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1、四级听力高频词汇四级听力高频词汇 + 记忆指导四级听力中的词汇及短语一、 短对话词汇特征:1) 词汇的重复性 (考点的重复性)About “Pick up”Tom picked up the wallet and opened it. (捡起) How can Mary play guitar so well? Because Mary picks up guitar by herself. (学习、学得) He studied hard and picked up French. I want to pick up my children from school. (开车接某人) What

2、do you want me to get for you? Im leaving now. Pick up a bottle of milk and a loaf of bread please. (顺便买) Why did Margaret call yesterday? She wanted to pick up some magazines she lended me. (索取、认领) Hi, Tom. I havent see you for a long time. Why are you so busy today? Because my parents are going to

3、 visit me next week. So I have to pick up my room before they come. (收拾、整理) pick up the taxi (付款、买单) Where has Mary been? I havent see her for a week. Im sorry to tell you that she picked up a cold in the office. (不幸染病)Lets pick up the discussion after lunch. (继续做某事)About Quitquit school 辍学 quit smo

4、king 戒烟 quit a job 辞职 Its so early to quit. 放弃 quit doing sth. 停止做某事 quit pressure 摆脱压力About Count:W: She is counting the days. (数)You can tell the age of a tree by counting its rings.W: But what happens if it rains? What are we going to do then? M: Well have to count on good weather. But if it does

5、 rain, the whole thing will have to be cancelled. (取决于) Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A) The weather forecast says it will be fine. B) The weather doesnt count in their plan. (被考虑进去) C) They will not do as planned in case of rain. D) They will postpone their program if it rains.About Bo

6、ther:bother bother sb. doing sth. its no bother to me sorry to bother sb. have a lot of bother in doing sth. bother about doing sth. dont bother with it除此外常考高频词汇:Expect2):词汇的细节性例句:M: Have you met the new teacher? W: I have been sick for three days. M: Wouldnt you tell me the meaning of the phrase? W

7、: Dont you have the dictionary? M: If I go to the store, will you cook dinner for me? W: Bring back in a food. W: Where is the orange juice I made just now?M: Didnt you hear a crash?3词汇的组合性: 比较句式一、had expected 本来以为句型M: What do you think of Professor Browns lecture? W: The topic was interesting, but

8、the lecture was much more difficult to follow than I had expected. Q: What does the woman say about the lecture? A. It was a long lecture but easy to understand. B. It was as difficult as she had expected. C. It was not as easy as she had thought. D. It was interesting and easy to follow.2. W: Hi, T

9、ony, how did your experiment go yesterday? M: Well, it wasnt as easy as I had thought. I had to continue doing it tonight. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A) Tony could not continue the experiment. B) Tony finished the experiment last night. C) Tony thought the experiment was well done. D

10、) Tony had expected the experiment to be easier.二、比较动词 match/equal2. W: What do you think of the apple pie? I made it myself. M: Very delicious indeed. Even my mothers cant match this. Q: What does the man mean? A) This apple pie tastes very good. B) His mother likes the pie very much. C) This pie c

11、ant match his mothers. D) His mother cant make apple pies. 3、比较句固定短语 W: Listen to me, Joe. The exam is already a thing of the past. Just forget about it. M: Thats easier said than done. Q: What can we infer from the conversation? A) The exam was easier than the previous one. B) Joe is sure that he w

12、ill do better in the next exam. C) Joe probable failed in the exam. D) The oral part of the exam was easier than the written part.4词汇的生活性1. M: Jessica, could you forward this E-mail to all the club members? W: Sorry, the computer broke down this morning, Ill do it for you as soon as I have it fixed.

