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1、怎样处理寻盘区别对待客户的回复由于客人没有回朋友的邮件。她也急啊,因为都是已经到手的定单,怎么就这样眼睁睁的走了呢。那肯定是要努力做点工作了。以下是她经过偶支招之后的邮件。个人觉得还没有达到我想要的水准。Hi David,Good day to you.Had called you yesterday,but was told you were not in the office.Firstly,Im so so sorry about the price of mem foam pillow。the reason why we keep $20.00/pc(the margins are s

2、o small you would not believe.)is because we appreciate our long-term business relationships. and there comes more orders,of course! but the fact is US dollar drops dramatically early this year, and all cost of raw materials rising highly before Olympic Games. now we charge new buyers $25.50/pc(CNY1

3、80.00,$1.00 = ¥6.90) so please please dont let such chance get away. could you kinly let us know when could we expect the deposit?Secondly,attached please find the pillow logo for your approval is it the one for you? due to we cant find all the files of beforeFinally,sorry for any inconvenience caus

4、e.hope all is well!Regards,Yvonne以下是我的建议回复。大家可以比较下,然后批判一下。Dear David,Good day to you.个人建议: 如果说是通过自己了解到的,会不会好点。I tried to get you on the phone yesterday, but its pity that you were not in the office. Regarding the offer of mem foam pillow, sorry to cause you some inconviences. we hope to keep the sam

5、e US$13/pc, the offer is really special for you. You know well the margin is quite narrow, and we have hundreds of works to support. The pressure is quite heavy for us. Now the US dollar drops dramatically as well, the cost of material is rising. Sometime it is out of our control to increase the pri

6、ce. Hope you can understand us. For the current order, to appreciate our long term cooperation, and to thank you for your great support to me,I tried to persuade our boss and finally he promise we can keep the same price. To be frank, now we offer to other customers US$17.5/pc. Wed keep it as secret

7、 to other customers. As it is really a special offer for you. Hope we can move forward the order as planned. Could you kindly let us know when we can expect the deposit? At the same time, attached please find the pillow logo for your approval. Is it the one for you?Hope you can understand us and do

8、your part to move forward the project.Dear Yvonne YuengThanks for prompt replybut i think its too much expensive大家也会遇到这样的问题,价格报出去了。客人的回复是,谢谢你的报价,但你的价格太高了。很简单的一句回复。对于这样的回复,不知道大家怎样应对。你是简单的回复呢,还是会详细的回复?怎样敲开客户的金口,让你清楚的了解他的实际意图,并达到合作。欢迎一起来讨论。有朋友回复如下。Hi XXX,Regarding the offer of mem foam pillow,To be fra

9、nk,sometimes its out of our control to quote you such price.US dollar drops dramatically these days,and all cost of material rising highly before Olympic Games.Hope you could understandbut if your order is a large one,i will persuade our boss to give a special offer for youBR/Yvonne以下是我个人的看法。Dear Si

10、r,Thank you very much for your kind feedback.Regarding the model I introduce to you, is it suitable for your market? Hope you can inform us more information.The offer for the current period is good, but can you let me know whats your quantity for initial order? And can I know your idea about the tar

11、get price please? We hope we can work out a suitable way to meet your demand and start our cooperation. Looking forward to your positive reply soon. 你要全方位的考虑整个CASE,你的报价是不是偏高呢,了解自己,也要探知客户的目的你要会忽悠老板也要会忽悠客户。To be frank,sometimes its out of our control to quote you such price. US dollar drops dramatical

12、ly these days,坦白说,你这样写,就表明你的价格还可以降。虽然事实是这样,但给人的感觉就是你的价格是由于汇率的问题而升,实际不需要这么多。这点可以在他再和你BARGAIN几次之后你可以说,一开始我不建议说。hi, we are currently looking to expand our product line to include memory foam mattresses and pillows. We will be coming to china next month and would like the opportunity in the meantime to

