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英文 本科学士学位论文.docx

1、英文 本科学士学位论文本科学士学位论文Research into Strategies in Improving English Writing in Middle School 提高中学生英语写作技巧的教学策略研究 院 系 外语学院 专 业 英语教育 姓 名 学 号 指导教师 职称 2011年10月20日Research into Strategies in Improving English Writing in Middle School A DissertationSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

2、Degree of Bachelor of ArtsWritten By -By -Department of Foreign LanguagesSchool of Arts and ScienceYunnan Normal UniversityKunming, YunnanP. R. ChinaMay, 2012云南师范大学文理学院本科生毕业设计(论文)原创性声明 本人郑重说明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是本人在指导教师的指导下独立研究,撰写的成果。设计(论文)中引用他人的文献、数据、图件、资料,均己在设计(论文)中加以说明,出此之外,本设计(论文)不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果

3、作品。对本文研究作出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示了谢意,本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 毕业设计(论文)作者签名: 年 月 日AcknowledgementsI fell excited when the thesis completed. From the topics of this paper, data collection to writing papers arranged the whole process; I got a lot of generous help.This thesis is dedicated to all the teachers wh

4、o have taught me a lot, especially to my supervisor, Professor Gao Fengxia, who has helped to work out the outline, giving me enlightening advice throughout the whole process of the present thesis. To her, I owe a profound debt of gratitude. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of

5、 this thesis, thinks for her encouragement. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to my classmate roommates and friends, who gave me a lot of encouragement when I was at a loss. We discus

6、sed a lot and moved forward. During my research works, I have been able to get help from them to sharing their ideas. I would like to express my special gratitude to my parents and others family members, who encouraged me to persist and gave me the best they could offer, for their encouragement and

7、support. I am grateful to all to them, without all the support, I could not have completed this tough work. ContentsAbstract (English Version) .iAbstract (Chinese Version) iiPart One Introduction .11.1 Research Background .11.2 Significance of the Study .1 Part Two Literature Review .32.1 Effective

8、Strategies 3 2.1.1 Introducing cultural background knowledge in course .3 2.1.2 Developing students interest in Writing. .3 2.1.3 Helping students cultivate good writing habits .32.1.4. Creating English-Writing Atmosphere .42.1.5 Organizing Effective Lessons .42.2 Previous researches abroad and dome

9、stic.42.2.1 Previous researches abroad .42.2.2 Previous researches domestic .5 50%Part Three Research design .8 3.1 The Samples .83.1.1 For teacher .8 3.1.2 For students .93.2 Date collection .9Part Four Analysis and Discussion 114.1 Main problems in English Writing in middle school 11 4.1.1 Lack of

10、 background knowledge in learning English 114.1.2 Lack of interests in Writing. 124.1.3 Poor writing habits in English writing Lesson. 124.1.4 The Importance of Creating English-Writing Atmosphere 134.1.5 Organizing Effective Lessons 14 4.3 Discussion 14Part Five Conclusion 165.1Conclusion 165.2 Lim

11、itation.17Appendix.18 Reference.21AbstractEnglish as an International Language,with the frequent communication between China and Western countries, this paper, based on the theories and principles of Strategies in Improving English Writing in Middle School, deals with definitions and functions Strat

12、egies in Improving English Writing in Middle School, this article from the English role in the economic globalization today. The analysis of the traditional English teaching mode in the English learners to domestic existing bottleneck factors. And through to the new teaching methods are discussed, W

13、riting in Middle School arises at the historic moment; It is to the traditional English teaching mode inherent existence deficiency supplement. Of course, Strategies also in Improving English Writing has its own characteristics and has its strong Pertinence. It puts the English learning from theory

14、applied to practical communicative flank profile. From every Angle can be effectively to English learners in English learning process to change the traditional concept of learning English. Under the circumstances, so as to improve English learners writing quality and ability and skill, etc. Through

15、so many examples, readers may have a good understanding of Strategies in English Writing. Key words: Communication; Strategies; Pertinence摘要英语作为一门国际语言,随着中西方国家交流的日益频繁,这篇文章,是居于对中学英语写作过程中所用策略和理论的研究,从定义的诠释和写作策略的功能着手,这篇文章从英语在当今全球化的角色为切入点,对传统教学方法固有的不足对英语学习者的影响进行分析,对一些新的教学方法进行探讨,如今,新的教学方法应运而生,并作为传统教学法自身缺陷的

