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Unit 2 Tastes.docx

1、Unit 2 TastesUnit2Tastes单元教学设计主备课人学校与姓名:化工路小学 刘帅授课时间:2015年月日-年月日单元整体分析1.单元内容总体描述:本单元的话题是描述食物的味道,品尝食品,说味道,描述食物的颜色形状来猜食品。新增一些食物的词汇,如:candy,ice cream,,lemon等,在三年级上册已经学过的what is it? Its a/an.句型的基础上,增加了How is it?询问食物的味道和描述食物的味道 Its sweet/sour.的句型。字母b,p在单词中的发音。2.本册教材与此相关的内容分析:Unit1Colours 有描述食物颜色的单词,如:red

2、, yellow.Unit 6Food and drinks 有食物的名称,如:egg,juice.学情分析学生在上学期已掌握一些有关食物的名词,以及一些描述食物颜色和形状的词汇。能在具体语境中用What is it?询问这是什么?会用Its a/an .句型来回答。但是在做回答时,对于可数名词和不可数名词的区分以及可数名词前加a或者an的区别,有些学困生还不能准确运用,在这里也要再次强调,巩固记忆。难点预测:学生可能遇到困难的知识:1.可数名词和不可数名词的区分以及可数名词前加a或者an的区别。在教学中我将再次从概念上强调,补充一些常见的词组,让学生在词组中整体理解和记忆。2.What和Ho

3、w提问的差别。我将再补充Where,Who等提问单词,让学生区分辨别,从而加深记忆。单元总目标语言知识与技能:1.能听、说、读、写核心词汇candy, ice cream ,lemon, how, orange, sour, sweet, taste.2.在语境中熟练运用How is it?来询问食物的味道, 用Its sweet/sour来描述食物的味道。3.能正确读出字母p和b在单词中的发音。过程与方法:1.以听、读、说、游戏等方式推动对语言的感知和理解。2.以情境对话教学为主线,在所创设的日常活动情境中运用本单元目标情感态度价值观:在各种游戏中体会学习英语的乐趣,鼓励学生在情境对话中用所

4、学的目标语分享个人观点,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力。教学方法与手段1.采用游戏教学法,通过猜物游戏、连线游戏、猜谜游戏等,在游戏中调动学生的积极性,让每个学生都参与进来,寓教于乐,学生更容易接受教学内容。2.利用多媒体课件,听听读读,让学生自主学习课文内容,也调节了课堂气氛。课时划分与分课时目标板块单元知识整合与拓展的知识教学目标主题语境第一课时Listen and say,Look and learn.单词taste ,candyice cream,lemon,sweet, soursalty,bitter,spicyan ice cream,alemon1.通过情景对话,帮助学生学习核

5、心句型。2.帮助学生区分可数名词和不可数名词。How is it?句型How is it?Its sweet第二课时Play a game,Sing a song.单词Juicy,pear,banana,tomatoWho,Where,What,When.1.在真实情景中运用词汇和句型。2.帮助学生区分What和How提问的差别。How is it?句型How is it?Its sweetOpen you mouth. Close the eyesPlease guess. You are right.第三课时Look and read,Learn the sounds.单词big. sma

6、ll.long. roundtriangle,rectangle,square1.学习对物品的形状、颜色、味道进行综合描述。2.学习p和b在单词中的发音。What is it?句型Its .What is it?Is it.?语音bppear,pencil,pleaseblue,book,boy作业设计第第一课时Read the sentences第二课时Copy the words and sentences.第第三课时Make a riddle.Eg. It is yellow and long, It is a fruit, Moneys like it .What is it ?教学设

7、计续页课题Unit2Tastes课型新授课时第1课时授课时间年月日项目内容教学重点难点Teaching important aims1.Understand andusethe words candy,ice cream,lemon,how,orange,sour, sweet, taste.2.Use thesentence “How is it? Its sweet.”Difficult pointsDistinguish between countable nouns and uncountable nouns板书设计Unit 2 TastesWhatis it? Its an appl

