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1、原版拷贝Political Resolution(Excerpts)19th Congress of thePortuguese Communist Party“Democracy and Socialism thevalues of the April 1974 Revolutionin the future of Portugal”Almada30th November 2 December 20121Chapter ICapitalisms crisis, the workers and peoples struggle and the alternative:socialism1.1

2、World developments and the peoples struggles1.2 Capitalism and its deepening structural crisis1.3 Intensification of the imperialist offensive1. 4 Potential and prospects of the workers and peoples struggle1. 5 Socialism, the alternative to capitalismChapter IIThe national situation and the break wi

3、th rightwingpolicies2.1. Rightwingpolicies and the countrys situation2.2. The evolution of the European Union a process that is jeopardisingPortugals national interests and developmentChapter IVThe Party4.1. Communist Identity, the Party Programme and Constitution4. 2. An intense, militant and coher

4、ent activity4.3. Strengthening the Party: a comprehensive and indispensable task4.4. Militancy4.5. Leadership4.6. Cadres4.7. Organization4.8. Political action and links with the masses4.9. Ideological struggle4.10 Partypress, information and propaganda4.11 Funds4.12 InternationalActivityClosing rema

5、rk2Chapter ICapitalisms crisis, the workers and peoplesstruggle and the alternative: socialism1.1 World developments and the peoples strugglesThe 19th Congress is being held in a context that is particularly demanding, complexand important for the workers and peoples liberation struggle. Confirming

6、theprospects that we had outlined at the 18th Congress, the international situation ischaracterised by great instability, uncertainty and by an acute and intensified classstruggle.As the PCP, anchored in its theoretical foundations, has long since predicted andwarned, the intensification of capitali

7、sms crisis lies at the epicentre of majordevelopments in the international situation, whose main element and expression hasbeen the eruption of one of capitalisms most acute cyclical crises ever.Imperialisms fierce offensive, together with its violent response to the capitalist crisis,has been met b

8、y an intensification of workers and peoples struggles, and by thefact that countries and groups of nations have asserted themselves, seeking paths ofdevelopment outside the framework of imperialisms hegemonic domination.Major economic, social, political and cultural changes are under way, with major

9、geo-strategic implications. Their outcome is as yet difficult to establish. It will dependon a long and complex set of factors, including: the struggle of peoples for theirliberation and to defend their sovereignty and independence, the role and liaison ofthose States that oppose imperialism, and th

10、e key role of struggles waged by theworking class and the masses of the people, as well as the balance of forces betweencapital and labour that will emerge from these struggles.Imperialisms offensive bears within it grave dangers. But at the same time, thedevelopment of the struggle, and the expandi

11、ng awareness about capitalisms true nature exploitative, aggressive, predatory and oppressive reveal that there is real potentialfor resistance against imperialism and to develop the struggle to overcomecapitalism through revolution.In the midst of a context where more and more objective material fa

12、ctors favour thedevelopment of revolutionary struggles, the Communist and revolutionary movementstill exhibits in spite of some progress and more rooting in the masses weakness andshortcomings. Now is still a time of resistance and accumulation of forces.The subjective factor of the revolutionary st

13、ruggle is relatively lagging. Thisincreases the complexity of the situation. More and more challenges are confronting theforces of progress, and especially Communists. They necessitate a careful theoreticaland practical definition of alliances, of the pace and stages in the struggle to overcomecapit

14、alism through revolution and to build socialism the necessary and onlyalternative to capitalism.For this alternative to materialise, the working people and the masses of the people havea key role to play, with their struggle, participation and creativity, interconnected withthe need to strengthen th

15、e international Communist and revolutionary movementand, in dialectical relation with this, to strengthen the anti-imperialist front.31.2 Capitalism and its deepening structural crisisTwo decades have elapsed since socialisms defeats in the USSR and Eastern Europe.Imperialisms hegemonic rule is push

