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1、建筑工程单词建筑工程常用英词词汇analysers 分析仪表anti-vortey 防过流钢板 backfill 回填土cat ladder 爬梯 chequer plate 检查盖板 concrete plinth 混凝土支架 drain valve 放空阀 electromagnetic flowmeters 电磁流量计EXGL =existing ground level 原地面标高 expansion joint 伸缩缝FGL = finished ground level 设计地面标高flowmeter chamber 流量计井grid installation access 安装栅

2、格的入口 inlet penstock 进水闸门inlet stoplog 进水叠梁闸 manhole access to overflow collecting pit 去溢流收集井的人孔manhole access with ladder guide and safety removal grid 带爬梯和可 移盖板的人孔overflow channel 溢流渠 partial plan view 局部平面图pumps and blower room 反洗泵和鼓风机房rapid sand filters building 快速砂滤池 sections and details 剖面图和详图

3、slope 斜坡steel pipe exterior bituminous coating 钢管外包沥青steel pipe internal epoxy coated 钢管内喷环氧树脂steel pipe to be installed before closing the room 在封墙前安装钢管sump 集水坑treated water reservoir 清水池 treated water 清水ultrasonic flowmeters 超声波流量计used washwater outlet channel 反洗废水出水渠used washwater tank 反洗废水池 viki

4、ng JOHNSON seal or similar 伸缩接头wastewater network 废水管网water table level 地下水位 raw water 生水 chlorination contact time baffle 增加氯气接触时间折板valve 阀prefabrication 预制lavatory 厕所sewerage 下水道septic tank 化粪池sanitation 卫生设备cure 硬化; ventilation 通风; 通风设备refrigerator 冷藏室costings 概算 cost keeping 成本核算fireproof 防火处理wa

5、rehouse 仓库compressor 空压机, 衰减器distribution chamber 分配井 service 检修; 供给; 用户管illumination 照明; 照明设备grub 场地清理datum 基准面( 线, 点); 资料level 标高; 水准仪; 水平测量utility 公共设施bench mark 基准点fool proof 安全装置entry 入口purchase order 进货单bury 埋深periodic 高碘的plant 施工设备; 工厂formwork 模板 工程 stripping 拆模plywood 胶合板in situ concrete 现浇h

6、ardened concrete 硬化混凝土mould oil 脱模油aggregate 骨料retarding liquid/admixture 缓凝外加剂setting 初凝water- soluble 水溶的adhesive 粘合剂tubular steel scaffolding 钢管脚手架finish 装修(面, 材料)grout 灰浆; 灌浆; 灌缝材料formwork striking time 拆模时间additive 外加剂tropical curing 高温养护extraction fan 抽气风扇extraction jack 拔桩机line of symmetry 对称

7、线compacted fill 夯实填土; 压实填土blinding concrete粗制混凝土mass concrete 大体积混凝土match line 段面线twincell culvert 双管涵mortar screed 砂浆外表面rabbet 槽口compacted backfill 夯实的回填土standing ladder 便梯sheet zinc 薄锌板sealing coat 隔离层; 密封层sealing joint 止水缝insulation 隔热(声, 振) ;保温层; 绝缘材料; 绝热材料catwalk 轻便梯; 施工步道; 工作平台masonry 砌体; 砌体工程

8、 footing 基础; 垫层; 大放脚 site exploration 场地勘探drilling prospection method 钻探法Luoyang spoon 洛阳铲sounding method 触探法static sounding 静力触探dynamic sounding 动力触探 standard penetration test 标准贯入试验excavation prospecting method掘探法test pit 探坑perched water, subsoil water上层滞水phreatic water, subsoil water潜水confined wa

9、ter层间水collapsible loess, slumping loess湿陷性黄土expansive soil, swelling soil膨胀土active earth pressure主动土压力passive earth pressure被动土压力earth pressure at rest静止土压力Coulombs earth pressure theory库伦土压力理论Rankines earth pressure theory朗肯土压力理论check and acceptance of foundation trenches验槽spread foundation扩展(扩大)基础

10、rigid foundation刚性基础isolated footing, pad foundation独立基础combined footing联合基础strip foundation条形基础slab foundation板式基础socket foundation杯形基础raft foundation, mat foundation片筏基础flexible foundation 柔形基础shell foundation 壳体基础box foundation箱型基础compensated foundation补偿性基础pile foundation桩基础open caisson foundati

