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最新英语外研Module 3 Body Language and Nonverbal Communication1.docx

1、最新英语外研Module 3 Body Language and Nonverbal Communication 1Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication一:词汇 1. communicate (1). vi.交流,沟通 ?常用搭配:communicate with sb. 与某人交流 e.g. His ability to communicate was amazing. 他的沟通能力令人惊奇。Deaf people use gestures to communicate with each other. 聋人用手势交流。(2)

2、. vt表达(思想);传递(信息等) e. g.? He communicated the new data to our office. 他给我们办公室传送新资料。 Generally speaking, teachers are able to communicate their ideas clearly.一般来说教师能把自己的意思表达清楚。 构词解析: communicate vi. 交流,沟通vt.传达;表达;communication n U C 交流;沟通 PracticePut the following sentence into English.1. 他已把他的愿望告知了我

3、。 _.2. 我无法同他们联系,无线电坏了。 _.3. 对于这个问题我正和他交换意见。 _.Key for reference1. He has communicated his wishes to me.2. I cant communicate with them; the radio doesnt work.3. I am in communication with him on this subject.2. vary vt. vi.使)变化,(使)多样化 e.g. The doctor try to vary the patients diet. 医生想使病人的饮食多样化。Quest

4、ions on this matter varied. 在这件事情上意见各不相同。 The temperature varied throughout the day.气温一整天都在变化着。 Tree leaves vary with the seasons. 叶子随着四季的变化而改变。 构词解析: vary vt. vi. (使)变化,(使)多样化;varied adj. 各种各样的;多变化的;variety? n. U C 变化;多样(性);品种;various adj. 不同的;各种各样的;variously adv. 变化地;丰富多彩地 PracticeTranslate the fo

5、llowing sentences into Chinese:1. The size of the apples varied.-_2. Her health varies from good to rather weak.-_3. She varies her dress as fashion changes.-_Key for reference1. 那些苹果大小各不相同。 2. 她的健康状况变化不定,有时好,有时相当差。 3. 她的衣着随着潮流而变化。 3. involve vt.使参与某活动或陷入某状况;牵涉;需要 e.g.This event involved the bystand

6、ers in his dispute with the police.这一事件把旁观者牵扯进他与警察的争执之中。All the children were involved in the school play.所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的戏剧。The matter is serious because it involves your reputation.这件事很严重,因为它影响(牵扯)到你的声誉This lesson involves a lot of work.这一课需要做的工作有很多。注意:be involved in sth 还可表示“专心做某事”的意思。PracticeCorre

7、ct the following sentences.1. Painting the room involve in moving out the piano.2. They are deeply involved with debt.3. Dont involve other people to your mistakes.4. She was involved working out a puzzle.Key for reference1. 去掉in. involve是及物动词,后面直接加宾语v-ing形式。 2. with改为in.? be/become/get involved in

8、sth. / with sb. 与某事/某人有牵连 3. to 改为in.? 你犯了错误不要牵连别人。in表示在某一方面.4. involved 之后加 in. involve用于被动结构be involved in sth/doing sth. 意为“专心于”、“埋头于”。 4. conscious adj.有意识的;清醒的;感觉到的;常用短语:be conscious of 认识到;察觉到(某事)e.g.The patient remained fully conscious after the local anesthetic was administered.病人在施以局部麻醉之后仍能

9、保持完全清醒。I was increasingly conscious of being stared at on the street.=I was increasingly conscious that many people were staring at me.我逐渐注意到路人对自己的注意。The old lad spoke to us in her conscious moments.那位老妇人神智清醒时给我们说过话。构词解析: conscious adj. 有意识的;感觉到的;清醒的 conscience? n. C 良心;道德心;consciousness? n. U 知觉;感觉

10、;意识;观念 lose/recover ones consciousness 失去/恢复知觉PracticeTranslate the following sentences into Chinese:1. He was very conscious of his shortcomings._.2. He was badly hurt, but he still remained conscious._.3. He lost his consciousness in the traffic accident._.Key for reference1. 他对自己的缺点十分清楚。2. 他伤得很重,

