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四年级下英语教案What About a RobotEEC.docx

1、四年级下英语教案What About a RobotEEC四年级下英语教案-What About a Robot_(EEC) What About a Robot ?.(第1课时)一教学目标:1.学会场所的问答,提高英语表达能力。2.运用TPR,卡片和游戏教学。3.继续培养英语学习的兴趣,教育学生礼貌待人。二教学重点:单词department store ,buy ,present句型Where are you going ? To the 教学难点: I want to buy a三教学过程:I.Organization:T:Hello , everyone !S:Hello , teach

2、er !T:How are you today ?Ss: Im fine , thanks . And you ?T: Im fine , too .II.Revision:T:Last class, we went to the park, yes?Ss: Yes.T:Whats exciting in the park ? (cards:roller coaster、bumper car.)S1:roller coasterT:This is exciting, yes ?Ss: Yes.T: Whats this ?S2:bumper car T: This is really fun

3、, yes?Ss: Yes.III.New lesson:T: This class, we are going to a new place, do you want to know where is it ?Ss: Yes.T: OK. This class , we ll learn LESSON FOUR (I). Now, open your books,turn to page 46. First, listen to the tape carefully.T: OK. Who can tell me, where is the new place.(If the students

4、 cant answer, let them look at the carddepartment store)Ss: Department store.T: Read the words one by one. (And spell it)T: To the department store .(write the sentence on the blackboard)T: How to ask then you can answer To the department store .Ss: Where are you going ? T:(Chant: Where , where are

5、you going ?)(answer)To the department store.(chant)T: Why are they going to the department store ?Ss:Because Kens birthday is coming ?T: Who can tell me , what day is Kens birthday ?Ss: Friday .T: Yes . Kens birthday is on Friday .(Read it several times)T: We have learned the week . Who can tell me

6、what day is it today?Ss: Its Tuesday. T: Yes. Before Tuesday is Ss: Monday. T and Ss: Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday、Sunday.T: Do you remember the song Day of week?Ss:Yes.T: Lets sing it together.(sing with the tape)T:OK. Now , look at here. Kens birthday is on Friday. My birthday is on Wednesda

7、y. Who can tell me your birthday ? What day is your birthday ?S1: My birthday is on (S2、S3、S4、S5、S6)T: OK. Kens birthday is on Friday . Now , Im Jess.I want to buy him a (take out the card: present) Whats this?Ss: present .T and Ss read the word several times and spell it . And then read the sentenc

8、e several times.Ask the students to be Jess and read the sentence.T: Take out a girls card and say I want to buy her a present exchange with the sentence I want to buy him a presentIV. Practice:Read with the tape.Make the words into a sentence.Puzzles:There are many many things in it, if you want th

9、em, you should pay money. Where is it? Everyone like it especially on some festivals such as on your birthday.It may be given by your mother、father、sister、brother or your friends.What is it ?V.Summary:This class, we have learnd the words: department store、present.I think you should remember it in yo

10、ur brain.VI.Homework: Do the exercises on page 14 of the exercise book.Now time is up, class is over. Goodbye , everyone!Ss: Goodbye , teacher!Lesson 4 What about a Robot? (第2课时)教学目标:1、通过学习学会问答意见2、学会可能与否的表达3、会用所学英语句型进行交际,并发展学生的语言表达能力和创造能力教学重点:1、重点单词:watchnewcosttoomuch2、重点句子:Whataboutanewwatch?Icant

11、buyawatch.Watchescosttoomuch.教学难点:costtoo much句型的应用设计思路:交际功能是语言的本质功能,任何运用语言的交际活动都是在一定的情境中进行的。本课内容就是围绕买礼物开展的交际活动。教师在上课伊始用chant导入,激起学生学习兴趣。利用情境结合图片等手段创设讲解,操练和运去语言的情境。利用实物进行检查反馈学生的理解和记忆情况。在情境中运用英语提高学生理解和表情达意的正确性、流利性和得体性。教学过程:1、Introduction1)、GreetingsT:hello, boysandgirls. Nicetomeetyou.Ss:Hello,teache

