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1、动词的时态与语态doc 专题一 动词的时态与语态直击高考考点(1)考情分析:动词时态和语态历来是高考中考查的重点。(2)命题趋势:时态与语态是紧密相连的。高考对时态和语态的考查主要体现在单项填空上,主要考查时态和语态在交际环境中的正确识别和应用,这是广大考生深感头疼的难点。其次体现在短文改错和完形填空上,最后,在书面表达中,如果缺乏时态和语态方面的训练和素养,就会面临得不到基本分的危险。进行时态和完成时态的考核频率更高。基础知识清单(1)谓语动词的时态时态表示例句注意一般现在时现在经常性、习惯性动作I read English every, there, now, t

2、hen等开头的倒装句要用一般现在时代替现在进行时。 如:Look! Here comes the bus.客观真理、普遍公理、科学事实The sun rises in the east.现有的兴趣、爱好或能力He likes playing football.现存的性质、特征或状态The situation is encouraging.介绍故事梗概、剧情,用于新闻标题Workers face tough times abroad.按时刻表或按规定、计划、安排将要发生的动作(常见动词如come, go, leave, arrive, begin, start, take off, return

3、, stop, open, close等)The train leaves at 4:30 p.m. The meeting starts this afternoon.一般过去时过去经常性、习惯性的动作或状态He often cried when he was a boy表示过去经常发生的动作,也可用“used to do”和“would do”过去某时的动作或状态I went to the bank just now.用于I didnt know或I forgot,表示事先不知道或不记得,但现在已知道或记得的事情。I didnt know you were here.Sorry, I fo

4、rgot to bring my book.一般将来时现在看来以后要发生的动作或存在的状态Tom will come next week.He will be here tomorrow.将来时常见表达形式:will/shall dobe going to dobe to dobe about to do(此形式不能与时间状语连用)事物的固有属性或必然趋势Oil will float in water.Fish will die without water.对将来某个动作的安排、计划He is going to speak on TV this evening.现在进行时此时此刻正在发生的动作

5、Im studying English now.不宜用进行时的动词:感觉类:look, smell, feel, sound, taste, see, hear情感类:like, love, prefer, admire, hate, fear心态类:wish, hope, expect, want, need, believe, think, understand, agree, know, remember, forget所有类:have, contain, won, hold, belong to 现阶段正在发生的动作We are building our socialism.情况的暂时

6、性I dont really work here. I am just helping until the secretary arrives.与always, forever, constantly, continually连用,表示赞赏或厌恶等感情色彩,但并非强调动作正在进行He is always helping others.She is always forgetting something.按计划、安排近期发生的动作(只限于come, go, leave, arrive, start, move, sail, fly, travel, stay等)A foreigner is co

7、ming to visit our school.Im leaving for Beijing tomorrow.过去进行时过去某一时刻或阶段发生的动作He was watching TV this time yesterday.It was raining the whole morning.过去进行时可用来描绘故事发行的背景:The wind was blowing and it was raining hard.与always, forever, constantly, continually连用,表示赞赏或厌恶等感情色彩Comrade Lei Feng was always think

8、ing of others never thinking of himself.过去计划、安排好的将来动作(只限于come, go, leave, arrive, start, move, sail, fly, travel, stay等)He said he was leaving the next day.I was told the train was starting soon.过去将来时过去某一时刻后将要发生的过去动作或过去的意图打算(主要用于宾语从句中)She was sure she would succeed.I thought you would come.把一般将来时中的助

9、动词变成过去式,便成了过去将来时的表达形式现在完成时现已完成或刚刚完成且对现在有影响的动作I have finished my homework.没有包括“现在”在内或不是截至“现在”为止的时间状语不能与现在完成时连用短暂性动词的肯定式不能与时间段连用“in the past/last+时间段”要与现在完成时连用have gone to表示人在去所指地方的路上或已在所指地方;have been to表示人曾到过所指地方,但现在不在所指地方。表示始于过去持续至今的动作或状态Hes lived here since 2005.Ive taught English for 15 years.到目前为

10、止的一段时间内,多少次或第几次做某事Hes been to Beijing several times.Its the third time that Ive seen the film.将来某时先要做完的动作(只限于时间和条件状语从句)Dont get off the bus until it has stopped.发生在过去的动作,但已成为现在的经历或经验Weve all played with snow and ice.过去完成时过去某时间前已发生的动作或情况Marx had learned dome English before he came to London.过去完成时必须以过

