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1、科技英语在线考试答案第1题 The news slowly _C_ through to everyone in the office; finally everybody felt worried about the uncertainty of the future. 本题1分 A、melted B、transmitted C、filtered D、flowed第2题 We do remember your initial objections, but unfortunately you didnt place them _D_. 本题1分 A、in register B、to docu

2、ment C、in between D、on record第3题 The cost may be lower than we first thought, but _B_ it will still be quite substantial. 本题1分 A、in no case B、in any case C、in case of D、in case第4题 Sometimes you can _A_ valuable antiques by chance for example when youre clearing out an old building. 本题1分 A、come by B、

3、come in C、come out D、come down第5题 Obviously you came here intending to _D_ the United States and you will need a work visa. 本题1分 A、rest with B、resort to C、render into D、reside in第6题 You will find how to help your child to develop good habits and how to _A_ with the bad ones that can cause so much em

4、barrassment and distress. 本题1分 A、deal B、agree C、combat D、dispute第7题 Weve worked out a method by which our production can be raised on a large _B_. 本题1分 A、quantity B、scale C、quality D、proportion第8题 It is a universal _C_ that man is different from all the other animals because man can communicate with

5、 each other by means of language. 本题1分 A、admission B、permission C、acknowledgement D、advancement第9题 Due to the limited seating _A_ of the hall, merely about 700 journalists were present for the press conference. 本题1分 A、capacity B、capability C、possibility D、probability第10题 When he applied for a _A_ in

6、 the office of the local newspaper he was told to see the manager. 本题1分 A、position B、location C、profession D、career第11题 If you dont take your umbrella, youre going to get _D_. 本题1分 A、sank B、soaped C、foamed D、soaked第12题 Their government always looks at problems from the financial viewpoint, and the s

7、ocial _C_ is never considered. 本题1分 A、inspect B、prospect C、aspect D、retrospect第13题 Ones appearance does not always _B_ with his quality, so dont judge people by looks. 本题1分 A、compare B、coincide C、collide D、content第14题 We work best in a peaceful and comfortable _B_ so as to increase our productivity

8、and relieve our exhaustion. 本题1分 A、pace B、atmosphere C、rhythm D、hemisphere第15题 The new _B_ of this dictionary has not been in use yet, but its appearance has aroused quite a lot of attention. 本题1分 A、vision B、version C、refinement D、verification第16题 We seem to be driven to find what we _D_ as “the mis

9、sing piece” in our lives as if we are flawed, or not good enough. 本题1分 A、achieve B、receive C、deceive D、perceive第17题 Beware of the forged notes, many of which are _D_ now. 本题1分 A、in return B、in consequence C、in turn D、in circulation第18题 I wish I could _A_ this cold; its been hanging about for two or

10、three days now. 本题1分 A、get rid of B、make up for C、charge off D、make profits from第19题 The police are trying to find out the _D_ of the woman killed in the traffic accident. 本题1分 A、evidence B、proof C、status D、identity第20题 Success in establishing a good night-time routine leads to increased confidence

11、and happiness all round, making all the hard work well _A_ the effort. 本题1分 A、worth B、worthwhile C、worthless D、worthy问答题第21题 英译汉In developing countries desperate to feed fast-growing and underfed populations, the issue is simpler and much more urgent: Do the benefits of biotech outweigh the risks? 在

12、迫切想要养活其迅速增长而又吃不饱的人口的发展中国家,问题比较简单,也更加紧迫:生物技术的好处是否大于风险呢?本题3分 输入更多第22题 英译汉Once infected, your money will be transferred to an additional account opened by the virus program without anybody knowing it. 一旦被感染,你的钱会被转移到由病毒程序开设的无人知道的账户里。本题3分 输入更多第23题 英译汉But dependency is no vice when the habit is healthful

13、and you dont have to be an Olympian to benefit. 但依赖性也并非坏事,只要它是有益于健康的 你不必非是个奥运选手才能获益。本题3分 输入更多第24题 英译汉Petroleum is believed to be produced naturally from dead animals and vegetable matter at the bottoms of shallow seas and swamps. 石油被认为是由浅海和沼泽底中死亡的动植物自然形成的。本题3分 输入更多第25题 英译汉Either party that disagrees

