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1、写作大小作文练习版本二【第一段】简要描述图片,略微引向主题图片基调相关细节引向主题【第二段】点明图片寓意,进行充分拓展1. 举例论证2. 因果分析3. 利弊分析4. 正反论证5. .TD1D2CA:化立论为驳论大众观点提出质疑详实论据得出结论B:化苍白为哲理哲理引入具体阐释详实论据得出结论孔子老子孟子李子马子Idioms600.docC:化平淡为修辞Displayed by this cartoon is a simple truth: . However, such a doctrine has been waved aside by most of us. Any cases? Haven

2、t you ever found .? Havent you ever noticed .? Why ? Why? Why? Arent they .? 【第三段】根据上文论调,进行对应评论1. 社会弊病(生态环境)控制:外控,内控Corresponding laws and regulations should be put into practice to .Official intervention should be activated to direct this problem to a positive situation.Fines or penalties should be

3、 cast on this matter to put an end to it. Media supervision should be put on this matter to reduce the prevalence of .Self-disciplineSelf-restrictSelf-restrainSelf-controlThe ability of self-discipline should be cultivated among those who.Awareness of .The awareness of should be nurtured among those

4、 who.Right attitude Right attitude to .should be advocated among those who.Social conventionA new social convention concerning should be established among those whoHow can we put the problem of under control? It occurs to many that . That is a way, but a passive one. Actually, we also need to , with

5、 the assistance of which we can fundamentally put this trend to an end. Such misconducts of must be put under control immediately! But how? Suggestions from the general public involve , , and These proposals have been put into practice for years, with fruitful rewards. Is that enough? Actually, what

6、 we need is more than what mentioned above, but a new way that .2. 社会风尚支持理由:惠及自身与他人惠及当下与未来参与Asked about my attitude to , I am to say is either beneficial to individuals or elevating to society. Actually, this escalating effect will not last for merely several years. As a social wealth, this virtue o

7、f may be delivered from one individual to another, from one decade to another, and from generation to another. As a college man, I am determined to be a role-model in . (As college men, we have the duty to join in the campaign of )I did not do it for you.I did not marry you because I love you.I did

8、not catch the flight because I got up early. I missed the flight because I got up late.Escalate Elevateelevator狗镇舞台剧3. 个人问题求助:expert, senior, friend, book, well-written works自助: 具体问题具体分析How can we step out of the shadow of ? Once upon a time, facing the same situation, I was suggested by friends to

9、seek help form seniors, experts, or books. That was a way, but help from other is not necessarily available all the time. Even if it is, it is not always suitable to me. Therefore I am determined to , to , to , and to . 240023501850Exercise 1Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following dra

10、wing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) interpret the phenomenon it reflects, and then3) give your comments.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)学生的对联图片基调 ironic相关细节 CoupletThe first lineThe second lineThe horizontal scroll引向主题dishonestEmerging from the car

11、toon is an ironic scene that the couplet pasted by students mirrors their undesirable attitude toward college examinations. The first line reads, “there will be no upgrade without cheating in exams”, while the second line bears, “in their minds, success in exams outweighs dignity.” The horizontal sc

12、roll summarizes their idea: they, regardless of the virtue of honesty, are determined to pass tests by any means. 大众观点 诚信提出质疑 反问详实论据 考试作弊:偷看,小抄,手势,手机,耳语 得出结论 不再诚信,个人,教育,社会It is generally accepted that It is conventionally hold that It is shared by the general public that It is deeply rooted in the m

13、ind of the public that .It is widely shared that no other group in the world can be as honest as college students. But is that a truth anymore? Examples against this public view are abundant and within easy reach. From the point of collage examinations alone, it is not surprising to see candidates d

14、elivering keys by gesture, by whispering, or even by mobile phone. Evidently, a mounting number of students no longer cherish the virtue of honesty. This delinquency exerts negative influence either on their overall development or on the quality of education, not to mention the impact on social atmo

15、sphere.Prefer A to BA is preferable to B.In their minds, A outweighs B.Exercise 2Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) give your comments.You should write neatly on ANSWER S

