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本文(共42套125页鲁教版54制八年级英语下册全册精品导学案汇总.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、共42套125页鲁教版54制八年级英语下册全册精品导学案汇总(共42套125页)鲁教版54制八年级英语下册(全册)精品导学案汇总课题:Unit 1 When was he born? (Section A 1a-2d)序号:1-1 课型: 主备人: 审核: 时间: 一、学习目标 1.识记并能运用本课新学单词和词组。 2. 能询问或回答某个名人的姓名,职业和生日。 3.进一步复习一般过去时。二、活动导学1. 找出下列短语,并小组内讨论。出生_ 站在一箱子冰里面_ 有巨大才能的人_ 街头艺人_看上去很逼真且有3D效果_在地上_ 开始做某事_一名大学生_ 遇到麻烦_网球运动员_游得相当快_体育明星_

2、2、小组交流我最喜欢的国际明星。(1a) 3、听力练习1b,注意时间的表达方式 4、听力练习2a&2b.(注意听力技巧) 5、根据2c完成下列空格。 6.合作探究 讨论以下短语的用法1beborn“出生” be 常用过去时was/were born. 年份或月份或地点前用介词in,而具体时间前介词用on. 例如: -Where were youborn? -Iwasbornin Jinan. -WhenwasWang Linborn? -Hewasbornon August 11th, 1980.-Whenwassheborn? - Shewasbornin 19732 How long 多久

3、提问 时间段 (for 或since 引导的时间状语)How long have you lived here? Since I was bornHow far 提问距离 how often 提问频率How much / how many 提问数量 how soon 还要多久.一般用于将来时 in + 一段时间How soon will he come back?He will come back in two weeks三、达标反馈1.我觉得他做到的我做不到。_2.She stopped _(cough) after she saw a doctor. 3.When did she _ (

4、become) a teacher? 4.Tiger Woods started golfing when he _ (be) ten months old. 5.You are too young _ (go) to school. 6.She started _ ( write)music in 1990. 7.Jordan _ (be) born in 1975. 8.Linda, with a lot of flowers, _(come)back from Beijing tomorrow. 9.He wants _(become) a film star when he grows

5、 up. 10.She _ (can) count from 1 to 100 when she was four years old. 11.She learned _ (ride) a bike from her father many years ago.12.要是让李老师看到教室里乱糟糟的,我们会有麻烦。_学后记:be born /stand in a box of ice/people with great talents /street artist / look so real and 3D / on the ground/start doing /a college stude

6、nt/ get in trouble/tennis player/swim really fast/sports star1.I dont think I can do what he can2.coughing3. go6. writing/to write7.was8.will come /is coming 9. to ride12.We will get in trouble if Miss Li sees the mess in the classroom.课题:Unit 1 When was he born?

7、(Section A 3a-3c)序号:1-2 课型: 主备人: 审核: 时间: 一、学习目标 1.识记并能运用本课新学单词和词组。 2.能使用一般过去时,采用时间顺序来写作一篇关于一个人成长经历的文章。 3.学习诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言获得成功的经验。二、活动导学1. 找出下列短语,并小组内讨论。 诺贝尔文学奖_在二月_汉语字典_ 期待做某事_辍学 _几个错误_ 全世界 _开始工作_ 参军_ 作者的笔名_在那时_学习文学_出生在一个农民家庭 _著名导演_想方设法做某事_ 变得感兴趣_ 手中没有更多的书_被改编成电影_ 2. 组内讨论自己知道的有关诺贝尔奖的知识。 3. 大声朗读文章,同伴互读,

8、相互纠音。 4. 组内讨论3b中的4个问题。 5. 组内讨论3c,并填好表格。 6. 组内谈论自己从文章中学到了什么? 7合作探究 讨论以下短语的用法 (1) expect to do 期待 盼望做某事 I expect to see you again。 expect sb. to do I expect him to buy a gift for me. expect that +从句 The teachers expect that all the students can pass the exam. (2). stop doing / to do They stopped doing

9、 homework.他们停止做作业 They stopped to do homework.他们停下来去做作业 (3).remember doing / to do forget doing/ to do 三、达标反馈1、Where _(be) your father born?2、Dont stop _(speak).3、When did you start _(learn ) English?4、How many _(play) in your team?5、Listen! My mother _(sneeze) . She has a cold.6Tom was born _ 1992.

10、7. MY mother was born _ January, 1966.8. Deng Yaping was born _ the 2nd of June, 1973.9 他的第一篇短片故事是在1981年出版的._学后记:短语 :Nobel Prize in February a Chinese dictionary expect to do sthDrop out of school several mistakes all over the world begin to workJoin the army the writers pen name at that time Study

11、literature be born into a framers family famous directorTry every means to do sth become interested in With no more words at hand be made into a film达标:1. Was 2. Director 3.novels 4.players sneezing 8.on9. His first story was published in 1981.课题:Unit 1 When was he born?序号:1-3 课型:New

12、主备人: 审核: 时间: 一、学习目标 1、学习并掌握本节课的重点词汇。2、能运用所学句型灵活询问何时做过某事。二、活动导学1. 单词过关利用同学们熟悉的图片学习本课时的单词,并识记。然后以游戏的形式检查同学们的单词记忆情况。2. Pairwork 两人一组根据前面所学的内容练习对话,复习巩固所学内容。A: Who is he? B: He isA: When was he born? B: He was bornA: Where was he born? B: He was born 3. Come to Grammar Focus. Let one student read and ano

13、ther try to translate. Then try to recite the sentences. 4. Come to 4a. Write down for these answers. Use the names in the box too help you. 5. Come to 4b. Fill in the blanks using the information in the chart.6. Make a survey using the phrases : learned to ride a bike /first went to a movie/ starte