11、但还没有失去知觉。3. 他在这次交通事故中失去了知觉。5. bend ?(1). vt. vi.(使)弯曲;弯腰;屈服;转向 e.g.You must use fire or heat to bend metal.你必须使用火或高温弯曲金属。 He is bent with age. 他因年老而弯腰曲背。 The teacher bends a piece of iron into a horseshoe.这位教师把一块铁弯曲成马蹄形。 He bent his mind to the job.他专心于他的工作。 It is possible to bend nature to human wi

12、ll? 有可能让大自然服从人类的意志吗?The stream bends to the west.这条小河折向西流。 She bent (over) to pick up a book from the floor.她弯腰从地板上捡起一本书。 The young trees bent in the wind.树苗在风中弯下了腰。 (2). n.转弯;弯曲? e.g. There is a bend in the road. 这条路有个弯。 构词解析: bend vt.& vi. (使)弯曲;弯腰;转向 n.弯曲;转弯; bended adj. 弯曲的; PracticeTranslate th

13、e following sentences into Chinese:1. The boy was strong enough to bend a bow._. 2. He bent his mind to the research project._. 3. The lane bends to the right at the bridge._. 4. The children have been driving me round the bend today._. 5. Never bend your knees to enemy._. Key for reference 1. 这男孩很强

14、壮,能拉开这张弓。 2. 他全力以赴地做这一研究课题。 3. 小道在桥梁处转弯向右。 4. 孩子们今天快把我气疯了。 5. 永远不向敌人屈膝。 6. toast (1) vt. vi.烤(面包等);使暖和;敬酒 e.g. He toasts himself before a fire. 他在火炉前烤火。 This bread toasts well. 这个面包烤得不错。 He was toasted by all his friends.他的朋友全都向他祝酒。 Lets toast the friendship between two countries! 让我们为两国间的友谊干杯! (2).

15、 n.烤面包;干杯;祝酒 e.g. I like toast for breakfast. 我早餐喜欢吃烤面包。 Lets propose a toast to the health of the guests.让我们提议为来宾的健康干杯。He drank a toast to the bride and groom. 他提议为新郎新娘干杯。 二:课文 1. When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do.入乡随俗。 When in Rome是When you are in Rome的省略。 (1) 在when, while, whenever, till, as soon

16、 as, if, unless, as if, as, whether等引导的状语从句中,若谓语动词有be, 而主语又跟主句的主语相同或主语是it时,常省略从句的主语和be, 成为“连词 + 非谓语动词/形容词”形式作状语。 e.g.If necessary, ring me at home - you know my number.如有必要,你给我往家里打电话 - 你是知道我的电话号码的。 Errors, if (there are) any, should be corrected. 如果有错误,就应该改正。 (2) 在as, than, however, whatever, no mat

17、ter what等引导的从句中常省略某些成分。 e.g.She speaks English better than anyone else in the class.她英语讲得比班上其他人好。 (3) 虚拟语气条件句中常省略if, 将were, should, had提到主语前构成倒装语序。 e.g.Were it to rain, what should we do?如果天下雨,我们该怎么办? Should anyone call, say I shall be back in a minute.如果有人来找我,就说我一会儿回来。 Had he kept his promise, ther

18、e would not have been all this trouble.如果他当初遵守诺言,就不会有这么多的麻烦。 3. So every culture has developed a formal way to greet strangers, to show them we are not aggressive.因此,在所有的文化中人们都有一种向陌生人打招呼的正规的方式,以表示他们并不具有侵犯倾向。 aggressive adj.侵略性的; 攻击性的;挑衅的 e.g. Its not polite to be aggressive with customers.对顾客有敌对行为是不

19、礼貌的。 He is an aggressive young executive.他是一个进取心很强的年轻管理人员。 The doctor was fighting to kill the aggressive tumor in the patients chest.这位医生正拼命地遏制住这迅速蔓延的肿瘤。 He is very aggressive.他生性好斗。 PracticeTranslate the following sentences into Chinese: 1.He has a very aggressive manner._. 2. If you want to succe

20、ed in business, you must be aggressive._. 3. His aggressive personality kept him from having many friends._. 4. He has such an aggressive manner that every conversation he has with others ends in an argument._. Key for reference1. 他有一种十分好斗的态度。 2. 如果你想在事业上成功,就必须有闯劲。 3. 他那积极进取的性格使他不能有很多朋友。 4. 他态度偏激,以至

