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1、优质外刊讲解以及相关题型改编G20峰会优质外刊讲解以及相关题型改编G20 峰会选自 BBCAmid raging anti-globalisation and rising unilateralism and protectionism, people are wondering where the world should be going. Countries are looking to the upcoming G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, which will be the tenth ever held and the first one in South

2、 America, for an answer. In my opinion, G20 should and can play an important role in three areas.First, it is a “major battlefield” for safeguarding multilateralism. G20 was set up ten years ago in response to the ravaging(损坏,严重破坏,常用于被动语态) international financial crisis. Today, G20 is an important v

3、enue(场 所,地点) for consultation and decision-making on issues of development and global governance by developed anddeveloping countries alike on an equal footing. This definitely signifies the victory of multilateralism.History has shown that multilateralism conforms to the trend of the times and serv

4、es the common interests of all countries. That is why China believes in building a new type of state-to-state relations featuring win-win cooperation,resolving differences through equal-footed consultation in multilateral institutions based on international law and rules, and improving the global go

5、vernance system through reforms. I hope that G20 will send a clear message that it upholds multilateralism so as to lead economic globalisation in the right direction.Second, G20 is a “major platform” for strengthening economic and financial governance. With its members accounting for two thirds of

6、the global population, 60 per cent of the worlds land, 85 per cent of the global GDP and80 per cent of world trade volume, G20 plays an indispensable role in providing guidance to global economic cooperation.In the early years of G20 its members coordinated(调整,调节) their fiscal and financial policies

7、 and promotedreforms in the international financial institutions. These efforts have successfully led the world out of the financial crisis and back on the track of stability and recovery. Now is a new critical moment. As the world economy faces increasing risks and uncertainties, striking inequalit

8、y and imbalance, and surging protectionism, it is all the more important that G20 should uphold the spirit of partnership, shore up(支持,支撑) global confidence and work for robust(强健的,健康的), sustainable, balanced and inclusive world economic growth.Third, G20 is a “major channel” for addressing issues o

9、f global development. Many of problems facing the world boil down to(归结) insufficient development. With half of its member being developing countries, G20 represents the interests of the vast majority of developing countries and thus has the obligation (义务,责任)to create more opportunities for them by

10、 promoting world economic growth, and to offer them more support by enhancing international cooperation on development.Going forward, G20 should continue to give priority to the issue of development as it coordinates global macro policy. This includes implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Dev

11、elopment, making preferential policies that facilitate(促进,帮助) development and creating new driving forces for developing countries to eradicate(根除, 消灭) poverty, tackle the bottlenecks(瓶颈) and grow their economy.Word bank1. Ragen. 暴怒;狂怒; (某情况引起的)愤怒,暴力行为v. 发怒;怒斥; 猛烈地继续;激烈进行; 迅速蔓延;快速扩散 例句:His face was

12、dark with all the rage 十分流行;成为时尚;风靡一时He raged against the injustice of it all. The riots raged for three days.Forest fires were raging out of control.2. Look to 注意;指望;照看look down(on) 瞧不起; 向下看 look ahead 向前看; 展望未来look about 四下环顾; 四周环视 look into 观察;窥视;浏览look up 仰望(to);查阅;尊敬;拜访 look back (on st

13、h) 回首(往事);回忆;回顾look sb up and down 上下仔细打量,挑剔地审视(某人)3. IssueN. 议题; 问题;忧虑报刊; 邮票;钱币;股份She usually writes about environmental issues.Money is not an issue. I dont think my private life is the issue here.Im not bothered about the costyoure the one whos making an issue of it.The article appeared in issue

14、25.The company is planning a new share issue .be at issue 是讨论的焦点What is at issue is whether she was responsible for her actions.take issue with sb (about/on/over sth) 向某人提出异议;开始与某人争论I must take issue with you on that point.V. 宣布;公布;发出; (正式)发给,供给; 出版;发表They issued a joint statement denying the charge

15、s.The police have issued an appeal for witnesses. 警方发出了寻找目击证人的呼吁。to issue passports/visas/ticketsWe issue a monthly newsletter.They issued a special set of stamps to mark the occasion.4. on an equal footing 立于平等地位;平等对待International Womens Day is a chance to pay tribute to ordinary women throughout t

16、he world and is rooted in womens centuries-old struggle to participate in society on an equal footing with men.5. Volumen. 体积;容积;容量; 量;额; 音量;响度 jars of different volumes 不同容量的罐子 This work has grown in volume recently.New roads are being built to cope with the increased volume of traffic.Sales volume