14、d learning English/First had a birthday partye.g. A: How old were you when you learned to ride a bike? How about Li Tong?7合作探究 tooto 如此而不能 too to = so.that + 否定句 He is too young to go to school.He is so young that he cant go to school.He is not old enough to go to school.三、达标反馈(一)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Whe

15、n I was a child, I often _(play) football in the street.2. Mike _(not go ) to bed until 12 oclock last night.3. She_(can) count from 1 to 10 when she was four years old.4. She learned _(ride) a bike from her father many years ago.5. Everyone in here knows the n_ song of China.(二)完成句子1、你什么事出生的? 我1997

16、年出生的。 When _ you _? I _ _ in 1997.2. 你多早开始学做某事都不为过。_.3. Ronaldo 在他17岁时为国家队效力。Ronaldo _ _ his first national team when he was 17 years old.学后记:1 played 2 didnt go 3 could 4 to ride 5 national1 were born was born 2 You are never too young to start things.3 played for课题:Unit 1 When was he born? (Sectio

17、n B 1a-1e)一、学习目标 1、学习并掌握本节课的重点词汇。2、学习并掌握一些与时间连用的介词。3、学会用形容词、时间状语描述人物。4、指导学生写出描写人物的短文。二、活动导学1. 单词过关利用同学们熟悉的图片学习本课时的单词,并识记。然后以游戏的形式检查同学们的单词记忆情况。2. Pairwork 两人一组根据上节课所学的内容练习对话,复习巩固上节课所学内容。3. 1a学习描述人物的形容词。 (1) Look at the pictures then write one or two words to describe the person. (2) Pairwork: 小组内交流所列

18、出的形容词,然后小组讨论想出更多的形容词。4. 1b Groupwork根据图片编对话(可以选取任意一个图画)。 (1) Imagine you know the people in the pictures .Tell your group about the people (2) Then show around the class. 5. 1c 1d 听录音然后完成课本上的相关内容。6. 1e Pairwork Ask and answer questions about Modori and Laura.(according to the conversation in 1e)7. G

19、roupwork 写一篇描写人物的小短文:内容包括姓名、职业、出生时间、某时间曾做过的事,注意用形容词进行描述。 8合作探究 小组讨论总结如何对人和事物进行描述。三、达标反馈(一)完成单词。1. She is a f_ pianist . He plays the piano well.2. My grandma is kind and l_. He spends all his free time with me.3. She traveled a_the United States when he was 18. 4. He w_ a skating competition when he

20、 was 12 years old.5. She is a s_ girl. She is afraid to speak in front of people.6. He was b_ in a poor family in 1932.(二)完成句子1、我八岁时就见过他弹钢琴。 I saw him _ the piano _ I _ 8.2、他因教英语教得好而出名。 He is _ _ _ English well 3、他七岁时开始练习跑步。 He _ _ _running when he was 7.学后记:答案完成单词 1. Famous 2. loving 3. around 4. w

21、on 5 shy 6.born完成句子 1. play when was 2. famous for teaching 3. began to practice课题:Unit 1 When was he born? (Section B 2a-2e)序号:1-5 课型:new 主备人: 审核: 时间: 一、学习目标 1、学习并掌握本节课的重点词汇和知识点。2、指导学生完成阅读任务,提高学生阅读能力。3、了解名人,激励学生努力学习。二、活动导学1. 短语过关在一个小村庄_ 病的很严重_上钢琴课_ 持续干某事_开始办音乐会_ 坚持作曲_音乐诗人_ 抚慰听者的心灵_在他的公寓_2.ReadingTa

22、sk 1 Skim the paragraphs and put them in order by numbering them 1 to 3.Task2 Read carefully and complete the chart below.When What he didIn 1810When he was seven months oldWhen he was six years oldA year laterIn 1825When he was 25 years oldI 1849Task3 Writing Write a short summary of Chopins life 三

23、、达标反馈 1.Li Yundi is a f_ Chinese pianist .2.Arthur is a k_ grandfather .3.John w_ the prize in the speech competition .4.She t_ to the U.S when she was fourteen .5.He was b_ 1982 .6 Mo yans w_ are so popular that many people like them. 7 We raise the n_ flag every Monday8 Zhang yimou is a famous d_学

24、后记:Key: 1 famous 2 kind 3 won 4 traveled 5 born 6 works 7 national 8 director课题:Unit 1When was he born? (Section B 3a-selfcheck)序号:1-6 课型: 主备人: 审核: 时间: 一、学习目标 1、复习上节课的知识点2、学习并掌握本节课的重点短语3、学会描述你所熟知的名人的经历二、活动导学1运用方框中的句子小组内编对话(复习)Who is he/she?What is he/ she?When and where was he /she born?How old was

25、he/ she when he / she started?How long did he/ she(do)?What made him/ her famous? 2. 短语过关(读3a找出下列短语)最著名的乐队之一_ 乐队_音乐排行榜_ 音乐史_解散_取得第一名_死后不久_ 3. Read the information about John Lennon. Write an article about himJohn lennon was born in 1941 in Liverpool in the UK. He lived with his aunt and uncle when h

26、e was a child. At the age of 12, he began to play music and started first music group, The Quarrymen. In 1960,The Quarrymen became The Beatles, which was one of the most famous groups in music history. This group included his friend, Paul McCarney. Later in October,1962, the groups first song, “Love Me Do”, got to number 17 on the music charts in the UK. Unfortunately, The Beatles broke up in 1970. Five years later, the famous song,“Imagine”,by John Lennon got to number 6 on the UK music charts.On December 8, 1980, John Lennon died in Ne

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