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六年级上册module 2教案 1.docx

1、六年级上册module 2教案 1小学英语教学设计总第 9 课时课题 Unit 3 Where are you from? Lets talk知识目标Asking people where they come from: Where are you from? Telling others where one is from: Im from( New York city in America).能力目标Asking about a city: -Whats (New York)like? -Do you like living in our city?情感目标Everyone has a r

2、esponsibly to keep the city clean. 教材分析教学重点Can ask people where they come from and can tell others where one is from.教学难点Can use adjectives to describe a city, e.g. Its a big and modern city.教学准备Word Cards , Tape, CD-Rom , e-book教学过程I.Warm up1. 播放本单元的英语歌曲: If you are happy2. Free talkII. Presentatio

3、n and Practice1. 呈现蝴蝶页在ppt上。介绍今天班上来了一个新同学David,呈现出他的国家的国旗T:Whats this? P1: Its a flag. T: Yes. Its a national flag. David is from New York. Its a big and modern city, but its quite noisy. What are cities look like? 2. Set a purpose for listening to the dialogue: In the last module, we learnt about l

4、ife in the country. What is the city life like? David is from New York. Does David like city life? Let find out.3. Play the recording again, pausing after each line for pupils to repeat and for you to clarify meaning. If you use thee-Resource, click on each time. While doing this, highlight the targ

5、et language items listed above. Use the picture and the context in the dialogue to convey the meaning, and provide further examples to illustrate each language structure if necessary.2014学年二次备课教学过程4. Conduct reading aloud practice on the dialogue. Divide the class in to four groups; pupils will read

6、 the dialogue in the roles of Ms White, Jiamin, David, and Janet.5. If you use the e-Resource, you may use the Listen and repeat function first for pupils to repeat. Later use the Role play function for pupils to join the conversation in the roles of Ms White, Jiamin, David and Janet.III. Have pupil

7、s produce a dialogue similar to the one between Ms White, David, Jiamin, and Janet, substituting the following words and phrases with the further vocabulary items from page15, Remind pupils that the new dialogue should make sense. You may need to give pupils some time to prepare the substitution and

8、 some city names to work with.VI. Homework1) Copy the new words of Unit 3.2) Preview the text of Unit 3.Blackboard: Unit 3 Where are you from? Lets talk A: Where are you from? B: Im from A: Whats like? B: Its. 2015学年二次备课2016学年二次备课2014学年教学后记:2015学年教学后记:2016学年教学后记:小学英语教学设计总第 10 课时课题 Unit3 Where are yo

9、u from? Fun with language知识目标To practice using adjectives and nouns to describe places in a city.能力目标Can use these words to describe a city: Adjectives: heavy, comfortable, new, crowded, modern, quiet, noisy, tall. Nouns: street, traffic, streets, building, cinema, park shopping centre, museum, hosp

10、ital情感目标 To contribute for the prosperity of the city教材分析教学重点To practice using adjectives and nouns to describe places in a city.教学难点Can use adjectives and nouns to describe places in a city.教学准备Word Cards , Tape, CD-Rom , e-book教学过程I. Warm up1. Free talk2. DictationII. Presentation and Practice1. H

11、ave pupils look at task 1 on Page 16. If you use the e-Resource, show the task on the screen.2. Say to pupils: How can we describe these places in the city?3. Revise the 8 adjectives with pupils.4.Explain in task, using the first question as an example , if necessary.5.Go over the 8 pictures with pu

12、pils , inviting them to describe each picture using one of the adjectives. Alternatively, give pupils time to prepare the 8 sentences. When they have finished, have them say aloud their sentences.III. Listen and number1. Have pupils look at the pictures in Tasks 2 on page 16. If you use e-Resource ,

13、show the page on the screen, Present the word sign.2. Say to pupils: In a city, there are many people. So there are things that we should not do. What are these things?2014学年二次备课教学过程3. Invite pupils to give you some example4. Explain the listening task. Use the first picture to show that those signs

14、 often mean Dont do something. Go over the vocabulary involved with pupils, if necessary.5. Play the recording, pausing after every sentence for pupils to put down their answers.6. After the last sentence, play the recording all the way through once for pupils to check their answers.VI. Extension: W

15、hen you have checked the answers with pupils, have them practice making sentences with Dont Call out the number of a picture and pupils give you the corresponding prohibition sentence.V. Homework.1. Read the text and try to recite.2. Recite the words of unit 3 and dictate them at home.Blackboard: -W

16、hats _like? -Its a crowded / quiet/ comfortable / noisy/ modern city. In a city, there are many people. So, there are things that we should not do. What are there things? a. in the street dont park your car here b. in the park dont ride your bike here c, in the museum dont take photos here. d. in th

