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1、M100外贸现货合同购销合同号 :时间地点: 2011 年 月 日于中国 签署并执行本合同的双方为:由 博士为代表的美国集团有限公司”以下简称“卖方”;以及由 先生为代表的“ 有限公司”以下简称“买方”,根据公司决议达成一致,同意以下条款:中国(福建)对外贸易中心集团有限责任公司做为“买方进口代理”。Sale-Purchase Contract : Date and Location: , 2011; This Contract is made and between the company ” represented by Dr. , hereinafter referred to as t

2、he ”Seller” and the company “ IMP.&EXP. CO., LTD. represented by MR. , hereinafter referred to as the Buyer, together hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, agree as follows:The company CHINA (FUJIAN) FOREIGN TRADE CENTRE (HOLDINGS) CO., LTD. , as the Buyers Import Agent.定义:DEFINITIONS:公吨相当于1000公

3、斤的重量为一公吨。Metric Ton (MT)A measure of weight equivalent to one thousand kilogram mass (1.000 kg).商品 俄罗斯产地的直馏燃料油 Mazut100 (M100), 本协议另称为“商品或M100”,附件1.为商品详细规格明细,是本合同不可分割的一部分。Commodity Is referred to as being “Russian origin Straight Run Fuel oil Mazut100” (M100), elsewhere in this Agreement also referr

4、ed to as “product or M100”, specifications of which is detailed in the Annex No.1, which is an integral part of this Agreement.工作日指银行工作天,合同另有规定除外。DayMeans a bank working day, unless differently specified.月份指公历月。MonthMeans a Gregorian calendar month.季度从一月起计算,每三个月为一个季度。Calendar QuarterPeriod equal to

5、three (3) months and commencing from January.美国材料试验协会美国检验及材料协会是国际认可的机构,该机构核准了石油工业中使用的所有标准、检验和程序,本协议按其已生效的最新修订版执行。ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials, is the Institute, internationally recognised, that approved all Standards, Tests and Procedures used in the Oil Industry and to be referre

6、d in this agreement to the latest revised edition with amendments in force to date装货港:Terminal / Port of shipment 交货日期买卖双方同意交货日期为载货油轮到达中国山东省青岛黄岛港口锚地的三到五个银行工作日后为交货日期。Delivery DateThe date mutually accepted by both Seller and Buyer as the date after 3-5 bank working days when the tanker with Goods arr

7、ives at the anchorage of Huangdao Port, Qiangdao, CHINA普氏油价是公认世界组织, 每天发布石油及石油产品评估汇价Platts The organisation internationally recognised and accepted, who publish official quotations of Petroleum products on a daily basis. 鉴于双方希望执行该合同,该合同对双方,法定代表,继承人和受让人都有约束力,根据司法法律的相关规定各方同意完全执行以下合同条款:Whereas, the arti

8、es mutually desire to execute this agreement which shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the arties, their legal representatives, successors and assigns, in accordance with the jurisdictional law of the negotiated and fully executed contract with terms and provisions hereunder agreed upo

9、n:1. 合同主题1. SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT1.1. 卖方已出售,买方已在基于CIF购买到达中国山东省港口锚地的200,000公吨,俄罗斯产重油M100,以下简称“货物”,合同金额 美元 ,卖方在12月装货。卖方具备连续12个月里每月供应 公吨 M100的供货能力,而此买方具备资金优先购买,在第一船货物启程后三天之内可优先续签其中部分或全部的货物购买合同。1.1. The Seller has sold, and the Buyer has bought Russian origin of 200,000MT M100 based on CIF trade terms

10、, with the tanker arriving at the anchorage of , China. The product delivered is further called the Goods. The sum of the Contract value amount to US$ . First Shipment effects in December 2011.Seller is capable of supplying M100 MT per month for 12 consecutive months, and Buyer is capable of suffici

11、ent funds to have priority to purchase it. Within three days after the first shipment leaving the loading port of Russia, Buyer Should have priority to sign sale and purchase contract for partial or all products Seller will supply in the consecutive 12 months.1.2. 下列文件是本合同不可分割的一部分:1. 附件No.1: 直镏燃料油Ma

