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Charlie Rose采访杨澜英语视频双语字幕.docx

1、Charlie Rose采访杨澜英语视频双语字幕Charlie Rose采访杨澜英语视频双语字幕-名人访谈录(双语文本)Charlie Rose采访阳光媒体集团的董事长,中国著名英语主持人杨澜,英语采访视频附双语文本,视频为双语字幕。 主持人:杨澜是阳光媒体集团的董事长,集团经营媒体、在线等业务。我很高兴杨澜今天首次来我们这个节目,欢迎你。Host: Yang Lan is chairwoman of Sun Media Group, which has other businesses in media, online and more. I am very pleased to have

2、her here at this table for the first time. Welcome.杨澜:谢谢查理。谢谢邀请我来参加你的节目。Yang Lan: Thanks you, Charlie. Thank you for having me.主持人:跟我分享下你的这些经历是如何开始的?Host: Tell me how this started for you.杨澜:这一切是20年前开始,我刚刚大学毕业。那时候,中央电视台首次公开从大学毕业生中选拔主持人,为一个黄金时段的娱乐节目,节目名称叫正大综艺。是一个向中国观众介绍世界各地旅游观光的节目,当时99%的中国人还连护照都没有。所以

3、,在当时中国逐渐开放的时代,这是人们了解外面世界的一个新窗口。Yang Lan: It all started exactly 20 years ago, when I was graduating from college. At that time, the national television had its first open audition, for college graduates for its prime time variety show, called Zheng Da Variety Show. That was a show to introduce sight

4、seeing around the world to the Chinese audience, who at that time, 99% of our population, didnt even have a passport. So it was a brand new exposure to the outside world, when China was opening up.主持人:你以前想过做这种工作吗?Host: Have you thought about that kind of career before that?杨澜:没有,完全没有。我在北京外交学院主修英语语言文

5、学。当我接触到这个机会的时候,出于好奇就去了,当时有1000个女孩应试,经过多回合的选拔,应该是七轮选拔,我最后胜出,这件事为我在电视事业的发展奠定了很好的开端。我主持的第一个节目就是个全国性在黄金时段播出的节目,每周有两亿观众观看这个节目。我在这个节目干了四年。那段时光确实为我的职业生涯奠定了一个很好的开端。Yang Lan: No, not at all. My major in college was English literature and language in Beijing Foreign Studies University. When I was offered this

6、 opportunity, out of curiosity, I went, as well as another 1,000 girls. After rounds of auditions, I believe, its after 7 rounds of auditions; I became the last one who survived it. So it gave me a really good start into broadcasting television. And the first show I hosted was a prime-time nation-wi

7、de show, which had an audience of 200 million every week. I did it for four years. That really gave me a pretty good start in the career.主持人:这些数字让人惊叹。从美国电视的角度来说。中国的农业部长访问华盛顿的时候,我曾在这里采访他 当时肯尼迪中心正举办中国节,他们问我是否可以在中国播放这个节目。我在采访中说当然可以了。他们说,你会有机会被3亿观众看到,这个人数比我看到过的或一辈子在任何场合中遇到过的都要多。Host: Its stunning to hea

8、r those numbers. From an American television perspective. I once did an interview with the Minister of Culture from China here. It was in Washington, where they had held a Chinese festival at the Kennedy Center. So they asked me: Could they re-broadcast it in China? I said of course at the interview

9、. They said you probably would reach 300 million people, which was more people than I have ever seen or anything I have done in my entire life.杨澜:我们有13亿人口。Yang Lan: But we have 1.3 billion.主持人:于是你就开始Host: So then you began to杨澜:之后我辞了工作来到美国在哥伦比亚大学读研究生并主修国际关系。毕业后,我回香港加入凤凰卫视,卫星电视网络的一个普通话频道,我开始制作我自己的节目杨

10、澜面对面。当时是中文电视的首个一对一深入采访节目。我做采访做了12年,加上在凤凰卫视的日子。在这个节目里,我采访了世界各地600多位举足轻重的人物,他们中很多人也曾经是您的嘉宾。Yang Lan: And then I quit my job to come to the States for a post-graduate study at Columbia University of New York, where I studied International Affairs. Upon graduation, I went back to Hong Kong to join Phoen

