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2、)任务书两页,其中题目用中、英文填写,“论文各部分内容及时间分配可以用英文填写。5)页面设置:页边距:上下都为2.5厘米,左边3.7厘米,右边3.0厘米,装订线0厘米。(详见“教务处毕业论文打印、装订要求”)2中、英文摘要(样本见附录1)各占一页。中文摘要400字左右,英文摘要300 单词左右,关键词三至五个。中、英文摘要要求内容一致,应精练、准确地概括全文中心论题、研究背景、研究目的、理论支撑、研究对象、方法、步骤、样本抽取、研究发现、研究意义等;建议采用第三人称的写法(如“论文作者对进行了研究”,“本论文分析了”;“The author attempts to study”,“This t

3、hesis has analyzed”等)。中文摘要提头应写上中文 摘要 二字,宋体,三号字体, 加粗,居中;内容使用宋体,小四号字。 “关键词”几个字加粗,缩进两个字,后面接冒号,每个关键词之间由一个分号隔开。英文摘要提头应写上英文ABSTRACT,Times New Roman字体,三号字,加粗,居中;英文摘要内容使用Times New Roman字体,小四号字,首段开头左边顶格,以下的段落开头缩进5个空格。英文关键词使用Key Words,同样缩进五个空格,小四号字,加粗,后面接冒号,词数与中文关键词相同,每个关键词之间由一个分号隔开。如果关键词一行写不完,换行时对准关键词后的第一个字母

4、。摘要与关键词之间不空行。摘要和ABSTRACT上面空一行,下面不空。3目录:目录全部采用英文Times New Roman字体;目录与各级标题的字号要求:Contents采用三号字体,加粗, 居中;一级标题(即前言、各章/部分、结论的标题统一使用Part One Introduction, Part Two, Part Three ,Part Four , Part Five Conclusion,加粗,采用四号字体,1.5倍行距;二级标题(节)、三级标题(小节)与一级标题字体一样,但不加粗,1.5倍行距。各级标题提行时与上一行的英文对齐。(具体参见样本附录1)4正文:英文采用Times N

5、ew Roman字体,小四号字体, 1.5倍行距。一级标题用四号字体,二、三、四级标题用小四号字体,各级标题加粗、左边顶格,各级标题之间需空一行。正文每部分开头左边顶格,以下的段落开头缩进5 个空格。各部分之间要换页。5引文(详见附录2):为统一格式,论文中的文献引文均采用文中注/夹注的形式。引文所涉及的资料来源、书名、文章名等信息要出现在参考文献Bibliography当中。6注释(样本详见附录2): 论文注释(英文为Notes)是对论文中某一单词、词组、引文、或某一说法的补充性说明,统一采同尾注形式。若引文出处已采用文中夹注形式,尾注将不再重复注释。若引文没有在文中夹注,或需要做进一步的说

6、明则采用尾注形式。7参考文献(样本详见附录2):参考文献(英文统一为Bibliography)应包括与论文相关的主要参考资料来源、书籍、刊物、网址等。通常情况下,参考文献应多于注释所引用的文本。8致谢:“致谢”(英文统一为Acknowledgements)是指论文作者对四年来对自己的学业帮助很大的老师、家人、朋友、图书馆、资料室,特别是对论文指导老师表示的简短感谢。 9附录(Appendix):翻译选题的原文和译文、语料数据、表格及调查问卷等应附在论文之后。字体与正文一样。(注:翻译方向的论文需在论文最后附上译文原文以及2000字左右的自己的译文。)10论文打印:按学校教务处规定打印,一式三份

7、,沿左侧装订成册。11. 同摘要一样,Contents, Notes, Bibliography, Acknowledgements, Appendix 均为三号字体,居中,加粗,上面空一行,下面不空。三、附录1 中英文摘要、目录样本摘要语言是文化的载体,同时也对文化的形成和发展产生一定的作用。语言忠实地反应出一个国家的历史文化、社会制度、价值观念和风俗习惯。作为语言一部分的亲属称谓语充分体现了文化的形成与发展。由于不同国家具有各自的文化背景,其称谓语体系也各不相同。这些差异并不仅仅表现在语言层面上,还折射出不同文化内涵和相互间的密切联系。目前对亲属称谓语的研究大多局限于某种特定的语言,如英语


9、,并建立起平等,独立的契约关系,使用法律制约着西方人的行为;在心理层面上,基督教宣扬平等的思想对西方文化的形成起决定性作用。本研究意义在于有助于加强中西文化的交流,有助于我们更好的了解中西方文化,有助于全球化进程中跨文化交际的顺利进行。关键词:亲属称谓语; 文化差异; 中国文化; 英美文化; 文化阐释ABSTRACTLanguage is the carrier of culture, at the same time plays an important role in promoting the formation and development of culture. Language

10、faithfully reflects a countrys historical culture, social system, values and customs. As a part of language, kinship terms manifest the formation and development of culture in terms of cultural connotations. Since different countries have distinctive cultures, kinship-term system in each country var

11、ies respectively. These differences not only find expressions at the linguistic level, but also reflect national cultural connotations and the relevance among them.So far most of the researches on kinship terms have been confined to studying a specified language, such as English or Chinese. The auth

12、or of the thesis tries to make a tentative comparison between Chinese and English kinship terms based on Pangpus three-level-theory of cultural structure, trying to interpret their cultural connotations at the material, institutional as well as psychological levels. The research makes the following

13、findings: 1) Chinese kinship terms influenced by the feudal hierarchical system have the specific and meticulous characteristics and reveal a series of cultural connotations. Chinese relatively enclosed geographical surroundings along with abundant natural resources at the material level lead the fo

