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1、研究生英语精读总结英汉对照词汇Unit 11.Though funding from the IMF, the World Bank, the United States and other donors has made it possible to subsidize treatment and prevention methods in Africa, local governments also have a key role to play in mobilizing their populations and eradicating malaria in the long term

2、.国际货币基金组织,世界银行,美国的和其他捐助者的资金投入已经使人们有可能资助在非洲的治疗和预防,但是地方政府在动员民众长期和根除疟疾也扮演重要角色。2.Other industry groups see any government intervention and oversight in their policies as a slippery slope toward government control of the internet.任何行业组织政府的干预和监督他们的政策作为下滑政府对互联网的控制。3.The U.N. Secretary General said his role

3、 would be as an advocate for the worlds poorest people, who he fears will suffer the most if donor countries reduce their international assistance or do not fulfill their aid commitments.联合国秘书长说,他的角色将是作为世界上最贫穷的人的支撑,他担心如果捐助国减少会使得国际援助不履行承诺。4.Our mandate is to collect anything that relates to Africa, a

4、nd this is an important event.我们的任务是收集任何有关非洲的信息,这件事是很重要的。5.Entrepreneurs are a powerful force for change. They improve the business climate in their own countries and champion necessary policy reforms. And they improve practices in global markets. 企业家是一个强大的力量,他们改善本国的商业环境,支持必要的政策改革。提高在全球市场实践.6.And le

5、aders are having to make tough choices about how to navigate through this economic storm.如何应对这个经济风暴,领导人不得不做出艰难的抉择。7.When deflation strikes, its hard to embolden consumers and businesses to spend.当通货紧缩来袭时,很难鼓励消费者和企业支出。8.Both firms have an incentive to undercut the other firm, driving down profits for

6、 both .两家公司有能力削弱其他公司,降低利润。9.Government aid to film and television, however, need not be justified in solely economic terms.电影和电视政府援助,然而,在完全不需要合理的经济条件。10.The people of the whole world are attentively following this war, which has no precedent in the history of the East, and which will go down as a gr

7、eat war in world history too.作为世界历史上一个伟大的战争,东方的历史上没有先例,整个世界的人都关心在这场战争的结果,。Uint 21.Our relations have been transformed ,and today they encompass cooperation in all areas of human activity.我们的关系改变了,如今它们包括人类活动的各领域合作。2.As the stars step from their limos and navigate the red carpet, the crowds erupt in f

8、ull frenzy.当他们从豪华轿车下来踏上红地毯走入星光大道的时候,人们疯狂了。3.If you look at life through a lens of negativity, life will dutifully arrange itself to meet your expectations.如果你以消极的姿态面对生活,生活将不遗余力的按照你的期望进行着。4.Chinese national folk music is an important part of hum intangible cultural heritage. 中华民族民间音乐是嗡嗡声非物质文化遗产的一个重要组

9、成部分。5.Usually Valentines Day comes and goes with just a day or two of news media attention to courtship and marriage.在情人节,新闻媒体的通常只关注一天或两天求爱和婚姻的行为。6.Many women also worried about wealth having bad effects on their children and didnt want to spend lavishly to set a bad example.很多女性也担心财富会对孩子造成不良影响,所以不希

10、望他们乱花钱,以免给孩子树立坏榜样。7.Prices of discounted tickets for economy class will rise by 20% with a new pricing scheme taking effect among domestic airlines.经济舱门票折扣价将增长20%,国内航空公司之间的一种新的定价方案生效。8.In 1981 few countries considered Greece to be suitable for membership of the club, but none dared to incur the igno

11、miny of vetoing it.在1981年,没有几个国家认为希腊有资质参加的俱乐部,但是没有一个国家因行使否决权而带来的耻辱。9.If you subscribe to the newspaper, itll be delivered to your door. 如果你订阅报纸,它会直接给你送到家门口。10.The president shall not vote, but may designate a member of his delegation to vote in his place. 总统不得投票,但可指定他的代表团的成员投票。Uint 31. We should opp