21、他每次与别人谈话总要演变成一场争论。 4. Body language is fascinating for anyone to study.身体语言对于任何研究者来说都具有吸引力。 “主语 + be + adj. + 不定式”结构,其中不定式与主语之间是逻辑动宾关系。不定式和主语之间是逻辑动宾关系,使用及物动词的主动形式,因此不及物动词要加相应的介词。 e. g. There are five pairs to choose from, but Im at a loss which to buy.有五双袜子可供选择,但我不知所措,不知该选那双。拓展:在下列句式中,一般用不定式的主动形式。 “

22、主语 + have sth. to do”(主语本人)有 要做(通常是主语自已做) 如果主语有事要别人做,则用不定式的被动语态。 e.g.I always have too much work to do.我总是有太多的工作要做。(做工作者为主语) Im going to Beijing tomorrow. Do you have anything to be taken there?我明天打算去北京。你有没有让我捎的东西吗?注意在后一句中,主语为you, 但take的动作发出者却是I, 因而用被动语态。5Not all body language is conscious.并不是所有的身体语

23、言都是有意识的。该句为部分否定句,当not与all, every, everyone, everything, both连用时,无论其位置在哪,皆表示部分否定。如要否定全体,则要主语用否定不定代词no, none, no one, neither等,谓语动词用肯定形式表示全部否定。其对应关系是:allnone; everyno; everyone/everybodynobody; everythingnothing; alwaysnever; bothneither .e.g.All that glitters is not gold.= Not all that glitters is go

24、ld.闪光的并不都是金子。Everyone is not here.= Not everyone is here.并不是人人都在这儿。Everyone cant become a writer. = Not everyone can become a writer.并不是每个人都是作家。三:语法语法:本单元的语法项目为条件状语从句和让步状语从句。 1条件状语从句(adverbial clause of condition)条件状语从句由从属连词: if, unless, suppose, as/so long as, on condition that 等引导。 e.g.You cant le

25、arn a language well unless you work hard. 除非你努力学习,否则是学不好语言的。 We should serve the people as (so) long as we live. 只要我们活着,就应为人民服务。 在条件状语从句中,通常不用一般将来时,而用一般现在时来代替。 Well come over to see you on Wednesday if we have time.如果有空,我们星期三来看你。 He will not leave unless it is fine tomorrow.除非明天天晴,否则他不走。 (1). if引导的条

26、件状语从句 if 引导的条件句有真实条件句和非真实条件句两种。非真实条件句以后在虚拟语气中阐述,在此仅举数例说明。 与现在事实相反 e.g.If I were not so busy, I would go for an outing today.如果今天不是那么忙,我就出去玩了。(事实上:Im busy, I cant go for an outing today.) 与过去事实相反 e.g.If you had been here yesterday, you would have heard a very good talk. 如果你昨天在这里,你就会听到一个十分精彩的报告。(事实上:Y

27、ou were not here yesterday, so you didnt hear a very good talk.) 与将来事实相反 e.g.If any one should call, please let me know.万一有人打电话来,请告诉我一声。 if(如果,要是,假设)是表示条件的最普通、适用范围最广泛的从属连词,它引导的条件句要用一般时态代替将来时态。 1. if引导的条件句表示可能实现的条件 ? e.g.If you dont like the job, why dont you change it? 如果你不喜欢这个工作,为什么不换一个? We shall b

28、e most grateful if you will give him the benefit of your advice and assistance.如蒙贵方给与协助,将不胜感激。 1. if引导的间接条件句表示可能实现的条件 e.g. She and I are good friends, if you understand me. (= Im telling you that if you understand me correctly.) 你如知我意,我和她是好朋友。 Shes far too considerate, if I may say so. (= I am telling you, if I may, that shes too considerate.) 恕我直言,她太体谅人了。 1. if引导的修辞条件句实际上不是表示条件,而是表示一种强烈的语气。 e.g.If you believe that, youll believe anything. (= You certainly cant believe that.) 你如果相信此话,你将无话不信。 1. if引导的条件句可以省略与主句相同的部分。 e.g.Im happy if you are. 你高兴我就高兴。 I will go if yo

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