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1、盗梦空间盗梦空间00:01.00 movie soundtrack mp300:51.89He was delirious. But asked for you by name. 他昏迷不醒 但指名要见您00:58.89Show him. 拿过来01:01.79He was carrying nothing but this. 他身上什么都没有 只有这个.01:05.90.and this. 和这个01:28.22Are you here to kill me? 你是来杀我的吗?01:38.63I know what this is. 我知道这是什么01:42.21Ive seen one b

2、efore. Many, many years ago. 我之前见过 那是在很多很多年前01:48.98It belonged to a man I met in a half-remembered dream. 在一个已经记不清的梦里 我见过他01:55.89A man possessed of some radical notions. 那个人有一些激进的想法02:04.86What is the most resilient parasite? 哪种寄生虫生命力最强?02:08.00A bacteria? A virus? 细菌? 病毒?02:11.94An intestinal wor

3、m? 蛔虫?02:13.54Uh. 呃02:14.94What Mr. Cobb is trying to say 柯布先生想说02:16.74An idea. 是想法02:19.24Resilient. Highly contagious. 生命力强 极易传染02:21.91Once an idea has taken hold of the brain, 一旦大脑被某个想法占据02:24.07its almost impossible to eradicate. 想抹去它基本是不可能的02:26.52An idea that is fully formed, fully understoo

4、d, that sticks. 完整透徹的想法 会挥之不去02:30.79Right in there somewhere. 就藏在这里02:32.19For someone like you to steal? 给像你这样的人去偷?02:33.92Yes. In the dream state, your conscious defenses are lowered. 是的 在梦境中 意识的防御会降低02:37.03and that makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft. 这使你的思想易于被偷窃02:39.63Its called extractio

5、n. 这就叫盗梦02:41.03Mr. Saito, we can train your subconscious 齐藤先生 我们可以训练你的潜意识02:44.04to defend itself. 教它自我防御02:45.23.from even the most skilled extractor. 哪怕对方是最厉害的盗梦者02:47.70How can you do that? 你怎么做得到?02:49.11Because I am the most skilled extractor. 因为我就是最厉害的盗梦者02:52.08I know how to search your mind

6、 and find your secrets. 我知道如何搜寻你的大脑找出你的秘密02:54.78I know the tricks. 我知道诀窍02:55.93And I can teach them to you, so that even when youre asleep. 我可以教给你 所以就算你睡着了02:58.75.your defense is never down. 你也不会放松戒备03:01.99Look, if you want my help, 听着 如果你想要我帮你03:04.20youre gonna have to be completely open with

7、me. 你就要完全对我敞开心扉03:06.06I need to know my way around your thoughts better than your wife. 我要清楚地了解你的想法 要比你妻子03:09.59.better than your therapist, better than anyone. 比你的心理医师 比任何人都更了解03:12.33If this is a dream, and you have a safe full of secrets. 如果这是一个梦 你有一个保险箱装满了秘密03:15.16.I need to know whats in tha

8、t safe. 我要知道你的保险箱里都有什么03:17.67In order for this all to work, you need to completely let me in. 为了进展顺利 你要完全让我进入你的内心03:24.01Enjoy your evening, gentlemen, as I consider your proposal. 先生们 请享受夜晚 我要考虑一下你们的建议03:31.11He knows. 他知道了03:35.18Whats going on up there? 外面发生什么事了?04:30.91Saito knows. Hes playing

9、with us. 齐藤知道了 他在玩我们04:33.91Doesnt matter. I can get it here. Trust me. 没关系 我能做到 相信我04:36.41The information is in the safe. 信息就在保险箱里04:38.08He looked right at it when I mentioned secrets. 我说秘密的时候 他直直地看着它04:41.62Whats she doing here? 她怎么来了?04:45.59Just head back to the room. All right? Ill take care

10、of this. 回房间去好吗? 让我来处理04:48.63Okay, make sure you do. Were here to work. 好的 一定要成功 我们是来做事的04:59.10If I jumped, would I survive? 如果我跳下去 还会有命吗?00:06.14With a clean dive, perhaps. 如果你会潜水的话 也许吧00:08.71Mal, what are you doing here? 玛尔 你怎么在这儿?00:10.55I thought you might be missing me. 还以为你会想我呢00:13.05You k

11、now that I am. 你知道我想你00:15.75But I cant trust you anymore. 但我不能再相信你了00:18.96So what? 那又怎样?00:21.89Looks like Arthurs taste. 看来像亚瑟的品味00:24.26Actually, the subject is partial to postwar British painters. 其实 是目标人物偏爱战后的英国画家00:29.60Please, have a seat. 请坐吧00:39.04Tell me. 告诉我 the children mis

