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1、生活大爆炸第一季THEBIGBANGTHEROYS01E03字幕中英文对照打印版-Leonard:No. I cant look at you or your avatar right now.不,我现在不想看见你或是你的兽身。-Howard:Sounds like your neighbors home.好似是隔壁的声音。-Leonard:Excuse me.失陪。-Sheldon:Dont forget the mail you took accidentally we on purpose,别忘了带上你无意拿到的信件,so youd have an excuse to talk to h

2、er.这样你就有借口跟她说话了。-Leonard:Oh, right, right, right, right.噢,对,对。-Howard:Stealing snail mail- - very old school. I like it.-Leonard:Penny, the mailman, did it again. he. oh, sorry.Penny 邮差又. 哦,抱歉。-Penny:Um, oh, hi, Leonard. This is Doug.嗨,Leonard,这是Doug。Doug, this is my neighbor Leonard.Doug,这是我邻居Leona

3、rd。-Doug:Whats up, bro有事吗,老兄-Leonard:Not much. bro.没什么. 老兄。-Penny:Is everything okay一切还好吧-Leonard:Yeah, no, I just. I got your mail again. Here.是啊,我只是. 我又错拿了你的信,给你。-Penny:Thank you. Ive got to talk to that mailman.谢谢,我得和邮差说说了。-Leonard:Oh, no, thats probably not such a good idea.不,这主意不怎么好。You know, c

4、ivil servants have a documented propensity to, you know, snap, so.人民公仆总是非常容易.动粗,-Penny:Okay. Well, thank you again.好吧,还是谢谢你。-Leonard: No problem. Bye.没问题,再见。Oh, and bye. bro.哦再见.老兄。-Sheldon: Penny for your thoughts.呆呆地在想什么呢 (此谚语中正好有Penny一词)-Raj: Whats the matter怎么回事-Leonard:Im fine. Pennys fine.我很好,

5、Penny也很好。The guy shes kissing is really fine.和她接吻的家伙也很好。-Howard:Kissing, what kind of kissing Cheeks Lips?Chins?Friend?接吻,哪一种 脸颊 嘴唇 下巴 情人朋友-Leonard:What is wrong with you你什么毛病啊-Howard:Im a romantic.我是个浪漫主义者。-Sheldon: Please dont tell me that your hopeless infatuation is devolving into pointless jeal

6、ousy.别告诉我你不可救药的迷恋,开展成了无意义的嫉妒。-Leonard:Im not jealous. Im just a little concerned for her.我不是嫉妒,只是有点担忧她。I didnt like the look of the guy that she was with.我不怎么喜欢那家伙的长相。-Howard:Because he looks better than you因为他长得比你帅气-Leonard:Yeah. He was kind of dreamy.是啊,可以说是梦幻般的外形。-Sheldon: Well, at least now you

7、can retrieve the black box from the twisted, smothering wreckage that was once your fantasy of dating her至少你现在还能从燃烧的废墟里,找回装满对她美妙梦想的黑匣子,and analyze the data so that you dont crash into geek mountain.好好分析下数据,你就不会再坠入呆子谷。-Howard:I didnt agree, love is not a sprint; its a marathon- -我反对,爱情不是短跑,而是马拉松。a re

8、lentless pursuit that only ends when she falls into your arms.永不放弃地追逐,直到她最终投入你的怀抱。or hits you with the pepper spray.或是用防狼喷雾剂喷你。-Leonard:No, Im done with Penny.不,我和Penny结束了。Im going to be more realistic and go after someone my own speed.我要更现实些,去追求合我拍的人。-Raj:Like who比方谁-Leonard:I dont know. Olivia Gei

9、ger.不知道. Olivia Geiger。-Sheldon: The dietician at the cafeteria with the limp and the lazy eye自助餐厅里那个有点跛,还有弱视的营养学家-Leonard:Yeah.是的。-Sheldon: Oh, I dont think you have a shot there.哦,我看你没戏。I have noticed that Leslie Winkle recently started shaving her legs.我注意到Leslie Winkle最近在刮她的腿毛。Now given that win

10、ter is coming,既然冬天都已经到了,one can only assume shes signaling sexual availability.只能说明她是在暗示,她可以作为做爱对象。-Howard:I dont know. You guys work in the same lab.我不清楚,你们在同一个实验室。-Leonard:So?所以呢-Howard:There are pitfalls. Trust me, I know.这有隐患,相信我,我清楚。When it comes to sexual harassment law, Im a bit of a self-tau