13、collate as much information as spossible on prices and specifications. please advise us at your earliest convenience.像这种INQUIRY怎么抓住他? 客户说他要扩展业务,对你的产品表示感兴趣或者看好你的公司的产品的前景。表示要来访中国,还要拜访你们。针对这样的邮件,以下是邮件的两种回复。Hi XXX,Thanks for your inquiry.Attached please find our mem foam matt & mem foam pillow fyi.简单介绍产

14、品性能Glad to hear that you will be in China soon,and if theres a possibility youll be in Guangdong,its our pleasure that you will pay a visit to our factory.(we located in Foshan,its about 1:30hr from Caton )Dear Sir,(by Water)We are glad to know that you will expand your business line on mem foam mat

15、t & mem foam pillow. Hiope we can serve you better and better. First, please refer to the attachment for your reference. And list the features as below.简单介绍产品性能It is great that you will come to China for busines. Please kindly arrange your schedule to visit our factory. We hope we can have a close t

16、alk face to face. We would like to show you our production line and sample room. And believe that will make our cooperation smoothly. When your schedule is available, please kindly let me know. Thank you. 不多说了,大家都来说说自己的意见和建议吧。针对这样的enquiry,大家的回复是怎么样的?Can I get your email also? 出口经验,参考人有些客人总喜欢问,你在他的国家


18、你是否可以很好的帮他操作,具体点就是清关的问题。这涉及到文件的准备,相关认证,专利等。了解之后,他就可以放宽心和你谈实际的定单了。Dear R, please note im after good quality and reasonable price. looking to do business qith a well established company who has experience in dealings with australian buyers这是个澳洲客人的询盘,针对他最后一句话,我想跟他说我们确实有澳洲客人,是BRISBANE的。R:Please note we

19、have deal with AU market for years. 这样写OK?WaTer:Please note,用在这里总感觉不好。如果是合作开了的客户,在告诉他某些事情的实际情况,可以酌情的使用。像我有时候在写推迟交货期的时候,也会这样写, please kindly noted that the delivery time will be on June 30. (省略100字) 因为已经推迟几次了,而且原因理由也说过很多,再去罗嗦一些东西也是于事无补。直接点让他知道结果,这样就好了。然后看反映再具体分析解决。W:如果写 sure, we have years experience

20、 in dealing with AU markets. We definitly can serve you best. .会不会好点?奉献一段和朋友之间的MSN对话。说的是她和客户之间的对话。这个客户是我介绍给他认识的。对于这样的情况,沟通要达到顺畅,问题的设计也还是有点讲究的。因为是第一次联系,要马上建立和谐的沟通确实也是比较讲究的。Michelle China 说:please go to our website to have a look to see which model you are interested in.Michelle China 说:could I have y

21、our website?Michelle China 说:are you there?roody 说:You sent me a virusMichelle China 说:what virus?Michelle China 说:the website?roody 说:yesroody 说:when i tried to open it my anivirus sent me a warningroody 说:i am leavingroody 说:have a nice dayMichelle China 说:okMichelle China 说:have a good nightMiche

22、lle China 说:then I will send you the catalogMichelle China 说:you can to see which model you are interested inroody (CSA,SK) 说:sureMichelle China 说:ok, see you tomorrow.roody (CSA,SK) 说:thanks,China-waTer - be the one. . 说:他说VIRUS,你跟他说这是你们的网站,解释下嘛China-waTer - be the one. . 说:一个寻盘都发N多人的啦MichelleChina

23、 说:enMichelleChina 说:明白China-waTer - be the one. . 说:不可能一下子就找你买的,又不是认识很久MichelleChina 说:enChina-waTer - be the one. . 说:所以说像这些慢慢谈,能聊就是好事,表示有机会MichelleChina 说:enMichelleChina 说:谢谢China-waTer - be the one. . 说:还有提醒你哦,China-waTer - be the one. . 说:有些人不一定要有自己的网站的China-waTer - be the one. . 说:最好一开始不要问太多M

