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Ally Mcbeal S02E06剧本.docx

1、Ally Mcbeal S02E06剧本Cage & Fish. A room.AMB, JC and a woman.JC: And willing to take it to trial its just that I heu.CL: You dont think you can win.JC (stutters): Yadada Poughkee. Poughkee. Poughkee. MacysAMB: Wo the thing is that. making love is wonderful but when youre a. a. a. how do I say it ?CL:

2、 a nun.AMB: Yes a nun. Nuns are not supposed to have sex except, you know (she punches JC slightly, shes joking) with other nuns.CL: I still think that jury will be sympathetic. Once for the church that dismissed me.JC: Look, I admit Im not courant but isnt celibacy a function of the job ?CL: I made

3、 a mistake, I admitted it. Why cant I move on ?AMB: Well, we can take it to trial if you want, but.JC: It would be a total hail Mary. Ah. (stutters) MongeyAMB and JC walking in the lobby of Cage & Fish.AMB: Is it me or do we just seem to be a magnet for strange cases ?JC: Its both. (They enter the u

4、nisex.)AMB (starts washing her hands): And sex, too ! So many of them are about sex ! Its. anytime somebody does it these days it seems some legal right has been violated. This is what the world has come to, (she thrusts with each do it and each sue) do it and sue, do it and sue, do it and sue, do i

5、t, do it, do it, sue, sue, sue ! (Camera pans larger and we can see NP watching - AMB sees her) Hello.NP: Hello !AMB: I thought John was with me.NP: I actually liked that little. Can you show me how to do that ?AMB: You just have to get the circular. (motions her hips in a circle and then notices NP

6、 is just smiling at her) Youre making fun of me.NP: I am.AMB (smiling like a smile therapy): Late for court ! (she leaves a strange way, walking and jumping)Credits.RR and AMB walking in a sort of city park.RR: Youre going to trial with this ?AMB: This is what she wants to do !RR: Ally, this kind of

7、 cases.AMB: I know, I know, I know.MG: Renee ?RR: Matt !MG: Hey !RR: Hey !MG: How are you ?RR: Im fine, Im fine, how are you ?MG: Great !RR: Great !AMB: Great !RR: Matt Griffin, Ally McBeal, my roommate.AMB: Hi !MG: Hi !RR: Old friend.MG: Ive been trying to getting a TRR. One of my competitors is st

8、epping on my trademark a little.RR: Oh, good luck !MG: Thanks. It was great to see you again.RR: Me too.MG: Bye. (he leaves)AMB: All right, who is that ?RR: That was my Billy. High school.AMB: What ? You never told me about him !RR: Cause I dont do that.AMB: How long did you guys. (RR leaves) go out

9、 ? (AMB runs after her, RR has left in a hurry).Court room.Judge is Whipper Cone. Sister is testifying, JC examining her.CL: Its not something I meant to have happened, it just did.JC: But Sister, you took certain vows.CL: I realize this. And Im not condoning the affair, but.JC: First tell us how it

10、 even started.CL: Well, I was doing some charity work for the shelter where Peter, that was his name, Peter Reynold, sheltered the homeless. It was actually work day.JC: Work day ?CL: Scrubbing floors, painting walls. It had already been a long day, and were both tired.JC: So you made love ?CL: No,

11、we didnt make love ! It didnt just happened in a snap !WC: Lets move on, could we ?CL: As I was saying, we were both painting and tired. It turned into this game, when we both starting slapping. each other.JC: And you made love ?CL: No ! Whats wrong with you ?JC: Please just continue.CL: Well, we. w

12、e were looking at each other, and there was this. We knew ! And suddenly I had urges I was totally unprepared for.JC: So you.CL: Not yet ! We knew we couldnt act on it, but we started to make excuses to be in each others company. Meeting over at the shelter, more work days, and coffee, and lunch, an

13、d dinner, and another dinner. We talked about anything and everything, except. how we were feeling. You know, we couldnt go there. And then, one night, we were painting another room. I think painting was the closes thing to permissible foreplay (AMB lets out a little laugh, WC looks at her) We. foun

14、d ourselves staring at each other. It was awful. I was looking at something I wanted more than anything. Something I knew I could never have ! And he saw it. And moved a little closer. And then he kissed me. He. It was so soft ! The most delicate ! And that night, in the same kind of soft delicate p

15、assion, we made love. (AMB blows her nose loudly)WC: Miss McBeal ! In chambers, please ! (she gets up)In chambers.AMB: What ?WC: That little nose blow ? Youve been practicing law with John Cage too long, Im not gonna tolerate your little tricks !AMB: It wasnt a trick, it was real ! Plus I have a lit

