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新概念英语第三册 优秀教案34.docx

1、新概念英语第三册 优秀教案34Lesson 34 A happy discovery一、单词讲解 New words and expressionsantique a piece of furniture, jewel etc. that was made a very long time ago and is therefore valuable)an antique shopan antique dealerantiquated adj. 过时的 (old-fashioned and out of date)an antiquated idea obsolete 过时的,废弃的obsole

2、te weaponsobsolescent 即将过时的an obsolescent style即将过时的款式forbidding having a frightening or unfriendly appearance; threateningeg. Despite her forbidding manners, shes actually quite a kind person. 尽管她的举止看上去令人畏惧,可实际上是个很善良的人。a forbidding look 令人畏惧的眼神 a forbidding task 困难的任务a forbidding mountain 险峻的山峰a fo

3、rbidding appearance 让人胆惧的外表a forbidding eyes 让人畏惧的眼神a forbidding shop 昂贵的让人却步的商场Purple Forbidden City/Forbidden City 紫禁城forbidden fruit 禁果forbid forbade forbiddenforbid sb to sth 禁止某人做某事prohibit sb from doing sth (by rules and by law)eg. Prohibit any one from selling nuclear weapons.Keep sb from doi

4、ng eg. Keep children from swimming in the river!stop sb from doingprevent sb (from) sth 阻止,妨碍eg. His broken leg prevented him from attending a party.ban: to say that sth must not be done 明令禁止,绝对不能做某事eg. Smoking is banned in the His driving license was suspended and he was banned from dr

5、iving for 3 months.declare a ban on 宣布禁止eg. Declare a global ban on nuclear tests. 宣布全球范围内禁止核试验。boycott 联合抵制购买 (to refuse to buy sth; use sth or take part in sth as a way of protesting)eg. Animal lovers boycott all products tested on animals. 动物保护主义者联合抵制购买任何以动物做实验的产品。embargo 禁止与某国有贸易往来,禁运,封港 (to sto

6、p trade with another country by an official order)clamp down on : 取缔,镇压eg. Clamp down on illegitimate government.muster v. 鼓起,鼓足muster up courage 鼓起勇气muster up support 请求支持muster up energy 鼓足精力muster up spirit 打起精神eg. He mustered support for his plan. 他请求对他的计划予以支持。gather up confidence 拿出自信pluck up c

7、ourage 鼓起勇气work up strength 鼓足力气screw up courage 鼓足力气pretentious adj. 爱夸耀的,自命不凡的,虚饰的 (trying to seem more important or clever than you really are)记忆方法(pretend- pretentious) pretentious language 浮华的语言pretentious speech 华而不实的演讲ostentations adj.(贬)夸耀和爱卖弄的a pompous, ostentations professor 一个自大而又夸耀学识的教授p

8、ut on airs 摆架子strike a pose 装腔作势put up a big front 摆阔Labyrinth n. 迷宫 (a net work of narrow twisting passages or paths that meet and cross each other and which makes it difficult to find ones way)a labyrinth of long paths 像迷宫一样的乡间小路maze a maze of streets 错综复杂的马路a maze of paths 错综复杂的乡间小路a maze of wire

9、s 错综复杂的线路be in a maze 困惑,迷茫 (in a wondering state of mind, not knowing what is going on)eg. I am in a maze about in a dilemma 进退两难 (a different choice to be made between two things)eg. I am in a dilemma about the job offer. to be the meat in the sandwich 左右为难eg. The hen-pecked husband is i

10、n the sandwich. 这位惧内的丈夫左右为难。musty 散发着陈腐味的 (having a damp and unpleasant smell)musty roomsmusty bookmusty breadmusty fooddecayed adj. 变腐烂了,变质了stale :陈的 (not fresh)stale bread 陈的面包a stale job 乏味的工作stereotyped adj. 老一套的,过了时的routine adj. 平淡乏味的cliche adj. (unchanging idea or expression)老生常谈,陈词滥调的rarity n

11、. 珍品,稀少,少见的人或东西eg. A man over a hundred years old is Rain is a rarity in Egypt. 雨在埃及十分罕见。master piece 杰作 a rare object 一件珍品tour de force 力作,杰作,不朽的作品 junk : sth of no usejunk food (rich in fat)a junk dealer 收破烂的rubbisheg. Dont talk rubbish! 别说废话了!trash amgarbage (多用于厨房里垃圾) (waste material

12、, such as paper or food , thrown away)litter : waste paper or containers esp. left on the ground in a public placelitter baglitter bug 垃圾虫(到处乱扔垃圾的家伙)refuse refjus n.废品litter vt.杂乱的布满 eg. Books littered the floor. 地板上到处都是书。be littered witheg.The dest is littered with assorted magazines. 桌上到处布满了各式各样的杂

13、志。eg.The road is littered with cigarette ends and some empty beer The road was littered with assorted stones.dedicate adj. 专心致志的 very interested and working hard a dedicated sportsman 一个热忱的体育运动专家 a dedicated musician 一个专心致志的音乐家devoted adj. 忠诚忠贞的a devoted wife 一个忠诚的妻子a devoted couple 真心相爱

14、的一对delicate adj. 细腻的white delicate fingers 细腻洁白的手指delicate food 美味的食品dealer n. 专门从事某一种商品经营的商贩a car dealer 汽车销售商a junk dealer 收破烂的peddler: a person who sells dangerous or unlawful drugs. 贩卖危险品或非法药品的人a drug peddler 毒贩子vendor (a seller of small articles that can be carried about)沿街销售的商贩hawker n. (沿街叫卖的

