变得太过痛苦,那便是时候放手,拯救自己了。形容和某人“交情尚浅”,英语怎么翻译?可以说“We are just casual frien

4、ds”. 没什么深交的普通朋友。 也可以说,Were just on speaking terms. 形容“黄色低级”,英语可以说: indecent; dirty; off-color; blue; 例如 He made some indecent comments. 他的评论有点低级;That guy has a dirty mouth. 那男的嘴里老不干不净。He told an off-color joke in front of the boss. 他当着老板的面讲了个低级笑话。I heard its a blue movie. 我听说那电影特黄。 在餐厅点牛排常用的英语单词: ra

5、re 一分熟;medium rare 三分熟;medium 五分熟;medium well 七、八分熟;well done 全熟;给肉食男女 英语中和牙齿相关的表达:牙齿不齐是crooked. 牙套是braces. 保持器是retainer; 天包地是overbite; 地包天是underbite. 如,My teeth were crooked when I was young. I wore braces for two years. When the braces came off I had to wear a retainer. 我牙不齐,戴了两年牙套,然后又戴保持器。 英语“elb

6、ow room”怎么翻译?指可以伸展的空间。The kitchen is way too small. There is no elbow room at all. 这厨房太小了,连转身的地方都没有。I need to find a new job. My boss doesnt give me any elbow room for professional growth. 我得找份新工作,我老板一点专业发展的空间都不给我。 形容“粘人”英语怎么说?clingy. 例如:My daughter is very independent while my son is really clingy.

7、 我女儿很独立,儿子却很粘人。My girlfriend is really clingy. She calls me 20 times a day. 我女朋友特粘人,每天给我打20次电话。 英语“play ear”怎么翻译?指:见机行事。I didnt have time to prepare for the job interview. I will have to play it by ear. 我没时间为面试做准备,只好见机行事了。He is a spur-of-the-moment kind of guy. He never has plans and plays ev

8、erything by ear. 他干事喜欢心血来潮,从无计划,随机应变。 英语中,各种“生气”的表达方式:be furious with 对.大发雷霆;get angry/mad at对.生气; piss some1 off.惹某人十分的生气;get on ones nerves.让某人生气;lose ones rag 发脾气;blow a fuse勃然大怒;blow ones top怒发冲冠;go ballistic/mad/crazy非常生气 英语“picture perfect”指:完美。Todays weather is picture perfect. 今天天气好极了。Her we

9、dding was picture perfect. 她的婚礼完美无缺。 The performance was picture perfect. 表演圆满,没有一丝暇疵。I found my dream house. Its picture perfect. 我找到了梦寐以求的房子,简直完美无缺。 形容“美中不足”英语可以说“fly in the ointment”. 比如,it was a nice trip, but the fly in the ointment was having a flat tire on our way home. 这次出去玩得不错,美中不足的是,回家路上车胎

10、爆了。 形容某人本意是好的,英语可以说:ones heart is in the right place。例如:His criticism might be a bit harsh, but his heart was in the right place. 他的批评可能过于严厉,但他本意是好的。My father was really strict with me, but I knew his heart was in the right place. 我爸对我管得很严,但我知道他是本意是好的 英语中形容“某人心里肯定有小算盘”可以说 that guy definitely has a h

11、idden agenda. 英语“blow-by-blow”怎么翻译?指“详细地”。例如She was there when the fight broke out. She gave the police a blow-by-blow account of what went down. 她在打架现场,向警察详细讲述了经过。A: I saw Josh broke up with Tammy. B: Give me a blow-by-blow account. (A: 我看见Josh跟Tammy分手。B:快讲讲,什么都别落。) 形容“心不在焉”英语可以说 absent-minded, day

12、dreaming, 或是 woolgathering. 比如,Why are you always so absent-minded? 你怎么老是心不在焉?Im sorry, you were saying? I was daydreaming/woolgathering. 对不起,你说什么,我刚才走神了。 形容“激烈争吵”英语可以说“at each others throats”。例如: The couple are at each others throats all the time. 这两口子没事老吵架。The neighbors are at each others throats