11、去某一时刻为基点,即“过去的过去”。因此只有在和过去某时或某动作相比较时才用到它。before, after本身“前”“后”明显,因此可用一般过去时代替过去完成时。如:He (had) left before I arrived.过去某动作前已发生的另一动作The train had left when I got to the station.始于过去持续至过去另一时间,也许延续下来的动作He said he had been in the Party for 10 years.过去未曾实现的意图、打算或希望(只限于think, want, plan, mean, intend, hope,

12、 expect, suppose,wish, want等动词)I had planned to see you yesterday, but the rain prevented me.(2)动词的语态一般用于强调动作的承受者,谓语动词不再跟名词或宾语。在试题中动词的语态一般不单独考,而是和时态、语态和非谓语动词一起考,只是需要注意以下几点。1)被动语态的适用情况表示不知道或没有必要指出动作的执行者时。Paper was first invented in China. 纸是中国人发明的。表示需要突出或强调动作的承受者。The song was composed by a student.这首

13、歌是一个学生谱的曲。2)被动语态的构成方式:“be+过去分词”,口语中也可用“get/become+过去分词”表示。3)一些常用经典被动句型:It is said/ reported / estimated / expected thatIt is widely believed重点难点突破(1)时间和条件等状语从句中时态的替代。要用一般现在时来表示一般将来时。Well give him the book if he wants it.要用一般过去时来表示过去将来时。Jack said he would go home when he finished his work.要用现在进行时来表示将

14、来进行时Well explain it to your friend when were seeing him off at the station.要用现在完成时来表示将来完成时Ill call you as soon as Ive done my work.要用过去完成时来表示过去将来完成时She said she would come as soon as she had done her work.其他状语从句也有用现在时态替代将来时态的现象。a. Ill go or stay according as the situation requires.b. Well give them

15、firm support even though they may make mistakes.(2)时态的一致(时态的呼应)1)当主句的谓语为过去时态,其从句中的谓语就要用相应的过去时态。从句谓语和主句谓语的动作同时发生,从句中须用一般过去时或过去进行时。a. She did not mind how much money she spent.b. We saw that the smoke was coming from a window.主句谓语的动作发生在前,从句谓语的动作发生在后,从句中须用过去将来时。I didnt know if she would come.从句谓语的动作发生在

16、前,主句谓语的动作发生在后,从句中须用过去完成时。He admitted that he had been on the march.从句谓语的动作发生在前,主句谓语的动作发生在后,但从句中有表示具体过去的时间状语,从句中仍用一般过去时。如果表示的时间不具体,则仍要用过去完成时。He said he was born in 1984.She said that she had never seen such a beautiful bird before.2) 不需要进行时态调整的情况如果从句说的是一种普遍真理,虽然主句谓语为过去时态,从句仍然用一般现在时。Long ago, people d

17、idnt know the earth moves round the sun.当从句的谓语改成过去时可能造成误会时,可保持原来时态。Did he say that the train leaves at 5:30?口语中,如果强调这个动作和状态依然如此时,也可以不作时态调整。She told me that she hasnt missed a single class since she came.3) 需要遵循时态一致(时态呼应)的从句。宾语从句(最多)Marie discovered that she had left a light on in the laboratory.作表语用

18、的sorry, afraid, glad, worried, sure, certain, uncertain等形容词后的从句。We were afraid you wouldnt be able to join us.主语从句It hadnt been decided who was to head the group.表语从句The difficulty was how he could prove his ideas to other scientists.同位语从句a. We heard the news that our team had won.b. Sydney kept his

19、 promise that he would always do anything he could for Lucie to make sure of their happiness.(3)瞬间动词在完成时态中的使用1)英语中有些动词只表示一瞬间的短暂动作(动作的开始便是它的结束)。如:go, come, stop, leave, reach, arrive, finish, kill, die, break, receive, join, marry, graduate等等,称为“非延续动词”或“瞬间动词”。2)瞬间动词的完成时态的肯定式不能和表示一段时间的状语(如while, durin

20、g, for, since等)连用。如不能说:I have received her letter for three months.因为received这一动作不可能延续三个月之久。这时可换一种表达方法:I received her letter three months ago. 或:It is three months since I received her letter.3)但是瞬间动词的完成时态的否定式可以和表示延续的时间的状语连用,这时它已经不是表示动作,而是表示一种状态的延续。I havent received her letter for three months.我已经三个

