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1、新标准英语一起三年级下册M9导学案外研版三下英语M9导学案(外研版一起)Module9 Unit1 新授导案小组评价: 年级:三年级 学科: 英语 编制人 组长: 签发: 老师评价: _第一标:设置目标【课堂目标】(2min)1 Read and spell the words: were,young, beautiful, was, also, then, old, who.2. Read and use the sentences: It was also beautiful then. They were very young then. I was two. I was naughty

2、, too .(key points and difficult points)3. Read the text correctly and freely. 【使用说明】1. Show your smile and confidence in class;2. Learn by yourself, work in pairs and then in groups to complete the tasks.第二标:达成目标【 Task One 】(15min) 1. Greeting.2. Revision .(Words and phrases in Module8)parent, spea

3、k, with, English, PE, Chinese ,art, try3.带着问题,整体感知文本。Task 1:Is it beautiful? Task 2: Was it beautiful then?4.学习文本。【 Task Two 】(10min)1. 带着问题,整体感知文本。Q1:Who are they in the picture?Q2:Were they very young then?Q3:How about they now? 2.Listen ,point and find “was, were”.【 Task Three】(8min) 1. Read the

4、text. Read the text together. Read the text in roles. Read the text one by one2. Make sentences。 For example:They wereI was It was 复习上节课所学重点单词和短语。要求会读并理解,一分钟,对子互查,小组汇总难点,排除障碍。学生初步感知一般过去时态。对子、小组讨论完成,学习They were very young then. I was two. I was naughty, too .。对子互读相查,检查B1。小组讨论完成,学生进一步学习一般过去时态。尤其是一般过去时

5、态下Be动词。对子互查读课文。 检查B2.组间评比,从语音、语调、语句的正确性、流畅度,表情、动作各方面来点评。对子之间相互练习。小组内合作完成。第三标:反馈目标(5min)【 巩固 】(4min) 一、写出下列单词,课后背过年轻的_ 漂亮的 _ 那时_ 老的,老年的 _二、翻译下列词组,并在课文中用=标出,读熟My grandparents_ your hair _ 【反思升华】(1min)1. Have we achieved our aims?2. What have you learnt in class?3. Where should we do better? 考查课文重点单词和短

6、语的掌握。互批互改,赋分签名。The subject monitor chooses two or three group leaders to talk about their deficiencies and harvest.补记:Book6 Module9 Unit1 复习导案小组评价: 年级:三年级 学科: 英语 编制人 组长: 签发: 老师评价: _第一标:设置目标【课堂目标】(2min)1.Read and spell the words: were,young, beautiful, was, also, then, old, who.2. Read and use the se

7、ntences: It was also beautiful then. They were very young then. I was two. I was naughty, too .(key points and difficult points)3. Read the text correctly and freely.【使用说明】3. Show your smile and confidence in class;4. Learn by yourself, work in pairs and then in groups to complete the tasks.第二标:达成目标

8、【 Task One 】(5min) 1.Greeting.2.Revision .(Words and phrases in Module9U1)were,young, beautiful, was, also, then, old, who; 【 Task Two 】(15min)1. Read part 1. Act out in roles.2. Watch the cartoon and answer the questions: Is it beautiful? Was it beautiful then?3. Listen and repeat. Read after the C

9、DROM.4. Read in groups. Then act out the text. 【 Task Three】(1min)1. Part 3. Listen and say.Then read by themselves. 2. Part 4.Practise。It was . But it is .复习上节课所学重点单词和短语。要求会读并理解,一分钟,对子互查,小组汇总难点,排除障碍。甲乙分角色表演第一部分。由问题复习课文,加深对课文的理解。模仿跟读课文,注意语音语调,小组合作,熟读背诵课文,表演课文学生进一步理解一般过去时态与一般现在时态的区别。对子互练句型,排除难点。小组内合作

10、完成。第三标:反馈目标(5min)【 巩固 】(4min) 一、默写下列单词年轻的_ 漂亮的 _ 那时_ 老的,老年的 _二、翻译下列词组My grandparents_ your hair _ 三看图,练习句型。I t was _then. They were _then.Now its _. Now theyre _.【反思升华】(1min)1.Have we achieved our aims?2.What have you learnt in class?3. Where should we do better?考查课文重点单词和短语的掌握。互批互改,赋分签名。对子互练句型,排除难点。

11、小组内合作完成新- 课 -标- 第 -一 - 网The subject monitor chooses two or three group leaders to talk about their deficiencies and harvest.补记:Book6 Module9 Unit2新授 导案小组评价: 年级:三年级 学科: 英语 编制人 组长: 签发: 老师评价: _第一标:设置目标【课堂目标】(2min)1.Read and spell the words: yesterday.2. Read and use the sentences: I was in Beijing yest

12、erday.(key points and difficult points)3. Read the text correctly and freely. 【使用说明】4.Show your smile and confidence in class;5. Learn by yourself, work in pairs and then in groups to complete the tasks.第二标:达成目标【 Task One 】(15min) 1.Greeting.2.Revision .(Words and phrases in Module9 Unit 1)were,youn