8、e / a lemon/a candy.Howis it? Itssweet/sour/salty/bitter/spicy.教学设计续页教学流程个性化调控Pre-producerT:What is your favorite fruit? Today,well talk about the fruit.While-producerT:There are some fruits in my bag. Touch it and guess .What is it?(Its an apple / a lemon/a candy.)Learn the wordsT:(Show the candy)c

9、andy. C-A-N-D-Y.(Showthe lemon)lemon. L-E-M-O-N.(Showthe card for ice cream)an ice creamLearn the sentence1.Show the card for foodT:What is it ?Tasteit .How is it ?Itssweet/sour/salty/bitter/spicy.2.Let the students listen and repeat Listen and sayStudentsactivityPractice in pairsS1:Tastes it. How i

10、s it?S2: Its sweet.S1:What is it ?S2:Its an apple.HomeworkRead the sentences个性设计应达到30%当堂达标设计Choose fill in the blanks1.The candy _ sweet. These lemons _ sour.A .is, is B. is, are2.Taste the ice cream. It is _ .A .hot B .cold and sweet3.Taste the candy. How is it? _.A .Itis round B. It is sweet教学反思现象

11、与归因分析请描述课堂问题改进措施请给出具体明确的改进措施 教学设计续页课题Unit2Tastes课型新授课时第2课时授课时间年月日项目内容教学重点难点Teaching important aimsUse thesentence “How is it? Its sweet.”Difficult pointsDistinguish betweenWhat is it and How is it.板书设计Unit 2 TastesHowis it? Its.Who,Where,What,When 教学设计续页教学流程个性化调控Pre-producerShow the word card,review

12、 the last lesson learn sentences.T:What is it?S:It is an ice cream.T:How is it?S:It is sweet.Learn the songLet the students with multimedia, do actions, while learning songs .StudentsactivityT:Today,we have a party, we can eat a lot of things.(Show play a game picture)Play and act, one student act a

13、s a host and other act as a guest. The guest close the eyes.S1:Taste it ,How is it?S2:It is sour.S1:What is it? Please guess.S2:It is a lemon.S1:You are right.Do a surveyThis is an apple. It is green. Taste it. How is it ?It is sour.(Tick the correct box)HomeworkCopy the words and sentences.个性设计应达到3

14、0%当堂达标设计To complete the questionnairelemonapplecakeorangeice cream.sweetsour.教学反思现象与归因分析请描述课堂问题改进措施请给出具体明确的改进措施 教学设计续页课题Unit2Tastes课型复习课时第3课时授课时间年月日项目内容教学重点难点Teaching important aims1.Learning to the shape, color, taste, make a comprehensive description. 2.Learning p and b in the pronunciation of wor

15、ds.Difficult pointsWrite the sentences correctly板书设计Unit 2 TastesColor shapeblue蓝色 big smallgreen绿色 long shortpurple紫色 triangleyellow黄色 rectanglered红色 squarepink粉红色 round 教学设计续页教学流程个性化调控Pre-producer1.Sing the song -Apple tree2.Review the sentences.While-producer1.Read and guess, one student read Loo

16、k and read riddles,other students guessing.2.Draw and make, four people a group make a riddle and draw the picture.3.Play the game, one group read them riddle and other student guess.S1;It is yellow .It is round .It is sour. It is juicy.What is it?SS: It is a lemon.S1:You are right.Learn the soundsS

17、how the picture for P(pig) /p/P:pig,pear,pen,pencil,pleaseShow the picture for B(bag) /b/b:banana,beautiful,bed,boy,book,blueAfter-producerLast, teacher give you a riddle: It is orange on the outside and orange inside .You can make it into juice, it is sweet and sour .What is it? The next time I will tell you .HomeworkModel on the “Look and learn” to make a riddle.个性设计应达到30%当堂达标设计Write the words according to the pictures教学反思现象与归因分析请描述课堂问题改进措施请给出具体明确的改进措施第 单元复习设计授课时间:年月日听说读写必会内容建议使用思维导图达标检测设计

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