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本文(学年山西省大同市第一中学高一月考英语试题解析解析版Word版含解斩.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、学年山西省大同市第一中学高一月考英语试题解析解析版Word版含解斩2017-2018学年山西省大同市第一中学高一月考英语试题(时间:100分钟 满分:150分)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(154=60)AAny dogs love and devotion can feel like a miracle(奇迹). In a sense, Mason, a one-year-old dog, may be the most amazing one on the earth.The l

2、ong-legged dog in North Smithfield, Alabama, was caught in a storm in his familys garage last spring. His family thought he would be safe there, but the storm broke the garage door and Mason disappeared.Dozens of people died that day. Masons family were grateful just to be alive. But they were heart

3、broken at the thought that their sweet, playful companion had died. They combed the neighborhood, but Mason didnt turn up.Three weeks after the disaster, Masons family were surprised to find Mason on the front door, so ecstatic to see his family.Where had Mason landed during the windstorm? What did

4、he eat for those long weeks? How did he find his way back home?There were no answers to those questions and no time to work them out. Mason was terribly thin and couldnt stand properly. The family quickly sought help and learned their beloved dog had crawled(爬) home on broken front legs. “He was sim

5、ply on his elbows(肘),” says Dr. Doster.Doster had spent days reuniting pets with their owners and took an instant liking to the brave dog. He contacted Dr.William Lamb of Vulcan Park Animal Care in Birmingham, who volunteered to perform the needed surgery for free. Lamb inserted two metal plates and

6、 17 screws(螺丝钉) in an operation that lasted more than five hours.Masons injuries were so significant that he required weeks of recovery to heal. By the time he returned home to his family in September, he was jumping around again. “There were no ill effects at all, which is a miracle in itself,” Dos

7、ter says.1. The best title for the passage is probably_ .A. A new miracle came upB. Masonthe miracle dogC. What creates a miracleD. How can miracles happen2. What does the underlined word “ecstatic” in Paragraph 4 mean?A. Surprised. B. Excited. C. Fantastic. D. Lifeless.3. What can we know about Mas

8、on?A. Mason had the longest legs in the world.B. Mason was a female dog with great courage.C. Mason was seriously hurt in the storm.D. Mason was deserted in the garage by design.4. It can be inferred from the passage that_ .A. Mason sheltered himself from the stormB. some kind people had offered Mas

9、on foodC. it took three weeks for Mason to recoverD. Masons operation was a tough one for Dr.Lamb【答案】1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D3. 细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的Mason was terribly thin and couldnt stand properly.The family quickly sought help and learned their beloved dog had crawled home on broken front legs.可知,Mason在此次暴

10、风雨中受了重伤。故选C。4. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的Lamb inserted two metal plates and 17 screws(螺丝钉) in an operation that lasted more than five hours.可推知,Mason手术对于Lamb来讲也是很大的挑战,花费了5个多小时的时间来给它做手术。故选D。¥BWell, its time for Words and Their Stories. We present more expressions about food from Elnir Scardueli, a listener in B

11、razil.My mother believes you are what you eat. Then shed always give us nutritious food. She likes serving us meat and potatoes, which can also mean the most important part of something. Heres another expression about meat: one mans meat is another mans poisonone might like something very much while

12、 another person might hate it.My fathers a good and honest person. People say hes the salt of the earth. Hed never pour salt on a wound, or make someone feel worse about something. However, sometimes he tells us a story that seems bigger than life. So we have to take it with a grain of salt.My husba

13、nd makes enough money to support our family. So we say he brings home the bacon. He can cut the mustard(芥末), or do what is expected of him at work. Besides, he stands almost two meters tall, so its easy to find my husband in a crowd. He is a tall drink of water.I take the train to work. It is not a

14、pleasant ride because the train is so crowded that we are packed like sardines(沙丁鱼).When we fail to see problems at work, my boss tells us to wake up and smell the coffee. We need to pay more attention and fix the problem.I once made a big mistake at the office and felt foolish. I had egg on my face

15、.Over the weekend, my friend invited me to watch a football game on television. But I do not like football. It is not my cup of tea.We hope this has given you food for thought and stay with us next time. Thank you.5. The passage is mainly about _.A. words created by mum some B. words and their stori

16、esC. phrases in the kitchen D. idioms about food6. The phrase “you are what you eat” suggests that _.A. eating plays the most important part in our daily lifeB. meat and potatoes are basicsC. rich nutrition holds the key of a mealD. a good diet is important for good health7. When you doubt something