11、ix TV, the mandarin channel of Star TV Network. I started to produce my own show, Yan Lan 1-on-1, which was the first ever in-depth 1-on-1 interview show on Chinese television. I have been doing that, for, plus the days at Phoenix TV, 12 years. So over this time, I have interviewed more than 600 mov

12、ers and shakers around the world. And many of them have been your guests too.主持人:你的企业家精神从哪里来?事实上,你不仅有事业,还和您的丈夫一起创业。Host: Where did this entrepreneurial spirit that you have come from? The fact that you have not just had a career, but you also have engaged in creating businesses and enterprises along

13、 with your husband.杨澜:嗯,那是10年前,2000年。我们一起创立了阳光媒体,在大中华地区的第一个卫星纪录片频道。因为那时候,我非常沉迷纪录片。我想这些能深度记录文化、历史和人文的片子会有持久的价值。但那一次尝试失败了。坚持了四年 原因是生意模式不可持续。因为我们设在香港,然而当时国内的落地证很少,所以频道没法拿到更多的广告费支持。Yang Lan: Well, that was 10 years ago, the year of 2000. We co-founded Sun TV, which was the first satellite documentary ch

14、annel for the greater China area. Because at that time, I was so obsessed with documentary. I think they have lasting values, give in-depth look into culture and history and people. But then that business had a flop. In four years time, because the business model was not sustainable. The fact was we

15、 were positioned in Hong Kong, but then we had limited landing right into the mainland, which didnt give it enough advertising revenue basis.主持人:我想默多克曾投资凤凰卫视。Host: I think Rupert Murdoch at once was invested in the Phoenix Television, was he not?杨澜:是的,他应该仍然是股东之一。后来我们把频道卖了,然后开始做多媒体整合,综合了电视、网站、活动策划等媒体

16、。Yang Lan: Yes, I think he is still part of the shareholders. So we sold the channel. We started to build multi-media integration into different aspects of the media. Television, website, and then big events, so on so forth.主持人:现在有没有一个网站上介绍您是什么人,做什么,或者甚至有您的博客。Host: Is there a website now that reflec

17、ts the broadest understanding of who you are, what you are about and might even carry a blog from you.杨澜:我在中国几个领先的门户网站有博客,我也有微博。我们的天女网社区也有三、四百万粉丝。我们的网站以中文为主,名字叫 ,也就是天女的拼音。目标受众是城市女性。Yang Lan: I have a blog in several leading portals in China, and also tweeter. Our social community for Her Village (Ti

18、anN) for example is around 3 to 4 million followers. And our website is mostly in mandarin, Its called T, which is the Chinese spelling for Her Village. Thats targeted at urban women.主持人:你觉得这个不凡的事业会走向何方?Host: Where is, you think, this remarkable career headed?杨澜:我不知道,我觉得中国现在有那么多令人兴奋的机遇。媒体也在开放,还有各种各样

19、的事情人们想去尝试。如果你没有现成的平台去实践这些理想,你可以尝试自己创造。我想这就是企业家精神的源泉。对于我,它是我想我们处于一个没有一个单一平台可以完成所有沟通任务的年代,因此它会更整合。利用媒体、沟通方式,到达你的目标受众,对于我来说,服务于城市女性是我的目标之一。Yang Lan: I dont know. I think there are so many exciting opportunities in China. The media is also opening up. So there are all sorts of things that you want to do

20、. And if you dont have existing platforms to help to do that, you try to create something for yourself. I think thats where the entrepreneurship comes from. And for me, its about I think we have come into an age in which not a singular platform can complete the whole communication job. So its more i

21、ntegrated. Media, communication, into your targeted audience For me, serving the urban women audience is one of my goals.主持人:在中国,是否有一种与生俱来的商业意识在苏醒在等待开放,等待机会去创造?Host: Was there just a natural instinct for business that was there, dormant in China, waiting for it to open, waiting for their opportunity

