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1、牛津英语8BUnit2教案 上海求实进修学校 教师教学设计方案学生编号学生姓名王仁杰授课教师卫雅琴辅导学科英语所属年级八教材版本牛津上海版课题名称8B M1 U2课时进度总第( )课次授课时间2014.2.27教学目标8B M1 U2 语法词汇巩固,阅读强化训练重点难点可数与不可数n一、错题回顾。1、Look, the baby _ happily now because he _ you are his friends.A. smiles is knowing B. is smiling is knowingC. is smiling knows D. smiles Knows2.The w

2、allet _ to you so we must find the owner. A. belongs B. is belonging C. doesnt belong D. isnt belonging3、The man is a brave (fight). We should learn from him.4、 You must always keep your room . A. tidily B. tidy C. untidy D. Untidily5、 I could believe that my son worked so . A. hard; hard B. hard; h

3、ardly C. hardly; hard D. hardly; hardly二、重点知识回顾 【Words.】1、increase v. (使)增加 【反义词】: decrease v. 减少【练习】(1)、The wheat production a great deal this year. 今年的小麦产量大幅度增加。 (2)、We have the price of paper. 我们提高了纸张的价格。 (3)The population in Germany last year. 去年德国的人口减少了。 (4)Your hunger as you eat. 你的饥饿感在你吃饭时会渐渐

4、消失。2、impatient adj. 不耐烦的 【同根词】:patient; impatient; patience 1.patient adj. 有耐心的, :n 病人 2.impatient adj. angry at having to wait 不耐烦的,急躁的,3. patience n. 容忍;耐心,例如: 【练习】(1) I have no with him again. 我对他不再有耐心了。 (2)She is becoming 她变得着急起来。 (3)She is so kind and always with those naughty children. (4)As a

5、 nursery teacher, you mustnt be with the children. 3、comfortably adv. 舒服地 【同根词】:comfort; comfortable; comfortably1. comfort v. 安慰;鼓舞 n. 安乐;舒适;安逸,例如:2. comfortable adj. 舒适的,舒服的,3 comfortably adv. with no pain or worry 舒适地,安乐地4 uncomfortable adj. 不舒适的,【练习】(1) He is sitting in that armchair. 他舒服地坐在那把扶手

6、椅子里。 (2) I found in his words. 我从他的话中得到了安慰。(n.)(3)She the sick child. 她安慰这个生病的孩子。(v.)(4)She lives a life. 她过着舒适的生活。4、pump 1. v. push by machine (用泵)抽,抽吸;打气,例如:The villagers had pumped the well dry and could get no more water. 村民们已把水井抽干了,再也抽不出水来了。He pumped up his tires. 他给车胎打足了气。2. n. 泵;水泵,例如:They ar

7、e watering the fields with many pumps. 他们正用许多泵浇灌着田地。5、freeze v. (froze frozen ) 1. stop moving suddenly (突然停止,惊呆),2. 冷冻,冷藏(食物), 2 freezing adj 寒冷的 3 frozen adj 冰冻的【练习】(1)Fear made him in his tracks. 恐惧使他突然停止前进。(2)He in front of the audience. 他在观众面前吓呆了。 (3)Not all fruit and vegetables well. 并非所有的水果和蔬

8、菜都适合冷藏。 (4)What_(freeze)weatherwevegottoday!6、plant n. 1. building with machines in it 工厂,车间, 例如:When the plant closed down, many factory workers lost their jobs. 工厂关门了,很多工人失业了。2. 植物,例如:Trees and vegetables are plants. 树木和蔬菜是植物。7、works n. 工厂e. g. The steel works is closing down. 那家钢铁厂要关闭了。 There has

9、 been an accident at the works. 那家工厂出了一次事故。8、 thorough adj. 彻底的,完全的 thoroughly adv. 十分地,彻底地【练习】(1)They made a search for the lost ring, but didnt find it. (2) The work had not been done very 这个工作做得不太彻底。9、 remember not to do sth. 记得不要做某事 remember to do sth. 记得要做某事 e.g. You must remember not to pollut

10、e the environment. 你必须记住不能污染环境。10、 mean by 意思是 mean(v) meaning (n) e.g. What do you mean by saying that? 你那样说是什么意思?【随堂小练】I. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.1. The boy is lying on the bed (comfortable) and listening to music.2. My brother is always (patient) when he is d

11、oing his homework, so he always makes mistakes.3.The mans (work) became famous after he died.4.The boss has a plan to use fewer workers to do (much) work.5.Kens voice sounded (puzzle) when he heard a strange voice. 6.Wecleanedour_(chemical)labyesterdayafternoon.II. Choose the right word to complete

12、the sentence.1.It is unhealthy for children to add too much sugar (to / for) the milk.2.Do you know the chemical symbol (to / for) Oxygen?3.What do the women tourists mean (in / by) saying that?4.Our English teacher told us what the word meant (in / by) English.5.Professor White is talking (about /

13、with) Simon about his plan.【keys】I. 1. comfortably 2. impatient 3. works 4. more 5. puzzled 2. for 3. by 4. in 5. with 【 Important Sentences structures.】1. Its not easy for me to get here. It is十adj. +for sb. (of sb. )to do sth.(对事加以评论对人加以评论) 在这个句型中,it是形式主语,而句子真正的主语是后面的不定式短语 e.g. It is difficu

14、lt for you to read through this book in a week or so. 对你来说一星期左右看完这本书有困难。 It is useful for you to learn how to use the computer. 学习使用计算机对你有益处。2. I waited there until you called me, and here I am.until表示持续做某事,用延续性动词。notuntil表示“直到才”,可以用瞬间动词。e.g. The baby didnt stop crying until he saw his mother. 那个婴孩直