14、rmation of family-centered agricultural economy. Family is the important unit in ancient Chinese patriarchal society. Chinese people deem country as family in a broad sense, the political system being an extension of moral relation at the institutional level. As to the psychological level, hierarchi

15、cal notion in Confucianism is the dominant factor in forming Chinese culture. 2) English kinship terms, which are affected by the equality and independence in western countries bear the simple and general features, and demonstrate cultural connotations at each cultural level: terrible environment at

16、 the material level compels westerners to engage in the oceanic and commercial economy. Consequently they establish relationship on equal and independent contract, and apply laws to regulate the whole society at the institutional level. Christianity at the psychological level advocates equality, whi

17、ch plays a decisive role in western cultures.As to the significance, the thesis can be helpful to promote the communication between Chinese culture and western cultures, and enhance our understanding of national culture in comparison with western cultures, thus facilitate our intercultural communica

18、tion in the process of globalization.Key Words: Kinship Terms; Cultural Differences; Chinese Culture; English & American Cultures; Cultural InterpretationContentsPart One Introduction.11.1 Research Background.11.2 Theories on Language and Culture.21.2.1 Relation between Language and Culture.21.2.2 C

19、ulture at the Material, Institutional and Psychological Levels.31.3 Research Purpose, Significance and Structure of the Thesis.5Part Two Kinship-term Differences in Chinese and English.52.1 Specific Kinship Terms VS. General Kinship Terms.52.2 Extended Family VS. Nuclear Family.9Part Three Cultural

20、Interpretation at the Three Levels.113.1 Geographical Distinction at the Material Level. 11 3.1.1 A Continental Economy.12 3.1.2 An Oceanic Economy.133.2 Ethical Inclination at the Institutional Level.14 3.2.1 Moral-Orientation in China.143.3.2 Law-Orientation in Western Countries.153.3 Spiritual Su

21、pport at the Psychological Level.16 3.3.1 Confucianism: a Hierarchical Doctrine.16 3.3.2 Christianity: an Equal Conception.17Part Four Conclusion.18Notes.20Bibliography.21Acknowledgements.23Appendix.24四、 附录2英语本科毕业论文注释及参考文献格式要求I注释格式为统一格式起见,英语专业学生毕业论文的注释采用尾注和夹注,不采用脚注。凡是对论文中某一单词、词组、引文、或某一说法进行补充性说明的,采用尾

22、注(即下文第1条所说的End-notes)的方式,但在论文里英文统一采用Notes一词;凡是在论文中使用直接引语或间接引语的,一律采用文中夹注的方式(见下文第2条)。1尾注(End-notes) 在正文需注释处的右上方按顺序加注数码,在论文的正文之后写注文,每条注文加对应数码,回行时与上一行注文对齐。加注数码与数码对齐。如果直接引语或间接引语已经在文中夹注,尾注不再重复注释。尾注格式如下: 1) 报刊文章引文的注释Barbara Crosette, “China Outflanks US to Avoid Scrutiny of Its Human Rights.” New York Time

23、s, April 24, 1996, p. A12.Dorn Bonafede, “The Washington Press An Interview or a Participant in Policy Making,” National Journal 14, April 24, 1982, pp. 716-721, Financial Times, Sept-26, 1997, p. 13. 2) 所引文章收入他人主编的书中Hao Yunfan, “Environmental Protection and Chinese Foreign Policy,” in Thomas W. Rob

24、inson, ed., The Foreign Relations of Chinas Environmental Policy (Washington, D. C.: American Enterprise Institute, 1992), p. 166.3) 转引别人文章中的引文As quoted in Edward J. Epstein, “The Selection of Reality,” New Yorker, March 3, 1973. p. 41.4) 引文出自专著 Gordon Chang, “Friends and Enemies, The United States,

25、 China, and the Soviet Union, 1948-1972,” Stanford, Ca.: Stanford University Press, 1990, pp. 106-109.5) 引自手稿、会议发言Lee Kuan Yew, discussion, International Institute for Strategic Studies meeting, Singapore, Sept, 12, 1997.David Hale, “How the Rise of Pension Funds Will Change the Global Economy in th

26、e 21st Century,” manuscript.Eugene Ludwig, speech to American Bankers Association, Oct. 8, 1997.6) 连续几个引文出自一处Thomas Patterson, “The Mass Media Election,” New York, Praeger, 1980, p. 25.Ibid., p.30.Ibid., pp. 44-45.7) 中文引文 修昔底德:伯罗奔尼撒战争史,商务印书馆,1960年,第2页。8) A phrase used by literary and social critic A

27、. A. Philips in his article, “The Cultural Cringe,” Meanjin, IV.1950, to describe a sense of inferiority felt by Australian writers and artists when faced with “intimidating mass of Anglo-Saxon culture”. 2文中夹注(In-text Citations)某些引文和或所依据的文献无需详细注释者,以夹注的形式随文在括弧内注明。1) 来自专著的直接引语,作者姓名在文中已经出现格式:出版年份:页码例如:

28、 Rees(1986:241)said,“As key aspects of learning are not stable,but changeable,this opens the way for the role of the teacher as the pre-eminent mediator in the process”2)来自专著的直接引语,作者姓名在文中没有出现格式:作者姓名 出版年份:页码。例如: “我们所懂得的只是实体存在的片段,可以肯定地说,一切具有重大意义的理论至多只能是部分地真实,但这不应作为放弃理论研究的借口”(Chomsky 1979:48) 。 “One reason perhaps is that the Chinese audience are more familiar with and receptive to Western culture than the average English readers is to Chinese culture”(Fung 1995:71)3) 如果引述的内容为大段原文(超过四行),所引原文左边双倍缩进(即10个字符),右边与上下文对齐。 引文一般用冒号引出,引文

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