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经济学4Hyman Minsky 2.docx

1、经济学4Hyman Minsky 2Did Hyman Minsky find the secret behind financial crashes?American economist Hyman Minsky, who died in 1996, grew up during the Great Depression, an event which shaped his views and set him on a crusade to explain how it happened and how a repeat could be prevented, writes Duncan W

2、eldon.Minsky spent his life on the margins of economics but his ideas suddenly gained currency with the 2007-08 financial crisis. To many, it seemed to offer one of the most plausible貌似有理的 accounts of why it had happened.His long out-of-print books were suddenly in high demand with copies changing h

3、ands for hundreds of dollars - not bad for densely 浓密的written tomes with titles like Stabilizing an Unstable Economy.Senior central bankers including current US Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen and the Bank of Englands Mervyn King began quoting his insights. Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krug

4、man named a high profile talk about the financial crisis The Night They Re-read Minsky.Here are five of his ideas.Stability is destabilising不稳定的Minskys main idea is so simple that it could fit on a T-shirt, with just three words: Stability is destabilising.Most macroeconomists 微观经济学work with what th

5、ey call equilibrium平衡 models - the idea is that a modern market economy is fundamentally stable. That is not to say nothing ever changes but it grows in a steady way.To generate an economic crisis or a sudden boom some sort of external shock has to occur - whether that be a rise in oil prices, a war

6、 or the invention of the internet.Minsky disagreed. He thought that the system itself could generate shocks through its own internal dynamics.动态的 He believed that during periods of economic stability, banks, firms and other economic agents become complacent.自满的They assume that the good times will ke

7、ep on going and begin to take ever greater risks in pursuit of profit. So the seeds of the next crisis are sown in the good time.Three stages of debtMinsky had a theory, the financial instability hypothesis, arguing that lending goes through three distinct stages. He dubbed these the Hedge保护手段, the

8、Speculative and the Ponzi 骗人向虚假公司投钱,引诱更多人上当stages, after financial fraudster Charles Ponzi.In the first stage, soon after a crisis, banks and borrowers are cautious. Loans are made in modest amounts and the borrower can afford to repay both the initial principal and the interest.As confidence rises

9、banks begin to make loans in which the borrower can only afford to pay the interest. Usually this loan is against an asset which is rising in value. Finally, when the previous crisis is a distant memory, we reach the final stage - Ponzi finance. At this point banks make loans to firms and households

10、 that can afford to pay neither the interest nor the principal. 本金Again this is underpinned加固加强 by a belief that asset prices will rise.The easiest way to understand is to think of a typical mortgage. Hedge 防止损失金钱的手段finance means a normal capital repayment loan, speculative finance is more akin相似的 t

11、o an interest-only loan and then Ponzi finance is something beyond even this. It is like getting a mortgage, making no payments at all for a few years and then hoping the value of the house has gone up enough that its sale can cover the initial loan and all the missed payments. You can see that the

12、model is a pretty good description of the kind of lending that led to the financial crisis.Minsky momentsThe Minsky moment, a term coined by later economists, is the moment when the whole house of cards falls down. Ponzi finance is underpinned by rising asset prices and when asset prices eventually

13、start to fall then borrowers and banks realise there is debt in the system that can never be paid off. People rush to sell assets causing an even larger fall in prices.It is like the moment that a cartoon character runs off a cliff. They keep on running for a while, still believing theyre on solid g

14、round. But then theres a moment of sudden realisation 认识与领会- the Minsky moment - when they look down and see nothing but thin air. Then they plummet骤然暴跌 to the ground, and thats the crisis and crash of 2008.Finance mattersUntil fairly recently, most macroeconomists were not very interested in the fi

15、ner details of the banking and financial system. They saw it as just an intermediary 中间人的which moved money from savers to borrowers.This is rather like the way most people are not very interested in the finer details of plumbing when theyre having a shower. As long as the pipes are working and the w

16、ater is flowing there is no need to understand the detailed workings.To Minsky, banks were not just pipes but more like a pump - not just simple intermediaries moving money through the system but profit-making institutions, with an incentive 诱因to increase lending. This is part of the mechanism that

17、makes economies unstable.Preferring words to maths and modelsSince World War Two, mainstream economics has become increasingly mathematical, based on formal models of how the economy works.To model things you need to make assumptions, and critics of mainstream economics argue that as the models and

18、maths became more and more complex, the assumptions underpinning them became more and more divorced from reality. The models became an end in themselves.Although he trained in mathematics, Minsky preferred what economists call a narrative approach - he was about ideas expressed in words. Many of the

19、 greats from Adam Smith to John Maynard Keynes to Friedrich Hayek worked like this.While maths is more precise, words might allow you to express and engage with complex ideas that are tricky to model - things like uncertainty, irrationality, and exuberance丰富. Minskys fans say this contributed to a v

20、iew of the economy that was far more realistic than that of mainstream economics.所谓“明斯基时刻”(Minsky Moment)是指海曼明斯基Hyman Minsky(美国经济学家)所描述的时刻,即资产价值崩溃时刻。他的观点主要是经济长时期稳定可能导致债务增加、杠杆比率上升,进而从内部滋生爆发金融危机和陷入漫长去杠杆化周期的风险。经济好的时候,投资者倾向于承担更多风险,随着经济向好的时间不断推移,投资者承受的风险水平越大,直到超过收支不平衡点而崩溃。这种投机资产促使放贷人尽快回收借出去的款项。“就像引导到资产价值





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