15、到看到妈妈才不哭。 We had dinner until 8:30 p.m. 我们吃晚饭一直到8点半。3. Then it was time to get cleaned up.Its time to do sth. 表示“是做什么事情的时候了”。它也可以用另外一种句式表达:Its time for sth.e.g. Its time to have dinner. =Its time for dinner. 是吃晚饭的时候了。 Its time for you to go to bed. 你该睡觉了。 Its time to go to school. =Its time for scho

16、ol. =Its time for us to go to school. =Its time for going to school.该上学了。练一练( )1. Its time a rest. You have read the story book for a long time.A. to have B. having C. has D. had( )2. The lights are still on in the lab. Please remember before leaving.A. turning them off B. to turn them offC. turning

17、 off them D. to turn off them3、It is useful for you (learn) how to use the computer. 4、Its necessary for us (learn) English today. 【语法】 (a)few 和(a)little 的用法1. (a) few 用在可数名词n.C之前,(a) little 用在不可数名词n.U之前。例如:He took a few biscuits. (a few = several) 他拿了几块饼干。He took few biscuits. (few = not many) 他拿的饼

18、干不多。He took a little butter. (a little = some) 他拿了点黄油。He took little butter. (little = not much) 他拿的黄油不多。2. few 可由hardly any 或almost no 所替代,含否定的意味。例如: The composition is well written; it has few mistakes. = The composition is well written; it has hardly any mistakes. 这篇作文很好写,几乎没有多少错误。 Few men can so

19、lve it. = Almost no men can solve it. 几乎没有人能解决它。3. a few相当于some, several, 含肯定的意味。例如: He has a few friends. = He has some friends. = He has several friends. 他有一些朋友。4. a little 和little之间的差别,就和a few 和few的差别一样,只是(a) little 修饰不可数名词,表量或程度。例如:He grows worse; there is little hope of his recovery. 他病情恶化了,恢复的

20、希望很小了。 He is not much better, but there is a little hope. 他病情不是那么好,但是有点希望。三.其它的数量形容词1. plenty of, a lot of, lots of 都表示许多,修饰复数可数名词或不可数名词。例如: The room contained plenty of / a lot of / lots of students. 这个房间容纳了许多学生。(students是复数名词) The room contained plenty of / a lot of / lots of furniture. 这个房间容纳了许多家

21、具。(furniture 是不可数名词)2. a great deal of, a good deal of, a large quantity of, a small quantity of, a large amount of, a smallamount of 均表量,修饰不可数名词。例如:The room contained a large quantity of furniture. (不可数名词)The room contained a large amount of furniture. (不可数名词)The room contained a small quantity of

22、furniture. (不可数名词)The room contained a small amount of furniture. (不可数名词)3. a number of “许多;一些”;a great number of, a large number of, a good number of “许多”,修饰复数可数名词,并且要与复数动词连用。例如:A number of books are missing from the library. 图书馆的许多书丢失了。The number of books from the library is large. 图书馆的图书数量很大。the

23、number of + 复数名词 + 单数(be)动词The room contained a great / large / good / number of students. (复数可数名词) 这个房间容纳了许多学生。相 关 练 习 题1. If there are _ people driving, there will be _ air pollution. Yes, the air will be fresher. A. less; less B. less; fewer C. fewer; fewer D. fewer; less 2. Shall we leave now? D

24、ont hurry. We still have _ time left. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 3. Would you like some milk in your tea? Yes, please. But just _. A. little B. a little C. a few D. few 4. Theres _ milk at home. We have to buy some this afternoon. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few5. Oh, dear. We have

25、_ food left. What should we do? Dont worry. Ill go and buy some. A. a few B. a little C. few D. littlePart 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)一、 Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共 20 分)( ) 1. My father usually reads morning papers before going to work.A. the B. a C. an D. /( ) 2. When the three

26、 astronauts came back from space, many reporters interviewed and got some first-hand information.A. they B. them C. their D. themselves( ) 3. I knocked on the door several times but answered, so I left.A. nobody B. anybody C. somebody D. everybody( ) 4. Would you please turn the fan ? I feel a littl

27、e coldA. on B. off C. down D. up( ) 5. Dont drop rubbish the ground, you should drop it the litter bin.A. downinto B. onto C. oninto D. toin( ) 6. Climbing mountains was , so we all felt .A. tiring; tired B. tired; tiring C. tiring; tiring D. tired; tired( ) 7. The boy is to go to school. He is seve

28、n years old.A. enough old B. young enough C. old enough D. enough young( ) 8. There are people in the Peoples Square.A. thousands of B. two thousand C. thousands D. two thousands( ) 9. I enjoy the popular dance “hip-hop”. But my father my mother likes it.A. bothand B. not only but also C. eitheror D

29、. neithernor( ) 10. Susans parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. It be very expensive.A. must B. can C. mustnt D. cant( ) 11. Mrs. Zhou visit our school next month.A. are going to B. went C. will D. will have( ) 12. I along the street, looking for a place to park when the accident

30、.A. went; was happening B. went; happenedC. was going; happened D. was going; had happened( ) 13. I saw an old lady beside the window when I went into my office.A. stood B. stands C. to stand D. standing( ) 14. She remembered the sick children after work.A. looking at B. to look at C. looking after

31、D. to look after( ) 15. hot day! Turn on the air-conditioner, please.A. What B. what a C. How D. How a( ) 16. Could you tell me ?A. where would the 2012 Olympic Games be heldB. where will the 2012 Olympic Games be heldC. where the 2012 Olympic Games will be heldD. where the 2012 Olympic Games would be held( ) 17. I

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