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英语专业 教育学方向.docx

1、英语专业 教育学方向Negative Transfer of Mother TongueThe Main Cause of Chinglish题 目: 母语负迁移中式英语的主要成因Contents1. Introduction.12. Language Transfer Theory.2 2.1 Concept of transfer.2 2.2 Positive transfer2 2.3 Negative transfer.33. The Representation of Negative Transfer in Chinglish5 3.1 The phonetic level5 3.

2、1.1 The mistaken addition of certain sounds.5 3.1.2 The mis-replacement of certain sounds.5 3.1.3 The mis-arrangement of stress6 3.2 The lexical level.6 3.2.1 Incorrect morphological change.6 3.2.2 Improper collocation.7 3.2.3 Redundancy.8 3.3 The syntactic level.9 3.3.1 Mistakes in word sequence.9

3、3.3.2 Misuse of different parts of speech.9 3.3.3 Ignorance of certain fixed structures.10 3.3.4 Overuse of logical connectives.11 3.4 The pragmatic level11 3.4.1 Pragmalinguistic failure11 3.4.2 Sociopragmatic failure.124. Possible Remedies to Avoid or Reduce Chinglish.13 4.1 The perfection of Chin

4、ese.13 4.2 The improvement of English.135. Conclusion.15Works Cited16Title: Negative Transfer of Mother TongueThe Main Cause of ChinglishAbstract: Chinglish refers to a kind of intermediary language resulting from the negative transfer of Chinese thinking pattern and expressing habit. It is the prob

5、lem that commonly exists in Chinese peoples learning and using English. It should be noted that Chinglish is abnormal English and is an obstacle in international communication. Thus, efforts should be made to seek the source of Chinglish and get rid of the negative influence. This paper makes a syst

6、ematic and thorough discussion on Chinglish from the aspect of negative transfer, conducting a contrastive analysis on the phonetic, lexical, syntactical and pragmatic levels. The paper also offers some strategies to avoid or reduce Chinglish, aiming to help the readers refine their command of idiom

7、atic English.Key words: Chinglish; negative transfer; remedies 题目:母语负迁移中式英语的主要成因摘要:中式英语是指由汉语的思维模式和表达习惯产生的负迁移干扰而形成的一种中介语,是中国的英语学习者和使用者经常遇到的问题。应该注意到,中式英语是一种不合规范的英语,它的存在是国际交往中的一块绊脚石。因此,应该努力探求中式英语产生的源头,摆脱其负面影响。本文分别从语音、词汇、句法和语用层面进行了对比分析,从母语负迁移着手来系统、深入地探讨中式英语现象。同时,文章也提供了一些避免或减少中式英语的策略,旨在帮助广大读者掌握纯正地道的英语。 关

8、键字:中式英语;负迁移;补救措施AcknowledgementsOn the completion of my thesis, I would like to send my heartfelt thanks to Ms. , my supervisor, for her constructive suggestions, illuminative ideas, great patience and encouragement. Without her help, I would not have completed my thesis so smoothly and gained so mu

9、ch valuable experience on thesis writing.I am indebted to all the teachers in the English Department. Their lectures and instructions have been of great help to my study.I am especially grateful to two of my high school classmates and Wang . They have both helped me gather a large number of relative

10、 materials by means of the Internet database in their colleges while such database is not so convenient in our school.I owe great gratitude to my friends for their constant concern, generous help, and meaningful comments on my study.Finally, my special thanks must go to my parents. Their love and en

11、couragement have been the greatest consolation whenever I encountered any difficulties. It is their continuous care and comfort that have contributed much to the final success of my thesis.1. IntroductionChinglish refers to the improper expressions that Chinese people make when they express their id

12、eas either in oral or written form of English. According to the definition made by Joan Pinkham, “Chinglish, of course, is that misshapen, hybrid language that is neither English nor Chinese but that might be described as English with Chinese characteristics” (1). As an interlanguage, it is systemat

13、ic, with its own features, reflecting the interference of Chinese language structure and thought pattern. It is a continuum, in which the learners are moving closer and closer to the state of a native speaker, but never reach it. With the popularity of English in China, Chinglish can be found everyw

14、here. It is not infrequent to find improper expressions of English in Chinese students writing and speaking, in their communication with native speakers and in numerous public signs around us. Of course, it is natural that when using English, different nations may mechanically follow the rules of their own languages. In this sense, Chinglish is not something that deserves too much criticism owing to peoples learning environment and tradition. Nevertheless, such

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