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高三英语下学期阅读理解专项训练单元 易错题难题学能测试.docx

1、高三英语下学期阅读理解专项训练单元 易错题难题学能测试高三英语下学期阅读理解专项训练单元 易错题难题学能测试一、高考英语阅读理解专项训练1阅读理解 Im a storyteller. And I would like to tell you a few personal stories. I grew up reading British and American childrens books. When I began to write, I wrote exactly the kinds of stories I was reading: All my characters were w

2、hite and blue-eyed, they ate apples and talked a lot about the weather, despite the fact that I lived in Nigeria. We ate mangoes, and we never talked about the weather. Because all I had read were books in which characters were foreign, I had become convinced that books by their very nature had to h

3、ave foreigners in them. Things changed when I discovered African books. Because of writers like Chinua Achebe and Camara Laye, I went through a mental shift in my idea of literature. I realized that people like me, girls with skin the color of chocolate, could also exist in literature. I started to

4、write about things I recognized. So what the discovery of African writers did for me was this: It saved me from having a single story of what books are. The year I turned eight, we got a new house boy Fide from a nearby rural village. The only thing my mother told us about him was that his family wa

5、s very poor. And when I didnt finish my dinner, my mother would say,Finish your food! Dont you know? People like Fides family have nothing. So I felt enormous pity for Fides family. Then one Saturday, we went to his village to visit, and his mother showed us a beautifully patterned basket that his b

6、rother had made. I was astonished. It had not occurred to me that anybody in his family could actually make something. Their poverty was my single story of them. Years later, when I left Nigeria to go to university in the United States, my American roommate asked where I had learned to speak English

7、 so well, and was confused when I said that Nigeria happened to have English as its official language. What struck me was this: She had felt sorry for me even before she saw me. My roommate had a single story of Africa: a single story of catastrophe. Of course, Africa is a continent full of catastro

8、phes. But there are other stories that are not about catastrophe, and it is very important, it is just as important, to talk about them. The consequence of the single story is this: It robs people of dignity. It makes our recognition of our equal humanity difficult. It emphasizes how we are differen

9、t rather than how we are similar. So what if my mother had told us that Fides family was poor and hardworking? What if we had an African television network that broadcast diverse African stories all over the world? What if my roommate knew about my Nigerian publisher, Muhtar Bakare, a remarkable man

10、 who left his job in a bank to follow his dream and start a publishing house? What if my roommate knew about my friend Funmi Iyanda, a fearless woman who hosts a TV show, and is determined to tell the stories that we prefer to forget? My Nigerian publisher and I have just started a non-profit called

11、 Farafina Trust, and we have big dreams of building libraries and providing books for state schools, and also of organizing lots of workshops in reading and writing, for all the people who are eager to tell our many stories. Stories matter. Many stories matter. Stories can break the dignity of a peo

12、ple, but stories can also repair that broken dignity. When we realize that there is never a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise.(1)What is probably peoples first impression of the writer when it comes to her nationality? A.She mainly eats apples and mangoes.B.She may not speak

13、 fluent English.C.She comes from a place free of catastrophes.D.She prefers stories based on foreign characters.(2)The underlined phrase a mental shift in Paragraph 2 refers to the writers_. A.discovery of African books with characters of her skin colorB.acquaintance with local African writers like

14、Chinua AchebeC.realization that not only foreign characters exist in literatureD.change that she started to write about things she recognized(3)How many personal stories has the writer mentioned in the passage? A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.(4)The writer uses several single stories in the passage to i

15、llustrate that the single story_. A.matters in keeping listeners well informedB.tends to convey a prejudiced idea to listenersC.gets increasingly popular among story tellersD.fails to produce a lasting effect on listeners(5)The writer lists many what ifs in Paragraph 6 to_. A.emphasize our differenc

16、es rather than similaritiesB.indicate the way that stories are used to break the hardship of recognizing our equal humanityD.stress the importance of telling diverse, balanced stories(6)Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? A.The danger of the single storyB.The

17、importance of telling storiesC.The single stories that matterD.Stories that can repair broken dignity【答案】 (1)B(2)C(3)B(4)B(5)D(6)A 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者讲了几个关于个人的故事,通过故事告诫我们:如果我们只去聆听关于一个人、一个国家的单一故事,将会导致非常严重的误解。 (1)考查推理判断。根据第二段可知,作者实际上来自尼日利亚,经常吃芒果,不讨论天气,有着巧克力肤色。可知至少不是说英语的欧洲人;再根据第四段,作者的美国舍友对她能说一口流利英语表示疑惑