12、ose trade protectionism of various forms and work together to facilitate a comprehensive and balanced conclusion to the Doha round negotiations.我们要反对形形色色的贸易保护主义,要共同推动多哈回合谈判达成全面、平衡的协议。2.And I have made clear that we will help Iraqis transition to full responsibility for their future, and keep our com

13、mitment to remove all American troops by the end of 2011.我还明确表示,我们将帮助伊拉克人为掌握他们的未来向全面行使权力过渡,并将履行到2011年年底将全部美国军队撤离的承诺。3. Despite massive stimulus, todays recessions have been deeper than the aftermath of Japans bubble.尽管有着大规模的刺激,今天的衰退已经留下了比日本泡沫破灭之后的更深的创伤.4. The NYSE has recently embarked on a round of

14、 acquisitions and collaborative deals in an effort to become a trend-setter in technology as well as globalization.纽约证券交易所最近开始着手进行一系列收购以及合作活动以使自己在技术和全球化方面引领世界潮流。5. For a thousand years, Chinas position as the preeminent world power was beyond doubt.数以千年来,中国作为出类拔萃世界强国的地位毋庸置疑。6. Like all living system

15、s, this interlocking human-made ecosystem tends to expand, to work around impediments, and to adapt to adversity.像所有生命系统那样,这个连锁的人造生态系统会扩张,会绕开障碍运转,并会适应逆境。7. Neighbors who have no reason to know each other will need to convene and collaborate in order to get a new school or better policing.互不了解的邻居们会聚集

16、起来并为找到一个新学校或更好的治安环境而共同努力。8. As the western economies stumble under empires of debt, Russia is largely unaffected by the credit squeeze.正当西方经济在巨额债务重压之下步履维艰之时,俄罗斯基本上没有受到信贷紧缩的影响。9. This mechanism had helped to significantly improve the rationality and transparency of government pricing.这一机制有利于显著提高政府定价的

17、合理性和透明度。10. Later that year the Assembly decided to refer the Convention to all States for their consideration, signature and ratification.这一年的晚些时候,大会决定将这一公约提交所有国家审议、签署和批准。Uint 41.Even when people do not much believe in the hereafter, they easily invoke or envisage heavenly beings to ease death and

18、make some sense of life. 即使人们不太相信有来世,他们也很容易祈求或想象上天缓解死亡并且认清生命的意义。2.We deem necessary to ensure the patch and changes are solid. 我们认为有必要确保修整和改变是有根据的。3.Digital cash used on a large scale will further accelerate moneys velocity.数字现金(电子货币)的大规模使用将进一步加快资金的流通速度。4.America attracts talent from around the worl

19、d into its universities, helping to propel innovation and spawning new businesses.美国吸引了来自世界各地的优秀人才来到它本地的大学,有助于推动革新和孵化新企业。5.Venture capital is the roll booster of hi-tech industry and it is the basis of knowledge economy.风险投资是高新技术产业的助推器,是知识经济的基础。6.Many developed economies are in recession and the con

20、sensus expects 2009 to see falling output in America, the euro zone, Britain and Japan.许多发达国家的经济体系陷入衰退,大家一致认为预计2009年在美国,欧元区,英国和日本的产业输出将下降。7.Sincerely hoping that you will process my application and expedite my papers at your earliest convenience.在你方便的时候,我衷心希望你会处理我的申请和尽快给我回复。8.State legislatures, lik

21、e the federal Congress, may create administrative agencies that have the power to promulgate regulations in limited fields of law.国家立法机构,例如联邦国会,可能在有限的法律领域内创建有权利颁布法律法规的行政机构。9.It is extremely important business schools understand that and create a business model that will retain customers and foster i

22、nnovation, creativity and agility, he says.对商学院来说创建一种商业模式是极其重要的,这种模式会保留客户和培养创新、创造力和敏捷性。10.What we really need now is to accept any suggestion conducive to the solution of the problem.现在我们真正需要的是接受任何有利于解决问题的建议。Uint 51.In some states, criminals are outlaws在一些州,罪犯都是亡命之徒2.The tsunami smashed every boat i

