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Unit 2 This is my sisterSection B Period 5.docx

1、Unit 2 This is my sisterSection B Period 5Unit3 This is my sister.【教学内容分析】本单元围绕“家庭成员”这一主题展开听、说、读、写等多种教学活动。教学核心是用英语介绍家人和朋友。在教学过程中,使学生学会询问人物关系的基本句型“Is this /that your /her/his mother? Yes, she is. No, she isnt.” 进一步体会一般疑问句的用法;学习如何介绍自己的家庭成员,如何与朋友交流各自不同的家庭组合。通过本单元的学习学生应该能够用英语给朋友写短信介绍家人,从而让他们了解自己的家庭并且能够画

2、出自己的家谱。本单元与第二单元衔接紧密:由对物体指认的学习过渡到对family members的学习,由指示个体过渡到指示多个人物,使学生学会区分远近单复数。【学情分析】 学生学习了一些物品的名称,并且学习过This is.的句型,Isthis.?并且学过人称代词my,his ,her。在此基础上在对复数和一般疑问句进行拓展和学习。【教学目标】1) 知识目标:A、掌握家庭成员的表达,如:grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin, son, daughter, parents; B

3、、学会指示代词:this, that, these 和人称代词:I, he, she, they介绍人物及Yes/ No问句及其简单回答; C、运用名词的复数形式。2)能力目标:A、运用所学词汇介绍家人和朋友,并能够用短信的形式表达出来;B、通过对话练习,掌握介绍人物时常用的词汇、惯用语,并能把它运用到实际生活中去,提高学生的交际能力。3) 情感目标通过介绍家人和了解朋友的家人,增进彼此的了解,建立友谊,从而更好地尊重对方,理解家人。【学习策略】1、 交际策略:学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活中去。 2、 资源策略:学会利用多种资源来获取更多的学习信息。3、 认知策略:主动思考

4、(观察力、注意力、想象力、逻辑推理能力等),大胆实 践,及时反馈。 4、 调控策略:通过课堂反馈和Self-check, 明确自己的学习状况,不断调整自己的学习策略。 五、教学重点、难点重点:A、掌握家庭成员的表达;学会指示代词、人称代词及Yes/ No 一般疑问句及其简单回答;B、学会介绍自己的家人和朋友,并根据相关信息辨别人物。难点:能够用写信的形式向朋友介绍自己的家庭。教学过程Unit 3 This is my sister. Period OneKnowledge aims:1. learn the words of family members:father,mother,broth

5、er,sister,grandmother,grandfather,parents,grandparents.2. sentence pattern: This is . That isThese are. Those are.3. master plural form of countable nouns 复数的特点。Be动词用are,名词加s和es.Ability aims:use the new words and sentences to introduce family 。Emotional aims:Know more about each other and love your

6、family 教学设计Step1 Lead-inEnjoy an English song.“the finger family”T:Do you like this song?S:Yes.I like it ,too. I like music. Its one of my hobbies.Do you want to know more about my hobby?S: Yes.T:I like watching TV, and next I will tell you my favorite TV serial.Step 2 PresentationPresent new words

7、and sentences by the family photo of 家有儿女.T: Do you know whats it?S: 家有儿女。T:you got it,its my favorite TV-serial, its very funny. And this is a family. Do you know family?S: Yes.T: read after me ,family. F- a- m- i- l- y, family.S: family, f-a-m-i-l-y, family.T:Do you like this family?S:Of course.T:

8、 Now lets know the different member in this family. Who is he ?S: Its Liuxing.T: Youre so clever, he is a smart and funny boy. Now what about this girl? This is his.?S:姐姐。T:yeah,This is his sister,repeat after me sister,通过英文歌曲活跃课堂气氛,然后通过我的爱好导入到最喜欢的家 家庭剧。通过我的爱好引入到家有儿女儿女,显得比较自然。选取加家有儿女这个学生喜爱的家庭剧来学习新单词