18、可知,因此可以推断出人们对尼日利亚的人第一印象可能是认为他们不会说流利的英语。故选B。 (2)考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的”I realized that people like me, girls with skin the color of chocolate, could also exist in literature.“可知作者的思想转变是她意识到像她这样有着巧克力肤色的女生也是可以在文学作品中有一席之地的。即不仅仅外国人物才存在文学作品中。故选C。 (3)考查细节理解。第二段、第三段、第四段分别讲了作者自己意识到文学作品中人物不限英美,作者发现Fide一家贫穷却努力,作者的室友对尼

19、日利亚的刻板印象。即一共三个她的个人经历。故选B。 (4)考查推理判断。纵观全文可知,不论是作者、作者妈妈、作者的室友,不同的人们有着不同的single story,实际上可以理解为“一面之词”“刻板印象”,但其实又不符合事实,即会给听众传达有偏见的想法,故选B。 (5)考查推理判断。作者的一系列假设,其实是更好的做法。兼听则明偏信则暗。我们不应该听信一面之词,应该去多角度的均衡的了解。故选D。 (6)考查主旨大意。全文讲述了作者、作者妈妈、作者的室友的偏见,以及作者对此的看法。认为一面之词实际上是很不好的。在并没有亲自去观察探索也没有去多方面了解之前,人们就接受了single story。但

20、其实往往并不符合事实。因此最好的标题是一面之词的危险。故选A。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,词义猜测,推理判断和主旨大意四个题型的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确答案。2阅读理解 According to a team of researchers, an animals ability to perceive(感知)time is linked to their pace of life. Our results lend support to the importance of time perc

21、eption in animals where the ability to perceive time in a very short time may be the difference between life and death for fast moving creatures. commented lead author Kevin Healy from Trinity College Dublin. The study was done with a variety of animals using phenomenon based on the maximum speed of

22、 flashes of light an individual can see before the light source is seen as constant. Dogs, for example, have eyes with a refresh rate higher than humans. One example of this phenomenon at work, the authors say, is the housefly and its ability to avoid being hit. The research showed flies observe mot

23、ion in a shorter time than our own eyes can achieve, which allows them to avoid being hit. Professor Graeme Ruxton of the University of St Andrews in Scotland, who worked jointly on the research project, said in a statement, Having eyes that send updates to the brain at much higher frequencies than

24、our eyes do is of no value if the brain cannot process that information equally quickly. Thus, this work highlights the impressive abilities of even the smallest animal brains. Flies might not be deep thinkers, but they can make good decisions very quickly. In comparison, the tiger beetle(虎甲虫)runs f

25、aster than its eyes can keep up, basically becoming blind, which requires it to stop periodically to re-evaluate its preys(猎物)position. Our results suggest that time perception offers an as yet unstudied dimension along which animals can specialize and there is considerable range to study this syste

26、m in more detail.(1)What is the research mentioned in the passage mainly about? A.Pace of life of animals.B.Impressive abilities of animals.C.Lifetime of small animals.D.Time perception of animals.(2)What does Kevin Healys comment mean in Para.2? A.The survival of fast moving animals relies on their

27、 ability to perceive time.B.Animals with quicker pace of life have better perception of time.C.The ability of animals to perceive time depends on their high moving speed.D.Animals with poor ability of time perception have a shorter life.(3)Why can houseflies avoid being hit? A.They can think very de

28、eply before they act.B.They can process the information as quickly as they receive it.C.They can fly much faster than their eyes can keep up.D.They can send information to brain more quickly than to their eyes.(4)What will a tiger beetle have to do to catch a moving prey? A.Slow down to gain its tim

29、e perception.B.Prevent itself from becoming blind.C.Stop occasionally to spot the prey again.D.Try to run as fast as it can.【答案】 (1)D(2)A(3)B(4)C 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了对动物时间感知的研究。 (1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“According to a team of researchers,an animals ability to perceive(感知)time is linked to their pace of lif

30、e.”可知,据一组研究人员称,动物感知时间的能力与它们的生活节奏有关,由此可知,文中提到的这个研究是关于动物的时间感知的,故选D。 (2)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“the importance of time perception in animals where the ability to perceive time in a very short time may be the difference between life and death for fast moving creatures.”可知,对于能快速移动的动物而言,在极短的时间内感知时间的能力可能是生与死的区别,由此可

31、知,Kevin Healy说的意思是快速移动的动物的生存依赖于它们对时间的感知能力,故选A。 (3)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“The research showed flies observe motion in a shorter time than our own eyes can achieve,which allows them to avoid being hit.”可知,家蝇观察物体运动的时间比我们人眼所能达到的时间要短,这使得它们能够避免被击中;再结合第五段中的“but they can make good decisions very quickly.”可知,它们可以很快做出好的决定,也就是说它们可以尽快处理收到的信息,故选B。 (4)考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的“the tiger beetle(虎甲虫)runs faster than its eyes can keep up,basically becoming blind,which requires it to stop peri

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