13、g, beautiful, was, also, then, old, who.3.带着问题,整体感知文本。Task 1:Where is the alien? Task 2: Were was the alien yesterday?4.学习文本。【 Task Two 】(10min)1. 带着问题,整体感知文本。Q1:Where were Mum and Amy in the holidays?Q2: Where was Dad in the holidays? Q3: Where was I in the holidays? 2. Listen again and read the te

14、xt. 【 Task Three】(8min) 1. Read the text. Read the text together. Read the text in roles. Read the text one by one2.chant复习上节课所学重点单词和短语。要求会读并理解,一分钟,对子互查,小组汇总难点,排除障碍。对子、小组讨论完成,学习一般过去时态。对子互读互查,检查B1。对子互查读课文。 检查B2.对子互查读课文。检查B3.小组组间评比,从语音、语调、语句的正确性、流畅度,表情、动作各方面来点评。对子之间相互练习。小组内合作完成。第三标:反馈目标(5min)【 巩固 】(4m

15、in) 一、写出下列单词,课后背过昨天_ 二、翻译下列词组,并在课文中用=标出,读熟in the holidays_ 三朗读课文。【反思升华】(1min)1.Have we achieved our aims?2.What have you learnt in class?3. Where should we do better?考查课文重点单词和短语的掌握。互批互改,赋分签名。对子互查,小组长汇报。The subject monitor chooses two or three group leaders to talk about their deficiencies and harves

16、t.补记:Book6 Module9 Unit2复习 导案小组评价: 年级:三年级 学科: 英语 编制人 组长: 签发: 老师评价: _第一标:设置目标【课堂目标】(2min)1.Read and spell the words: yesterday.2. Read and use the sentences: I was in Beijing yesterday.(key points and difficult points)3. Read the text correctly and freely. 【使用说明】4.Show your smile and confidence in cl

17、ass;5.Learn by yourself, work in pairs and then in groups to complete the tasks.第二标:达成目标【 Task One 】(5min) 1.Greeting.2.Revision .(Words and phrases in Module9 Unit 2) yesterday in the holidays【 Task Two 】(15min)1.Read and recite part 1. Act out in roles.2.Watch the cartoon and answer the questions:

18、 Q1:Where were Mum and Amy in the holidays?Q2: Where was Dad in the holidays? Q3: Where was I in the holidays?3.Listen and repeat. Read after the CDROM.4.Read in groups and try to recite. Then act out the text. 【 Task Three】(13min) 1.Part 3 .find and say. 2. part 4. chant复习上节课所学重点单词和短语。要求会读并理解,一分钟,对

19、子互查,小组汇总难点,排除障碍。朗读、背诵并表演第一部分。由问题复习课文,加深对课文的理解。模仿跟读课文,注意语音语调,小组合作,熟读背诵课文,表演课文。小组组间评比,从语音、语调、语句的正确性、流畅度,表情、动作各方面来点评。对子互练句型,互查互纠。小组内合作完成。第三标:反馈目标(5min)【 巩固 】(4min) 一 英汉互译。昨天_ in the holidays_二 单项选择。1.He _ in London now.A. is B. was C. are D. were2.I _ at home yesterday.A. is B. was C. are D. were【反思升华】

20、(1min)1.Have we achieved our aims?2.What have you learnt in class?3. Where should we do better?考查课文重点单词和短语的掌握。互批互改,赋分签名。对子互查,小组长汇报。The subject monitor chooses two or three group leaders to talk about their deficiencies and harvest.补记:Book6 Module9复习 导案小组评价: 年级:三年级 学科: 英语 编制人 组长: 签发: 老师评价: _第一标:设置目标【

21、课堂目标】(2min)1.Read and spell the words: were,young, beautiful, was, also, then, old, who, yesterday.2. Read and use the sentences: It was also beautiful then. They were very young then. I was two. I was naughty, too .I was in Beijing yesterday.(key points and difficult points)3. Read the text correct

22、ly and freely. 【使用说明】4.Show your smile and confidence in class;5.Learn by yourself, work in pairs and then in groups to complete the tasks.第二标:达成目标【 Task One 】(5min) 1.Greeting.2.Revision .(Words and phrases in Module9 ) were,young, beautiful, was, also, then, old, who, yesterday yesterday, in the h

23、olidays【 Task Two 】(15min)1.Read and recite. Act out in roles.2. chant 【 Task Three】(13min) 1. Find and say.2. Do and say. 3. do exercises.复习上节课所学重点单词和短语。要求会读并理解,一分钟,对子互查,小组汇总难点,排除障碍。朗读、背诵并表演。小组组间评比,从语音、语调、语句的正确性、流畅度,表情、动作各方面来点评。对子互练句型,互查互纠。小组内合作完成。自主做课堂活动用书,老师讲解难点,甲乙互批,赋分签名。第三标:反馈目标(5min)【 巩固 】(4mi

24、n) 一 英汉互译。年轻的_beautiful _ 那时_ old _昨天_ in the holidays_二 背诵课文。【反思升华】(1min)1.Have we achieved our aims?2.What have you learnt in class?3. Where should we do better?考查课文重点单词和短语的掌握。互批互改,赋分签名。对子互查,小组长汇报。新 课 标 第 一 网The subject monitor chooses two or three group leaders to talk about their deficiencies and harvest.补记:

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