16、ing the world into a civilisational regressionof historic proportions, destroying gains and rights achieved by the struggle ofworkers and peoples throughout the 20th century. Its goal is to reinstate 19th-centurylevels of class exploitation and national oppression. Capitalisms exploitative,aggressiv

17、e, predatory and oppressive nature has been exposed further by the devastatingconsequences of the crisis of overproduction and over-accumulation of capital that hasbeen dragging on for over four years.The systems contradictions are becoming more profound, especially thefundamental contradiction betw

18、een the social nature of production and the privatenature of appropriation of means of production. The relevance and correctness ofMarxism-Leninisms main theses is being confirmed by events specifically, thetendency for the rate of profit to fall, something that capitalism is seeking to counterusing

19、 all possible means. Capitalism intensifies its exploitation of workers and peoples,fostering the devaluation and destruction of capital, and increasingly resorts to financialspeculation and the growth of militarism.This crisis is very deep. It differs from previous cyclical overproduction crisesins

20、ofar as it spans the whole world, it concurs with other aspects of capitalismsstructural crisis, affecting the energy, raw materials, food and environment spheres, andit is happening in the midst of major shifts in international relations.The crisis is exposing and exacerbating capitalisms parasitic

21、 and decadent nature thus confirming its tendency to stagnate. This is highlighted by the major capitalistpowers difficulty in extricating themselves from the recession and stagnation intowhich they have plunged. The fact is that the capitalist economys degree offinancialisation, more than a politic

22、al choice, is the result of how the capitalist systemoperates in its current stage of development.The consequences of this financialisation process in the world economy are huge. Theresult of finance capitals hegemony is, on the one hand, huge wastage anddestruction of productive forces, first and f

23、oremost the massive and risingunemployment, and on the other, the fact that the big economic and financialconglomerates are appropriating the lions share of all surplus value that iscreated. This is leading to a swift centralisation and concentration of capital, to aweakening of the productive secto

24、r, and to an increasingly uneven distribution ofincome between capital and labour.Through the spirals of State indebtedness and the mechanisms at their service fromratings agencies to the world-wide system of offshore banking (tax havens) the USAand other imperialist powers are massively plundering

25、the world of the wealth that iscreated, and thus impeding the development and social progress of countries that areformally independent but in actual fact are, to a greater or lesser extent, being subjectedto veritable processes of colonisation by big capital and imperialism.The social consequences

26、of the economic and financial crisis, with the ensuingdestruction of productive forces and the processes of concentration andcentralisation of capital, are devastating. Capitalism sustains its growth periods byincreasing the exploitation of workers and peoples, and then, in the periods of crisis tha

27、t4result from its very nature and contradictions, it increases the levels of exploitation evenfurther a spiral of social devastation and concentration of wealth.Social polarisation is becoming more intense. The crisis has exposed even further thescandalous contradiction between the remarkable advanc

28、es of science and technology,and the social regression that has since intensified. At the current level of the productiveforces development, the world could be in a position to feed its entire population. Thelabour time needed to produce everything that is socially necessary could besubstantially re

29、duced. However, capitalism is seriously enhancing the imbalances in thedistribution of wealth, the hunger, poverty, malnutrition, lack of medical care and accessto medication, and infant mortality. According to the International Labour Organisation(ILO), unemployment is affecting over 200 million wo

30、rkers worldwide, and poverty isspreading even among those who have managed to keep their jobs. Besides the horribleconsequences of the wars and military conflicts caused by imperialism, there are glaringcrimes going on, inherent to the systems very nature, such as child labour, thetrafficking of hum

31、an beings, slavery and sexual exploitation. Life expectancy isdropping in many countries.The environmental effect of capitalisms deepening structural crisis highlights theunsustainability of an organisation of economic production based on irrational,intensive, continuous and growing capture and extr

32、action of abundant flows ofenergy and raw materials from the topsoil, the subsoil and the hydrosphere guidedby the quest for maximum profits and the incessant accumulation of capital.Events are making it obvious that capitalism is unable to ensure medium and long-termsocial and economic development while preserving n

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