9、和句子,能够调动学生兴趣,并且让学生在情景中学习英语,更加生动和具体。S:sister. T:Spell it, please.S:s-i-s-t-e-r, sister.T:This is his sister.S: This is his sister. Teach other word like this. let the students pay more attention on the plural forms.T:This is an happy family!What is family?S:.T:Every letters has a meaning. Family mean

10、s “father and mother I love you” lets read this sentence together.S: Mother and father I love you.T: They give us the life ,we should love our family. Step3 Practice1 Lets chant. Let the students chant these sentences.2 Daves family. 1) T: Just now we know a happy family, Next lets know another happ

11、y family. Do you want to know them ?S: Yes.T: OK , This boy is Dave , and this is his family , he wants to make a friend with you , now lets know his family member first.Matching his family member with the letters( Do the matching in 1A) 2) Do the listening in 1BT: What is Dave doing?S: .T:Yes ,he i

12、s talking with his friend,now listen to their conversation carefully, and circle the people Dave talks about.3)Look and sayLet the students look at the picture and say the sentences.S:This is Dave.This / That is his father.This/ That is his mother.These / Those are his parents.This / That is his gra

13、ndfather.This/ That is his grandmother.These / Those are his grandparents.在制作幻灯片过程中要突出动词尾部的S 让学生更加注意复数的特点。这里对学生进行情感渗透和教育,让学生体会家庭的概念,要爱自己的父母。Chant 的环节让学生熟悉句型和单词,加强学生的节奏训练。过渡到Dave 的家庭要自然,以Dave 家庭展开做一系列的练习进行巩固。听力前要做好铺垫,让学生知道干什么。这个环节让学生再通过说来练习句子和单词,this ,that, these,those 交换着说。也为下个环节做准备。 Step 4 Pair wor

14、kIntroduce two different family.T: This is Dave , Now introduce Daves family to you partner using This is These are. Then you can come here to introduce to the whole class.T:This is Mike, Now introduce Daves family to you partner using That is Those are. Then you can come here to introduce to the wh

15、ole class.Step 5 SummaryT:We have a big harvest today. Now tell me what did you get?What we have learned today.S1:we learned some new words, for example , father, mother.S2:we learned some new sentences , this is these are.S3:we know how to introduce family ,and we should love our family.Do some sen

16、tences to consolidate what they have learned. 情感教育: love your mother , love your father and love your family.Homework: A: 1.copy the new words in P13,read and recite them,finish the exercise in period1.2. Write some sentences to introduce the Daves family using the sentences which is learned today.

17、B: finish the homework in level A,and write some sentences to introduce your family by your family photo. Unit This is my sister This is his father,mother,sister brotherThat is his grandfather,grandmother,These are his parents ,grandparents, brothers, friendsThose are his.让学生介绍两个家庭,我们让学生分别锻炼两组句型,这样更

18、加具有针对性,学生也不容易混淆,让学生在说的过程中体验学习英语的成就感和快乐。知识的总结和情感教育。根据不同学生水平,分层布置作业。Unit 2 This is my sister Period 21、 教学目标Knowledge aims:Sentences:Is that/this? Yes,it is./ No, it isnt.Is he ? Is she? Yes,he is. / No,he isnt.Yes, she is . /No,she isnt.Ability aim:Use the target language to identify peopleEmotional

19、aim:Learning from cooperation2、 教学设计Step1 . RevisionLets talk.T: Yesterday, we knew a new friend Dave and his family, Now lets to meet him again , say hello to Dave.S: Hello, Dave.T: This is Dave. This is his . S:father. This is his mother. These are his parents.(teacher points,students say)T:Now,le

20、ts change , That is his .S: Mother. That is his father. Those are his .Step 2 Presentation T:Yesterday, we also knew a very funny family,whats it.S: Liu Xings familyT: Yes, let me see if you are familiar with them or not. Guess who is the person in the picture. We make a competition between differen