13、for who is responsible for fixing the fence. 邻居为了谁应该负责修栅栏的事情发生了激烈的争吵。 形容“连续不断”英语可以说“for (hours/days/weeks) on end”。例如:She practices piano for hours on end. 她练钢琴一练就是几小时。He often disappears for days on end. 他经常莫名其妙地消失,一下就是好几天。My brother plays computer games for hours on end. 我弟弟玩电子游戏,一玩就是好几个小时。 形容“敷衍”

14、英语可以用 brush someone off. 比如,she brushed me off by saying that I need to make an appointment in order to see the boss. 她说我要预约才能见老板,用这种借口打发我。 英语“you name it”翻译过来就是“你随便点吧”的意思。例如Weve got all kinds of cell phones here. You name it, weve got it. 我们这什么手机都有,只要你能点得出来,我们就一定有。 英语“cough up”翻译成中文指“不情愿地交出”。例如My b

15、oss coughed up $500 to cover the party expenses. 老板很不情愿地拿出500块开party用。She made me cough up $100 to buy a wedding gift for Jen. 她逼我拿100块给Jen买结婚礼物。 形容某人是个“得力助手”英语可以说“right-hand man/woman ”。如Sarah has been my right-hand woman. Sarah一直是我的得力助手。He is the right-hand man of the boss. If you can get him on b

16、oard, your proposal will most likely get approved. 他是老板的左右手,如果他能支持你,你的提案八成没问题。 爱上了,英语的不同表达:I have a crush on him;I have feelings for him;I fell for him;I fell in love with him; I am in love with him;I care for him;I am crazy about him. 英语“fall head over heels for someone”形容“坠入爱河,难以自拔”。如I fell head o

17、ver heels for him the first time I met him. 我第一次见面就深深被他吸引。They fell head over heels for each other and got married within a month. 他们坠入爱河,不到一个月就结了婚。 快点,我们得抓紧时间了,英语怎么说。最简单的,Hurry! Hurry up! 还有 Step on it! Come on, we dont have all day. Get a move on. Lets shake a leg. 英语I wasnt born yesterday. 意思是我可不

18、傻,别想骗我。比如,You cant expect me to believe that. I wasnt born yesterday. 你不会真以为我会相信吧?我又不傻。Youd better come up with a better excuse. Your boss wasnt born yesterday, you know. 你最好想个更好点的借口,你老板可不傻。 “忽悠”英语怎么翻译。根据语境,忽悠可以用 trick, bamboozle, hoodwink, jerk around. 比如, Are you trying to trick me? 你想忽悠我是不是?Amy w

19、as bamboozled/hoodwinked into doing the work for Bill. Amy被忽悠,替Bill做他的工作。Stop jerking me around! 别再忽悠我了。形容“至关重要”,英语可以说:1、Thats the key point. 2、Thats the main idea. 3、Thats what its all about. 4、Thats the bottom line. 形容“无关紧要”,英语可以说“beside the point”。例如 Thats an interesting observation, but beside t

20、he point. 这种看法很有意思,但不重要。I know he doesnt have money, but thats beside the point. 我知道他没钱,但这并不重要。 形容“看不到头”英语可以说“no end in sight”。如:The jobless rate continues to climb, with no end in sight. 失业率继续攀升,看不到头。The strike has entered its second week, with no end in sight. 罢工进入第二周,没有结束迹象。 成语“亡羊补牢”,英语翻译中,也有类似的表

21、达,就是:Close the barn door after the horses have gone 形容某人很低调,英语可以说Keep a low profile。例如He has been trying to keep a low profile at work ever since the local newspaper ran a feature story on his art works. 当地报纸发表专题文章,介绍他的艺术作品后,他在工作单位一直努力保持低调。形容在二者间找到平衡,英语可以说“walk a fine line”。如: Parents have to walk a

22、 fine line between keeping an eye on their children and respecting their childrens privacy. 父母既要随时注意孩子的动向,又要尊重孩子的隐私,并设法在这二者间找到平衡。 英语not in my book,正确翻译是“我不这么想”。例如A: Do you think the plan will work out? B: Not in my book. (A: 你觉得这计划能行得通吗?B: 要我说没戏。) A: I think he is telling the truth. B: Well, not in

23、my book. (A: 我认为他说的是实话。B: 我可不这么想。) 英语bury ones head in the sand,指逃避现实(驼鸟的习惯动作)。如:We are losing market share to our competitors. We have to stop burying our heads in the sand and push for changes. 竞争对手正在抢走我们的市场份额,我们不能再逃避现实了,必须大力推动变革。形容“唾手可得”英语可以说For the taking。如:If anyone is interested in the ticket,