24、ichelleChina 说:明白MichelleChina 说:可能问多了,他不想理我了MichelleChina 说:呵呵.China-waTer - be the one. . 说:Michelle China 说:to see which model you are interested in. 像这些,个人建议,你最好问他要什么功能,然后说你可以推荐最适合的给他China-waTer - be the one. . 说:因为你对自己的型号比较了解,你要让客人大海捞针,那比较困难China-waTer - be the one. . 说:小细节,希望注意下咯。呵呵China-waTer

25、 - be the one. . 说:这样谈起来可能会更顺畅点MichelleChina 说:建议真是好MichelleChina 说:谢谢啦开发客户,如何做才能成功?看了一个帖子“澳大利亚总裁教你写开发信”这个信件中有些话写的挺好的。借过来用一下。“If you send emails to new companies I would include a list of customers that you currently export to in various countries I would also include customer testimonials from your

26、 buyers. This are very powerful and give you credibility. Try to word your email differently from all the other suppliers. They all look and sound the same so most of them will be deleted or ignored immediately”对于这样的建议,我的回复如下。希望和大家一起学习。其实,我也尝试过像LZ的客人说的那样去写开发信。写出和自己合作愉快的比较大的客户,三流二流,甚至一流的。也尝试过变换不一样的介绍

27、方式,产品介绍,个别产品的特点卖点,特定时候产品的卖价,市场走向,根据展会记录,根据客人网站,根据自己对产品的理解和人们的需求,合作伙伴对我们公司产品的反应以及合作情况。只是,只是,回复还是很少,甚至没有,这些客户都还是展会回来的资料。那帮人简直就是玩失踪。同事们的联系情况也是如此,这只能说明,他对我们的产品根本没有需求,或者没有兴趣,或者是说根本不屑和我们合作。这也提醒我们,我们要找到对的合作伙伴。有些坚持是无用的,我们要坚持的是,与那些有兴趣和你谈以及合作的人沟通。当然我说这些不是说他的方法不好,我只是想说,还是要尝试各样的方法。这样才能赢取定单。anyway, LZ客人的回复还是不错的。

28、是要有些信誉,这样才能引起别人更大的兴趣。如果连兴趣都没有了,那肯定是SPAM了。只是也要看客人的需求吧,你记得时时邮件REMIND客人,当他有需求的时候,说不定就会下单给自己了。多多想方法吧,不要拘泥于一封邮件就想把客人搞定。大海也不是一滴水就可以汇成的。客户经常会说,他迟点联系你之类的话。但是过了好长一段时间,还是没有任何消息。像这样的潜在客户,我们还是要努力的联系。保持通畅的沟通,或者在适当的时候,定单就会下来了。Dear Yvonne: Thanks for your quotation. I will study prices with my manager. Thanks and

29、best regards Ramon客人说要DISCUSS,只是DISCUSS得太热烈了,经常客人会“忘记”回复。对于他们这些善意的忘记,我们要做适时的提醒。让他们知道我们是多么的重视他。说到措辞,还是让大家看看朋友的风格和我的风格。会有一些区别。适当运用适合自己的,达到有效的交流,加快定单的进程,让口袋暴涨-人民币!Hi Ramon,Fully understand you are too busy to reply us.but we are still awaiting your feedback regarding the mattresses.Have a nice weekend.

30、BR/YvonneDear Ramon,(by Water)Regarding our quotation, can I know what the status is of the mattresses? The offer should be good for your market. If you need our help, please kindly keep me informed. Looking forward to your further comments soon. Best regards,Yvonne与客户一直保持联系,可是不知道为何,突然客户就消失了。对于这样的客户

31、,该怎么联系呢。方法可以变化着进行。以下只是个人使用的其中之一。同时运用假和虚还有真。Dear Dhiren,How are you doing. Regarding the model A706, can I have some further information from you? I hope to send the SPEC and photos for your reference. WATER:因为以前是一个朋友联系的,后来介绍给我直接联系。多发点资料给客户了解产品细节,再说也可以说是联系的一个理由吧。Surely the most important things is, we currently invest much to talk to our material suppliers for cost down, finally we got

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