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1、新人教版九年级英语Unit导学案Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are导学案SectionA第一课时学习目标 1.知识目标:掌握重点单词和短语,在复习间接引语的基础上进一步学习宾语从句。2.能力目标:学习几种不同的问路句型,能够礼貌地问路与并能够清楚地指路。3.情感目标:培养学生养成助人为乐的良好习惯。 重难点:几种礼貌问路的方式,宾语从句。 自主学习 1.找出下面的短语。 2.用1a 部分的短语,仿照1c 编对话。3.读2a 部分的听力,完成2a 部分句子的排序和2b 部分的路线图。 展示交流买洗发水_得到一些信息_买些

2、杂志_买些写稿纸_打电话_ 买邮票_存钱_乘电梯到二楼_在A 和B 之间_向右拐_ 合作探究 1.Go past the bank(区分past 和pass) Past prep. 超过;pass v. 通过传递;go past=pass 路过2.elevator 和 escalator(电梯大不同)3.go straight ahead.向前直走 4.宾语从句:由一个句子充当宾语,我们称之为宾语从句。宾语从句的三大要素是:连接词、时态、语序。 反馈检测 1.There some water and oranges on the floor. A. be B .is C. are D. was

3、2.Go the park and it is on your left. A .pass B. passed C .past D. pasted 3.I want to know when A.the girl was born B. the girl is born C .was the girl born D. is the gril born4.Lily is standing Mary Jack, she is the tallest her cousinsA among ,and , between B between, and , betweenC among, and ,amo

4、ng D between, and, among5.The street runs Baihu Park . A over B through C across D past 6.Mr. Li said I could do better_ English. A. on B. in C. at D. for7. I hope I have _free time. I dont like to keep busy. A. much B. less C. many D. more8. Please tell me how many students _ in your class next ter

5、m.A. will there be? B. will have? C. there will be? D. have will9.Many visitors enjoy _ a few hours _ through the history museum. A. to spend; walking? B. spending; walking C. spending; to walk? D. to spend; to walk教后反思:Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are导学案SectionA第二课时学习目标1.知识目标

6、 掌握重点单词和短语 2.能力目标 能够分析活动场所的优缺点,并能联系实际,自编对话。?3.情感目标 培养学生养成从一分为二的角度看问题的能力。 重难点: 重点:宾语从句,there be 句型。 难点:现在分词、动词不定式做后置定语。 自主学习 (一)阅读3a,(二)组内讨论整理常见的 there be 句型的几种形式。 (三)仿照3b,小组自编对话 展示交流1.decide to do sth._ 2.保鲜_3.步行三个街区_ 4.闲逛,闲荡_5.在外面 _ people _ 7.look at books _ 8.make a decision_合作探究 1.prefer

7、 更喜爱,相当于 like better , 过去式为 prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. prefer A to B 比起B 来更喜欢A(A 和B 在形式上保持一致,可以是名词、代词、动名词短语)。 2.Theres always something happening.happening是现在分词,做后置定语。?3. Is that a good place to hang out 动词不定式做了_, A good place to do sth._。 4. Its kind of small.它有点小kind of +adj.意为:_达标反馈1.

8、Its fun a soccer game at the weekend. A. watch B watches C to watch D watching2. It him five minutes to walk to school .A.spends B pays Ccosts D takes3. I dont want these vegetables. They arent _ enough.Aexpensive B. beautiful C.fresh D. fun4. I didnt have breakfast this morning .Now I feel _ _hungr

9、y.A.kind of B. kinds of C. a kind of D.all kinds of 5.He (更喜欢)to play basketball last term.6.The mall is usually _ (拥挤的)on weekends.7.I really dont know what I will do with the meat. (改为一个简单句)I really dont know_ do with the meat.8.她从图书馆借这本书6天了。(完成译句)She_ the book from the library for 6 days.三、用所给词的适

10、当形式填空1.I decide _(go) to college when I finish my high school.2.It is necessary for us _(plan) more tress.3.Mr.Lee preferred _(buy) a new bike rather than _(repair) the old one.4.The mall is good place _(hang ) out.5.Every year, he spends too much money _(buy) books.教后反思:Unit 3 Could you please tell

11、 me where the restrooms are导学案Section B第三课时学习目标:1.知识目标 掌握礼貌提问的句型,学习描写某地的形容词。 2.能力目标 熟练掌握问路和指路的对话3.情感目标 培养学生养礼貌热情待人的好习惯。 重难点:几种礼貌问路的方式,宾语从句。 自主学习1朗读Section B 1a 部分的形容词,按其重要性完成表格。2结合实际情况,用这些形容词来描述我们周边的地方。3.小组合作完成2c 的对话练习。展示交流1.interesting_ 2.fascinating _?3.inexpensive _ 4.uncrowded _ 5.around here _

12、6.convenient _ 7.deliscious salad_ the corner_合作探究 1. 2a 首先看插图 ,小组讨论一下他们在做什么,然后听录音内容,完成表格。 2. 2b 认真听录音内容,把游客要去的地方写出来。3.Do?you?know if there are any public restrooms aroud here这是一个_,可以拆分为 两个简单句:Do you?know和_。宾语从句中,从句是陈述句时,连接词用_; 从句是_时,连接词用_;当从句是_时,连接词用_。 达标反馈一按要求写出单词1. expensive(反义词) 2.crowded(反

13、义词) 3. interesting(反义词) 4. mall(同义词)名词) 6. beautiful(名词) 7. fascinate(形容词) 8. convenience(形容词) 二单选1.Could you tell me the way to the department store -_. Walk along the road until you reach the end. A. Sure B. Great C. Good D. No 2. This interesting book only _ me ten yuan and I _ ten month reading it. A. cost, spend B. cost, spent C. spends, cost D. spent, costs3.Could you tell me _get to the mall A. How I can B. how to C. how D. A and B 4. Please tell me how many students _ in your class next term.A.will there be? B. will h

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