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本文(高中英语《Frinds老友记》第9季中英文对照完整剧本909 The One With Rachels Phone Number素材.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高中英语《Frinds老友记》第9季中英文对照完整剧本909 The One With Rachels Phone Number素材.docx

1、高中英语Frinds老友记第9季中英文对照完整剧本909 The One With Rachels Phone Number素材909 The One With Rachels Phone NumberSCENE:Chandlers office in Tulsa. His assistant is showing him photographs. Jo Lynn: This kitty is Mittens and this one is Fitzhugh, and this little guy in the cat condo is Jinkies. Chandler: Yep. Tha

2、ts a lot of cats Jo Lynn. Single are ya?(Phone rings. Chandler answers using the speaker phone. )Chandler: Chandler Bing. Joey: Hey. How come youre answering your own phone? Wheres your crazy assistant?(She frowns. Chandler picks up the hand set. )Chandler: Whats up Joe?Joey: Okay, what have we alwa

3、ys wanted to do together?Chandler: Braid each others hair and ride horseback on the beach?Joey: No, no, no. When you get home tomorrow night, you and I are going to be at the Wizzards-Knicks game. . courtside!Chandler: Courtside? Oh my God. Joey: Yeah. Maybe Michael Jordon will dive for the ball and

4、 break my jaw with his knee. Chandler: Thats so cool. Ill let Monica know. (Chandler hangs up and calls Monica who is reading a book on their sofa as the phone rings. )Monica: Hello?Chandler: Joey just called. Hes got courtside Knicks tickets for him and me tomorrow night. Monica: Really? But tomorr

5、ow night is the only night I get off from the restaurant. If you go to the game, we wont have a night together for another week. Chandler: But hey, its courtside. The cheerleaders are going to be right in fr. . (Pause) Thats not the way to convince you. Monica: Chandler look, I dont want to be one o

6、f those wives who says, You cant go to the game. You have to spend time with me. So, if you could just realize it on your own. . Chandler: I know. Youre right. I want to see you too. Ive just got to figure out a way to tell Joey, you know? Hes really looking forward to this. Monica: Tell him that yo

7、u havent seen your wife in a long time. Tell him that having a long-distance relationship is really difficult. Tell him that what little time we have is precious. Chandler: Yeah, ah, ah. . Ill think of something. OPENING CREDITS SCENE:Ross and Rachels apartment. Ross is in the living room covering E

8、mma. Rachel enters wearing a sexy dress. Ross: Wow! (pause) Wow, you look. . uh. . Its just, ah. . That dress. . uh. . Rachel: Well, I hope the ends of these sentences are good. Ross: Well, well, theyre good. Its been a while since Ive seen you like this. You, you clean up good. Rachel: Oh well, wel

9、l thank you. (She laughs. He stares for a moment. ) Okay, stop. Stop looking at me like that. The last time that happened, (points to Ross) that happened. (points to Emma. )Ross: Oh right, right. (They pause and exchange a glance. Then, Ross looks away. ) So, are you. . ah. . you excited about your,

10、 your first night away from Emma?Rachel: Yeah, yeah. Phoebe and I are going to have so much fun. And thank you for watching the baby, by the way. Ross: Oh, its fine. Actually, I, I invited Mike over. Rachel: Phoebes Mike?Ross: Yeah. Rachel: I didnt know you guys hung out. Ross: We dont. But I though

11、t it would be nice to get to know him. You know, maybe have a little dinner, drinks, conversation. Rachel: Oh thats so cute: Ross and Mikes first date. Is that going to be awkward? I mean, what are you guys going to talk about?Ross: I dont know. But, you know, we, we have a lot in common, you know.

12、He plays piano; I played keyboards in college. Hes been divorced; I have some experience in that area. (Rachel nods. There is a knock on the door. )Rachel: Yeah. (Phoebe and Mike enter. )Phoebe: HiRachel: Hey. Phoebe:(spotting Rachels dress) Oooh. Girls night out indeed. Rachel:(to Ross) Ok. So now,

13、 I think Emma is probably down for the night, but if you need anything Ross. . Ross: Rach, Rach, well be fine, all right? You go have fun. Rachel: Okay. You too. And I hope you score. (to Mike) Bye. Mike: Bye. Ross: So. . Welcome. Mike:(Holds up a six pack of Fosters Lager) I got beer. Ross: I got b

14、ottled breast milk. Mike: Eh, why dont we start with the beer?Ross: Okay. (They sit. ) So, um, Phoebe tells me you, ah, you play piano. Mike: Yeah. Ross: You know, I, I used to, ah, play keyboards in college. Mike: Ah? (pause) Do you have one here?Ross: No. Mike: Okay. (pause)(They clink beer bottle

15、s, and drink. Then, they stare uncomfortably at their bottles. )Ross: Um. . ah. . you know, Im divorced. Um, Phoebe, ah. . Phoebe said you. . Youve been divorced?Mike: Yeah. (pause) Yeah, Im sorry. I dont. . I dont really like to talk about it. Ross:(pause) Thats okay. Well talk about (pause) someth