15、) 货郎 (someone who carries goods from place to place and tries to sell them)tradesman n. 生意人,买卖人merchant n. (做大生意的)生意人the merchant of venicewholesaler 批发商retailer n. 零售商cherish vt.1) 珍视cherish the friendshipcherish the lifecherish the opportunity2) 心中怀有,心中拥有cherish the wishcherish the hopecherish the

16、 dreamcherish the ideas 抱有这样的一个念头cherish the memories 珍视记忆cherish the illusion 抱有幻想cherish deep resentment 怀有深深的仇恨eg. The mother always cherished the hope that she could find her long-lost son.ample adj.十分充足的 (enough or more than enough)ample timeample evidenceample spaceamplifier 扩音器magnifier 放大镜su

17、fficient: enough 足够的adequate: just enough 刚刚好adequate money plentiful: more than enough (数量上)充足的a plentiful supply of foodabundant 富足的abundant resources 资源富足mere adj.仅仅,单单,只要,只是he lost the election by a mere 20 Dont be angry. its a mere Your meeting us was a mere I pi

18、ck up the walk-man for a mere 30 RMB.merely adv. onlyeg. Alf merely told her that he worked for the corporation. prise v. Br 撬prize v. Am/pryprize sth off 把撬掉prize sth up 把撬开/prize sth apart eg. Eventually i prized the lid off with a knife.prize the box open 把盒子撬开prize sth out 设法套出话来 (to get informa

19、tion from someone with difficulty or by using force)eg. It took me half an hour to prize the address out of him. 我用了一个小时的时间才从他那套出地址。 dagger n.短剑,匕首look daggers at (to look at sb angrily)怒目圆睁sword 长剑put sb to the sword (to kill sb with a sword)miniature adj.小型的miniature camera 小型照相机miniature railway

20、微型铁路miniature garden 微型花园miniature painting 微型画mini-小minibusminicab 小的出租车miniskirtcompose v. 构成,构思,组成be composed of consist ofeg. Water is composed of hydrogen and pose a letter 构思一封信compose a poem 赋诗一首compose a speech 写一个演讲稿compose a song 作曲composition 作曲;构思;文章 (a piece of music or art or a poem)二、

21、课文讲解Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people. fascinationexert a peculiar fascination on sbhold fascination for sb/have fascination sbeg. High mountains hold a peculiar fascination for me.fascinate Cats never fail to fascinate human With the advent of E-age

22、, Internet exerts a peculiar fascination on teenagers.He more expensive kind of antique shop where rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them free from dust is usually a forbidding place.where 为关系副词,引导一个定语从句,修饰shop;to keep them free from dust 作目的状语;free from dust 作keep的宾语补足语。

23、glass case 玻璃柜子,罩子show case 橱窗book case 书架packing case 货箱knife case 刀架glasses case 眼睛盒man in a suitcase 经常出差的人 a constant traveler esp. for workBut no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop.a less pretentious antique shopa more expensive kind of antique shop 一正一反,一褒一贬l

24、ess: not as much 没那么,不怎么less expensive:(compare-cheap)no less than:不少于,多达eg. The book has been translated into no less than 40 languages.less than helpful (not at all helpful)less than successful (not at all successful)less than perfect (not at all perfect)eg. The operation is less than successful.i

25、n less than no time: very quicklyneither less nor more than 与几乎相同little less than 简直就是nothing less than 根本就是eg. What he said was nothing less than a lie.There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty, dark, disordered rooms a real rarity will be found amongst the piles of assorted junk that lit

26、ter the floors.There is always hope that 人们怀有希望eg. There is always hope that one day you will be amply rewarded after long hard work. 人们总是怀有希望能在长期辛苦工作之后,最终得到极大的回报。eg. There is always hope that near Peking University a forged diploma will be bought. 在北大附近总希望买到一份假毕业证书。amongst: among among other things

27、 尤其,格外among others 尤其,格外eg. I am fond of pop music among others.litter the floor marry sbbe marry to sb interview sb No one discovers a rarity by chance/by accident 偶然的eg. No one can succeed by chance. 没有人随随便便成功。by any chance: used to ask politely whether sth is true 是不是,可不可能(非常礼貌,得体的询问对方)

28、eg. Are you Mrs. Smith, by any chance?A truly dedicated searcher for art treasures must have patience, and above all, the ability to recognize the worth of something when he sees it.true-trulyterrible-terriblya truly dedicated love hunter 一个真心的潜心寻找爱情的人a truly dedicated English learner 一个真心的一心一意要学好英语

29、的人above all 首先,最重要的/first of all/before all othersto begin with 首先in the first place 首先,第一To do this, he must be at least as knowledgeable as the dealer.knowledgeable adj. 有丰富知识的,博学的learned l:nid adj. 有学问的 erudite adj. 饱读诗书的informed adj. 有知识的,见闻广博的literate adj. 难度会写的unlettered adj. 未受过良好教育的illiterat

30、e adj. 目不识丁的,大老粗,文盲的Like a scientist bent on making a discovery, he must cherish the hope that one day he will be amply rewarded.Like a scientist bent on making a discovery bent on 过去分词短语,作定语修饰scientist。be bent on 致力于,一心一意要做eg. A man bent on seeking fame. 一个一心想成名的人。eg. A man bent on seeking fortune. 一个一心想发财的人。eg. He is bent merely on profit. 他唯利是图。My old friend, Frank Halliday, is just such a person. He has often described to me how he picked up a masterpiece for a mere 50.pick up 偶然获得,得到eg. He picked up a few words about his girl friend when he entered the room. 他进屋的时候听到几句有关他女友的话。pick

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