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1、牛津高中英语各单元知识点总汇M1 U11. attend vt. 出席(集会等)( attendance n. 出席 attention 注意力) attend a meeting/ a conference a party/a wedding/a funeral/a lecture school 去上学/church去做礼拜 attend to sth 处理 attend on sb.照料 辨析: attend 出席 join 加入团体/组织 join in 和。一起(参与。活动) take part in 参加群众性活动2.earn vt. 赚、获得、挣得 earn some money/

2、a living/ones living/ones respect earn respect from sb. earnings 所得3. respect n/v. show/have respect for sb./sthrespect sb./ones feelings/ones wish/ones choicerespected adj. 受尊重的 respectful adj. 尊敬别人的 respectable adj. 值得尊重的 respective adj 分别的,各自的 respectively adv. 各自地e.g. well deal with the problems

3、 respectively4. achieve v. 实现,成就-achievement n. achieve ones goal/aim/success/victory make achievements in sth. 在。方面取得成就5. grade 等级 n. v. 打等级,批改 grade the papers 改试卷6. average n./adj. on(the/an) average 平均地 e.g. He has two apples a day on average. the average of. .平均数 an average of . e.g. An average

4、 of 5students will attend the meeting. average people/workers/teachers 普通的人/工人/老师 above/below average 高于/低于平均数7. challenge n/v. challenging adj. 有挑战性的 e.g. This is a job full of challenges. challenge sb./oneself/ 挑战某人,挑战自己8. for free= free of charge 免费的be free to do sth. 自由地做某事be free from +n/doing

5、(being done) 免于/免受e.g. The river is free from being polluted (pollution) washfree adj. 免洗的 free from doing 使。免于。e.g. The robot he bought freed his wife from ding housework.freedom n. 自由(但: the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像)9. extra 额外的,外加的 do extra work 加班 get/receive extra pay extra time 加时10. prepare v.

6、 preparation n. 1). prepare vt. prepare food/a speech/lessons/a test paper 准备饭/写演讲稿/备课/出试卷 2) prepare for sth/ to do 为。作准备 3) prepare sb. for sth./ to do 让。为。作准备 4) be prepared (adj. 强调心里准备) to do/for sth. 5) make preparations to do/for sth. in preparation for sth. e.g. The President sat in front of

7、 a large crowd of reporters, prepared to answer any questions from them(这里用prepared 比ready 正式)11. drop vt.放弃 drop hope /some subjects Vt.扔 drop a stone at the dog. drop out of school 辍学 a drop of oil/rain 一滴油/雨水 sth. drop (可指)下跌 e.g. The housing prices are dropping.12. miss v. 想念 错过 miss sb/ sth/ do

8、ing/being done e.g. The bird missed being shot. He missed the first train/catching the train. missing 不见了/lost 丢失了,失踪了/gone 一去不复返13. experience n./v. experienced adj. rich/poor experience 经验 an unforgettable experience 一次难忘的经历 be experienced in sth. 擅长、在。方面有经验 vt. experience sth/setbacks 挫折/ hardshi

9、ps 艰辛 experience an earthquake/ a flood/a storm14. introduce v. 介绍,引进 introduction n. introductive adj. introduce A to B (B更应受到尊敬) 把A介绍给了B introduce a new technology (techniques)/foreign funds 外资 an introduction to sth。的介绍 a brief/self introduction 简介、自我介绍 a letter of introduction 介绍信15. immediately

10、 立即,马上 adv. immediately/instantly/directly/ 连词 = as soon as e.g. I gave him the book immediately I saw him. 也可用 the minute/the second/the instant/the moment 一。就。e.g. The minute the boy saw me, he ran away.16. develop vt./vi development n. developing developed adj. develop a habit of养成 /an interest i

11、n培养 / an area开发,发展/a mine开采/a city发展/a film冲洗 e.g. The child develops slowly. 发育 With the development of science/society/industry 随着。的发展 developing/developed countries e.g. Its no easy task to select a mobile phone for personal use, for electronic technology is developing very fast.17. donate v. don

12、ation n. donor n. 捐赠人 donate sth./some money to sp/sb 向。捐赠 n. 礼物/天赋 gifted adj. 有天赋的 have a gift/talent for-be gifted/talented in. 在。方面有天赋19.display n/v. 展出 display sth e.g. Hell have some of his paintings displayed. on display 在展 paintings on display/ paintings displayed 在展的画 (exhibit n. 展品

13、v. 展出 exhibition n. 展览)20. attention n. pay attention to sth./doing 注意。 (little/no/much/great)attention be paid to sth./doing call/draw/attract ones attention to sth./doing 引起。21. please v. 使。高兴,取悦 sth. please sb. e.g. The result pleased the professor. sb. be pleased with sth/to do/that. pleasing/pl

14、easant +物(令人高兴的,使人舒心的) pleasant weather/a pleasant young man. pleasure n. Its a pleasure. 别客气。 With pleasure. 很乐意。22. cover n. 封面/盒子 v. 盖/覆盖/行进/报道/支付/占 cover an area (of.) 占。面积 cover an event 报道 cover a distance of 行进。距离 cover the costs/expenses 支付。23. regret n./v. 后悔,遗憾 regretful adj. 悔恨的 regret to

15、 do (to tell/say/inform=be sorry to do) 遗憾,抱歉地做某事 regret doing 后悔做过某事(也用having done 或 to have done) (much) to ones regret (非常)令某人遗憾的是。24. inform v. information n. inform sb. of. sth. 告知某人某事 sb. be/get informed (of), keep sb. informed (of) sb. be kept informed (of) e.g. I m happy to be kept informed