21、t groups.Teacher show the picture,S raise their hands.S1:Is this his brother?T:No,it isnt.S2: Is this his father.T: Yes, it is . You did a good job. Group one win a point.Step 3 Listening T: Group 4 won the prize, congratulation! Other groups dont lose heart, we will have lots of chances later. Oh,

22、we just knew Daves family have an activity, lets go and take a look.What are they doing?S: 吃东西,讲话。T: Yes ,Dave is talking to his friend Lin Hai. Now listen carefully, match the name with the letter. Check the answer. 通过Dave家复习昨天的单词和句型。 通过昨天的刘星的家庭进一步过渡到一般疑问句句型的呈现,并且通过猜人物比赛的的设计,更能调动学生兴趣,让他们在玩的过程中学。Is

23、that . 和Is this 的句型在前面的单元学过,这里主要做复习和为Is he . Is she 做铺垫。 通过听力和小组对话练习,对着一句型进行巩固。 Step 4 Pair-workDo the pair-work in 2A. Student A, cover the names in 2b. Ask about the people in the picture. Student B, answer the questions.A:Is is Jim? B: No,it isnt. Its Dave.Make a competition between different to

24、find the best group : which group is most active.T:All of you did a very good job. Now look at the blackboard lets answer the question together.Step 5 Presentation T:You have know my favorite TV-serial. And I also like watching cartoon, Do you want to know my favorite cartoon?S:Yes.T: OK,let me tell

25、 you and enjoy it. This is my favorite cartoon.Do you know it?S:Its 樱桃小丸子。T:You are so smart. Now let to know more about her family.Who is she?S: She is her sister.T:Is she her mother?S:No, T:We should say “No,she isnt.”S:No,she isnt.T:OK,now again, Is she her mother?S:No,she isnt.T:Pretty good, you

26、 did a better job !Teach other sentences in the same way.Step 6 Practice1 Do the pair-work. Ask and answer 小丸子s family by Is she? Is he.?2 Do the listening practice in 3AT:Dave and his friend are talking about sth,listen carefully and fill the blank.Check the answers.3. role play the conversation. P

27、ractice the conversation above with a partner. Change partners and practice again. Step 7 Game Write your mothers, fathers or friends name on the board.Then the other student guess who the person is .Make a competition between different groups. Step 8 SummaryHomework A:finish exercise in period2,Cop

28、y and recite sentences in grammar focus and 3A. B:finish the homework of level A and use this is That is she is he is to write four sentences, then write the form of these sentences ,and give the positive and negative answers.Blackboard Design Unit 2 Is this your pencil? pencil pen your book Yes,it

29、is.Its .Is this/that his eraser ? her ruler No,it isnt.Its . pencil case backpack dictionary 通过小组竞赛让他们上来做对话,调动他们的积极性。全班齐声回答,巩固效果。由昨天我最喜爱的电视剧过渡到我最喜爱的动画片,然后引出小丸子家庭,学习新句型。学生对于动画片人物感兴趣,能够调动他们的学习兴趣。句型教授的过程中药然学生多重复讲,更有利于他买去学习和感受新句型,并且通过否定,肯定分开来教授更加清楚,让知识点呈现有层次,有梯度。小组活动及时复习和应用。通过听说多种途径进行巩固训练让学生获得成功的快乐。通过游戏

30、让学生运用句型,并且学会小组合作精神。Unit 3This is my sister Period 31、 教学目标Knowledge aim:words:aunt,uncle,cousin,daughter,sonHow to draw a family treeAbility aim:Draw their own family tree,write an article to introduce their familyEmotional aim:Arouse their interest of learning English by drawing and speaking2、 教学设计

31、Step1 RevisionT:Today we will hold a competition to find which group has more talented students. And There are three round in this competition and every round we will find out the winner,the final score will decide if win or not ,got it?S:Yes.T:OK,lets start our competition , round 1: guessing game.I will give you some information , a

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