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1、国际经济学第九版答案doc国际经济学第九版答案 【篇一:国际经济学第九版英文课后答案 第 13 单元】 balance of paymentsoutline13.1 introduction 13.2 balance of payments accounting principles 13.2a debitsand credits 13.2b double-entry bookkeeping 13.3 the international transactions of the united states casestudy 13-1: the major goods exports and i

2、mports of the unitedstates 13.4 accounting balances and disequilibrium in internationaltransactions 13.5 the postwar balance of payments of the united statescase study 13-2: the major trade partners of the united statescase study 13-3: the u.s. trade deficit with japan case study 13-4:the exploding

3、u.s. trade deficit with china 13.6 the international investment position of the unitedstatescase study 13-5: the united states as a debtor nation appendix: a13.1 the imf method of reporting internationaltransactionsa13.2 the case of the missing surplus balance of paymentscapital account credittransa

4、ctionsautonomous transactions debit transactionsaccommodating transactions capital inflow officialreserve account capital outflowofficial settlements balancedouble-entry bookkeeping deficit in the balance ofpaymentsunilateral transferssurplus in the balance ofpayments statistical discrepancy interna

5、tional investmentposition current account1. in the first lecture, i would cover sections 1 and 2a. theaverage student usually finds the meaning of capital inflowsand outflows particularly difficult to understand. therefore, iwould pay special care in presenting the material in section 2a.i would als

6、o assign problems 1 to 8. the second lecture, iwould cover section 2b and go over problems 1-8.i wouldpresent sections 3 and 4 in the third lecture, and stress themeaning and measurement of balance of payments deficitsand surpluses.sections 5 and 6 (which are mostly descriptiveand not difficult

7、) could be left for studentsto do on their ownso that the chapter could still be covered in three lectures. 1. a.the u.s. debits its current account by $500 (for themerchandise imports) and credits capital by the same amount(for the increase in foreign assets in the u.s.).the u.s. creditscapital by

8、$500 (the drawing down of its bank balances inlondon, a capital inflow) and debits capital by an equal amount(to balance the capital credit that the u.s. importer receivedwhen the u.k. exporter accepted to be paid in threemonths).the u.s. is left with a $500 debit in its current accountand a net cre

9、dit balance of $500 in its capital account. 2. a).the u.s. debits unilateral transfers by $100 and creditscapital by the same amount. b).the u.s. credits its current account by $100 and debitscapital by the same amount. c).the debit of $100 in unilateral transfers and the credit of$100 in current ac

10、count. 3. a).the same as 2a.the net result is the same, but thetransaction in part a of this problem refers to tied aid whiletransactions a and b in problem 2 do not. 4. the u.s. debitscapital account by $1,000 (for the purchase of the foreign stockby the u.s. resident) and also credits the capital

11、account (forthe drawing down of the u.s. resident bank balances abroad)by the same amount.5. the u.s. credits its current account by $100 and debits itscapital account by the same amount. 6. the u.s. credits itscapital account by $400 (for the purchase of the u.s. treasurybills by the foreign reside

12、nt) and debits its capital account (forthe drawing down of the foreign residents bank balances inthe united states) for the by the same amount.7. the u.s. debitsits current account by $40 for the interest paid, debits itscapital account by $400 (for the capital outflow for therepayment of the repaym

13、ent of the principal to the foreigninvestors by the u.s. borrower), and then credits its capitalaccount by $440 (the increase in foreign holdings of u.s.assets, a credit). 8. a). the u.s. credits its capital account by $800 and debits itsofficial reserves account by the same amount. b). the official

14、 settlements balance of the u.s. will improve (i.e.,the u.s. deficit will fall or its surplus will rise) by $800. where values are in billions of dollars and a negative balancerepresents a deficit while a positive balance a surplus in the balance of payments. b.because until 1972, we had a fixed exc

15、hange rate system, butfrom 1973 we had a managed floating exchange rate system.under the latter, the balance of payments only measures theamount of official intervention in foreign exchange markets.9.see the july issue of the survey of current business for themost recent year. 10.see the july issue

16、of the survey of current business for themost recent year. 11.see the july issue of the survey of current business for themost recent year.12. see the july and november issues of the survey of currentbusiness for the most recent year. 13.see the balance of payments statistics yearbook for themost re

