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1、中口阅读第一次课Unit onePeopleReading A1,Queen is the crowned wife of a king. Queen consort is the proper title of the wife of a reigning 王冠,皇冠 the crown 王位,王权 refuse the crown 拒绝接受王位she was crowned queen in 1952.- 今天我就要介绍号称五岳之首的泰山 Id like to introduce Mount Tai, crowned as the most famous of Chi

2、nas five mountains他获得此奖项,达到了事业的顶峰the prize crowned his career. Throne 宝座,御座 the throne 王位,王权Queen Elizabeth II came to/ succeeded to /ascended the throne in 1952.即位,登基。royal seal 玉玺scepter 权杖 古代帝王选择泰山登基,供以祭品,祭祀天地,为国家的繁荣祥和而祈祷Ancient emperors chose Mount Tai to ascend the throne and prayed for the cou

3、ntrys peace and prosperity by offering sacrifice to heaven and earth 三国时期 three kingdoms 三国演义 the romance of 朝代 dynasty the Qing Dynasty南北朝 North and South Dynasties 战国时期 the warring states period 春秋 the spring and autumn period五代十国 five states and ten dynasties2,consort配偶,尤其是(君主的)queen consort皇后,do

4、wager queen 太后 empress 皇后,女皇帝 queen regnant 执政的女王 the prince regent 摄政王The saga of the Qing Dynasty is a love between the prince regent and the queen regnant .Concubine嫔妃,姘头,二奶the reigning king-当政,统治 reign over the country/ones subjects臣民。This is the very amazing land where the queen not only reigns

5、 but also rains. -n, 君主统治,统治时期during the reign of emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty during the Qianlong period in the 3, with gritty determination and good humor, she served the crown and the country as a Duchess, royal consort and Queen mother. Duchess公爵夫人-王公贵族们 dukes, princes and aristocrats Gr

6、itty 刚强的grit: courage and endurance勇气和毅力,grit ones teeth咬紧牙关when things get difficult, you have to grit your teeth and persevere咬紧牙关,挺过去 - perseverance grit ones teeth =clench ones teeth clench ones fist握紧拳头Through scandal and war, her husbands death and her familys tough times, she endured, earning

7、 deep respect and affection in the UK.她一生经历了丑闻、战争,丧偶之痛和王室危机,但是她挺了过来,并赢得了英国人民的尊敬和深切爱戴Endure :suffer or undergo patiently,通常是苦痛悲难。1)忍受,忍耐she has endured the most difficult timesSuffer the greatest pains 2)持续,持久the traditions have endured through the ages这些传统流传至今。Enduring passion/energy 持久的激情The passio

8、n has extinguished For all seasons用来指人Premier Wen is a grandpa for all seasons. Beethoven is one of the greatest musicians of all time The oil price has gone up to the highest point in history Go up to the record high 有史以来最高点Record low Too much hot money(短期流动资金) =speculative money is flowing into th

9、e property industry, which has sent the price up to the record high. Real estate market =property market Property owner业主Property-development companies. 房地产开发公司Welfare housing In season上市,out of season 下市,We serve both Chinese food and western food, which may include the vegetables in season. Go pub

10、lic = get listed in the stock exchange. Raise money by offering shares to the public. in season 发情Adore ones wife 敬爱,深爱His adoring nation/mother 他深爱的祖国4,queen Elizabeth II , was, historians will doubtlessly record, the woman who helped restore the majesty of the throne after the abdication of Edward

11、 in 1936。Abdication放弃高位和权利退位。爱德华退位后,正是伊丽莎白帮助恢复了王权的威严,毫无疑问,这一点将被历史学家载入史册。Record historical records历史记载。 股票价格升到了有史以来的最高点the stock price has gone up to the record high. 中国的外汇储备升到了有史以来的最高点the foreign reserve has also reached the record high.- Beethoven is the greatest star of all time.Restore the majest

12、y of the throne -restore使人或物恢复到原来的状况the hot tea completely restored me喝了口水后,完全恢复了体力。After the cosmetic surgery, she restored her beauty and youth, which can improve effectively his/her confidence and win good opportunities. So this is why an increasing number of young people choose to go under the k

13、nife. 做完整形手术后,她恢复了姿色-在第三世界国家的支持下,中国于1972年恢复了联合国常任理事国的地位 with the support of the third world, China restored its position as a permanent member of the UN security council UNESCO联合国教科文组织The scenic spot has been put on the UNESCOlist majesty威严,庄严the majesty of the imperial palace皇城的富丽堂皇,the majesty of

14、the scene场景的富丽堂皇。The majestic scenery of the mountains高山景色的雄伟-会当凌绝顶,一览众山小as you reach the top of the mountain ,you will find the world below suddenly belittled. 5, merry and maternal, always ready with a bandage or a bag of sweets, she extended herself so easily and so warmly to her people Maternal

15、leave产假她为人亲和,很容易拉近了与人民之间的距离Extend 延伸京杭运河的杭州段穿越市区绵延了好几公里the hangzhou section of the canal extends several miles through the city. The green hill land extends for miles and miles around. -谨代表全体员工,同时以我个人的名义,向在座的各位表示热烈的欢迎on behalf of all my colleagues and also in my own name, I would love to extend/conv

16、ey/express to you my warm welcome.Convey /deliver/broadcast a - message. Ads with the image of a smoking pop star will broadcast an irresistible message. deliver a speech free deliverythat the circumspect London times in 1980 judged her to be probably the most popular royal personage of all time. Ci