23、n the harbor. 海啸摧毁了港口的所有船。3.What are the constituent parts of an atom。原子的组成部分是什么?4.That is a good image. What do you think the western is stereotype of China? Arrogant?这是一个很好的印象。你对把西部作为中国的缩影有什么看法?傲慢?5.Whatever the cause, the fighting between Kyrgyz and ethnic Uzbeks has been ferocious.不管是什么原因,吉尔吉斯和乌

24、兹别克族之间的战斗已经来势凶猛。6.We embellish our room with new rug, lamp, and picture我们用新地毯,灯和图片海报来美化我们的房间。7.After reflecting for a time he decided not to go考虑了一段时间以后,他决定不去了。8.Id like to withdraw 1000 dollars from my savings account and put it in my cheque account.我想从我的储蓄账户提取1000美元,并把它放在我的支票账户。9.He derives great

25、satisfaction from his stamp collection他从集邮中获得了极大的满足感。10.The artist Michelangelo often stirred up the opposition of the contemporary artists of his day.艺术家米开朗基罗常常激起了他那个时期的当代艺术家的反对。Uint 61.Volunteers could do little to ameliorate conditions in the refugee camp. 志愿者对改善难民营的状况几乎做不了任何事情。2.The Lebanese dea

26、th toll has been mounting fast: at least 300 people have been killed, most of them civilians. 黎巴嫩死亡人数迅速攀升:至少有300人被打死,其中多数为平民3.But its sustainability will depend, in large part, on how that propaganda is controlled. 但是其可持续性在很大程度上取决于如何控制这种繁荣。4.Perhaps it is necessary to convene this sort of conference

27、 once a year. 也许每一年有必要召开一次这样的会议。5.The best thing about Spiekeroog, however, is itstranquil landscape.然而,施皮克岛最令人向往的,就是它宁静的风景。 6.Meanwhile,official corruption is rampant throughout the Communist party and bureaucracy.与此同时,在共产党和政府机构中的官员腐败猖獗。7.The istrenuous training strengthened not only my muscles but

28、 also my will.艰苦的训练不仅增强我的肌肉,也锻炼了我的意志。8.The President highlights the importance of his visit to China.总统强调访问中国的重要性。9.The runners set off at a blistering pace. 赛跑运动员以极快的速度起跑。10.The two sides have been at a standoff for four days now and some fear the confrontation could escalate. 双方目前已经对峙了四天,有人担心冲突可能会

29、进一步升级。Uint 71. A bsenteeism and frequent work stoppage have greatly cut into the efficiency of the plant operations.旷工和频繁的停工已经很大程度减慢了工厂的工作效率。2.And he warned Tehran it faces ever increasing sanctions if it refuses to suspend nuclear enrichment.他警告德黑兰,如果它拒绝停止核浓缩活动,它将面临越来越多的制裁。3.A long season lies ahea

30、d for the keeper who is desperate to prove himself as the clubs undrspute number 对那些不顾一切要证明自己是俱乐部的第一名的人来说,一个漫长的赛季就在眼前。4.The headlong growth of Indian newspapers is driven by rising literacy and a booming economy.印度报业的迅速增长是由上升的素养和蓬勃发展的经济所驱动的。5.To my surprise, he not only join a variety of extracurric

31、ular activities but also had applied for a part-time job.令我吃惊的是,他不仅参加了各种各样的课外活动,还申请了一份兼职工作。6.Meanwhile, America says it will drop the North from its list of states that sponserterrorism, a central North Korean demand.同时,应朝鲜中央需求,美国表示将从国家恐怖主义发起者名单中把北朝鲜去除。7.If materials for constructing a complete shel

32、ter are inadequate, priority should be given to constructing at least the roof.如果说建造一个完整住房的材料是不够的,那么应优先考虑建造屋顶。8.A cracking voice is proof that an adolescentboys brain hasnt become completely proficient at coordinating its careful monitoring of the sounds coming from the vocal cords.一个破裂的声音证明,一个青少年男孩的大脑还没有完全精通协调其声带的声音的。9.The question remains whether we have the determination and the dynamism

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