16、一个补充。当然,写作策略有其自身的特点,它从每一个角度和层面提高英语学习者的写作能力、交流创造能力,并最终提高学习者的写作能力和素质,在中学开展提高英语写作策略研究尤其针对性,它把英语学习从理论层面延生之应用层面,在这样的情形下,让英语学习者能够真正的有所获,真正达到学习好英语的目的。关键字:交流应用;策略;针对性Part One Introduction1.1 Research Background Language as a system for the expression of meaning in human communication. We through writing is

17、considered as the secondary media of communication, writing seems to be as important as speaking for writing makes an exact man. Strategies in English Writing have been studied in many disciplines and from many perspectives since Widdowson. Generally speaking, the aims of language teaching are usual

18、ly termed through the four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. (Widdowson, 1978). Strategies in Improving English Writing are the association between Linguistic ability and applicability (Xu Weicheng, 1999, 4:1725). He thought Writing is a complex thinking process in which writers expl

19、ore thoughts and ideas and present them in visible words. Consequently, the importance of writing is easily seen. Writing does not only have something to do with grammar, vocabulary, but more importantly it has something it has something to do with ones thinking and is intellectual and emotional exh

20、ibition. To illustrate this point I will present many Examples from Strategies in English Writing.1.2 Significance of the Study The present paper is expected to be significant in the following three ways: (1) Like other strategies, strategies in improving English writing have become a concern for te

21、achers as well as student. Much effort has been taken in this aspect on the part of both teachers and students. (2) But nowadays, students writing ability is still unsatisfactory. It is the problem of writing that we should take care of, but how to revere this trend, from this point of view, Strateg

22、ies in Improving English Writing is the process of seeking for leaning English, it becomes even more important. Of course, some cardinal principles or strategies are also to be applied to be applied to make such writing successful. They are formed during the long period of teaching practice and base

23、d on writing ability. (3) Owing to reflection of the situation, strategies in Improving English Writing have grown up gradually. The present paper attempts to apply strategies. To illustrate this point I will present many tables from lessons about English teaching. Hence the question is what the mos

24、t important thing affecting their students writing ability is. It is for this that the present research is conducted. The thesis is about to analyze some examples of writing in English teaching, try to find these problems, and find out the factors that cause these problems from the perspective of co

25、gnition and culture, finally, to improve learners ability of writing. All in all, talking to strategies in improving English writing, the most important factor in writing exercises is that students need to be personally involved in order to make the learning experience of lasting value. Part Two Lit

26、erature ReviewIn this part will list some theories which will be used in the later writing and the Research status of abroad and domestic. There have been a lot of studies about Strategies in English Writing, this paper, based on these theories and principles in the following:2.1 Effective Strategie

27、s2.1.1 Introducing cultural background knowledge in course.Zhang Zaixin(1995)once said, during the process of learning English, so many learners agree that background knowledge plays an important role in writing. It is essential for all the English learners. However, it is strange that many students

28、 pay more attention to words and sentence structure, and lost the main idea. They often find themselves have great difficulty in English writing. The infiltration of cultural background knowledge plays a very important role in teaching English writing, which helps English learners to understand the

29、reading materials better as well as improves teaching efficiency, and how to manage writing. .2.1.2 Developing students interest in Writing.As you known, writing is an incredibly active occupation, developing students interest is very important. There is old saying that interest is best teacher. So

30、language learners should be interested in what they are writing. For teaching, who must try to make writing teaching interesting and attractive. This is very great of significance at the beginning of a course Gebhard, J G. (1996). Whats the most important, interest is the secret of success. If stude

31、nts are not interested in English, they will not learn it well and they will find it very difficult to learn it Widdowson, H G, (1978). 2.1.3. Helping Students Cultivate Good Writing Habits. Xu weicheng(1999)in his “Teaching English in China ” pointed out, As we all known, helping students cultivate

32、 good writing habits is very much, in fact, the writing habit is actually cultivated by writing itself, for so many students, all study involves writing, and there are so many ways to cultivate good writing habits. First of all, enrich your knowledge as possible as you can. Most students lack of writing habit. Sec

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