16、of the latest news. a piece of information 一则信息25. run v. run a hotel/a school 经营,管理 run a machine 操作 run into 撞中,偶然遇到 run across 穿过,偶遇 sth run out 耗尽 sb. run out of sth 用完 run for 竞选 in the long run 从长远看 sth run 延伸 e.g. The forest runs to the seaside.26. approve v. approval n. approve sth 同意 approv

17、e of 赞许,赞成27. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) a live broadcast 现场直播的节目 broadcast sth live 现场直播。28.close adj./adv. 近的 a close friend/a close match adj. live/sit/stand close to sb/sth/sp 住/坐/站得离。远 get close to sb.(to doing ) 几乎,差点 The plane is getting close to the airport. He got close to being kille

18、d in the accident. closely adv. 密切地,仔细地 Study the differences closely 仔细研究这些不同点 Watch the guy closely 密切监视这个人。29. go outing 外出30. continue (with) sth./ continue to do/doing continuous adj. continuously adv.31. select v. 精心挑选 selection n elect v. 选举 election n. choose-chose-chosen choice n.32. requir

19、e v. requirement n. require sb. to do /require sth of sb. /require that sb. should do sb./sth require doing /to be done e.g. Cars require checking at least once every year. meet/satisfy ones requirements 满足需求33.scary 吓人的 adj. scare n./v. scare sb. /sth away 吓跑 scare sb./sth into doing/out of doing 吓

20、得去做/不做34.nature n. natural adj. naturally adv. in nature 在自然界 by nature 天生地 human nature 人性 Naturally, he (should)show great courage in time of danger, as he is a policeman. =Its natural that. M1 U21.act 幕 n. a play of 5 acts 5 幕剧 e.g. He died in Act 5,Scene, 表现,表演 e.g. He acts in the play.act

21、as 用作 e.g. The store acts as a classroom in time of the earthquake. He acts as a quarrel in time of trouble.2. surprise n/v. surprising surprised1) sth surprise sb.2) sb. be surprised /to do /that3)much to ones surprise give sb. a surprise in surprise 吃惊地take sb./sp. by surprise 突然袭击,让。大吃一惊a surpris

22、e attack 偷袭Surprisingly, he is still alive=Its surprising that.4. touch n./v. keep in touch with/ get in touch with/be in touch with lose touch with/ out of touch withe.g. She felt (not touched)the chair after she got on the bus.I have been out of touch with him for 5 years.5. do with 处理deal with 处理

23、;讲述,涉及;与。做生意What will you do with these old books?How .deal with ?6. explain v. explanation n. explain sth. to sb. / explain to sb. sth give sb. an explanation7. mess messy adj.a mess e.g. The kitchen is a mess.make a mess e.g. The spilt milk made a terrible mess on the carpet.make sth. a mess e.g.

24、The children made a mess in the a mess e.g. My life is (in) a real mess. a messy kitchen8. leave sb./sth. + n/adj/adv/prep/doing/to do/donee.g. Dont leave all the windows open.The parents died, leaving(which left) the boy an orphan. He left all the lights on when he went out. Dont le

25、ave your children at home alone. It left me at a loss. Leave me to do the job by myself. New York, which I left last month, is wonderful. He never leaves a job half done. Dont leave me waiting too long.ask sb. for two days leave9. charge v/n sb. (in charge)1). charge sb. some money for sth 因。而收费 (fr

26、ee of charge)2) charge a mobile phone / charge an e-bike 充电3)sb. take charge of sth/sb. be in charge of sth sth. be in the charge of sb./ in ones charge10.reason n./v.1) for this/that/no reason/without any reason2)the reason for sth /doing/why/thatThe reason that/which/* he gave(explained/offered )s

27、ounded possible.This is not the reason why he dropped out of the election at the last moment.The reason that his mother was ill caused him to be late.The reason why he failed was that he was late.3)reason sb. into doing /out of doing4)reasonable 有理由的,合情合理的,有道理的 at a reasonable price e.g. His explana

28、tion sounds reasonable.11. behavior n behave v. bad/good behaviors behave yourself!12.find fault with sb. 挑剔 Its my fault.13. go bad/pale/blind/deaf/mute/bankrupt/unpunished14.go out 熄灭 I was doing my homework when lights went out.15. mad madness n. go mad/crazy/ drive sb. mad/crazy16. notany more 再

29、也不。 e.g. He will not go to the Internet bar any more. no longer 不再 e.g. He no longer lives here.17. be hard on 对。苛刻 be strict with sb. (in sth.) be angry with sb.(at sth.)18. rude adj. rudeness n. e.g. Its rude of sb. to do be rude to sb.19. punish sb. for sth./doing punishment n.20. cash/pay in cas

30、h 用现金 with a credit card21. bore v. bored adj. boring adj. boredom n. sb. be bored with.22. upset upset upset adj. upset23. after all 毕竟 in all 总共 above all 首先 first of all 首先(顺序) overall 总之24.stay up (sit up )(late) 熬夜、不倒下25.mix up 把。混合、搞混淆 mix A with B mixture n.26.score n. 得分 v. 得分 score a goal二十

31、 two score (of )books two dozen books scores of 几十、许多 dozens oftwo score of the /these/those/ones pl.27. interest n./v. interesting adj. interested adj. show/find/feel/have/express (an) interest in sth/sb. 对。有兴趣 lose interest in sth sb. of no/much/little/great interest a place of interest 名胜 sth. of interest28. as though (as

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