13、 Q: What does the woman imply? A) She has to post a letter instead. B) She has to turn down the mans request. C) Shes not sure if the computer is fixed. D) She cant send the message right now. 9. M: Its such a beautiful day. Why not sit out in the back yard for a while and enjoy it? W: Id love to. B

14、ut theres a lot of laundry to do. Q: What will the woman probably do? A. Wash clothes. B. Clean the backyard.C. Do her homework. D. Enjoy the beautiful day.二、词汇突破:1. 转变高中思维 1)大学词汇的三种境界: 单纯词、复合词、衍生词 三种背法: 大纲背词法、词根词缀法、词源记词法2 背词注意:1良好的背词习惯 2. 针对考试记单词 1)规模效应:集中记忆,长期消化 2)句意效应:将单词放在句子中记忆 3)完整效应:3. 巩固:精读泛读

15、相结合 1)重复效应 2)背景效应 3)积累效应4. 制定单词突破计划 1)耐心和及时 2)适合自己的方法只能靠自己去摸索单词记忆突破方法 例:1 归类法 按场景1、 In a university/schoolfaculty 系;学院的全体工作人员professor 教授 (associate) professor (副)教授 teaching assistant (fellow) 助教 dean 系主任;训导长 academic adviser 学术顾问 graduate 毕业(生) undergraduate 本科生freshman/sophomore/junior/senior大学一/

16、二/三/四年级学生Alumni 校友diploma 文凭BA/BS 文学理学学士 (Bachelor)MA/MS 文学/理学硕士 (Master)PHD 博士major/minor 主修/辅修 course/program 课程required course 必修课optional/elective course 选修课 audit a course 旁听一门课 elementary(intermediate;advance)French 基础(中级;高级)法语academic year 学年term/semester 学期 mid-term exam 期中考试 final exam 期末考试

17、 essay 文章term paper 学期论文thesis 论文 assignment/homework 作业 deadline 截止日期 hand in 上交school calendar 校历oral presentation 口头发言 Lecture 讲座 seminar 研讨会 fellowship /scholarshship 奖学金 prize 奖品、奖项tuition 学费 grants 给大学生的助学金 credit 学分 (credit system学分制 credit hours 学时) grading system 计分方式 school record 成绩单certi

18、ficate 证书register 注册 (registration day)commencement 毕业典礼 campus 校区;校园 dormitory (学校)宿舍 (dorm)department 科(系) transfer 转学 2、 At a bankbank teller 出纳员bank account 银行账户 open a savings/checking account 开一个存款 /支票帐户cash 现金 credit card 信用卡check 支票 travelers check 旅行支票withdraw 提款 (make a withdrawal)deposit

19、存款exchange rate 兑换率 foreign currency/exchange 外汇/外汇兑换interest rate 利率 3、 In the post office postman/mailman 邮递员mail 邮件 registered letter/mail 挂号信 parcel/package 包裹aerogram 航空信件telegram 电报 size 尺寸post/mail 邮寄 weight limit 重量限制postage 邮费stamp 邮票prepaid 预付的collect 由收件人付款的cash the money order 领取汇款 deliv

20、ery 送递 air-mail 航空邮递 send a telegram/mail 发电报/寄邮件 express 快递 be insured 保险 return address 回信地址 postcard 明信片 senders address 寄件人地址 4、At a restaurant order 点菜 course (一道)莱drink 饮料 Anything to drink? 喝点什么?dessert 甜点 beer 啤酒menu 菜单 bill 账单beef/steak 牛排 appetizer 开胃菜/品book/reserve a table for 预订(几个人)的餐桌

21、rare 生的 medium-rare 半生半熟的A table for two? 要一张两人桌? Well-done 熟透的Are you ready to order? 可以点菜了吗?pork chop 排骨 good service 良好的服务soup 汤 pay the bill 买单/结账salad 沙拉 tipping 付小费waiter/waitress 男/女服务员 specialty 特色菜dish 菜 coffee 咖啡ice-cream 冰淇淋 seafood 海鲜delicious meal 美味佳肴 chef/cook 厨师to ones liking 合某人的口味5

22、、At a hotel reservation 预订 receptionist 接待员fill in/up/out the registration form 填写住宿登记表 book/reserve a room 订房间check in 登记人住 dining room 餐厅check out 结账后离开 double/single room 双/单人房间ID card 身份证 bath (room) 浴室luggage/baggage 行李 porter 搬运工reception 接待 room service 客房服务6、In a librarybook shelf 书架 check o