21、月没有收到她的来信了。(4)注意某些要求一定时态的固定的句型1)was/were doing sth. whendid sth.(正在做某事,这时突然)I was reading a book when the bell rang.2)was/were about to do sth. whendid sth. (正在做某事,这时突然)We were about to leave when the telephone rang.3)表示做事做了第几次或是共几次,要用完成时。Its the first time Ive seen her.We have been there three time

22、s.如果句中有比较确定的时间状语,则服从时间状语的要求。如:Last year I saw him many times.4)It is/has been sinceIt is (has been) two weeks since I came here.She said it was five hours since she had finished her work.5)Hardly whenHardly had we got in the crops when it began to rain.6)No sooner thanI had no sooner come into the r

23、oom than the door was closed.(5)习惯上不使用被动语态的几种情况1)不能用于被动语态的动词和词组,常为结束性动词或状态动词。如:add up to, appear, arrive, become, belong to, be to blame(受谴责), be to rent(出租), break out, consist of, come true, die, escape, exist, fail, fall, happen, last, occur, remain, rise, stay, succeed, take placeThe news quickl

24、y spread in the country.这个消息在国内很快传开了。2)下列动词的主动语态表示被动意义,而且常与well, quite, easily, badly等副词连用。如:lock(锁); wash(洗); sell(卖); read(读); wear(穿); blame(责备); ride(乘坐); write(写); draw(画); cut(削); end(结束); shut(关); open(开),My pen writes smoothly.我的钢笔写起来很流畅。The cloth looks good and washes well. 那种布看起来不错,还很耐洗。3)

25、不定式在easy, difficult, hard, heavy, light, fit, comfortable, dangerous, impossible等形容词之后作状语时,常用主动形式表示被动意义(也可用不定式的被动形式)。His speech isnt easy to understand. 他的演讲不易理解。The coffee is better to taste. 这咖啡味苦。4)在need, want, require等动词后,用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义(也可用不定式的被动形式)。The bike wants/needs repairing. (=The bike ne

26、eds to be repaired.) 这辆自行车需要修理。5)在形容词worth后面用动名词的主动形式表被动意义,不可接不定式。但可用be worthy to be done 或be worthy of being done形式亦可表达同样的意思。如:The book is worth reading again. =The book is worthy to be read again.=The book is worthy of being read again. 这本书值得再读。6)不定式作定语时,如果和被修饰的名词有动宾关系,又和另一个名词或代词有主谓关系,要用主动形式表示被动意义

27、。I have something important to do. 我有重要的事要做。Please lend me a pen to write with.请借给我一支钢笔用。7)在too, enough等词后面的不定式,句子主语是其逻辑宾语时。The water is too hot to drink.这水太热不能喝。方法技巧点拨(1)方法与技巧解决时态问题要遵循如下解题思路:1)这个动作可能发生在什么时间?题干句中参照的时间信息有哪些?2)这个动作处于什么状态:是进行中,还是已结束(完成)?限制或修饰这个动作的状态信息有哪些?3)这个动作与主语的关系是主动还是被动?(2)解题注意点1)

28、时态并不是“源于”语法规则的,而是说话人用来表达一定意思的。我们不可以说某个句子“只能用这个时态”而“不能用那个时态”。一个句子应该用什么时态只能取决于它需要表达的意思,以及它所处的语言环境,绝不可脱离实际应用,一味死记硬背语法条条。2) 要认真研读试题的题干,搜索尽可能多的“时间参照信息”,尤其是动词冗余信息中的时间信息。高考真题练习1. (06全国II,12) John, a friend of mine, who got married only last week, spent $3,000 more than he _ for the wedding.A. will plan B.

29、has planned C. would plan D. had planned2. (06全国II,20) As you can see, the number of cars on our roads _ rising these days.A. was keeping B. keep C. keeps D. were keeping3. (06全国I,21) The house belongs to my aunt but she _ here any more.A. hasnt lived B. didnt live C. hadnt lived D. doesnt live4. (0

30、6全国I,29) The water _ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise.A. was felt B. is felt C. felt D. feels5. (06全国I,31) Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it _ yesterday.A. was happening B. happens C. has happened D. happened6. (06北京,27) - _ leave at the end of this month.-I dont think you should do that until_ another job.A. Im going to; youd found B. Im going to; youve found C. Ill; youll find D. Ill; youd find7. (06北京,30)- Your job _ open for your return.-Thanks.A. will be kept B. will keep C. had kept D. had been kept8. (06北京,32)-Where did you put the car key

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