17、cent year. app. 1. the major difference between the waythe united states keeps its balance of payments and theinternational monetary fund method is in the way they dealwith international capital movements. the united states recordsinternational capital movements as increases in u.s.-ownedassets abro

18、ad and foreign-owned assets in the united states,subdivided into government and private. the internationalmonetary fund includes international capital flows into afinancial account, which is subdivided into direct investments,portfolio investments assets and liabilities, and otherinvestment assets a

19、nd liabilities. 2. see the table in april and october issue of the imfs worldeconomic outlook for the most recent year.1. which of the following is false? a. a credit transaction leads to a payment from foreigners b.a debit transaction leads to a payment to foreigners *c. acredit transaction is ente

20、red with a negative sign d. double-entry bookkeeping refers to each transactionentered twice.2. which of the following is a debit?a. the export of goods b. the export of services*c. unilateral transfers given to foreigners d. capital inflows3. capital inflows: a. refer to an increase in foreign asse

21、ts in the nation b. referto a reduction in the nations assets abroad c. lead to apayment from foreigners *d. all of the above 4. when a u.s. firm imports goods to be paid in three monthsthe u.s. credits:a. the current accountb. unilateral transfers *c. capitald. official reserves 5. the receipt of a

22、n interest payment on a loan made by a mercial bank to a foreign resident is entered in the u.s.balance of payments as a: a. credit in the capital account *b. credit in the currentaccount c. credit in official reserves d. debit in unilateraltransfers 6. the payment of a dividend by an american compa

23、ny to aforeign stockholder represents: a. a debit in the u.s. capital account b. a credit in the account c. a credit in the u.s. official reserve account *d. a debit in theu.s. current account 7. when a u.s. firm imports a good from england a pays for itby drawing on its pound sterling b

24、alances in a london bank,the u.s. debits its current account and credits its: a. official reserve account b. unilateral transfers account in its current account *d. capital account 8. when the u.s. ships food aid to a developing nation, the u.s.debits:*a. unilateral transfers b. services

25、c. capitald. official reserves 9. when the resident of a foreign nation (1) sells a u.s. stockand (2) deposits the proceeds in a u.s. bank, the u.s.: a. credits capital for (1) and debits capital for (2) b. creditsthe current account and debits capital c. debits capital andcredits official reserves

26、*d. debits capital for (1) and credits capital for (2) 10. when a u.s. resident (1) purchases foreign treasury billsand pays by (2) drawing down his bank balances abroad, theu.s.:【篇二:国际经济学第九版英文课后答案 第 9 单元】(core chapter)nontariff trade barriers and the new protectionismoutline9.1 introduction9.2 impo

27、rt quotas9.2a effects of an import quota9.2b comparison of an import quota to an import tariff 9.3 other nontariff barriers and the new protectionism9.3a voluntary export restraintsstates9.3b technical, administrative, and other regulations9.3c international cartels9.3d dumping9.3e export subsidies

28、9.4 the political economy of protectionism 9.4a fallacious and questionable arguments for protection 9.4b infant-industry and other qualified arguments forprotection9.4c who gets protected? welfare effects on the u.s. economy of removing all importrestraintsrestraints 9.5 strategic trade and industr

29、ial policies9.5a strategic trade policy 9.5b strategic trade and industrial policies with game theory 9.5c the u.s. response to foreign industrial targeting andstrategic trade policy9.6 history of u.s. commercial policy9.6a the trade agreements act of 1934 9.6b the general agreements on tariffs and

30、trade (gatt) 9.6c the 1962 trade agreements act and the kennedy round9.6d the trade reform act of 1974 and the tokyo round 9.6e the 1984 and 1988 trade acts 9.7 the uruguay round and outstanding trade problems9.7a the uruguay round9.7b outstanding trade problemsbenefits from a “likely ” doha scenari

31、oappendix: a9.1 centralized cartels a9.2 international price discriminationa9.3 tariffs, subsidies and domestic goals quota smoot-hawley tariff act of 1930 nontariff trade barrier(ntbs)trade agreements act of 1934new protectionism most-favored-nation principlevoluntary export restraints (vers) bilateral tradetechnical, administrative, and general agreement on tariff andother regulations trade (gatt) international cartel multilateral trade negotiations dumpinginternational trade organization (ito) persistentdumping peril-point provisionspredatory dumping escape clause sporadic du

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