17、rcumspect 谨慎的,小心的,(态度),严谨的 Personage: very important person人,尤其是要人political and royal personages from many countries attended the funeral.许多国家的政界要人和皇族人士参加了葬礼。-celebrity famous person名人celebrities of screen 影视名人,the celebrities of the city城市名人Dignitary:person with a high rank or position高官,权贵civic di

18、gnitaries市政要人Persona non grata 不受欢迎的人Britons were inclined to believe her resplendent smile would never fadeBe inclined to 很有可能做某事,he is inclined to be late for any appointment持某种意见(为了缓和语气)I am inclined to agree with you.我还是比较赞同你的观点的。-文中意思,英国人愿意相信她光彩照人的微笑永远不会消退。Fade (颜色,记忆,视线,听力慢慢变得模糊) the color fad

19、es easily My memory of the childhood has faded away. Everything fades into the darkness The cheers faded in the distance. Blur (形象)模糊,-tears blurred my eyes. The difference between the college students, who are supposed to be the social elites, and the countrys abundant laborers has increasingly blu

20、rred. The cyber world offers a good escape for the students from the helpless reality.Turn a blind eye to the fact. Colleges should be a place where great minds come together instead of great buildings.Our company needs fresh blood and great mind. The ill-prepared, not-well-overseen and relentless e

21、xpansion policy of colleges is responsible for the embarrassing situation. Resplendent光艳动人的(颜色,服装)The queen looks really resplendent in that gold robe The resplendent smileThe resplendent skin. 6,she was sporting that smile as well as a walking stick at one of her final public appearances. Sport hav

22、e or wear sth proudly for others to see.夸示,炫耀的穿着-sport a moustache神气的蓄着小胡子。sport high heels 文中句子-在她最后几次公开亮相中,有一次她拄着拐杖出现,脸上还是那个笑容,颇为神气。At her final public appearance最后一个公开亮相-第一次公开亮相dbut Sex and the city made its debut on May 10th The terra-cotta soldiers and horses made their debut in Great Britain w

23、ith great ceremonies and soon became the focus of the local media. Bekhams NY debut drew the attention of the press。贝克汉姆在纽约的首次亮相便吸引了诸多媒体的关注。Premire首场公开演出 7,the 101-year-old arrived by helicopter to re-launch the aircraft carrier Ark Royal.101岁的皇太后乘坐直升机到来,再次为皇家方舟号航空母舰主持下水仪式Mr. mayor launched the 2007

24、 West Lake Leisure Expo.市长先生主持了2007年西湖休闲博览会。Welcome to the official launch of Tulip Computers in Shanghai欢迎参加郁金香电脑公司在上海正式开业的典礼Official launch =official opening of the company in shanghai. The official opening ceremony The closing ceremony 闭幕式 inaugurate为-创立或开工举行仪式,为的落成或开幕举行仪式, 常被动the city liibrary w

25、as inaugurated by the mayor 市长主持了市图书馆的落成仪式。为举行就职典礼 he will be inaugurate President in July.就职演说 inauguration speech Preside over the meeting8,spurning in a ride in her blue-and-gold striped motorized buggy(坚固的小机动车), told 2000 soldiers and dignitaries.Spurn:reject or refuse scornfully or contemptuous

26、ly 傲慢的,轻蔑的拒绝 she spurned his advances她轻蔑的拒绝了他的追求-.Refuse范围比较广泛/reject公开的拒绝/decline= turn down 婉转“you will be a lucky fellow if she accepts you” King George is said to have warned his son when he embarked upon courting (向女子献殷勤,求爱)the small, sapphire-eyed (蔚蓝的)Lady Elizabeth. Sure enough, a persistent

27、 rumor has it that she rejected the princes first proposal 如果他接受你,你将会很幸运”,据说乔治王曾这样告诫自己的儿子。传说王子开始追求这个娇小可人,眼睛蔚蓝的伊丽莎白女士时遭到了拒绝。一时间这样的谣传不绝于耳。Embark on 开始或从事(尤其是新的或艰难的)=proceed with Proceed on 继续随着中国改革开放的深入发展as the reform and opening-up proceed on .合资企业起步的时候,我们希望有一个稳妥地速度和规模When we embark on /proceed with

28、a joint venture, we hope it would have a safe scale and a moderate development rate. At the beginning we would love to embark on this joint venture business at a moderate rate and a safe scale. embark on a long journey开始漫长的旅行。当时一名中国的官员,朝廷的使者张骞沿着这条连接欧亚两大陆的贸易通道出使西域。At that time, a Chinese official and

29、 also envoy of the court, Zhang Qian went to Xiyu (todays western regions of china) along this road which connects Asia and Europe At that time, a Chinese official and also envoy of the court, Zhang Qian , set out/embark on a mission trip to the western regions along the road connecting/linking Asia

30、 and EuropeThen a Chinese official and envoy of the royal court Zhang Qian embarked on his mission trip to Xiyu (todays western regions) along this trade thoroughfare linking Asia and Europe. Court sb属于正常范围chase sb露骨的像某人求爱(贬义)he is always chasing girls and have lots of love affairs with them老是追求女孩子,

31、与众多姑娘有一腿。 Sb leads a double life 婚外情 extramarital affairs 9, she had been weak and frail since Christmas, when she contracted a chest infection at Sandringham, the royal retreat in Norfolk.Infect 感染,highly infectious disease高度感染性疾病=highly contagious disease高度感染性疾病Her infectious personality他充满魅力的个性Foot massage, therapeutic massage 自圣诞节以来,她的身体状况就一直欠佳,当她退居到Norfolk的Sanringham皇家官邸时,肺部感染了。Coastal cities Inland areasShores国界,城市的界限上海正在变得越来越开放,作为中国的金融中心,每年吸引着无数的青年才俊,从海外越洋而来

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