12、r.? Nicetomeetyou, too.2)、Letschanttogether.Twolittleblackbirds.3)、Reviewthewords.T:Ibringsomepresentstoyou. Showthecards:cap, computer, ball, shirt. Whatsthis? Ss:Itsacap.(复习其它卡片单词)2、NewTeaching1)T:DoyoulikeRobo?IhavemanyRoboStickers. Doyouwanttogetit?Today,wearegoingtolearnLesson4WhataboutaRobot?(

13、writedowntheTitleontheblackboard. Thenreadittwotimes.)T: Now, openyourbooksturntopage48,listentothetapecarefully,thenanswermyquestions. (1): Whatdotheywanttobuy?(2): Whydidnttheybuyit?2) T:OK.Now,answermyquestions. Whatdotheywanttobuy?Ss:手表T:手表watchSs: watchwatchT:Canyouspellit?Ss:w-a-t-c-hT:Whatabo

14、utanewwatch?new新的Ss:newnew(readitonebyone)T:Icantbuyawatch.Why?Ss: 太贵了T: Cost花费Ss:costcostT: Howtospellit?Ss: c-o-s-tT: Watchescosttoomuch.(利用多种形式读单词和句子)3)T:Now, readafterthetape.Chanttogether(我们看看谁模仿的最象,听后检查并及时表扬)4)Readitbyyourself.Thenlistenandspeak.3Practice1)T: Ihavemanypresents.Doyouwanttobuy?S

15、s: Yes(教师打出多媒体图片。Cap,ball,computer,shirt)T:Whataboutacap?Ss: Icantbuyacap.T: Why?Ss: Ilikeit.(采用师问生,生问生,生问师多种形式来进行替换练习。教师及时进行补充和鼓励评价)。2)T:Youdidverywell.Now,youcanmakeadialog.Letspracticeinpairs.Youcanusetheseobjects.Forexample:ballbagapplebooketc.Ss: praticefourminutes.T:Stophere.Whocanactthedialog

16、.Ss: showthedialog.(教师给予及时评价与表扬)3)T: Now,weplayagame,OK?Ss:OK.T: Passthepresentonebyone.Ss齐声问: whataboutaball? 轮到的同学回答问题。依次传递物品,教师进行及时总结。4Summary.1)T:Today,whatdidyoulearn?Ss:watch还学会如何说买与不买东西。2)Today,yourhomeworkismakingadialogabouthowtobuyapresent.Thenlistentothetapeagain.3) Say”Good-bye”板书设计:Less

17、on4WhataboutaRobot?Whataboutanewwatch?Icantbuyawatch.Watchescosttoomuch.Lesson 4 What about a robot?(第三课时) 教学目标:1、知识与技能:通过本课的学习,使学生初步了询问对方意见、在商店里对话。 2、过程与方法:运用创设情境的方法使学生在快乐中学习单词和句子。3、情感态度与价值观:通过学习询问对方意见、在商店里对话。培养学生口语对话能力。教具准备:卡片、录音机等教学流程:Step 1The teaching leading.T:Good morning ,class.S: Good morni

18、ng,sir.T:How are you today?S:Im fine ,thanks.Step2 RevisionLili :Where are you going?Jess:To the department store.Ll:What about a watch?Jess:I cant buy a watch. Watches cost too much.把全班学生分成两组进行对话,并利用表情动作使角色符合实际Step3 Teaching presentationNow were study Lesson three ,open your books ,turn to page50,l

19、istening to the tape and act with your hands,OK?1.lets listen to the tape2.Post listening(1) What about a robot?What about ?(2)He likes making robotslike(s) V+ing(3)Lets buy a robot.Lets(4)May I help you?Yes ,please.Im looking for a robot.:May I help you?:Yes ,please.look forStep4 consolidationMake a dialogue 表演购物场景:May I help you ?: Yes ,please.Im looking for :Here you are.:Thank you .Step5 The Summing up(1) Check it out.答案:2:bat(2)Homework

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