11、on沉井基础cylinder pile foundation, cylinder caisson foundation 管柱基础caisson foundation沉箱基础bed, bedding基床friction pile, buoyant pile 摩擦桩end-bearing and friction pile端承摩擦桩end-bearing pile, column pile, point bearing pile端承桩friction and end-bearing pile 摩擦端承桩cast-in-place pile, cast-in-site pile灌注桩excavati

12、ng pile钻孔灌注桩pile with man-excavated shaft 人工挖孔灌注桩cast-in-site pile with sunk casing沉管灌注桩Benoto method贝诺托法blown tip pile爆扩灌注桩root pile树根桩reticulated root pile 网状树根桩(pile) casing护筒hole trimming 清孔necking缩颈suspended leg pile吊脚桩steel tube pile钢管桩under-reamed bored pile of large diameter大直径扩底灌注墩driving h

13、ammer, pile hammer 桩锤 drop hammer 落锤diesel pile hammer 柴油桩锤vibratory pile hammer 振动桩锤pneumatic pile hammer 气动桩锤hydraulic pile hammer液压桩锤ram 锤体pile driver 桩架static pile loading 静力压桩anchored and jack pile 锚杆式静压桩non-supporting and jack pile 自承式静压桩pile jacker 静力压桩机boring machine, drilling machine 钻孔机vib

14、rosinking 振动沉桩hydrauger pile, wash bored pile 水冲沉桩driven bored pile 钻孔锤击沉桩driven pile 锤击沉桩minimum penetration 最小贯入度stress due to hammer driving 锤击应力hydrostatic excess pressure 超静水压力aseismic trench 防震沟technology for sinking pile with bores in the upper shallow strata 浅层钻孔沉桩pneumatic caissons 气压箱heavy

15、 tamping method, dynamic consolidation (compaction) method 强夯法hammer, ram, pounder 夯锤maximum dry unit weight 最大干重度ramming energy 夯击能compaction pile method 挤密桩法sand and stone compaction pile method 砂石桩法 replacement method 换填法preloading method 预压法ballast preloading method 加载预压法atmospheric pressure met

16、hod, vacuum method 真空预压法sand wick, pack drain 袋装砂井plastic drainage plate 塑料排水带vibro flotation 振冲法vibro-replacement 振冲置换法vibro-densification 振冲压实法vibroflot 振冲器deep mixture 深层搅拌法high pressure jet grouting 高压喷射注浆法underpinning 托换法piling underpinning 桩式托换法pit and jack pile underpinning 坑式静压桩托换anchored an

17、d jack pile underpinning锚杆静压托换cast-in-place pile underpinning 灌注桩托换root pile underpinning 树根桩托换pit underpinning 坑式托换grouting underpinning 灌浆托换cement grouting 水泥灌浆法silicification 硅化加固法aqueous alkali stabilization 碱液加固法enlarge foundation underpinning加大基础托换underpinning by thermal stabilization 热加固托换rem

18、edial underpinning 补救性托换precautionary underpinning 预防性托换第二部分PART 施工招标文件Bidding Documents For The Construction目录Contents第一章Section 1 投标邀请书 Invitation For Bids第二章 Section 2 投标须知 Instructions To Bidders 前附表 Cover Sheet 总则 Generals 1 工程说明 Description of Works 2 资金来源 Source of Funds 3 合格条件与资格要求 Eligibili

19、ty and Qualification Requirements 4 招标时间表 Bidding Time Schedule 5 投标费用 Cost of Bidding 6 现场考察 Site Visit 招标文件 Bidding Documents 7 招标文件的内容 Content of Bidding Documents 8 招标文件的澄清 Clarification of Bidding Documents 9 招标文件的修改 Amendment of Bidding Documents 投标准备 Preparation of Bids 10 投标书的语言 Language of

20、Bid 11 组成投标书的文件 Documents Comprising the Bid 12 投标价格 Bid Prices 13 投标货币与支付货币 Currencies of Bid and Payment 14 投标的有效期 Bid Validity 15 投标保证金 Bid Security 16 投标条件的变动 Variations in Bidding Conditions 17 标前会议Pre-Bid Meeting 18 投标书的形式和签署 Format and Signing of Bids 投标书的提交 Submission of Bids 19 投标书的密封与标志 Se

21、aling and Marking of Bids 20 投标截止日期 Deadline for Submission of Bids 21 迟到的投标书 Late Bids 22 投标书的修改与撤回 Modification and Withdrawal of Bids 开标与评标 Bid Opening and Evaluation 23 开标 Bid Opening 24 过程保密 Process to Be Confidential 25 投标书的澄清 Clarification of Bids 26 投标书合格性的确定 Determination of Responsiveness