11、ght expert.说到性骚扰的相关法律,我可是自学而成的专家。-Leonard:Look, Howard, if I were to ask Leslie winkle out, it would just be for dinner.Howard,如果我要约Leslie Winkle出去,也只是吃顿饭。Im not going to walk into the lab, ask her to strip naked and dance for me.我不会去实验室,要她为我跳脱衣舞。-Howard:Oh, then youre probably okay.哦,那你就没事了。-Leonar

12、d:Hello, Leslie.嗨,Leslie。- Leslie:Hi, Leonard.嗨,Leonard。-Leonard:Leslie, I would like to propose an experiment.Leslie,我建议做个实验.-Leslie:Goggles, Leonard.戴上眼镜,Leonard。-Leonard:Right. Leslie, I would like propose an experiment.好吧。Leslie,我建议做个实验。-Leslie:Hang on.等一下。Im trying to see how long it takes a 50

13、0 kilowatt oxygen iodine laser我想试试一个500千瓦氧碘激光器,to heat up my cup noodles.得花多久把我的杯装泡面加热。-Leonard:Ive done it. About two seconds. 2. 6 for minestrone.我试过,大概2秒,蔬菜汤花2.6秒。Anyway, I was thinking more of a bio- social exploration with a neuro-chemical overlay.总之,我在考虑来个生物学的社交探索,结合神经化学方面的专家知识。-Leslie:Wait, a

14、re you asking me out等等,你约我出去-Leonard:I was going to characterize it as the modification of our colleague- slash- friendship paradigm.我认为是改变我们同事/友谊关系的范例,with the addition of a date like component,外加个约会作为补充成分,but we dont need to quibble over terminology.但我们不需要一直说术语。-Leslie:What sort of experiment woul

15、d you propose你方案做怎样的实验-Leonard:Theres a generally accepted pattern in this area.这个领域有种普遍接受的模式。I would pick you up, take you to a restaurant.我去接你,带你去餐厅,Then we would see a movie,接着我们可以看场电影。probably a romantic comedy featuring the talents of Hugh Grant or Sandra Bullock.也许一部休格兰特或桑德拉布洛克天才演绎的浪漫轻喜剧。-Lesl

16、ie:Interesting.有意思。And would you agree that the primary way we would evaluate either the success or failure of the date would be based on the biochemical reaction during the good night kiss你是否同意,我们评价约会成败的依据是基于离别之吻时的化学反响-Leonard:Heart rate, pheromones, etc. Yes.心跳率、生化信息素等等,确实。-Leslie:Why dont we just

17、 stipulate that the date goes well and move to the key variable我们干嘛不假定约会很顺利,直接进行关键的有变数的局部-Leonard:You mean kiss you now你意思是现在就吻你-Leslie:Yes.是的。-Leonard:Can you define the parameters of the kiss你怎么定义吻的参数吗-Leslie:Close mouthed but romantic. Mint-Leonard:Thank you.谢谢。Shall I count down from three我数三下-L

18、eslie:No, I think it needs to be spontaneous.不,我觉得应该自然点。What do you think感觉怎么样-Leonard:You proposed the experiment. I think you should present your findings first.你提出的实验方案,该由你先说说实验的发现。-Leslie:Fair enough.很公平。On the plus side, it was a good kiss.从正面讲,这个吻很不错。Reasonable technique, no extraneous spittle

19、.合理的技术,没有多余的唾沫。On the other hand, no arousal.另一方面讲,没什么感觉。-Leonard:None没感觉-Leslie:None.没有。-Leonard:Well, thank you for your time.呃,很感谢你抽出时间。-Leslie:Thank you.谢谢你。-Leonard:None at all一点感觉都没-Howard:Sheldon, if you were a robot, and I knew and you didnt.Sheldon,如果你是机器人,我知道但你自己不知道.would you want me to te

20、ll you你希望我告诉你吗- Sheldon:That depends.看情况。When I learn that Im a robot.当我得知我是机器人.will I be able to handle it我有能力承受吗-Howard:Maybe- - although the history of science fiction is not on your side.也许吧,虽然历来的科幻小说都不能苟同这点。- Sheldon:Okay, uh, let me ask you this- -好吧,我来问你。when I learn that Im a robot,当我得知我是机器人