17、, you might _.A. bring home the bacon B. have egg on your faceC. take it with a grain of salt D. wake up and smell the coffee8. The passage is probably taken from a _.A. public lecture B. TV showC. radio program D. personal statement【答案】5. D 6. D 7. C 8. C7. 推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句However,sometimes he tells

18、 us a story that seems bigger than life. So we have to take it with a grain of salt.(然而,有时候,他给我们讲的故事似乎比生命还大。所以,我们不得不姑妄听之)可推知,当我们怀疑某事的时候,我们也许只是听听罢了,不会信以为真。故选C。8. 文章出处题。根据第一段中的a listener in Brazil可知,本文应该是一篇广播稿。故选C。CIt has long been hailed(宣称) as the most crucial meal of the day, vital for getting the

19、body going and preventing overeating later on. But breakfast may not be so vital after all, if new research is to be believed. Contrary to popular belief, the study found the first meal of the day had little impact on snacking or portion sizes later in the day. It also had no effect on metabolism(新陈

20、代谢).The researchers, from the University of Bath, now suggest the better health of people who eat a good breakfast may be due to their general, wider, diet regime(养生法). They found there was no change in metabolism after six weeks between those who ate nothing for breakfast and those who consumed 700

21、 calories before 11am.The major difference was that those who abstained from breakfast ate fewer calories over the whole day.This goes against the long-held theory that people who skip breakfast simply make up for it by gorging on food later on. However, breakfast eaters were likely to expend more e

22、nergy - around 442calories - by being active, mainly in the morning after eating. They also had more stable blood sugar readings, especially by the end of the trial.The research added: “The belief that breakfast is the most important meal of the day is so widespread that many people are surprised to

23、 learn that there is a lack of scientific evidence showing whether or how breakfast may directly cause changes in our health. It is certainly true that people who regularly eat breakfast tend to be slimmer and healthier but these individuals also typically follow most other recommendation for a heal

24、thy lifestyle, so have more balanced diets and take more physical exercise. ”In another study published this month, researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham divided volunteers into three groups. One skipped breakfast, others always ate it and a third continued with their current regime

25、. Four months later, no one in any group had lost much weight.9. According to he new research, the people who eat breakfast tend to _.A. prevent overacting later on B. expend more energyC. have more balanced diets D. lose more weight10. If you want to be healthier and simmer, you should _.A. not eat

26、 breakfast B. snack as frequently as possibleC. eat general, wide breakfast D. have a healthy lifestyle11. The underlined phrase “abstained from” in Paragraph 2 means _.A. didnt have B. had C. had more D. had less12. The best title of the passage is _.A. whether to have breakfast or notB. no expecte

27、d good to have breakfastC. difference between having and not having breakfastD. healthy diet【答案】9. B 10. D 11. A 12. B10. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句It is certainly true that people who regularly eat breakfast tend to be slimmer and healthier but these individuals also typically follow most other recommendati

28、on for a healthy lifestyle, so have more balanced diets and take more physical exercise.可知,更健康、更苗条的人的其它生活方式也一定是非常健康合理的,也会注意平衡饮食和锻炼身体,这说明生活方式健康合理是保持健康、苗条的重要条件。故选D。11. 词义猜测题。根据第三段第一句This goes against the long-held theory that people who skip breakfast simply make up for it by gorging on food later on.

29、可知,这和之前人们认为的“不吃早餐会使人之后的进食量增加”的想法截然相反,本句中的this就是指第二段最后一句的内容,即“不吃早餐的人一天摄入的卡路里更少”。由此可知,abstain from意为“不吃”。故选A。12. 标题归纳题。第一段中的最后两句Contrary to popular belief, the study found the first meal of the day had little impact on snacking or portion sizes later in the day. It also had no effect on metabolism(新陈代

30、谢).即为本文的主题句,即吃早餐没有预想中的那么重要,下文都是围绕这一论点展开的论证。故选B。¥DFood serves as a form of communication in two fundamental ways. Sharing bread or other foods is a common human tradition that can promote unity and trusts. Food can also have a specific meaning, and play a significant role in a family or cultures cele

31、brations or traditions. The foods we eatand when and how we eat themare often unique to a particular culture or may even differ between rural (农村的) and urban areas within one country.Sharing bread, whether during a special occasion (时刻) or at the family dinner table, is a common symbol of togetherne

32、ss. Many cultures also celebrate birthdays and marriages with cakes that are cut and shared among the guests. Early forms of cake were simply a kind of bread, so this tradition hits its roots in the custom of sharing bread.Food also plays an important role in many New Year celebrations. In the southern United States, pieces of corn bread represent blocks of gold for prosperity (兴旺) in the New Year. In Gree

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