16、HEET 2. (20 points)The dream of a Bird图片基调 alarming相关细节A bird is holding a gun.He is staring at the sky.He is hiding in the bush.Human beings are soaring in the sky.He wants to revenge on human.引向主题What people once did with him. Depicted by the cartoon is an alarming scenario that a bird, holding a

17、gun and hiding in the bush, is staring at the sky where human beings are soaring. Obviously, he longs for a day when becomes a hunter, shooting people for fun. Evidently, his dream derives from / roots in / is provoked by / is evoked by / is triggered by / is sparked by what people once did with him

18、. 【版本一】 It has become a “common sense” that no other age place emphasis on environmental protection so much as today. But does every of us take part in this campaign? The answer is rather disappointing. The following misdeeds or delinquency are familiar. It is not surprising to see some of us huntin

19、g wild life for fun, cooking them for food, or selling them for profit. Meanwhile, it is not uncommon to find some factories emmiting toxic gas with atmosphere polluted. Evidently, the sense of achieving a better environment is not so pervasive as we expect, which may be detrimental to our well-bein

20、g or long-term development.【版本二】哲理引入As an esteemed thinker once put, “.”Never easily let go of the truth, “.”Never shrug off the motto, “.”Never easily wave aside the motto, “”The intended meaning of the cartoon can be summarized as a motto, “”The cartoonist uses the unique matphor to endow us that

21、.具体阐释That is, .Simply state it, .In other word, .Put it another way, .详实论据得出结论The nature may treat us the way we treat it. What we do with the nature is to be answered for.【版本三】Displayed by this cartoon is a simple truth: it is our obligation to be on good term with our nature. However, such a doctr

22、ine has been waved aside by most of us. Any cases? Havent you ever found some of us hunting wild life with species endangered? Havent you ever noticed some factories over-mining with geographic disasters recurring? Where has their conscience gone? Where has their sense of social responsibility? Wher

23、e has their insight of the future gone? Arent these virtues swallowed by greediness, sacrificing long-term benefits for instant satisfaction of economy? Sacrifice for .Exhibited by this cartoon is a motto: the nature may treat us the way we treat it. To put it another way, it may reward us fruitfull

24、y on condition that we are on good term with it, while punish us if we mistreat it. In the past, natural resources were available anytime and anywhere in that people never went too far in exploiting them.Currently, things has changed our greediness has deprived us of the rights to enjoy those once a

25、bundant resources. The bird in the picture, by his revenge, intend to warn us that humans may pay a heavy price for what they did with the nature.Deprive sb. of .Be on good term with it Get on well with it.Exercise 3Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you s

26、hould1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) give your comments.图片基调相关细节引向主题Have you ever been caught in a dilemma or a delicate situation? If so, you may feel the same sorrow and puzzle as the man does in the picture. The man, facing several directions, is walkin

27、g back and forth, wondering where to go. The caption is reminding him, as well as all of us, that what troubles us is not adversities themselves but our indecisiveness.Remind sb. sth. Remind sb. that Exercise 4Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1

28、) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) give your comments.图片基调 sarcastic相关细节 overall / excessive sittingexplainingexcusing himself for 引向主题Be honest to customers Under the ridiculous appearance of the cartoon lies a social evil which may exert heavy pressure on ea

29、ch consumer. In the drawing, sitting in front of a patient, a surgeon is explaining “out of the consideration of your health, I render you an overall medical treatment.” Actually, he is excusing himself for his excessive remedy. Such excuse is not rare in almost any business! To live is to learn.As

30、an esteemed scholar once put, “To take good care of customers is to care himself for any business or social agencies.” In other word, it is impossible for any firm to flourish if it pays no attention to the interests of consumers. However, a significant number of agencies, like the doctor in the pic

31、ture, let go of the truth. Let us take bank transaction for example. In several banks, aged people are always persuaded into purchasing some substandard money management services, resulting to financial loss. Evidently, such businesses, if they continue these misconducts, may be abandoned by the general public.Persuade sb. into doing.Dissuade sb. from doing . Impose heavy pressure on Exert .on . Exercise 5Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following d

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