12、zut 100质量规格2. 附件No.2: 价格3. 附件No3: 付款条件4. 附件No 4: 产品证明POP样本5. 附件No5: 清洁海运提单1.2. The following documents will be considered as an integral part of the present Contract:1. Appendix No.1: Certificate of quality of M1002. Appendix No.2: Price 3. Appendix No.3: Terms of Payment4. Appendix No.4: POP docume

13、nts5. Appendix No. 5: B/L clear on board2. 质量和数量2. QUALITY AND QUANTITY2.1. 货物质量见合同附件 1 2.1. The quality of the Goods sold under this Contract shall meet the specification indicated in the Appendix No.1.2.2. 买卖双方一致同意质量和数量,以中国卸货港口CIQ/SGS的检验结果为准,双方必须接受该结果。2.2. Quality and quantity measurement at unloa

14、ding port in China shall be done by a recognized Surveyor CIQ/SGS results should be accepted by both parties obligatory2.3. 卖方对交接的货物质量明显不符合“附件1”规定的,应承担责任,与买方协调解决。2.3. If the quality of the Goods delivered is considerably inconsistent with the specification characters stated in the Appendix No.1, the

15、 Seller should negotiate with the Buyer to settle the matter.2.4. 对质量和数量的检验,应按卸货港习惯方法执行。2.4. Test for quality and quantity shall be performed in the manner customary at the unloading port.2.5. 一船装运的100,000公吨,允许溢短装+/- 5% .2.5. The minimal tankers lot to be 100,000 MT in one vessel +/- 5% in weight.2.

16、6 本合同项下购销的商品数量为第一个月20万吨以后增至400,000公吨每个月。 如果需要增加数量,由买卖双方通过协商谈判, 签署补充合同。买卖双方同意按照合同”条款 9 交货”以及“合同主题1.1”装运上述数量的货物。2.6. The total contractual quantity of the commodity sold and purchased under this agreement is 200,000 metric tones for first month and increase to 400,000 metric tones per month. The quant

17、ity may increase through possible rolls and extensions, by negotiation between both parties and a separate appendix will be signed if agreed. The seller and the buyer hereby agree to deliver and accept the above quantity in partial shipment, as set out in “Clause” 9 Delivery” and as per “SUBJECT OF

18、THE CONTRACT 1.1” 3. 有效期3. PERIOD3.1本合同的有效期,从签署日起直到最终交货日,前提是付清货款.3.1. The Contract shall be in force from the date of signing up to the last lot delivery, provided all payments have been made.4. 交货时间4. TIME OF DELIVERY4.1.合同签订后卖方于20 年 月 日前交货, 即油轮在此日期前到达中国 港口的锚地。4.1. Delivery of Goods shall be execut

19、ed before , 2012, that is, the tanker should arrive at the anchorage of port of China.5. 交货和接受5. DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE5.1. 中国卸货港CIQ/SGS检测的数量和质量视为交货的数量和质量。5.1. The quantity indicated in the result inspected by CIQ/SGS at port of unloading in CHINA to be considered as delivered amount of the Goods.5

20、.2. 油船到达中国 港口锚地之后,按买卖双方同意,买方支付头款给卖方。然后,油轮继续行驶到中国的卸货码头,最终卸货和结清余款。5.2. After the tanker arrives at the anchorage of Huangdao Port, the buyer makes the provision payment to seller as both parties agreed. Then the tanker continues to ship to the port in CHINA for final unloading and final payment.5.3.按照

21、本合同条款,在卸货港货物通过与船舶连接的法兰盘后,交割风险归买方。货物的权益和所有权只有当买方付清全部货款给卖方之后随之归买方。5.3. In accordance with the terms of this contract, all the operation risk of loss shall pass to the Buyer as the product passes the vessels permanent hose connection (outturn flange) at the port of unloading. Title and property of the

22、Goods shall pass to the buyer only after the buyer fully pays off the delivered Goods to the Seller.5.4. 依照5.2的交货时间和5.3 的风险转移和货权转移,货物的权益和所有权只有当买方付清全部货款给卖方之后随之归买方。5.4. Custody for the Goods delivered herein shall be on Buyers after the moment of the buyer fully paying off the delivered Goods to the S