14、 to the arbitration may file a law suit at the peoples court. 任何一方不同意仲裁可以到人民法院申请起诉。本题3分 输入更多第26题 汉译英那位新的候选人决定参加竞选时,竞争对手们的竞选活动均已达到高潮。(in full swing ) The opponents campaign efforts were already in full swing when the new candidate decided to run for election.本题3分 输入更多第27题 汉译英他日益发现一份奔波于全球的职业同传统的家庭生活很难

15、兼具。(combine with) He increasingly finds a globe-hopping career hard to combine with a traditional family life.本题3分 输入更多第28题 汉译英我上大学时只能靠粗茶淡饭过活。(live on ) I had to live on bread and water when I was a student.本题3分 输入更多第29题 汉译英中国是一个富产宝贵的自然资源原油的国家。(be rich in) China is a country rich in crude oil, which

16、 is a precious natural resource.本题3分 输入更多第30题 汉译英我祖母的故乡位于纽约和芝加哥之间的某个小镇上。(in between) My grandmothers hometown is situated in some small town in between new york and chicago。本题3分 输入更多阅读理解题第31题 Many people would agree that, although our age exceeds all previous ages in knowledge, there has been no cor

17、responding increase in wisdom. But agreement ceases as soon as we attempt to define “wisdom” and consider means of promoting it. There are several factors that contribute to wisdom. Of course I should put first a sense of proportion; the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a pro

18、blem and to attach to each its due weight. This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity of the special knowledge required of various kinds of technicians. Suppose, for example, that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine. The work is difficult and

19、is likely to absorb the whole of your mind. You have not time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine. You succeed (let us say), as modern medicine has succeeded, in enormously lowering the infant death-rate, not only in Europe and America,

20、but also in Asia and Africa. This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowering the standard of life in the parts of the world that have the greatest populations. To take an even more dramatic example, which is in everybodys mind at the present time; you study

21、the makeup of the atom from a disinterested desire for knowledge, and by chance place in the hands of a powerful mad man the means of destroying the human race. Therefore with every increase of knowledge and skill, wisdom becomes more necessary, for every such increase augments (增加) our capacity for

22、 realizing our purposes, and therefore augments our capacity for evil, if our purposes are unwise. 本题15分11 Disagreement arises when people try to decide _B_. A、how much more wisdom we have now than before B、what wisdom is and how to develop it C、if there is a great increase of wisdom in our age D、Wh

23、ether wisdom can be developed or not22 According to the author, “wisdom” is the ability to _D_. A、carefully consider the bad effects of any kind of research work B、give each important problem some careful consideration C、acquire a great deal of complex and special knowledge D、give suitable considera

24、tion to all the possible elements in a problem33 Lowering the infant death-rate may _C_. A、prove to be helpful everywhere in the world B、give rise to an increase in population in Europe C、cause food shortages in Asia and Africa D、raise the living standard of the people in Africa44 The author uses th

25、e examples in the passage to illustrate his point that _A_. A、its extremely difficult to consider all the important elements in a problem B、success in medical research has its negative effects C、 scientists may unknowingly cause destruction to the human race. D、its unwise to be totally absorbed in r

26、esearch in scientific medicine 55 What is the main idea of the passage? C A、It is unwise to place the results of scientific research in the hands of a power B、The more knowledge one has, the wiser one becomes. C、Any increase of knowledge could lead to disastrous results without the guidance D、wisdom

27、 increases in proportion to ones age.第32题 The current energy security system was created in response to the 1973 Arab oil embargo to ensure coordination among the industrialized countries in the event of a disruption in supply, encourage collaboration on energy policies, and deter any future use of

28、an “oil weapon” by exporters. Its key elements are the Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA), whose members are the industrialized countries; strategic stockpiles of oil, including the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserves; continued monitoring and analysis of energy markets and policies; and en

29、ergy conservation and coordinated emergency sharing of supplies in the event of a disruption. The emergency system was set up to offset major disruptions that threatened the global economy and stability, not to manage prices and the commodity cycle. Since the systems inception in the 1970s, a coordi

30、nated emergency drawdown of strategic stockpiles has occurred only twice: on the eve of the Gulf War in 1991 and in the autumn of 2005 after Hurricane Katrina. Experience has shown that to maintain energy security countries must abide by several principles. The first and most familiar is what Churchill urged more than 90 years ago: diversification of supply. Multiplying ones supply sources reduces the impact of a disruption in supply from one source by providing alternatives, serving the interests of both consumers and producers, fo

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