22、 to create things?杨澜:我认为是的。它已经被压制了几十年。忽然开放了,人人都想碰碰运气,因此到处都洋溢着企业家精神。尤其是在那些想碰运气的年轻人当中,他们首先想实现梦想和抱负。因此,我认为梦有多远,人就能走到多远。Yang Lan: I believe so. It has been suppressed for decades. And suddenly when things open up, everyone wants to try his luck. So there is a lot of entrepreneurial spirits in the air, e

23、specially among young people, who want to try their luck. And above all, try to realize their dreams, their aspirations. So I think your imagination is your limit.主持人:马云前几天来这里,我想你肯定认识他。他建立了一个亚马逊式的商业帝国,不同凡响。Host: Jack Ma was here the other day. Someone I am sure you must know. He has created an Amazo

24、n-like umpire. Its extraordinary.杨澜:是的,现在是年轻人创造他们自己的帝国的时候了。但对于我,我并不想建立什么帝国,而是做自己真正喜欢的事情,有时候我想我还真挺擅长这些。Yang Lan: Yeah, its the age for younger people to create their own empires. For me, its not about building my own umpire. Its about something that I really enjoy doing and sometimes I think I am goo

25、d at it.主持人:你确实不错,尝试新事物。不仅是问你为什么要这样做,而且问为什么不,这是我的思考方式。跟我们说说文化的转变,时尚、影视方面的转变,城市生活方式的意识等。Host: You obviously are good at it. So trying something new, not just asking the question why do you want to do it, but the question why not is my mentality. Talk to us about the cultural changes and the changes i

26、n fashion, in cinema, and the sense of life style in the urban areas.杨澜:今后20年将可能见证中国从艺术到影视、到纪录片、到时尚、任何事物众多方面的复兴。但我们发现社会价值的重建问题,人们曾经也依稀看到过这样的意识形态。随后变成了物质主义。有个相亲节目,里面的男孩问女孩要不要坐在我自行车后座一起去玩,女孩说我宁愿坐在宝马车的后座上哭。这在社会上引起很大争议,反映了物质主义统治着年轻一代的价值观。然后社会上有很大的反响。我们到底怎么了?难道物质主义、物质上的成功是我们这代的唯一目标吗?我们在寻求的东西里有没有更有价值、更持久的

27、东西?我想在今后 20 年,不仅是艺术、时尚和创造的复兴,还有我们价值观的重建。建设文明社会会是其中的一部分。上周我的基金会,阳光文化基金会,与比尔梅连达盖茨基金会合办了一场活动。Yang Lan: The following two decade will possibly witness a renaissance of all kinds in China. From arts to cinema, to documentaries, to fashion, to whatever. But also we found it is a restoration of values into

28、 the society, where people got this illusion from certain ideology before. But then there was materialism. There was a dating show, In which when the boy asked the girl do you want to sit on the back seat of my bicycle and we both have fun, the girl said I would rather cry on the back seat of a BMW,

29、 which aroused huge controversy in the society, suggesting materialism is overruling the value system of the younger generation. But then there is a big outcry in the society saying that whats wrong with us? Is materialism, material success, the only goal for our generation? Is there something more

30、valuable, more lasting that we are seeking? So I think for the next two decades, its not just the renaissance of arts, of fashion, of creativity but also its about the reinvention of our value system. And building up a civil society is a part of that. Last week my foundation, Sun Culture foundation,

31、 co-organized an event with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.主持人:这是不是比尔跟沃伦要找中国的富翁。Host: Is it when Bill and Warren looking for.Chinese billionaires.杨澜:活动不是关于捐献而是互相交流慈善精神。我还要请了民政部长来参与。他事后写了博客说,他从未来的慈善家们那里得到了很多反馈,说我们要先建立慈善的法规,也要扶植非盈利组织和非政府组织的设立。Yang Lan: Its not about giving pledge. Its about equal

32、 exchange of ideas of philanthropy. I also invited the Minister of Civil Affairs to be a partner, from which he also wrote a blog, saying that he got so much feedback from future philanthropists, saying that first of all we need legislation for philanthropy. Also we need capacity building for our NPO and NGOs.主持人:新一代领导人,比如现在 30 岁 或者 40 岁 出头的骨干们,与他们的上一代有什么不同?Host: Will the new generation of leadership, say, young man and women in their early 30s no

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