23、eller according to the 5.2 and 在卸货港,对买卖双方交接的货物质量和数量,要根据卸货港口CIQ/SGS检测的数量和质量结果确认,并以此作为最终的结果。5.5. The quantity and quality of the Goods delivered by the Seller and accepted by the Buyer will be final as ascertained at the unloading port and should be performed in accordance with the result of

24、the quantity and quality inspected by CIQ/SGS at port of unloading.5.6. 货物质量和数量按合同约定,以油船到达中国卸货港口后独立检验机构CIQ/SGS签发的品质和数量证书为准。5.6. According to the contract, the quality and quantity subject to the CIQ/SGS report issued at the destination port after the tanker arrives at unloading port.5.7. 目的港的卸货等费用,由

25、买方负责 。5.7. The cost taking place at the discharging/unloading port should be paid by the buyer. 5.8. 双方通过CIF海运方式交货的最终净数量,根据卸货港口CIQ/SGS出具的毛重公吨数,扣除卸货港口SGS签发的质量证书中注明的水份和沉淀物后的数量计算。5.8. The final net quantity which will be binding upon the parties for CIF ocean going vessels shipments will be calculated

26、as gross issued by CIQ/SGS at the port of unloading quantity in metric tons, with straight arithmetical deduction of water and sediments, as per quality Certificate issued by SGS at port of unloading. 5.9.数量公吨,小数点(decimally)到千分之一(保留小数点后三位有效数字)。5.9. Quantity of metric tons shall be represented decima

27、lly up to one thousandth (to the third decimal place after point inclusive, the following digits have not to be considered).5.10. 在船舶装货间,按照标准流程,在装运港的运输职权执行有效抽样。抽样的方式采取完全地混合的样品, 装入瓶内密封。5.10. During loading of the relevant vessel, sampling should be performed according to the standard procedure curren

28、tly in force at port of loading with presence of ships authority. The samples taken and thoroughly mixed are to be filled into bottles and sealed.5.11.抽取的样品一部分由卖方或卖方指定的代表装入至少两个瓶子密封,存放在船上由船长保管,将在卸货港口交给买方或买方指定的代理。另一部分样品由船长装入至少两个瓶子密封,这部分样品将由卖方保管。5.11. One part of these samples filled into not less than

29、 two bottles and sealed by the Seller or their appointed representative, is to be placed on board of the tanker, under care of the Master, for delivery to the Buyer or their nominated agent at the discharge port. The other part of the same samples, filled into not less than two bottles sealed by the

30、 Master, is to be kept by the Seller.5.12.关于数量和质量品质,将由CIQ/SGS检验结构检测, 万一买方或卖方,请求再次对数量和质量品质检测,复检费用应由提出方负担.5.12 Regarding the test for quantity and quality will be recognized by CIQ/SGS inspection service. In case of additional testing is requested should at the requesting partys expense.5.13 卖方要与船公司联系

31、,安排运输时间。并要为海上运输的货物上保险。在装船后,尽快将清洁海运提单和保险单给买方。5.13 The seller will contact the shipping company to summarize shipping schedule and finalize the insurance policy for the transportation of the goods. And send the B/L and insurance policy to buyer as soon as possible after loading. 6. 价格和付款条件6. PRICE AND

32、 TERMS OF PAYMENT6.1本合同根据CIF中国 港口锚地交货条款销售俄罗斯产重油M100。第一笔即临时付款是依照提单和装船港SGS 报告,按本合同双方签署后该油轮到达青岛港口锚地的三天到五天银行工作日内由买方银行TT支付美元的总货款的90%,。其余货款,由卸货港CIQ 数量和质量报告最后确定,在该CIQ报告获得后的五天内由买方银行电汇支付美元付清余款。6.1 The Russian origin M100 sold under the present contract on CIF Huangdao Port Anchorage basis. The first or provisional T/T payment is for 90% of the delivered cargo value based on Bill of Lad

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