16、tle sinus infection !WC: Is that right ? Let me see ! (she comes towards AMB with a light doctors use to look up nose and throat)AMB: Excuse me ?WC: Look up. Look up ! Say Ah !AMB: Aaaaah.WC: You look fine. You can go.AMB: Thank you. Is that why you called me back here, to give me a little check-up

17、?WC: I called you back to shut down the stunts ! You can go.AMB: OK. (shes going to the door)WC: Ally ? (AMB stops and turns around to WC) Hows Richard doing ?AMB: Fine.WC: Good. Is he. is he seeing anybody ?AMB: A little.WC: You can just tell him that I said hi.AMB: Sure. Bye !WC: Bye.AMB leaves.Co

18、urt room corridors.RR is walking, almost enters a room, but once the room is opened decides against it, closes the door, and turns around. She then bumps into MG.MG: Hey !RR: Matt ! Hey !MG: My case is in that room.RR: Really ?MG: Yeah. They havent called us yet. You look.RR: We both look great ! So

19、 hows the married life treating you ?MG: Its been a little bumpy lately actually. You, youre not. ?RR: No.MG: Wanna get some coffee ? Maybe go out for a drink ? It really would be nice to catch up.Court room with the nuns case. Attorney for the Mother is cross-examining the nun.Attorney: Youre a nun

20、 !CL: Yes. And I confessed, sought penance, and was granted absolution.Attorney: And then you saw him again and you lied about it.CL: It was wrong, I admit that.Attorney: You had sex with a man !CL: A priest has sex with a boy he gets transferred ! And me. At least my lover was of legal age, for God

21、s sake.JC (getting up): Your Honor, she was tricked into saying that, this man is a trickster and should be sanctioned !WC: Im going to overrule that one.Attorney: Miss Long, do you agree with the tenant that nuns should be celibate ?CL: Yes.Attorney: Well, then, what kind of message does it give to

22、 the other nuns, you running around ?CL: It wasnt running around, it was completely discreet ! I dont even know how it got out !Attorney: But it did get out, and if the Church does nothing about it, they face attack from the parish ! And if they do something about it you sue ! Theyre damned if they

23、do, damned if they dont ! Is that it ?CL: Were Catholic !JC (getting up): Objection, he tricked her again ! This man is an anti-Catholic papal bigot trickster !GT on a toilet, reading the National Law Journal.Noises of bubbling water. She looks down at the bowl. It does it again. Shes scared and get

24、s up and looks down. Theres nothing. Bubbles again. She looks closer. Stefan jumps, and it cuts to GT going out of the stall with him on her face, screaming. She grabs him and throws him at NP who is by the sinks. NP looks horrified (it lands on her hair), turns around to look at herself in the mirr

25、or, screams, throws it back at GT, who throws it back at NP, and when NP throws it back once more, RF opens his stall and Stefan splashes on the open door. The three of them look at him slowly sliding down the door. GT and RF bend next to him on the floor.GT: Hes alive !RF: Or not.Cage & Fish office

26、. JC is walking in the corridor.AMB: John ! John, we have to try to settle this. No jury is gonna pay a nun damages for.JC: Well, you try talking to her, Ally. I cant seem to make any head way !EV (coming up): Well, maybe I could talk to them about re-hiring her. Im very good at talking with clergy.

27、 At communion, Id always get the extra wafer !AMB: What a shock ! (she leaves)Unisex.Stefan is on his back on a the floor of the unisex, and GT, NP and RF are trying to revive him by giving him CPR.GT: Come on Stefan ! Come on !NP: I think I can feel a pulse.RF: Hes not breathing.GT: He must have so

28、mehow survived in the pipes.RF: Hes a tree frog, how. ? (they hear a flush) John !As JC walks in carrying his remote flusher, grabbing him and leading him out of the unisex.In front of the unisexNP: John ! God ! I was just thinking about you !JC: What ? What ?NP: Im gonna hold a little party. Intima

29、te. Just a few close fr.LW (arriving): When ?NP: Ling ! Hi !LW: Never mind hi, or Ling, why am I not invited to this party ?NP: Ling. (JC starts to go back to the unisex, NP catches him back - to LW, while holding JC) No, you are invited, you, me, John, Richard. I just decided. I need to speak to Jo

30、hn for a minute.Unisex.Stefan is now on top of a garbage can turned upside down (on a handkerchief like before).GT: Hes breathing !RF (hopeful): He is ?GT: Look at his little lungs !RF: Oh, hes breathing. Hello ! Hes still unconscious. (LW enters the unisex, followed closely by BT - They both stay at the door looking at GT and RF cooing at Stefan) Stefan, buddy, come on.LW (to BT): Theyre talking to a dead

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