21、,would I be bound by Asimovs three laws of robotics我要受限于阿西莫夫的机器人三定律吗-Raj:You might be bound by them right now.你可能现在就受限哦。-Howard:Thats true. Have you ever harmed a human being就是啊,你伤害过人类吗or through inaction allowed a human being to come to harm或任人受伤而袖手旁观- Sheldon:Of course not.当然没有。-Howard:Have you ev

22、er harmed yourself or allowed yourself to be harmed except in cases where a human being would have been endangered除了在他人危险的情况下,你会伤害自己或容忍自己被伤害吗- Sheldon:Well, no.呃,没有。-Howard:I smell robot.我闻到机器人的味道了 (以上问题均出自机器人三定律)。 -Leonard:Hey, whats going on嘿,过得怎么样- Sheldon:Internets been down for half an hour.互联网

23、瘫痪半个小时了。-Raj:Also, Sheldon may be a robot.还有 Sheldon可能是机器人。-Howard:So howd it go with Leslie和Leslie怎么样啦-Leonard:Oh, we tried kissing, but the earth didnt move.哦,我们试着接吻,但地球没转。I mean, any more than the 383 miles that it was going to move anyway.我是说,比地球原来转的383英里要更多。- Sheldon:Oh, Ive seen that look befo

24、re.哦,我以前看过他这表情。This is just going to be two weeks of moping and tedious emo songs.未来两周他将一直闷闷不乐,哼唱乏味的情感歌曲,and calling me to come down to pet stores to look at cats.要我下去宠物商店看猫。I dont know if I can take it.我不知道撑不撑得住。-Raj:You could power down.你可以关掉自己的电源。-Howard:Well, as usual, Wolowitz has the solution.

25、I happen to know a place where there are plenty of eligible women我碰巧知道个好地方,有很多符合条件的女士。and Leonard could have his pick.Leonard可以任意选。-Dancer:Remember the Latin hips.记住拉丁舞的技巧。Shoulders stay still, and. we sway.肩膀挺直,然后摇摆。One, two, three. .five, six, seven.一二三. 五六七。-Howard:I think Mrs. Tishmans got her e

26、ye on you.Tishman女士一直盯着你呢。Ive been there. Youre in for a treat.我有过经验,你会喜欢的。-Leonard:She said, you dont know me她说,你不了解我,You dont even care oh, yeah.你甚至不在乎,哦,耶- Sheldon:Oh, good lord.哦,上帝。-Leonard:She said, you dont know me她说,你不了解我,you dont wear my chains你不戴我送你的项链。Oh, yeah. God, thats a good song.哦,耶,

27、天啊,这歌真棒。- Sheldon:If youre compiling a mix CD for a double suicide.当然,如果这是你为双重自杀混合录制的CD。Oh, I hope that scratching post is for you.我希望那猫抓柱是你自己用的。-Leonard:I know what youre thinking. Ive taken your asthma into account.我知道你在想什么,你的哮喘病我有考虑在内。Theres a feline geneticist in San Diego圣地亚哥有个研究猫科的遗传学家,whos de

28、veloped the cutest little hypoallergenic calicos.培育了一种超可爱的低变应原小猫。- Sheldon:Leonard, listen to me.Leonard,听我说.-Leonard:Ive been thinking about names.我在想给它起什么名字。Im kind of torn between Einstein, Newton and Sergeant fuzzy boots.在爱因斯坦、牛顿和毛靴中士之间犹豫。- Sheldon:Leonard, do you really think you can satisfy yo

29、ur need for a relationship with a genetically altered catLeonard,你真认为养一只转基因猫,可以满足你的感情需要吗-Leonard:Maybe.也许。If its a cute, little, cuddly cat.一只让人爱不释手的可爱小猫。- Sheldon:Oh, come on. Leonard.得了吧,Leonard.this is obviously about Penny.这都是因为Penny吧。-Leonard:It doesnt matter.没所谓。The womans not interested in me

30、. The woman rejected me.她对我不感兴趣,拒绝了我。- Sheldon:Okay, look, I think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with Penny听着,我认为你能跟Penny做爱的几率,as the Hubble telescope does of discovering at the center of every black hole is a little man with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker.Nevertheless, I do feel obligated to point out to you that she did not reject you.尽管如此,我还是有责任向你指出,她并没有拒绝你。You did not ask her out.你从没邀请她去约会。-Leonard:Youre right.你说的对。I didnt ask her out. I should

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