12、s me? 孩子们想我吗?00:46.78You cant imagine. 你根本无法体会00:52.66What are you doing? 你要干吗?00:53.92Just getting some fresh air. 呼吸下新鲜空气00:55.86Stay where you are, Mal. 在那儿别动 玛尔01:11.34Come on. Goddamn it. 他妈的02:15.04Turn around. 转过来02:16.77The gun, Dom. 把枪放下 多姆02:27.08Please. 请放下枪02:40.33Now the envelope, Mr. C

13、obb. 给我信封 柯布先生02:43.10Did she tell you? Or have you known all along? 是她告诉你的? 还是你早就知道?02:46.94That youre here to steal from me, or that we are actually asleep? 你指你是来偷我信息的 还是我们其实是在梦里?02:56.04I want to know the name of your employer. 我想知道你老板是谁03:00.42Ah, theres no use threatening him in a dream, right,

14、 Mal? 在梦里威胁他也没用 是吧 玛尔?03:04.45That depends on what youre threatening. 那要看你威胁什么了03:07.82Killing him would just wake him up. 杀了他只会让他醒过来而已03:10.76But pain. 但是痛苦.03:15.86Pain is in the mind. 痛苦能被感觉到03:18.47And judging by the decor, were in your mind, arent we, Arthur? 根据装饰风格 我们是在你的梦里 是不是 亚瑟?03:34.08What

15、 are you doing? Its too soon. 你干吗? 还不到时候03:35.68I know. But the dreams collapsing. 我知道 但梦境在塌陷了03:37.54Im gonna try to keep Saito under a little bit longer. 我尽力施住齐藤03:40.20Were almost there. 马上就成功了03:55.00He was close. Very close. 他差一点就成功了04:13.29Stop him! 抓住他!04:40.68This isnt gonna work. Wake him u

16、p. 这样不行 叫醒他00:03.67He wont wake. 他不醒00:10.08Give him the kick. What? 让他穿越 什么?00:11.91Dunk him. 扔浴缸里00:57.49Hes out. 拿下他了01:04.17You came prepared, hmm? 你是有备而来的 对吧?01:06.40Not even my head of security knows this apartment. 连我的保安队长都不知道这间公寓01:09.22How did you find it? 你是怎么找到的?01:10.87Its difficult for

17、a man of your position 像你这样有地位的人01:13.12to keep a love nest like this secret. 想跟有夫之妇拥有一间秘密爱巢01:15.00particularly where theres a married woman involved. 不是那么容易的01:17.48She would never. Yet here we are. 她永远不会. 事已至此01:20.52With a dilemma. Theyre getting closer. 进退两难 他们靠近了01:22.79You got what you came f

18、or. Well, thats not true. 你想要的东西已经得到了 不是的01:25.72You left out a key piece of information, didnt you? 你有一条重要信息没写进去 是不是?01:28.56You held something back because you knew what we were up to. 你有所隐瞒 因为你知道我们的目的01:31.93Question is, whyd you let us in at all? An audition. 问题 那为什么要让我们进入呢? 预演01:36.00An auditio

19、n for what? Doesnt matter. You failed. 什么预演? 不重要 你失败了01:39.10We extracted every bit of information you had in there. 我们盗取了你藏在梦里的所有信息01:42.20But your deception was obvious. 但你的伪装太明显02:25.38So leave me and go. You dont seem to understand, Mr. Saito. 放了我 你走吧 你似乎还不明白 齐藤先生02:30.07That corporation that hi

20、red us, they wont accept failure. 雇我们的公司是不会容忍失败的02:34.39We wont last two days. 我们撑不过两天02:38.46Cobb? 柯布?02:39.83Looks like Im gonna have to do this a little more simply. 看来我要化繁为简了02:43.13Tell us what you know! Tell us what you know, now! 把你知道的告诉我们! 现在就说!02:50.27Ive always hated this carpet. 我一直讨厌这块地毯

21、02:53.78Its stained and frayed in such distinctive ways. 它有独特的污点和破损02:59.18But very definitely made of wool. 但绝对是羊毛制品03:03.35Right now. 现在.03:06.09.Im lying on polyester. 我是躺在涤纶上03:12.39Which means Im not lying on my carpet, in my apartment. 这说明我并不是躺在我家的地毯上03:18.10You have lived up to your reputatio