17、s fell 0.2% in June. a library of over 50 000 volumes6. Face1. disappear/vanish off the face of the earth 完全消失;消逝得无影无踪2. face to face (with sb) 与某人)面对面3. face up/down 面朝上朝下4. in sbs face 批评某人,支使某人(使人恼火)5. in the face of sth 即使面对(问题、困难等)6. lose face 丢脸;失面子7. pull/make faces/a face (at sb) (对某人)耷拉着脸,板

18、着脸,做鬼脸8. to sbs face 当着某人的面7. Strikevi. 打,打击;罢工;敲,敲击;抓;打动;穿透vt. 打,击;罢工;撞击,冲击;侵袭;打动;到达n. 罢工;打击;殴打 例句:It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation. An awful thought has just struck me.Two days later tragedy struck.8. Surgen. 汹涌;大浪,波涛;汹涌澎湃;巨涌 v. 汹涌;起大浪,蜂拥而来 例句:The gates opened and the crowd

19、 surged forward.Flood waters surged into their homes. Relief surged through her. 她顿觉宽慰。 Share prices surged.9. AddressWe must address ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution. 我们必须设法解决交通污染问题。to address a meeting 在会议上发表演讲10. Priority n.优先事项;最重要的事;首要事情 Education is a top priority .Our first prior

20、ity is to improve standards. 我们的头等大事是提高水平。You need to get your priorities right. 分出轻重缓急。The search for a new vaccine will take priority over all other medical research.当堂一测:改编语法填空Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent. For the blanks with a given word

21、, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.Amid raging anti-globalisation and rising unilateralism and protectionism, people are wondering where the world should be

22、going. Countries are looking to the upcoming G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, (1) will be the tenth ever held and the first one in South America, for an answer. In my opinion, G20 should and can play an important role in three areas.First, it is a “major battlefield” for safeguarding multilateralism. G20

23、 was set up ten years ago in response (2) the ravaging international financial crisis. Today, G20 is an important venue for consultation and decision-making on issues of development and global governance by developed and developing countries alike on an equal footing. Thisdefinitely signifies the vi

24、ctory of multilateralism.History has shown that multilateralism conforms to the trend of the times and serves the common interests of all countries. That is why China believes in building a new type of state-to-state relations (3) (feature) win-win cooperation, resolving differences through equal-fo

25、oted consultation in multilateral institutions based on international law and rules, and improving the global governance system through reforms. I hope that G20 will send a clear message that it upholds multilateralism (4) lead economic globalisation in the right direction.Second, G20 is a “major pl

26、atform” for strengthening economic and financial governance. With its members accounting (5) two thirds of the global population, 60 per cent of the worlds land, 85 per cent of the global GDP and 80 per cent of world trade volume, G20 plays an indispensable role in providing guidance to global econo

27、mic cooperation.In the early years of G20 its members (6) (coordinate) their fiscal and financial policies and promoted reforms in the international financial institutions. These efforts have successfully led the world out of the financial crisis and back on the track of stability and recovery. Now

28、is a new critical moment. (7) the world economy faces increasing risks and uncertainties, striking inequality and imbalance, and surging protectionism, it is all the more important that G20 should uphold the spirit of partnership, shore up global confidence and work for robust, sustainable, balanced

29、 and inclusive world economic growth.Third, G20 is a “major channel” for addressing issues of global development. Many of problems (8) (face) the world boil down to insufficient development. With half of its member being developing countries, G20 represents the interests of the vast majority of deve

30、loping countries and thus has the obligation to create more opportunities for them by promoting world economic growth, and (9) (offer) them more support by enhancing international cooperation on development.Going forward, G20 should continue to give priority to the issue of development as it coordin

31、ates global macro policy. This includes implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, making preferential policies (10) facilitate development and creating new driving forces for developing countries to eradicate poverty, tackle thebottlenecks and grow their economy.【答案】1.which 3.fe

32、aturing as to/in order to 5.for 6.coordinated 7.As 8.facing offer10.that/which【解析】1. 考察非限制性定语从句,先行词为 G20 Summit,根据句意“各国正期待即将在布宜诺斯艾利斯举行的 20国集团(G20)峰会给出答案。这将是第十届峰会,也是南美洲首次峰会。”可知。2. 考察介词,in response to,固定搭配,响应,回答,根据句意“二十国集团是十年前为应对国际金融危机而 成立的。”可知。3. 考察非谓语动词,与 resolving,improving 并列。根据句意“因此,中国主张构建以合作共赢为核心的新 型国家关系。”4. so as to 和 in order to 两者都可以引导目的状语从句“为了”, in order to 在句子前面或中间皆可,而 so as so 不能放在句首。根据句意“我希望二十国集

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