16、ing else. (They pause. They drink. )Mike: So, youre a paleontologist, right?Ross: Yeah. Mike: My cousins a paleontologist. Ross: Ah? (Mike nods. Another pause. ) Well, he and I would probably have a lot to talk about. SCENE:Monica and Chandlers apartment. Monica is wearing a sexy negligee. She pours

17、 two glasses of wine as Chandler enters with a carry-on suitcase. He sets the case by the door. )Monica: Hi. Chandler: Hey. Monica: Welcome home. Chandler:(Hangs his jacket over the suitcase, locks the door, then turns to Monica. ) Oh well, look at you. Monica: Yeah. What do you think?Chandler: Well

18、, it looks great. Its just that. . well, Im wearing the same thing underneath. So. . Monica: Oh. Chandler: See what I mean. . (They kiss. )(There is a loud thud at the door. )Joey: Hey! How come the doors locked?Monica: Just a second. Chandler:(hushed) No, no, no, no, no. Joey cant know that Im here

19、. Monica: Why not?Chandler: Because I didnt know how to tell him that I couldnt go to the Knicks game. So, I just told him that I had to stay in Tulsa. Monica: So, you lied to him?Chandler: Achhh. Its always better to lie than to have the complicated discussion. (pause) Except with you. Joey: Hey! O

20、pen the door. Whats going on? (He knocks. )(Monica goes to the door. Chandler slides behind it as she opens it slightly. )Joey: What are you. . (He sees her in her negligee. ) Why are you dressed like that?Monica: Oh, because, um. . well, Chandlers going to be home in a couple of days. So, I thought

21、 I would, you know, practice the art of seduction. Joey: Oh, I thought I heard a mans voice before. Monica: Oh I was just doing Chandlers side of the conversation. You know, like, Hi, How do I look? (As Chandler) Really sexy. Could I BE any more turned on?Joey: Okay. (pause. He looks over her should

22、er at the table with the wine. ) Whoa, whoa. Why are there two glasses of wine out?Monica: Because. . one of them is for you. (Monica turns to get the wine. Chandler peeps through the peephole. Joey, seeing something, peeps back. Chandler ducks. Monica returns with two glasses of wine. She gives one

23、 to Joey. )Monica: Cheers. (She clinks his glass and pulls back. ) Okay, buh-bye. (She closes the door. )Chandler: You know, its funny. Ive been, ah, practicing the art of seduction myself. (He raises his hands in front of himself, sticks out his behind, and wiggles it. ) Hi ya. Monica: You might wa

24、nt to keep practicing. Chandler: Yah. (Chandlers cell phone rings. He looks at it. )Chandler: Its Joey. (He answers it, holding it out so that Monica can hear too. ) Hey Joe. Joey: Dude, come home!Chandler: What? Why?Joey: COME. . HOME. Chandler: Look I, I cant. Whats going on?Joey: I dont know how

25、to tell you this but, uh. . I think Monicas cheatin on ya. I told you shouldnt have married someone so much hotter than you. (Chandler and Monica look at each other. Chandler nods. )Joey: All right look. (He walks to the hallway. ) If you cant come home and deal with this, then Im gonna. Chandler: N

26、O!Joey:(outside the apartment door) I just heard him!Chandler:(softly) Can you. . hear him. . now?Joey:(listens at the door. ) No. (pause) All right, Im going in. Chandler: No! Wait!Joey: I heard him again!Chandler:(writhes as if in agony) All right, look. Just stay there. Im coming home. Joey: Okay

27、. Great. Ill see you when you get here. Im gonna wait out in the hall in case the dude comes out. Chandler: Is that really necessary?Joey: Absolutely. Youd do it for me. Not that you ever have to because I know how to keep my women satisfied. SCENE:Ross and Rachels apartment. Mike is blowing a note

28、from his beer bottle. Ross stares off to the side. )Ross: Shouldnt the pizza be here by now? I mean, they said thirty minutes or less. Well, how long has it been?Mike:(looking at his watch) Eleven minutes. (long pause) And now twelve. So, do you like the beer?Ross: I do. I do. Although, its actually

29、 a lager. Mike: huh. (pause) Whats the difference between beer and lager?Ross: I dont know. We could look it up. Mike:(nods) Things are about to get wild. SCENE:A bar. Rachel and Phoebe are bringing their drinks from the bar to a sofa. Phoebe: Oh God. Remember the girls nights we used to have sittin

30、g around talking about you and Ross?Rachel: Oh God. It seems like forever ago. Phoebe: I know. (sighs) So, whats going on with you and Ross?Rachel: Well, um. . I dont know. I mean, for a long time nothing. But you know, actually right before you picked me up, Ross and I had a. . ah. . little thing.

31、Phoebe: Oh my God! I love things. What happened?Rachel: Well, um, first he told me he liked how I looked. And, ah, then we had a little. . um. . eye-contact. Phoebe: Eye-contact?Rachel: Mm-hmm. Phoebe: I hope you were using protection. Waiter:(with tray and two drinks) Excuse me. Um, these are from the two gentlemen at the end of the bar. Rachel: Oh. (to Phoebe) Should we send them something back?Phoebe: Oooh. Lets do. Lets send them mashed potatoes. Rachel: No! Wait! No, no. Dont do that! Thats going to make them think they can come over here. Phoebe: So? What if th

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