24、 its there for the taking. 谁想要这张票,就是他的了。She is head and shoulders above all other contestants. it looks like the gold medal is hers for the taking. 她比其它参赛者强得多得多,看来金牌是非她莫属了。 英语“down to the wire”就是“到最后”。如:The election went down to the wire. 选举异常激烈,最后一刻才决出胜负。Both teams played hard and the game went dow

25、n to the wire. 两个队都全力以赴,比赛直到最后一刻才分出胜负。We worked down to the wire to finish the project. 我们赶项目,忙到最后一刻。When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thound reasons to smile.当生活给你100伤心的原因,你就还它1000个微笑的理由。 【#微短语#Banana俚语表达】1. go bananas (=become crazy) 发疯 2. big/top banana 主要人物、

26、大老板、最好的演员或重要的官员 3.second banana 第二选择、次要人物、配角 4.banana oil 明显夸大的吹捧4.banana skin 尴尬事、隐患 例句: 1. go bananas (=become crazy) 发疯 2. big/top banana 主要人物、大老板、最好的演员或重要的官员 3.second banana 第二选择、次要人物、配角 4.banana oil 明显夸大的吹捧4.banana skin 尴尬事、隐患 Never expect the perfect man,its not because that you cannot find, b

27、ut just because there is no perfect man不要期待完美的男人,不是因为你期待不到,而是根本没有完美的男人。 随你译小唠叨: A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.名誉胜过大财,恩宠胜过金银。或宁求令闻、愈于多财、宁得恩宠、愈于金银。 随你译小唠叨:Be thankful for what you have; youll end up having more. If you concentrate on what

28、 you dont have, you will never, ever have enough对于你所拥有的,要心存感激,这样便能拥有更多。若对你所没有的念念不忘,那永远也无法满足。 随你译小唠叨:Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover. Love ,promised between the fingers Finger rift,twisted in the love.凋谢是真实的 盛开只是一种过去 爱情在指缝间承诺 指缝在爱情下交缠。 随你译小唠叨:The danger of

29、 the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that men may become robots.在过去人们面临的危险是变成奴隶,而在将来危险是人类可能变成机器人。 随你译小唠叨:When you really matter to someone, that person will always make time for you. No excuse, no lies, and no broken promises- 如果一个人真的在乎你,那么他总能挤出时间来陪你,没有借口、谎言,没有不兑现的诺言。 随你

30、译小唠叨:I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although Ive no idea of who he/she is. But I feel happy every day for this. 我知道这世上有人在等着我,尽管我不知道TA是谁。但是我却因此每天都过得很快乐。 【各种娱乐节目】英语怎么说?相声:crosstalk 小品:witty skit 脱口秀:talk show 达人秀:Got Talent 相亲:dating show 合唱:chorus 杂技:acrobatics 魔术:magic 武术:martial art

31、s 二人转:song-and-dance duet 京剧:Peking Opera 配音秀:movie dubbing 朗诵:recital 独奏:instrumental solo 常用的英语短语,让你的口语听起来很地道: 1)I doubt it. 我怀疑;2)Let me see! 让我想想!3)Count me in! 算上我;4)Here you are. 给你;5)Take it easy! 别紧张!/再见! 6)What a pity! 太遗憾了 7)Long story short! 长话短说!8)Up to you! 你来决定 9)Just a second. 等一下10)K

32、eep it up! 坚持下去 喜欢的英语座右铭:The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.世界就像一本书,不旅行的人,只读过这本书里的一页。 搞砸了,英语怎么说?screw up 弄糟, 搞砸;trip up 犯错误,出差错;blow it 搞砸;mess up 一团糟;ruin it 搞砸,弄坏;foul up 搞砸。随你译小TIPS 地道英语口语:一千美元可以说“big one”. 例如:Ill give you three big ones for that old car. 三千块把那辆旧车卖给我。 【 办公用品的英文表达】:1)correction tap修改胶带 2)book stand书立 3)diary book日记簿 4)expanding file文件袋 5)globe地球仪 6)name card holder名片夹 7)office pin办公用大头针 7)paper fastener工字针 8)paper cuter切纸刀 9)stapler订书机 1

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