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1、TranslationStrategiesTranslation StrategiesOf English Business Contract英语三班 1112013005 杨娇娇 摘要在国际经济贸易活动中,商务合同是一种重要的法律文件依据,商贸英语已成为必不可少的语言交际工具,它也是英文经济贸易合同的基点。越来越多的英语和法律的爱好者也希望能尽快熟悉合同英语,从而准确理解,翻译、制作英语合同。这种需求随着中国加入WTO(世界贸易组织)而剧增,用英语解决商务合同问题的愿望也会随之越来越迫切。国际商务合同的种类繁多,涉及面广,内容复杂。这类合同都是涉外交易性质,需要英汉两种版本,因此大多需要翻译

2、。商务合同有其自身的特点,即条理性、规范性和专业性。商务合同对翻译的质量提出很高的要求,也增加了其难度。本文用大量的例句,对商务合同英语的准确性、严谨性、规范性及翻译技巧与内容的完善还有翻译中常见错误、成因及其对策等作了全面分析和论述,并分析其翻译方面所应注意的问题。 AbstractBusiness contract is on important legal document during the International trade which makes business English as an essential language tool to the English eco

3、nomic trade. More and more people, who like English and law, hope to know about English business contact in order to accurately understand, translate and make theses contracts. International business contact has the features of varied categories, vast coverage, and complex content which special tran

4、slation skills to translate. In this term paper, it will discuss and illustrate the translation skills and principles as well as the common mistakes and its reasons based on the features of contract. It will also give solutions to the problems that come into contract translation.1. Introduction With

5、 the constant deep development of the policy of Market Economy and the Reform and Open policy to the outside world of our country, the market competitive system of China has made a further progress. The business trade with the foreign country has become so much frequent that we have got more and mor

6、e opportunity to cooperate with the foreign company with the widen of the scale of the enterprises concerning foreign affairs. So, it has become an imperative part to draft, negotiate and sign a contract. In this paper, brief analysis will be given to several aspects on translation skills and strate

7、gies of the English business contract. 2. Translation Strategies of English ContractA best translation strategy means that how can make a word or a sentence read like the native language both in its style and meaning. Literal translation, free translation, domesticating translation and foreignzing t

8、ranslation are translation strategies. In this part, brief introduction will be given to the application of translation methods in English contract translation. What is more, more attention will be given to basic translation methods in the translation of English business contract.2.1 Principles of E

9、nglish Business Contract Translation Along with different principles put forward by different scholars, translators usually hold the view that the principles proposed by Professor Liu Fagong in his Exploring into the Principles of Chinese-English Business English Contract. Professor Liu puts forward

10、 the view that the major principles of business translation should be “faithfulness and exactness”. 2.1.1 Faithfulness “Faithfulness” means that the information must be equivalent with the information in source language, Information transmitting is the core of business contract, and the information

11、should be equivalent. For example:(14) A partial average loss under 3%of the insured amount will not be recoverable but one amounting to or exceeding 3% will be paid. (Translation: 单独平均损失低于所保金额的3%时,不赔偿,达到或超过3%时则赔偿。)Here, translator misunderstood the term “partial average loss”. The term “partial ave

12、rage term” should be translated into Chinese “单独海损”. Translators misunderstanding leads to the failure of information transmitting.2.1.2 ExactnessExactness demands translators to choose the accurate words in translation, which can transmit the equivalent information with the one in source language.

13、Accuracy in both understanding and choosing word is the first condition to guarantee the high quality of translation. For example:(15) Party A shall have a right of first refusal whenever Party B wishes to sell any of its shares in the Group. (Translation: 乙方任何时候有意出售其持有之任何集团股份,甲方一律拥有优先拒绝权。) This tra

14、nslation completely deviates from the “exactness” spirit. The false resort impute to the misunderstanding of the phrase “right of first refusal”(优先购买权).2.2 The Mistakes in Translation English Business Contract A lot of mistakes are found in the English business contract translation due to the specia

15、l features of the business contract; there are a lot of difficulties in the translation of it, such as the difficulties in the translation of the jargons, the difficulties in the translation of Abbreviations and the obstacles in dealing with the complex sentence structures. Only when the difficultie

16、s mentioned above are solved properly, can an excellent translation version be gained. In the following parts, some detailed information. For example: the subcontractor shall make available to the contractor all relevant planning and reporting documents(daily, weekly, and monthly progress reports, a

17、ccident and security reports, payrolls, list of labor staff and expatriates.The “payroll” in this sentence cannot be translated as “工资单”. However, the “payroll” should be translated as “计算报告” . (Translation:“分包商应向承包商提供所有相关的计划和报告文件(每日、每周和每月的进度报告、事故及安全报告、计算报告和劳务职员及外籍人员名单”。)Secondly, the foreign backgr

18、ound information displays important role, if a interpreter is not familiar with the business field, he cannot correctly translate the contract. And frequently mistake in translation will cause not clear, and confusion. For example:The contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting-o

19、ut of the works in relation to original points, lines and levels of reference given by the engineer in writing and for the correctness, subject as above mentioned, of the position, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the works and for the provision of all necessary instruments, applianc

20、es and labor in connection therewith. (Translation:承包人负责根据工程的书面指示正确的开始工程,保证工程位置、面积、水平面及各部分组合的质量,提供工程所需工具、设备和劳力。)This paragraph involves Engineering Surveying the main reason for mistake is the lack of related information. Such as setting-out(放线), original points(原始点), lines(线), levels(水平)and instrum

21、ents(测量仪器), etc.The new translation:承包商应负责按工程师书面提交的有关点、线和水平面的原始参数如是准确的进行工程放线,且如上所述,负责校准工程各部分的方位、水平、尺寸和定线,并负责提供一切必要的相关仪器、装置和劳力。4. ConclusionConclusion can be commented that this thesis has stated the language features of English business contract, generalized some translation principles used in trans

22、lating English business contract, and then analyzed mistakes and solutions in the English business contract. From this paper, it can be found that English business contract is not only a special document style but also a practical usage of English. Moreover, its regarded as a special style which has

23、 its own language features, functions, special translation principles and translation methods. Through the study of English business contract translation, we need not only the knowledge of theory but the knowledge of practical method, which will help us better understand it.Bibliography(1). Fang Men

24、gzhi 方梦之. Yinghan Fanyi Bianxi 英汉翻译辨析. (Difference between Translation of English and Chinese) Beijing: China Translation Publishing Company, 2005.(2). Feng Qinhua 冯庆华 Shi Yong Fan Yi Jiao Cheng 实用翻译教程 (A Practical Translation Teaching Course)Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 20

25、06(3). Zhuang Yichuan 庄绎传 Ying Han Fan Yi Jian Ming Jiao Cheng 英汉翻译简明教程(A Simple Course on English-Chinese Translation). Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2002(4). Fan Zhongying 范仲英. Shiyong Fanyi Jiaocheng 实用翻译教程 (An Applied Theory of Translation). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and

26、 Research Press, 2006(5). Cao Ruiming 曹瑞明. Kua Wenhua Jiaoji Fanyi Zhongde Chayi Yu Ronghe 跨文化交际翻译中的差异与融合(Difference and Integration in Intercultural Communication Translation). Xian: Journal of Xia, 2006.欢迎您下载我们的文档,后面内容直接删除就行资料可以编辑修改使用资料可以编辑修改使用致力于合同简历、论文写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面,打造全网一站式需求ppt课件设计制作,word文档制作,图文设计制作、发布广告等,公司秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户,做到让客户满意!感谢您下载我们文档

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