22、27 错误的修正 Correction of Errors 28 换算为单一的货币 Conversion to Single Currency 29 投标书的评价与比较 Evaluation and Comparison of Bids 合同授予 Award of Contract 30 合同授予标准 Award Criteria 31 业主接受任何投标和拒绝任何投标或所有投标的权力 Employers Right to Accept Any Bid and to Reject Any or All Bids 32 授标通知 Notification of Award 33 合同协议书的签署

23、Signing of Agreement 34 履约保证金 Performance Security第三章 合同条件 Conditions of Contract 定义及解释 Definitions and Interpretation 1.1 定义 Definitions 1.2 标题和旁注 Headings and Marginal Notes 1.3 注释 Interpretation 1.4 单数和复数 Singular and Plural 1.5 通知、同意、批准、证明和决定 Notices, Consents, Approvals, Certificates and Determ

24、inations 1.6 给业主和监理工程师通知的地址 Address of Notice to Employer and Engineer 监理工程师和监理工程师代表 Engineer and Engineers Representative 2.1 监理工程师的职责和权力 Engineers Duties and Authority 2.2 监理工程师代表 Engineers Representative 2.3 监理工程师授权的权力 Engineers Authority to Delegate 2.4 助理的任命 Appointment of Assistants 2.5 书面指令 I

25、nstruction in Writing 2.6 监理工程师行为公正 Engineer to Act Impartially 转让和分包 Assignment and Subcontracting 3.1 合同的转让 Assignment of Contract 4.1 分包 Subcontracting 4.2 分包人义务的转让 Assignment of Subcontractors Obligations 合同文件 Contract Documents 5.1 语言和法律 Language and Law 5.2 合同文件的优先顺序 Priority of Contract Docum

26、ents 6.1 图纸、文件的保管和提供 Custody and Supply of Drawings and Documents 6.2 一套图纸应保存在工地One Copy of Drawings to be Kept on Site 6.3 施工进度的打乱 Disruption of Progress 6.4 图纸延期和图纸延期所产生的费用 Delays and Cost of Delay of Drawings 6.5 承包人未提交图纸 Failure by Contractor to Submit Drawings 7.1 补充图纸和指令 Supplementary Drawings

27、 and Instructions 7.2 由承包人设计的永久性工程 Permanent Works Designed by Contractor7.3 批准不影响责任 Responsibility Unaffected by Approval 一般义务 General Obligations 8.1 承包人的一般责任 Contractors General Responsibilities 8.2 现场操作和施工方法Site Operations and Methods of Construction 8.3 错误的通知Notification of Errors 9.1 合同协议书 Con

28、tract Agreement 10.1 履约担保 Performance Security 10.2 履约担保的有效期 Period of Validity of Performance Security 10.3 根据履约担保的的索赔Claims under Performance Security 11.1 现场考察 Inspection of Site 11.2 数据资料的获取 Access to Data 12.1 投标书的完备性 Sufficiency of Bid 12.2 不利的外界障碍和条件 Adverse Physical Obstructions or Condition

29、s 13.1 工程应符合合同规定 Work to be in Accordance with Contract 14.1 应提交的施工计划 Program to be Submitted 14.2 施工计划的修订 Revising the Program of Works 14.3 须提交的现金流动估算表 Cash Flow Estimate to be Submitted 14.4 承包人不能免除的职责 Contractor not Relieved of Duties or Responsibilities 15.1 承包人的监督 Contractors Superintendence 1

30、5.2 承包人代表的语言能力 Language Ability of Contractors Representative 16.1 承包人的雇员 Contractors Employees 16.2 当地的雇员 Local Employment 16.3 监理工程师有权反对和要求解雇 Engineer at Liberty to Object 17.1 放样 Setting-out 18.1 钻孔和探坑 Boreholes and Exploratory Excavation 19.1 安全、保卫和环境保护 Safety, Security and Protection of the Environment 19.2 业主的责任 Employers Responsibility 20.1 工程的照管 Care of Works 20.2 弥补损失或损坏的责任 Responsibility to Rectify Loss or Damage 20.3 因业主风险导致损失或损害 Loss or Damage Due to Employers Risks 20.4 业主的风险 Employers Risks 21.1 工程及承包人设备的保险 Insurance of Works and Contractors Equipment 21.2 保险范围 Scope of Cover 2

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