22、n, Mr. Cobb. 果然名不虚传 柯布先生03:21.80Im still dreaming. 我还在梦里03:30.51Howd it go? Not good. 情况如何? 不妙03:37.75Dream within a dream, huh? Im impressed. 梦中梦是吧? 让我刮目相看啊03:43.13But in my dream, you play by my rules. 但在我的梦里 就要遵守我的规则03:47.10Ah, yes, but you see, Mr. Saito. 是的 但你看 齐藤先生.03:49.23Were not in your dre

23、am. 我们并不是在你的梦里03:50.80Were in mine. 而是我的04:02.31Asshole. How do you mess up the carpet? 混蛋 地毯怎么搞错了?04:04.58It wasnt my fault. Youre the architect. 不是我的错 你是筑梦师04:07.05I didnt know he was gonna rub his cheek on it! 我又不知道他会把脸贴上去蹭!04:09.35Thats enough. 够了04:11.55You. What the hell was all that? 你 这都是怎么回

24、事?04:13.59I have it under control. Id hate to see you out of control. 我控制得了局面 你失控就不好了04:16.63We dont have time for this. Im getting off at Kyoto. 我们没时间了 我要在东京下车04:20.56Hes not gonna check every compartment. 他不会查看每节车厢的04:22.57Yeah, well, I dont like trains. 好吧 我不喜欢火车04:24.37Listen. Every man for hims

25、elf. 听着 自己保重吧00:41.48Yes, hello? 喂00:42.71Hi, Daddy. Hi, Dad. 嗨 爸爸 爸爸00:45.85Hey, guys. Hey. How are you? How you doing, huh? 嘿 宝贝们 你们好吗?00:49.62Good. Okay, I guess. 还不错 还行吧00:52.02Okay? Whos just okay? Is that you, James? 是吗 是谁还行 是你吗? 詹姆斯00:55.92Yeah. When are you coming home, Dad? 是的 你什么时候回家 爸爸?01

26、:00.83Well, I cant, sweetheart. I cant. Not for a while, remember? 我不能回家 宝贝 现在还不行 记得吗?01:05.63Why? 为什么?01:07.30Look, I told you, Im away because Im working, right? 告诉过你了 我离开是要工作 对吧?01:13.18Grandma says youre never coming back. 奶奶说你永远不会回来的01:16.68Phillipa, is that you? 菲利帕 是你吗?01:19.55Put Grandma on

27、the phone for me, will you? 让奶奶接电话好吗?01:22.05Shes shaking her head. 她在摇头01:25.89Well, just hope shes wrong about that. 希望是她说错了01:29.26Daddy? 爸爸01:31.16Yeah, James? 我在 詹姆斯?01:32.36Is Mommy with you? 妈妈跟你在一起吗?01:36.67James, we talked about this. 詹姆斯 这个话题我们谈过了01:40.17Mommys not here anymore. 妈妈已经不在了01:

28、43.57Where? 去哪儿了?01:46.54Thats enough, kids. Say bye-bye. 够了 孩子们 说再见吧01:49.35Listen, Im gonna send some presents with Grandpa, all right? 听着 我会让爷爷带礼物给你们的 好吗?01:52.55And you be good, you be. 你们乖乖的 你.02:04.09Our rides on the roof. Right. 飞机在屋顶了 好的02:13.47Hey, are you okay? 嘿 你没事吧?02:15.37Yeah. Yeah, I

29、m fine. Why? 我很好 问这干吗02:16.84Well, down in the dream, Mal showing up. 在梦里 玛尔出现了02:19.38Look, Im, uh, sorry about your leg. Wont happen again. 听着 你的腿我很抱歉 以后不会再这样了02:22.85Its getting worse, isnt it? 越来越糟了 是不是?02:24.33One apologys all youre getting, all right? 你只能得到一个道歉 懂吗?02:26.61Wheres Nash? He hasnt

30、 shown. You wanna wait? 纳什在哪儿? 他没来 要等吗?02:29.25We were supposed to deliver Saitos expansion plans. 我们应该在两小时之前把齐藤的扩张计划 Cobol Engineering two hours ago. 传送给康布工程公司02:33.82By now, they know we failed. Its time we disappear. 现在他们已经知道我们失败了 该消失了02:37.59Where you gonna go? Buenos Aires. 你要去哪儿? 布宜诺斯艾利斯02:40.26I can lie low there, 我会在那里低调度日02:41.30maybe sniff out a job when thi

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