23、ut counter 还书处library card 借书证 bibliography 文献目录catalog(ue) 目录 records 记录/唱片novel 小说 tapes 磁带magazine 杂志 librarian 图书管理员the latest issue 最新的一期 limit 借期due 到期的 renew 续借overdue 过期的 author/writer 作者/著者fine 罚款 title 书名/期刊名borrow/return 借书/还书 music album 音乐专集journal/periodical 期刊 reserved area 馆藏区referen

24、ce books 参考书 How long can I keep the books?我可以借多久?card catalog(ue) 卡片目录 press/publishing house 出版社7、In the hospitala cold/colds 感冒 fever 发烧sore throat 嗓子疼 pain 疼痛cough 咳嗽 chest pain 胸痛heart 心脏 come down with a cold/flu 患感冒/患流感而病倒lung 肺 be not quite oneself 不舒服(有点小病)headache 头痛 patient 病人blood-pressu

25、re 血压 surgeon 外科大夫stomachache 胃疼/肚子疼 physician 内科大夫flu/influenza 流感 dentist 牙医symptoms 症状 prescription 处方dizzy 头晕 write out a prescription 开处方give an injection 注射 fill a prescription 照药方配药give an examination 检查 pills 药丸Chinese herbal medicine 中药 tablets 药片feel ill/sick 感觉不适 take ones temperature/blo

26、od pressure 量体温血压There is something wrong with 不舒服 What is/seems to be the trouble? /Whats the matter with you?哪儿不舒服?take medicine/pills/tablet 吃药 pharmacist/chemist 药剂师 dental problems 牙科疾病 have a runny nose 流鼻涕8、At the airport/on the plane reserve/book tickets 订票 fasten seat-belt/safety-belt 系紧安全带

27、departure time 起飞时间 airsick 晕机check in 办理登机手续 direct/non-stop flight 直飞weight allowance 重量限额 one-way ticket 单程机票depart from Gate 6 由六号门登机 return/round trip ticket 双程往返机票arrive at Gate 10 到达10号门 passport/visa 护照签证United Airlines Fight 101 flight 联合航空公司101次航班 attendant/airhost/airhostess 空中先生/空中小姐take

28、 off 起飞 confirm ones ticket 机票确认landing 降落 luggage claim area 行李提取处boarding pass 登机牌/证 captain 机长a window seat 靠窗座位 crew 机组人员an aisle seat 靠走道座位 copilot 副驾驶员smoking section 吸烟区 arrival time 抵达时间non-smoking section 禁止吸烟区 transfer 转机9、At the customs visa 签证 pay duty on 纳税liquor 酒 declare 报关passport 护照

29、 foreign currency 外汇passenger 乘客 free of charge 免费luggage 行李 currency exchange 外汇兑换customs officer 海关人员 (Do you have) anything to declare? 有什么要报关的吗?duty free 免税 10、At a travel agency make a reservation 预订 visit/visitor/traveler 观光/游客/旅行者vacation 假期 pay a visit to 参观/访问weather 天气 one-way fare 单程车费his

30、torical site 历史名胜 final destination 终点站scenic spot 景点 a round trip ticket 往返车票resort place 风景名胜 first class 头等位fishing 垂钓 one way fare 单程费用tour guide 导游 travelers check 旅行支票by air/train/bus/taxi/sea/ship/coach 乘飞机(火车/公共汽车/出租车/轮船/长途车) plane ticket 机票economy class 经济仓use a credit card 使用信用卡 hike along the trail 沿小径徒步旅行11、At the barbers/hairdressers hairstyle 发型 mustache 小胡子beauty saloon 美容院 trim ones hair 理某人的头发haircut 理发 take off the sides 修侧面的头发shave 刮脸 cut short all over 整个剪短beard 胡子 long on top 上面留长些12、At a train station/bus stopplatform 站台 an express trai

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