17、e zoo dont feed the animals e. in the library be quiet 2015学年二次备课2016学年二次备课2014学年教学后记:2015学年教学后记:2016学年教学后记:小学英语教学设计总第 11 课时课题 Unit3 Fun with language Sing along Word family知识目标To distinguish between the different forms of a pronoun.能力目标To complete sentences using various forms of pronouns.情感目标Learn

18、 to care about others, care about the city where we are living in.教材分析教学重点To practice asking people whether they like living in the city/ country.教学难点To practice explaining why one likes/ does not like living in the city/ country.教学准备Word Cards , Tape, CD-Rom , e-book教学过程 I. Warm up 1. Free talk. 2.

19、 Act out the dialogue. II. Presentation and Practice 1. Learn the song. First sing after the teacher. Then sing after the recorder. Sing together at last.2. Have pupils look at the Task3 on Page17.If you use the e-Resource, show the task on the screen. 1) Model the dialogue by asking a few pupils: D

20、o you like living in the city/ country? When they have answered yes or no, ask and guide them to explain why. Put the possible language structures and vocabulary for giving reasons on the board. 2) Invite pupils to recall Davids feelings about living in the city, -Does David like living in the city?

21、 What does he like about living in the city?3)Revise the adjectives for describing city life and country life with pupils. 3. Set a purpose for reading:We have another girl , Lily who moved to a big city from the country. Does Lily like living in the city? Lets find out.4. Ask and answer 1) Explain

22、the reading task. Then give pupils time to read the passage and complete the task. Refrain from explaining the passage to pupils sentence by sentence before pupils have a chance to attempt the reading.2014学年二次备课教学过程2) When pupils have finished, you may check the answers with them. Alternatively, hav

23、e them compare answers in pairs, and then present their answers to whole class.5. Word family1) Use the song If youre happy to present you and your. Guide pupils to understand that they are the “same pronoun” but in different forms. Guide pupils to see the position of you and your in sentence.2) Inv

24、ite pupils to give other words like you that they have learnt, as well as other words like your that they have learnt. Build up a table on the board containing pupils answers.3) Have pupils look at Part 1 on Page 19 and compare it with the table on the board.III. Homework. Exercise: 1. _bike is brok

25、en. Can you give_ a new one? _want to ride a bike. (I, me, my) 2. Is _your uncle? Whats _job? Please ask _. (he, him, his) 3. _ is my aunt. We often visit _.(she, her) 4. The book is interesting. I like _stories. Do you like_?(it, its) Blackboard: Unit 3 Where are you from A: Do you like living in ?

26、 B: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. A: Why? B: Its .2015学年二次备课2016学年二次备课2014学年教学后记:2015学年教学后记:2016学年教学后记:小学英语教学设计总第 12 课时课题 Unit 3 Where are you from Revision 知识目标Can tell where is one comes from ,describe the life of the city.能力目标Compare the life in the city and that in country side.情感目标To know more of cou

27、ntry and city, pay attention to visit etiquette.教材分析教学重点Places of the city. Explain why one likes or does not like living in the city/ country. 教学难点Use adjectives to describe the city.教学准备Word Cards , Tape, CD-Rom , e-book教学过程 I. Greetings. 1. Free talk. 2. Sing a song: If you are happyII. Organizat

28、ions. Activity 1: 1. Review the countries we have learnt. Practise the sentences where is one from. And describe the city. A: Where are you/ is he/ is she from? B: Im / He is / She is from A: Whats like? B: Its a beautiful/ crowded/ comfortable/ quiet/ noisycity 2. There are many places in our city.

29、 How to comply with the order in the city. Prohibitions with Dont, e.g. Dont take photos here. Activity 2: Roll play: Act out the dialogue. Activity 3: Exercises: 1. My English teacher is Miss Li. We all like _. 2. Where is he from? Hes from_. 3. This city is too noisy, I like _city. 2014学年二次备课教学过程A

30、ctivity 4: Reading Paris has a beautiful name, the City of _1_. Do you know what it means? Many beautiful buildings are lighted at 2 .The streets are very bright .When you drive in Paris, you must not turn 3 your headlights (汽车前灯)even after dark. Paris is full of life all day and all night. But this is not the only reason(原因)for its beautiful name. For hundreds of years, Paris has been the centre of science and art. 4 scientists and artists have come to 5 here. For this reason also, people make it the City of Lights.( C )1. A. Flowers B. Cars C. Lights( A )2. A. night B. day C. evening( C )

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